36 research outputs found

    Leggere le Indicazioni. Riflessioni e proposte per la scuola dell'infanzia

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    Il volume presenta il testo delle indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell'infanzia e del primo ciclo d'istruzione, pubblicato in forma ufficiale dal Ministero dell'Istruzione nel 2013, e ne propone un commento per quanto riguarda la parte relativa alla scuola dell'infanzia, mettendo a fuoco alcune tematiche cruciali: l'idea di scuola, di relazione educativa, di contesto, di continuitĂ , di attivitĂ  professional

    The Collection of Adipose Derived Stem Cells using Water-Jet Assisted Lipoplasty for their Use in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: A Preliminary Study

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    The graft of autologous fat for the augmentation of soft tissue is a common practice frequently used in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. In addition, the presence of adipose derived stem cells (ASCs) in adipose tissue stimulates the regeneration of tissue in which it is applied after the autologous fat grafting improving the final clinical results. Due to these characteristics, there is an increasing interest in the use of ASCs for the treatment of several clinical conditions. As a consequence, the use of clean room environment is required for the production of cell-based therapies. The present study is aimed to describe the biological properties of adipose tissue and cells derived from it cultured in vitro in clean room environment according to current regulation. The collection of adipose tissue was performed using the water-jet assisted liposuction in order to preserve an high cell viability increasing their chances of future use for different clinical application in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery

    The Use of Quercetin to Improve the Antioxidant and Regenerative Properties of Frozen or Cryopreserved Human Amniotic Membrane

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    none7noPurpura, Valeria; Benedetti, Serena; Bondioli, Elena; Scarpellini, Francesca; Giacometti, Agnese; Albertini, Maria Cristina; Melandri, DavidePurpura, Valeria; Benedetti, Serena; Bondioli, Elena; Scarpellini, Francesca; Giacometti, Agnese; Albertini, Maria Cristina; Melandri, David

    bioactive nanocomposites for dental application obtained by reactive suspension method

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    AbstractHydroxyapatite (HA) filled poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PMMA/PHEMA) blends were prepared by reactive suspension method: HA was synthesized by co-precipitation process directly within a HEMA solution and the so-obtained suspension was polymerized in the presence of PMMA. HA particles were obtained in form of nanorods with a length of 50–200 nm and a diameter of 10–30 nm. A significant increase in glass transition temperature was observed in the nanocomposites with respect to the unfilled polymer blends. Dynamic-mechanical thermal analysis showed a significant increase in the storage modulus in the nanocomposites measured in the rubbery region. This increase was unpredicted by Mooney's predictive equation and was attributed to the presence of cross-linking points due to the in situ generated HA particles. An increase in the elastic modulus was also observed at room temperature in compression and three-point bending tests. The presence of HA in the polymer blends resulte..

    Ancient oral microbiomes support gradual Neolithic dietary shifts towards agriculture

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    The human microbiome has recently become a valuable source of information about host life and health. To date little is known about how it may have evolved during key phases along our history, such as the Neolithic transition towards agriculture. Here, we shed light on the evolution experienced by the oral microbiome during this transition, comparing Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers with Neolithic and Copper Age farmers that populated a same restricted area in Italy. We integrate the analysis of 76 dental calculus oral microbiomes with the dietary information derived from the identification of embedded plant remains. We detect a stronger deviation from the hunter-gatherer microbiome composition in the last part of the Neolithic, while to a lesser extent in the early phases of the transition. Our findings demonstrate that the introduction of agriculture affected host microbiome, supporting the hypothesis of a gradual transition within the investigated populations

    Who was buried with Nestor’s Cup? Macroscopic and microscopic analyses of the cremated remains from Tomb 168 (second half of the 8th century BCE, Pithekoussai, Ischia Island, Italy)

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    Cremation 168 from the second half of the 8th century BCE (Pithekoussai’s necropolis, Ischia Island, Italy), better known as the Tomb of Nestor’s Cup, is widely considered as one of the most intriguing discoveries in the Mediterranean Pre-Classic archaeology. A drinking cup, from which the Tomb’s name derives, bears one of the earliest surviving examples of written Greek, representing the oldest Homeric poetry ever recovered. According to previous osteological analyses, the Cup is associated with the cremated remains of a juvenile, aged approximately 10–14 years at death. Since then, a vast body of literature has attempted to explain the unique association between the exceptionality of the grave good complex, the symposiac and erotic evocation of the Nestor’s Cup inscription with the young age of the individual buried with it. This paper reconsiders previous assessments of the remains by combining gross morphology with qualitative histology and histomorphometric analyses of the burnt bone fragments. This work reveals the commingled nature of the bone assemblage, identifying for the first time, more than one human individual mixed with faunal remains. These outcomes dramatically change previous reconstructions of the cremation deposit, rewriting the answer to the question: who was buried with Nestor’s Cup

    Multipronged dental analyses reveal dietary differences in last foragers and first farmers at Grotta Continenza, central Italy (15,500–7000 BP)

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    This paper provides results from a suite of analyses made on human dental material from the Late Palaeolithic to Neolithic strata of the cave site of Grotta Continenza situated in the Fucino Basin of the Abruzzo region of central Italy. The available human remains from this site provide a unique possibility to study ways in which forager versus farmer lifeways affected human odonto-skeletal remains. The main aim of our study is to understand palaeodietary patterns and their changes over time as reflected in teeth. These analyses involve a review of metrics and oral pathologies, micro-fossils preserved in the mineralized dental plaque, macrowear, and buccal microwear. Our results suggest that these complementary approaches support the assumption about a critical change in dental conditions and status with the introduction of Neolithic foodstuff and habits. However, we warn that different methodologies applied here provide data at different scales of resolution for detecting such changes and a multipronged approach to the study of dental collections is needed for a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of diachronic changes

    La caratterizzazione chimico-fisica dei materiali in opera

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    uesto volume affronta il tema dell\u2019ingegneria applicata all\u2019archeologia medievale riportando i risultati di una ricerca sulle murature romaniche. La ricerca, che ha interessato la chiesa di Santa Maria in Portuno di Corinaldo (AN), ha visto coinvolti il Dipartimento di Architettura, Costruzioni e Strutture dell\u2019Universit\ue0 Politecnica delle Marche, il Dipartimento di Archeologia Classica di Bologna e il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali e dell\u2019Ambiente di Modena. L\u2019obiettivo \ue8 stato quello di definire e attuare un\u2019innovativa metodologia interdisciplinare, sviluppata attraverso l\u2019analisi della tessitura muraria, le analisi fisico-chimiche dei materiali, le prove di caratterizzazione meccanica e l\u2019uso di codici di calcolo, che ha permesso di rispondere a quesiti archeologici e di incrementare le attuali conoscenze sulle murature romaniche, focalizzando l\u2019attenzione sui peculiari apporti costruttivi locali

    Indagini archeometriche sulle malte

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    Il recente Convegno, dedicato ai venti anni di ricerche archeologiche con campi scuola didattici dellAteneo bolognese a Suasa (1988-2008), ha rappresentato un momento importante di confronto e di sintesi per larcheologia della valle del Cesano. Questo volume, che esce significativamente in concomitanza con il decennale degli scavi di Santa Maria in Portuno (2001-2010), ne raccoglie gli Atti e costituisce la prima esposizione preliminare dei risultati delle ultime campagne di scavo (1996- 2009). I temi che emergono riguardano soprattutto letà romana e il primo medioevo, come la questione della genesi di Suasa e del suo declino che portò a differenti forme di popolamento del territorio, di cui Santa Maria in Portuno fu uno dei nuovi poli, e costituiscono un confronto notevole per la storia dellintera regione

    Preparation and characterization of epoxy resins filled with submicron spherical zirconia particles

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    Submicron spherical zirconia particles were synthesized and used as a reinforcement for epoxy resins. In fact, recent developments indicate that a significant improvement in the thermoset polymer performance may be obtained by using submicron inorganic filler. In this paper, different composites with weight fraction of the filler in the range 1-5% were prepared and characterized in terms of mechanical properties. A numerical model suitable for the description of such materials was set up and employed to estimate the properties as functions of the reinforcement content