12,681 research outputs found

    Insight into tube-building behaviour and palaeoecology of some agglutinating worms from the Upper Devonian of Nevada, USA

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    Agglutinated worm tubes from the Upper Devonian of the Devils Gate section in Nevada, USA are reported for the first time, filling a major gap in their Palaeozoic fossil record. Two small (5 mm and 6.7 mm in length) tubes are composed entirely of tentaculitid shells, and one large tube (55 mm in length) is formed from particles including ostracode carapaces, echinoderm ossicles, tentaculitid shells and putative bryozoan fragments aligned perpendicularly to the tube’s long axis. The tubes, in particular the large one have a cylindrical, curved and tapering tube morphology that is very similar to that of modern agglutinating polychaetes of the families Terebellidae and Pectinariidae. The large tube is dominated by objects that fall within a certain size-range, and although built from different types of particles, echinoderm ossicles are prevalent in the posterior part, whereas ostracode carapaces dominate in the middle and anterior parts of the tube. Tentaculitid shells are relatively rare in the large tube, despite being abundant in the surrounding host deposit. The faunal assemblage composing the tube suggests that the worm animal was rather specific in its selection of particles with a certain morphology. This is common behaviour amongst many modern agglutinating terebellid and pectinariid polychaetes. The preservation of such fragile tubes was enhanced by rapid burial, likely caused by gravity flow of sediment in a deep-slope setting

    Large igneous provinces and mass extinctions: an update

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    The temporal link between mass extinctions and large igneous provinces is well known. Here, we examine this link by focusing on the potential climatic effects of large igneous province eruptions during several extinction crises that show the best correlation with mass volcanism: the Frasnian-Famennian (Late Devonian), Capitanian (Middle Permian), end-Permian, end-Triassic, and Toarcian (Early Jurassic) extinctions. It is clear that there is no direct correlation between total volume of lava and extinction magnitude because there is always sufficient recovery time between individual eruptions to negate any cumulative effect of successive flood basalt eruptions. Instead, the environmental and climatic damage must be attributed to single-pulse gas effusions. It is notable that the best-constrained examples of death-by-volcanism record the main extinction pulse at the onset of (often explosive) volcanism (e.g., the Capitanian, end-Permian, and end-Triassic examples), suggesting that the rapid injection of vast quantities of volcanic gas (CO 2 and SO 2 ) is the trigger for a truly major biotic catastrophe. Warming and marine anoxia feature in many extinction scenarios, indicating that the ability of a large igneous province to induce these proximal killers (from CO 2 emissions and thermogenic greenhouse gases) is the single most important factor governing its lethality. Intriguingly, many voluminous large igneous province eruptions, especially those of the Cretaceous oceanic plateaus, are not associated with significant extinction losses. This suggests that the link between the two phenomena may be controlled by a range of factors, including continental configuration, the latitude, volume, rate, and duration of eruption, its style and setting (continental vs. oceanic), the preexisting climate state, and the resilience of the extant biota to change

    Ultra-shallow-marine anoxia in an Early Triassic shallow-marine clastic ramp (Spitsbergen) and the suppression of benthic radiation

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    Lower Triassic marine strata in Spitsbergen accumulated on a mid-to-high latitude ramp in which high-energy foreshore and shoreface facies passed offshore into sheet sandstones of probable hyperpycnite origin. More distal facies include siltstones, shales and dolomitic limestones. Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy comparison allows improved age dating of the Boreal sections and shows a significant hiatus in the upper Spathian. Two major deepening events, in earliest Griesbachian and late Smithian time, are separated by shallowing-upwards trends that culminated in the Dienerian and Spathian substages. The redox record, revealed by changes in bioturbation, palaeoecology, pyrite framboid content and trace metal concentrations, shows anoxic phases alternating with intervals of better ventilation. Only Dienerian–early Smithian time witnessed persistent oxygenation that was sufficient to support a diverse benthic community. The most intensely anoxic, usually euxinic, conditions are best developed in offshore settings, but at times euxinia also developed in upper offshore settings where it is even recorded in hyperpycnite and storm-origin sandstone beds: an extraordinary facet of Spitsbergen's record. The euxinic phases do not track relative water depth changes. For example, the continuous shallowing upwards from the Griesbachian to lower Dienerian was witness to several euxinic phases separated by intervals of more oxic, bioturbated sediments. It is likely that the euxinia was controlled by climatic oscillations rather than intra-basinal factors. It remains to be seen if all the anoxic phases found in Spitsbergen are seen elsewhere, although the wide spread of anoxic facies in the Smithian/Spathian boundary interval is clearly a global event

    Lower Wenlock black shales in the northern Holy Cross Mountains, Poland: Sedimentary and geochemical controls on the Ireviken Event in a deep marine setting

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    The stratigraphic variability and geochemistry of Llandovery/Wenlock (L/W) Series boundary sediments in Poland reveals that hemipelagic sedimentation under an anoxic/euxinic water column was interrupted by low density bottom currents or detached diluted turbid layers that resulted in intermittent seafloor oxygenation. TOC values and inorganic proxies throughout the Wilków 1 borehole section suggest variable redox conditions. U/Mo ratios >1 throughout much of the Aeronian and Telychian Stages, together with an absence of pyrite framboids, suggests oxygenated conditions prevailed. However, elevated TOC near the Aeronian/Telychian boundary, together with increased U/Th and V/(V+Ni) ratios and populations of small pyrite framboids are consistent with the development of dysoxic/anoxic conditions at that time. U/Th, V/Cr and V/(V+Ni) ratios, as well as Uauthig and Mo concentrations suggest that during the Ireviken black shale (IBS) deposition, bottom-water conditions deteriorated from oxic during the Telychian to mostly suboxic/anoxic immediately prior to the L/W boundary, before a brief reoxygenation at the end of the IBS sedimentation in the Sheinwoodian Stage. Rapid fluctuations in U/Mo during the Ireviken Event (IE) are characteristic of fluctuating redox conditions that culminated in an anoxic/euxinic seafloor in the Sheinwoodian. Following IBS deposition, conditions once again became oxygen deficient with the development of a euxinic zone in the water column. The Aeronian to Sheinwoodian deep-water redox history was unstable, and rapid fluctuations of the chemocline across the L/W Series boundary probably contributed to the IE extinctions, which affected mainly pelagic and hemipelagic fauna

    CMB Likelihood Functions for Beginners and Experts

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    Although the broad outlines of the appropriate pipeline for cosmological likelihood analysis with CMB data has been known for several years, only recently have we had to contend with the full, large-scale, computationally challenging problem involving both highly-correlated noise and extremely large datasets (N>1000N > 1000). In this talk we concentrate on the beginning and end of this process. First, we discuss estimating the noise covariance from the data itself in a rigorous and unbiased way; this is essentially an iterated minimum-variance mapmaking approach. We also discuss the unbiased determination of cosmological parameters from estimates of the power spectrum or experimental bandpowers.Comment: Long-delayed submission. In AIP Conference Proceedings "3K Cosmology" held in Rome, Oct 5-10, 1998, edited by Luciano Maiani, Francesco Melchiorri and Nicola Vittorio, 343-347, New York, American Institute of Physics 199

    Constraining Large Scale Structure Theories with the Cosmic Background Radiation

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    We review the relevant 10+ parameters associated with inflation and matter content; the relation between LSS and primary and secondary CMB anisotropy probes; COBE constraints on energy injection; current anisotropy band-powers which strongly support the gravitational instability theory and suggest the universe could not have reionized too early. We use Bayesian analysis methods to determine what current CMB and CMB+LSS data imply for inflation-based Gaussian fluctuations in tilted Λ\LambdaCDM, Λ\LambdahCDM and oCDM model sequences with age 11-15 Gyr, consisting of mixtures of baryons, cold (and possibly hot) dark matter, vacuum energy, and curvature energy in open cosmologies. For example, we find the slope of the initial spectrum is within about 5% of the (preferred) scale invariant form when just the CMB data is used, and for Λ\LambdaCDM when LSS data is combined with CMB; with both, a nonzero value of ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda is strongly preferred (2/3\approx 2/3 for a 13 Gyr sequence, similar to the value from SNIa). The ooCDM sequence prefers Ωtot<1\Omega_{tot}<1 , but is overall much less likely than the flat ΩΛ0\Omega_\Lambda \ne 0 sequence with CMB+LSS. We also review the rosy forecasts of angular power spectra and parameter estimates from future balloon and satellite experiments when foreground and systematic effects are ignored.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, 2 tables, uses rspublic.sty To appear in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, 1998. "Discussion Meeting on Large Scale Structure in the Universe," Royal Society, London, March 1998. Text and colour figures also available at ftp://ftp.cita.utoronto.ca/bond/roysoc9

    Teaching Teachers for the Future (TTF) Project: Development of the TTF TPACK survey instrument

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    This paper presents a summary of the key findings of the TTF TPACK Survey developed and administered for the Teaching the Teachers for the Future (TTF) Project implemented in 2011. The TTF Project, funded by an Australian Government ICT Innovation Fund grant, involved all 39 Australian Higher Education Institutions which provide initial teacher education. TTF data collections were undertaken at the end of Semester 1 (T1) and at the end of Semester 2 (T2) in 2011. A total of 12881 participants completed the first survey (T1) and 5809 participants completed the second survey (T2). Groups of like-named items from the T1 survey were subject to a battery of complementary data analysis techniques. The psychometric properties of the four scales: Confidence - teacher items; Usefulness - teacher items; Confidence - student items; Usefulness- student items, were confirmed both at T1 and T2. Among the key findings summarised, at the national level, the scale: Confidence to use ICT as a teacher showed measurable growth across the whole scale from T1 to T2, and the scale: Confidence to facilitate student use of ICT also showed measurable growth across the whole scale from T1 to T2. Additional key TTF TPACK Survey findings are summarised

    The Imprint of Gravitational Waves on the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Long-wavelength gravitational waves can induce significant temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background. Distinguishing this from anisotropy induced by energy density fluctuations is critical for testing inflationary cosmology and theories of large-scale structure formation. We describe full radiative transport calculations of the two contributions and show that they differ dramatically at angular scales below a few degrees. We show how anisotropy experiments probing large- and small-angular scales can combine to distinguish the imprint due to gravitational waves.Comment: 11 pages, Penn Preprint-UPR-

    The Exotic Eclipsing Nucleus of the Ring Planetary Nebula SuWt2

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    SuWt2 is a planetary nebula (PN) consisting of a bright ionized thin ring seen nearly edge-on. It has a bright (V=12) central star, too cool to ionize the PN, which we discovered to be an eclipsing binary. A spectrum from IUE did not reveal a UV source. We present extensive ground-based photometry and spectroscopy of the central binary collected over the ensuing two decades, resulting in the determination that the orbital period of the eclipsing pair is 4.9 d, and consists of two nearly identical A1 V stars, each of mass ~2.7 M_sun. The physical parameters of the A stars, combined with evolutionary tracks, show that both are in the short-lived "blue-hook" evolutionary phase that occurs between the main sequence and the Hertzsprung gap, and that the age of the system is about 520 Myr. One puzzle is that the stars' rotational velocities are different from each other, and considerably slower than synchronous with the orbital period. It is possible that the center-of-mass velocity of the eclipsing pair is varying with time, suggesting that there is an unseen third orbiting body in the system. We propose a scenario in which the system began as a hierarchical triple, consisting of a ~2.9 M_sun star orbiting the close pair of A stars. Upon reaching the AGB stage, the primary engulfed the pair into a common envelope, leading to a rapid contraction of the orbit and catastrophic ejection of the envelope into the orbital plane. In this picture, the exposed core of the initial primary is now a white dwarf of ~0.7 M_sun, orbiting the eclipsing pair, which has already cooled below the detectability possible by IUE at our derived distance of 2.3 kpc and a reddening of E(B-V)=0.40. The SuWt2 system may be destined to perish as a Type Ia supernova. (Abridged)Comment: 60 pages, 11 figure, to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    The initial conditions of the universe: how much isocurvature is allowed?

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    We investigate the constraints imposed by the current data on correlated mixtures of adiabatic and non-adiabatic primordial perturbations. We discover subtle flat directions in parameter space that tolerate large (~60%) contributions of non-adiabatic fluctuations. In particular, larger values of the baryon density and a spectral tilt are allowed. The cancellations in the degenerate directions are explored and the role of priors elucidated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to PR