2,010 research outputs found

    Mesh ratios for best-packing and limits of minimal energy configurations

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    For NN-point best-packing configurations ωN\omega_N on a compact metric space (A,ρ)(A,\rho), we obtain estimates for the mesh-separation ratio γ(ωN,A)\gamma(\omega_N,A), which is the quotient of the covering radius of ωN\omega_N relative to AA and the minimum pairwise distance between points in ωN\omega_N. For best-packing configurations ωN\omega_N that arise as limits of minimal Riesz ss-energy configurations as ss\to \infty, we prove that γ(ωN,A)1\gamma(\omega_N,A)\le 1 and this bound can be attained even for the sphere. In the particular case when N=5 on S2S^2 with ρ\rho the Euclidean metric, we prove our main result that among the infinitely many 5-point best-packing configurations there is a unique configuration, namely a square-base pyramid ω5\omega_5^*, that is the limit (as ss\to \infty) of 5-point ss-energy minimizing configurations. Moreover, γ(ω5,S2)=1\gamma(\omega_5^*,S^2)=1

    “Dictionary-Encyclopedia” as a Type of Amateur Dialect Dictionary (Dictionary of Bakal Town Dialect by B. P. Plaksin)

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    A comprehensive description of one of the types of amateur dialect dictionaries, namely the “dictionary-encyclopedia”, is carried out. As a material for the analysis, a dictionary of the dialect of the Bakal town of the Chelyabinsk region, compiled by Boris Petrovich Plaksin (the volume of the dictionary is about 4000 words) was selected. The results of the analysis of the thematic, stylistic belonging of the vocabulary constituting the vocabulary of Plaksin’s dictionary are presented. It is shown that a significant part of the dictionary is made up of dialectal linguistic facts (as well as common and colloquial vocabulary and phraseology, which the author qualifies as local) of the thematic groups “Rural life”, “Economy”, “Human characteristics”, “Professional activities”, etc. It is emphasized that a vast layer of dialectal and national facts given in the dictionary is the vocabulary and phraseology of traditional folk culture, church terminology and vocabulary of the Old Believers, as well as designations of the realities of various historical eras. It is concluded that B. P. Plaksin chooses a strategy of value-historical selection of vocabulary and includes in his dictionary the vocabulary of various cultural and historical layers, focusing on the various sources available to him on Russian history, traditional rituals, historical facts, etc

    Regge Field Theory in zero transverse dimensions: loops versus "net" diagrams

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    Toy models of interacting Pomerons with triple and quaternary Pomeron vertices in zero transverse dimension are investigated. Numerical solutions for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the corresponding Hamiltonians are obtained, providing the quantum solution for the scattering amplitude in both models. The equations of motion for the Lagrangians of the theories are also considered and the classical solutions of the equations are found. Full two-point Green functions ("effective" Pomeron propagator) and amplitude of diffractive dissociation process are calculated in the framework of RFT-0 approach. The importance of the loops contribution in the amplitude at different values of the model parameters is discussed as well as the difference between the models with and without quaternary Pomeron vertex.Comment: 34 pages, 36 figure

    Wave function engineering in quantum dot-ring nanostructures

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    Modern nanotechnology allows producing, depending on application, various quantum nanostructures with the desired properties. These properties are strongly influenced by the confinement potential which can be modified, e.g., by electrical gating. In this paper we analyze a nanostructure composed of a quantum dot surrounded by a quantum ring. We show that depending on the details of the confining potential the electron wave functions can be located in different parts of the structure. Since the properties of such a nanostructure strongly depend on the distribution of the wave functions, varying the applied gate voltage one can easily control them. In particular, we illustrate the high controllability of the nanostructure by demonstrating how its coherent, optical, and conducting properties can be drastically changed by a small modification of the confining potential.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, revte

    On the Study of the Informal Language of Russian Charity

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    Поступила в редакцию: 12.06.2020. Принята к печати: 20.07.2020.Submitted: 12.06.2020. Accepted: 20.07.2020.В статье осуществлен лингвистический анализ неформальных номинаций, входящих в «тезаурус благотворительности». Это обозначения, бытующие в сфере субстандарта и функционирующие в среде устного молодежного общения, в социальных сетях, блогах, интернет-СМИ и пр. Основными источниками материала послужили социальные сети («ВКонтакте»), информационно-развлекательные порталы («Пикабу», YouTube, «Большой вопрос» и пр.), а также популярные СМИ. Неформальная лексика благотворительности отражает наиболее «популярные» виды молодежной благотворительной деятельности; обладает не до конца устоявшейся семантикой и сочетаемостью, часто не зафиксирована ни в одном из официальных толковых словарей. В центре настоящей статьи — лексемы с основами донат- / донейт- / донейшн-. Анализ семантики и коннотативного фона субстандартной лексики, заимствованной из англ. donate, позволил сформулировать некоторые специфические черты восприятия ситуации благотворительности, бытующие в языковом сознании молодежи. Во-первых, в семантике лексем донат (и ее дериватов) и донейшн значимой является идея пожертвования как благодарности за чью-либо деятельность и участия в этой деятельности. Во-вторых, коннотативный фон слов с основой донат- содержит идею «бонуса» для благотворителя, иногда материального, но чаще — морального удовлетворения от помощи. Таким образом, центральной становится идея пожертвования как осознанной благодарности жертвователя. С целью более корректного использования субстандартных номинаций благотворительной деятельности в медийном и общественно-политическом дискурсе необходимым представляется структурировать представления о субстандартной лексике ЛСГ «Безвозмездная помощь нуждающимся»; более четко сформулировать значения слов, составляющих неформальное поле благотворительности; выявить особенности их сочетаемости.This article provides a linguistic analysis of informal nominations making part of the “thesaurus of charity”. They are lexemes that exist in the field of substandard and circulate in the environment of oral youth communication, in social networks, blogs, Internet media, etc. The main sources of the material are social networks (VKontakte), information and entertainment portals (Pikabu, YouTube, Bolshoy Vopros, etc.), as well as popular media. The informal vocabulary of charity reflects the most “popular” types of youth’s charitable activities; also, it possesses not fully established semantics and compatibility; it is often absent from any of the official explanatory dictionaries. This article focuses on words the stems донат- / донейт- / донейшн-. Analysis of the semantics and connotative background of substandard derivatives of the English verb donate make it possible to formulate some specific features of perception of the charity situation which exist in youth’s linguistic consciousness. Firstly, in the semantics of lexemes донат (and its derivatives) and донейшн, the idea of giving as a demonstration of gratitude for someone’s activities and participation in these activities is significant. Secondly, the connotative background of words with the донат- stem contains the idea of a “bonus” for the philanthropist, sometimes represented by material, but more often by moral satisfaction from the act of benefaction. Thus, the idea of giving as conscious gratitude of the donator becomes central. It seems necessary to structure the ideas about the lexical and semantic field “Gratuitous help to those in need” in order to achieve clarity in the meanings of words that make up the informal lexical field of charity and to identify the features of their compatibility with the aim of adjusting the use of substandard nominations of charitable activities in media and sociopolitical discourse.This study was conducted as part of the preparation of the “First Glossary of Russian Charity “Language of Good Deeds” for the Centre for Research on Philanthropy and Social Business Programs of InEU, Ural Federal University, and the “Smart Environment” Business Foundation. The project is supported by the Presidential Grants Fund in 2020.Данное исследование проведено в рамках подготовки «Первого глоссария российской благотворительности «Язык добрых дел» для Центра исследований филантропии и социальных программ бизнеса ИНЭУ УрФУ и БФ «Умная среда». Проект поддержан Фондом Президентских грантов в 2020 г

    “Dictionary-Encyclopedia” as a Type of Amateur Dialect Dictionary (Dictionary of Bakal Town Dialect by B. P. Plaksin).

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    Проведено комплексное описание одного из типов любительских диалектных словарей, а именно «словаря-энциклопедии». В качестве материала для анализа выбран словарь говора г. Бакал Челябинской области, составленный Борисом Петровичем Плаксиным (объем словаря — около 4000 слов). Представлены результаты анализа тематической, стилистической принадлежности лексики, составляющей словник словаря Плаксина. Показано, что значительную часть словаря составляют диалектные языковые факты (а также общеупотребительная и просторечная лексика и фразеология, которую автор квалифицирует как местную) тематических групп «Сельский быт», «Хозяйство», «Характеристики человека», «Профессиональная деятельность» и пр. Подчеркивается, что обширный пласт диалектных и общенародных фактов, приведенных в словаре, — это лексика и фразеология традиционной народной культуры, церковная терминология и лексика старообрядчества, а также обозначения реалий различных исторических эпох. Сделан вывод о том, что Б. П. Плаксин выбирает стратегию ценностно-исторического отбора лексики и включает в свой словарь лексику различных культурных и исторических пластов, ориентируясь на различные — доступные ему — источники, посвященные русской истории, традиционной обрядности, историческим фактам и т. д.A comprehensive description of one of the types of amateur dialect dictionaries, namely the “dictionary-encyclopedia”, is carried out. As a material for the analysis, a dictionary of the dialect of the Bakal town of the Chelyabinsk region, compiled by Boris Petrovich Plaksin (the volume of the dictionary is about 4000 words) was selected. The results of the analysis of the thematic, stylistic belonging of the vocabulary constituting the vocabulary of Plaksin’s dictionary are presented. It is shown that a significant part of the dictionary is made up of dialectal linguistic facts (as well as common and colloquial vocabulary and phraseology, which the author qualifies as local) of the thematic groups “Rural life”, “Economy”, “Human characteristics”, “Professional activities”, etc. It is emphasized that a vast layer of dialectal and national facts given in the dictionary is the vocabulary and phraseology of traditional folk culture, church terminology and vocabulary of the Old Believers, as well as designations of the realities of various historical eras. It is concluded that B. P. Plaksin chooses a strategy of value-historical selection of vocabulary and includes in his dictionary the vocabulary of various cultural and historical layers, focusing on the various sources available to him on Russian history, traditional rituals, historical facts, etc.Исследование выполнено при поддержке РНФ, проект «Славянские архаические зоны в пространстве Европы: этнолингвистические исследования» № 17-18-01373.The reported study was funded by Russian Science Foundation, project number 17-18-01373 “Slavic archaic zones in the space of Europe: ethnolinguistic research”