147 research outputs found


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    У статті розглянуто функціонування віртуального простору у сучасних українських п’єсах, зокрема переростання віртуальності у дискурсивну структуру, що пронизує різні рівні текстової організації та сполучає локальні прийоми драматургічного письма з мовою високих технологій та медіа. Порушено проблему деформування адекватності сприйняття реальності, спричиненої ілюзією тотожності об’єкта і його образу, яку породжує віртуальна реальність та мультимедійна інформація. Акцентовано увагу не лише на сценічному моделюванні віртуальної реальності, але і її пастішуванні

    Implementation of the regional investment project of energy efficiency increase of the enterprise of Belgorod (According to Belvodokanal GUP)

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    The purpose of this study is to monitor the execution of the investment program approved by the state unitary enterprise GUP Belvodokanal for the construction, reconstruction, modernization and development of the centralized water supply systems, sewerage and purification of waste water of the city of Belgorod in the period from 2014 to 2018, as well as the proposals related to the improvement of the investment program. The scientific methods, general scientific principles of dialectical development and system approach are used in this articl

    Proactive monitoring system for investment projects: mathematical support

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    Using mathematical based evaluation systems will help ranking investment projects to select the best and most promising among the available. Based on the study, the author sees it best to apply mathematical models and concentrate on conceptual investment projects for reducing monitoring and evaluation costs, as well as initial development costs. Optimal ways to form expert groups for investment project proactive monitoring is offered in conclusio

    Factor assessment of the aesthetic and consumer parameters of the region

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    The designed aesthetic and consumer parameters of the region (coefficients of representation of objects) depend on the type of settlement, individual characteristics of the population, its psychological and physiological characteristics, features of the combination of aesthetic resources and accessibility of areas of public environmental managemen

    The most effective marketing techniques in supermarkets

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    Безусловно, тема «Маркетинговые приёмы в супермаркетах» является актуальной на сегодняшний день.Of course, the topic of "Marketing techniques in supermarkets" is relevant today

    Resource Pooling and Cost Allocation Among Independent Service Providers

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    Realities of awareness of permanent residents of industrial region on the problem of osteoporosis.

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    The questionnaire method was used to study the awareness on osteoporosis in 95 patients of the therapeutic hospital, residents of the industrial center (the city of Dnipro). It was established presence of risk factors for osteoporosis, especially in women. Prevalence: age over 65 years, smoking, fractures in anamnesis, associated pathology, early menopause. Low awareness of patients on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, as well as lack of motivation for undergoing examination and possible treatment has been established. A third of them did not know the term. Living in the industrial region was not regarded as a risk factor for osteoporosis

    Realities of awareness of permanent residents of industrial region on the problem of osteoporosis.

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    The questionnaire method was used to study the awareness on osteoporosis in 95 patients of the therapeutic hospital, residents of the industrial center (the city of Dnipro). It was established presence of risk factors for osteoporosis, especially in women. Prevalence: age over 65 years, smoking, fractures in anamnesis, associated pathology, early menopause. Low awareness of patients on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, as well as lack of motivation for undergoing examination and possible treatment has been established. A third of them did not know the term. Living in the industrial region was not regarded as a risk factor for osteoporosis


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    Using the method of numerical and analytical analysis conditions for constructing a RPT-pile of a minimum material capacity for a given load is considered.Методом численно-аналитического анализа исследуются условия построения РИТ-сваи минимальной материалоемкости под заданную нагрузку