221 research outputs found

    Participation of Ukraine in International Cooperation against Corruption

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    The article deals with an important and relevant topic — Ukraine's participation in international cooperation in the field of combating corruption. The authors emphasize that measures taken solely at the domestic level are not sufficient to effectively and comprehensively counteract this destructive phenomenon. The authors analyzed the scientific doctrine on the nature and importance of international cooperation. The authors used general scientific and special scientific methods, which provided an objective analysis of the research purpose. The research methods ensured the comprehensiveness and completeness of the study, the validity of the scientific results. It is proposed to analyze Ukraine's participation in international cooperation against corruption through the prism of international anti-corruption legal acts. First, the authors focus on the UN Convention against Corruption. The documents adopted within the framework of the activities of the Council of Europe and the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) are then analyzed. In particular, the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (ETS 173), the Civil Law Convention on Corruption (ETS 174), the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (CETS 215), Recommendations on Codes of Conduct for Public Officials (Recommendation No. R (2000) 10), Recommendations on common rules against corruption in the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns (Recommendation Rec (2003) 4). Particular attention is paid to the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI), funded by the European Union and co-financed and implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. This initiative exists to promote anti-corruption reforms. The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (Phase II) agreement concluded between the Government of Ukraine and the European Commission is analyzed. The conclusion is drawn about the need and importance of international cooperation in combating corruption. However, it is noted that the effective fight against corruption requires taking into account the historical experience of a particular state

    Класифікація предметів злочинів у сфері службової діяльності та професійної діяльності, пов’язаної з наданням публічних послуг

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    Стаття присвячена з’ясуванню підстав групування предметів злочинів у сфері службової діяльності та професійної діяльності, пов’язаної з наданням публічних послуг. Здійснено аналіз предметів цих злочинів. Автор розкриває понятійний аспект «неправомірної вигоди».Статья посвящена выяснению оснований сгрупирования предметов преступлений в сфере служебной деятельности и профессиональной деятельности, связанной с предоставлением публичных услуг. Осуществлен анализ предметов этих преступлений. Автор раскрывает понятийный аспект «неправомерной выгоды».Article is devoted to the grounds grouping objects crimes in the area of performance and professional activities related to the provision of public services. The аrticle gives the analysis of subjects such crimes. The author reveals the conceptual aspect of "undue advantage"

    Предмет «корупційних злочинів»

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    У статті розкрито правову природу поняття «неправомірна вигода» як предмету «корупційних злочинів». Зосереджено увагу на поверхневості законодавця у процесі конструювання даного терміну. Автор виокремлює основні ознаки поняття «неправомірна вигода» - комплексність та системність.В статье раскрыто правовую природу понятия «неправомерная выгода» как предмета «коррупционных преступлений». Внимание заостраяеться на поверхностности законодателя в процеси конструирования данного термина. Автор выделяет основные признаки понятия «неправомерная выгода» - комплексность и системность.The article defines the legal nature of the term «undue advantage» as the subject of «corruption crimes». The text analyzes the superficiality of the legislator in the process of creation of this term. The author focuses on main signs of the term «undue advantage» - complexity and systematic

    Предмет злочинів у сфері службової діяльності та професійної діяльності, пов’язаної з наданням публічних послуг

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    У дисертації здійснено комплексну характеристику предмета злочинів у сфері службової діяльності та професійної діяльності, пов’язаної з наданням публічних послуг. Окреслено методологічні та історико-теоретичні засади дослідження предмета злочинів у сфері службової діяльності та професійної діяльності, пов’язаної з наданням публічних послуг. Вивчено зарубіжний досвід правового регулювання предмета злочинів у сфері службової діяльності та професійної діяльності, пов’язаної з наданням публічних послуг. Охарактеризовано юридичний зміст неправомірної вигоди, активів у значному розмірі, офіційного документа та декларації особи, уповноваженої на виконання функцій держави або місцевого самоврядування. Окрему увагу приділено впливу предмета злочинів у сфері службової діяльності та професійної діяльності, пов’язаної з наданням публічних послуг, на кримінально-правову кваліфікацію.В диссертации осуществлена комплексная характеристика предмета преступлений в сфере служебной деятельности и профессиональной деятельности, связанной с предоставлением публичных услуг. Определены методологические и историко-теоретические основы исследования предмета преступлений в сфере служебной деятельности и профессиональной деятельности, связанной с предоставлением публичных услуг. Изучено зарубежный опыт правового регулирования предмета преступлений в сфере служебной деятельности и профессиональной деятельности, связанной с предоставлением публичных услуг. Охарактеризованы юридическое содержание неправомерной выгоды, активов в значительном размере, официального документа и декларации лица, уполномоченного на выполнение функций государства или местного самоуправления. Отдельное внимание уделено влиянию предмета преступлений в сфере служебной деятельности и профессиональной деятельности, связанной с предоставлением публичных услуг, на уголовно-правовую квалификацию.In the thesis, considering the fundamental changes anti corruption legislation (inconsequence the ratification a number of international anti-corruption legal acts by Ukraine) the detailed and complex analysis of the item of crimes in the area of service and professional activities related to the provision of public services has been made. The author observed the historical experience of doctrine about the item of crime, writer singled out three periods of its evolution: 1) absorption the concept "item of crime" by the concept "object of crime" (XIX century – 1917 year); 2) the conception of "the item of crime" has acquired classical meaning (1917–1991 years); 3) the pluralism of scientific concepts over the legal nature of "the item of crime" (1991 year – until present). Furthermore, it has been described the basic concepts of the essence of the item of crime ("material theory" and " the mixed nature theory" of item of crime); its place in the structure of the offense; relationship with other elements of crime (victims of crime and the tools of its commission) and the conceptual aspect of "crimes without item" from the position of the service activity crimes and professional activity crimes related to the provision of public services. Classification of item of the crimes in the area of service and professional activities related to the provision of public services has been developed on the basis of general philosophical, rational-philosophical and specialized criteria. The comparative legal analysis of item of crimes in the area of service and professional activities related to the provision of public services has been made under the criminal law of Ukraine and countries in which the main sources of criminal law are penal codes: continental legal family (Federal Republic of Germany, French Republic), Muslim legal family (Republic of Turkey, Arab Republic of Egypt and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan), the socialist legal family (People's Republic of China), East-European legal family (Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation) and Common law family (United States). The basic aspects of the concept of “undue advantage” formation have been set. Those are historical and international legal aspects. Moreover, it was found that the concept of "undue advantage": first, is complex, because it stands on the verge of two Science (Economics and Jurisprudence), and secondly, it is a systematic (consisting of a large number of categories which are exposed to the depth analysis). Revealed that the concept of "a significant amount assets" is a hard-structural and formally complies the requirements of the UN Convention against Corruption, however, its legal content is not perfect. The basic features of the official document have been outlined: formal (content, form, requisites, material carrier) and essential (the role of an official document and the individual who made and certified it). The main features of the declaration of the person authorized to perform state functions or local government are: general data (basic personal data of individual and his family, information about employment and residence), information on property and income, information on costs and financial obligations and corporative rights information. Special attention is paid to the impact of the item of crimes in the area of service and professional activities related to the provision of public services on the criminal legal qualification. In particular, outlines the aspects of criminal legal significance of undue advantage, official documents and declarations of person authorized to perform state functions or local government, to qualify the crimes in the area of service and professional activities related to the provision of public services, ensuring completion of construction of corpus delicti, and separating non-criminal acts from criminal acts and offenses among themselves

    Special Aspects of Administrative Liability in Ukraine

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    Legal liability is an essential element of the legal regulation of public relations. Administrative liability is just as important to democratic governance as administrative efficiency; it even contributes to efficiency in the long run.  The study of the essence and special aspects of bringing to administrative liability, particularly foreigners and minors, is of particular scientific interest since it is the most common type of legal liability most often used in Ukraine. That is why the characterization of administrative liability in Ukraine is an important and pressing issue and, therefore, our study's purpose. The object of the study is public relations in the sphere of bringing guilty persons to administrative liability. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of administrative liability in Ukraine. The authors used logical, legalistic, technical legal approaches and integrative cognition to solve the set tasks and achieve the goal. The structural elements of this paper are the coverage of the procedure for bringing to administrative liability in Ukraine, special aspects of bringing foreigners to administrative liability in Ukraine, and the administrative liability of minors

    Organization of work of juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine

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    Juvenile delinquency is a social problem faced by each country. Depending on the effectiveness of prevention work, citizens’ levels, and social sense of security in each country differ. Juvenile prevention units are just beginning their practical activities in a new legal direction. The article aims to characterize the organization of the work of juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine. The object of the study is public relations in juvenile prevention. The subject of the research is the organization of work of juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific and unique methods. Thus, dialectical, descriptive, system-structural, and comparative-legal methods and methods of induction and deduction were used. It is emphasized that the organization of the work of juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine is due to several factors. First, the system of juvenile prevention in general. Secondly, the legislative sources determine the general principles of juvenile prevention and its specific measures. Third, the structure of juvenile prevention units at the national and local levels. Fourth, the normative definition of the main tasks of juvenile prevention units

    Suicide among minors in Ukraine: Manifestations and ways to prevent

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    The article aims to find out the essentiality of such a concept as “juvenile suicide” and the search for ways to prevent it. The object of the study is social relations in the field of combating suicide among minors. During the research, the authors used a particular set of general scientific and unique scientific methods, which ensured the objectivity of the display of the research subject: the comparative legal method, the method of formal logic, the comparison method, and the hypothetical-deductive method. There is much work to improve suicide prevention methods among minors in Ukraine but using foreign experience and the help of other countries, our state can create a reliable and effective program, which the authors are sure, will reduce the risk of suicide among people under the age of 18. It should also be noted that preventing suicides among minors needs attention from both: the state and society because it is possible to overcome manifestations of suicidal behaviour and, in the future, to save many young lives only. The main areas of improvement of legislation aimed at combating suicide of minors have been formed. In addition, developing a criminological program to combat suicides of minors is socially determined

    Mediation in the case of a juvenile committing a criminal offense or a felony

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    As a general rule, punishment should be necessary and sufficient to correct the person and re-educate him. At the same time, a punitive approach prevails in the criminal process in Ukraine. For criminal law, the introduction of the mediation institution determines the development of the legal institution of reconciliation. The article aims to characterize the essence of mediation in Ukraine and study foreign countries' best practices in this field. The object of the study is public relations in the field of mediation in the case of a minor committing a criminal offense or a felony for the first time. The subject of the study is mediation as an alternative to court proceedings in the case of a juvenile committing a criminal offense or a felony for the first time. The authors used some methods of scientific knowledge: analytical, phenomenological, generalization, comparative law. Particular attention in the study is paid to the analysis of the essence of punishment, the study of international experience in the use of mediation, and the practice of mediation in criminal proceedings in Ukraine, which currently takes place only as part of an experiment. The authors conclude that it is essential and urgent to use the mediation procedure more widely in criminal proceedings as an alternative to litigation. It is emphasized that the full implementation of this institution requires political will and broad support from civil society. Namely, his readiness to resolve disputes without a court, but only with the help of a mediator

    Problem aspects of interaction of law enforcement authorities in the field of countering money laundering

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    One of the biggest obstacles to maintaining an effective international financial system is money laundering. Money laundering is also extremely difficult to investigate and prosecute. The latter task is entrusted to law enforcement agencies. The purpose of the article is to characterize the problematic aspects of law enforcement cooperation in the field of combating money laundering in Ukraine and finding optimal ways to solve them. During the study, the authors used the following methods: dialectal, terminological analysis and operationalization of concepts, analysis and refinement, analysis, and synthesis, sociological and statistical. The article emphasizes that the normative sources of ways of interaction between law enforcement agencies in the field of combating money laundering are set out in a rather fragmentary manner, without any specifics regarding the specific boundaries, scope of cooperation. This situation inevitably leads to various kinds of abuse and conflict. In our opinion, given the importance of the task of combating money laundering, the main task is to clearly regulate the ways and methods of cooperation between law enforcement agencies in this area and the introduction of administrative liability for failure to take measures or evasion of such cooperation