15 research outputs found

    Gamma-ray spectrometry across the Upper Devonian basin succession at Kowala in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)

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    The Upper Devonian sequence at Kowala in the Holy Cross Mountains was logged using gamma-ray spectrometry, for investigating the changes of oxygenation level in the Late Devonian basin. The Th/U ratio indicates that oxygen levels were low throughout the Late Frasnian interval, with low peaks during the Kellwasser Events showing anoxic conditions in the basin. The F-F boundary interval was also oxygen deficient, but there may have been a brief reoxygenation at the boundary itself. By the Famennian crepida Zone, the basin gradually began to reoxygenate, but in the trachytera Zone another anoxic event, the Annulata Event occurred, causing a bloom rather than extinction of specially adapted taxa such as Guerichia. Thus the gamma-ray spectrometry data suggests that basinal anoxia prevailed through much of the Late Frasnian. The F-F extinction might have been the result of prolonged stresses imposed on the ecosystem, particularly during the euxinic Upper Kellwasser Event

    Gamma-ray spectrometry across the Upper Devonian basin succession at Kowala in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)

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    The Upper Devonian sequence at Kowala in the Holy Cross Mountains was logged using gamma-ray spectrometry, for investigating the changes of oxygenation level in the Late Devonian basin. The Th/U ratio indicates that oxygen levels were low throughout the Late Frasnian interval, with low peaks during the Kellwasser Events showing anoxic conditions in the basin. The F-F boundary interval was also oxygen deficient, but there may have been a brief reoxygenation at the boundary itself. By the Famennian crepida Zone, the basin gradually began to reoxygenate, but in the trachytera Zone another anoxic event, the Annulata Event occurred, causing a bloom rather than extinction of specially adapted taxa such as Guerichia. Thus the gamma-ray spectrometry data suggests that basinal anoxia prevailed through much of the Late Frasnian. The F-F extinction might have been the result of prolonged stresses imposed on the ecosystem, particularly during the euxinic Upper Kellwasser Event

    Evidence for Late Devonian (Kellwasser) anoxic events in the Great Basin, western United States

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    The Frasnian-Famennian (Late Devonian) mass extinction has often been related to the development of the Kellwasser anoxic events in Europe and North Africa but the synchronous development of the anoxia has not been reported from the Great Basin of the western United States. An integrated sedimentological, palaeoecological, and pyrite petrographic study has been undertaken on a range of F-F boundary sections from Nevada and Utah spanning a spectrum of carbonate and clastic depositional environments from distal basin, base-of-slope, mid-slope, and intrashelf basin settings. These reveal a range of facies from oxic strata, fully bioturbated and lacking any pyrite, to euxinic strata characterised by fine lamination and pyrite framboid populations of small size and narrow size range. Oxygen-restricted deposition is seen in all sections at various times, but the only interval characterised by basin-wide euxinicity occurs at the end of the Frasnian Stage late in the linguiformis Zone. This is the peak of the F-F mass extinction and it is also contemporaneous with the Upper Kellwasser Horizon of Europe. The study therefore reinforces the claim that the mass extinction coincides with the global development of marine anoxia. Shallow-water sections were not studied but slope and base-of-slope sections record many sediment-gravity flows that transported an allochthonous fauna into deeper water settings. This shallow-water fauna temporarily disappears late in the linguiformis Zone perhaps indicating the development of oxygen-restriction in shallow-water settings. Intriguingly the condensed, deepest water sections from the Woodruff basin record somewhat higher oxygenation levels than the contemporaneous slope sections. The most oxygen-restricted conditions may therefore have occurred in a mid-water oxygen-minimum zone that expanded its vertical range both upwards and downwards and became sulfidic late in the linguiformis Zone

    Extent and duration of marine anoxia during the Frasnian– Famennian (Late Devonian) mass extinction in Poland, Germany, Austria and France

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    Abstract – The intensity and extent of anoxia during the two Kellwasser anoxic events has been investigated in a range of European localities using amultidisciplinary approach (pyrite framboid assay, gamma-ray spectrometry and sediment fabric analysis). The results reveal that the development of the Lower Kellwasser Horizon in the early Late rhenana Zone (Frasnian Stage) in German type sections does not always coincide with anoxic events elsewhere in Europe and, in some locations, seafloor oxygenation improves during this interval. Thus, this anoxic event is not universally developed. In contrast, the Upper Kellwasser Horizon, developed in the Late linguiformis Zone (Frasnian Stage) in Germany correlates with a European-wide anoxic event that is manifest as an intensification of anoxia in basinal locations to the point that stable euxinic conditionswere developed (for example, in the basins of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). The interval also saw the spread of dysoxic waters into very shallow water (for instance, reefal) locations, and it seems reasonable to link the contemporaneous demise of many marine taxa to this phase of intense and widespread anoxia. In basinal locations, euxinic conditions persisted into the earliest Famennian with little change of depositional conditions. Only in the continental margin location of Austria was anoxia not developed at any time in the Late Devonian. Consequently it appears that the Upper Kellwasser anoxic event was an epicontinental seaway phenomenon, caused by the upward expansion of anoxia from deep basinal locales rather than an ‘oceanic’ anoxic event that has spilled laterally into epicontinental settings

    Geochemical and ecological aspects of lower Frasnian pyrite-ammonoid level at Kostomłoty (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)

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    The lower Frasnian (transitans Zone with Ancyrodella priamosica = MN 4 Zone) rhythmic basin succession of marly limestones and shales (upper Szydlówek Beds) at Kostomloty, western Holy CrossMts., Central Poland, contains a record of the transgressive-hypoxic Timan Event in this drowned part of southern Laurussian shelf. The unique facies consists of organic-rich marly shales and a distinctive pyritic, goniatite level, 1.6m thick. The faunal assemblage is dominated by pyritized shells of diminutivemollusks with cephalopods (including goniatites Epitornoceras and Acanthoclymenia), buchioline bivalves (Glyptohallicardia) and styliolinids. This interval is marked by moderately low Th/U ratios and pyrite framboid size distributions suggestive of dysoxic rather than permanent euxinic conditions. The scarcity of infauna and bioturbation resulted in finely laminated sedimentary fabrics, as well as the low diversity of the presumed pioneer benthos (mostly brachiopods). In the topmost part of the Szydlówek Beds, distinguished by the Styliolina coquina interbedded between limestone-biodetrital layers, the above geochemical proxies and C-isotope positive shift indicate a tendency to somewhat increased bottom oxygen deficiency and higher carbon burial rate linked with a bloom of pelagic biota during high-productivity pulse. The geochemical and community changes are a complex regional record of the initial phase of a major perturbation in the earth-ocean system during a phase of intermittently rising sea level in the early to middle Frasnian, and associated with the highest positive C-isotope ratios of the Devonian

    The great catastrophe: causes of the Permo-Triassic marine mass extinction

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    The marine losses during the Permo-Triassic mass extinction were the worst ever experienced. All groups were badly affected, especially amongst the benthos (e.g. brachiopods, corals, bryozoans, foraminifers, ostracods). Planktonic populations underwent a fundamental change with eukaryotic algae being replaced by nitrogen-fixing bacteria, green-sulphur bacteria, sulphate-reducing bacteria and prasinophytes. Detailed studies of boundary sections, especially those in South China, have resolved the crisis to a ∼55 kyr interval straddling the Permo-Triassic boundary. Many of the losses occur at the beginning and end of this interval painting a picture of a two-phase extinction. Improved knowledge of the extinction has been supported by numerous geochemical studies that allow diverse proposed extinction mechanisms to be studied. A transition from oxygenated to anoxic-euxinic conditions is seen in most sections globally, although the intensity and timing shows regional variability. Decreased ocean ventilation coincides with rapidly rising temperatures and many extinction scenarios attribute the losses to both anoxia and high temperatures. Other kill mechanisms include ocean acidification for which there is conflicting support from geochemical proxies and, even less likely, siltation (burial under a massive influx of terrigenous sediment) which lacks substantive sedimentological evidence. The ultimate driver of the catastrophic changes at the end of the Permian was likely Siberian Trap eruptions and their associated carbon dioxide emissions with consequences such as warming, ocean stagnation and acidification. Volcanic winter episodes stemming from Siberian volcanism have also been linked to the crisis, but the short-term nature of these episodes (<decades) and the overwhelming evidence for rapid warming during the crisis makes this an unlikely cause. Finally, whilst the extinction is well studied in equatorial latitudes, a different history is found in northern Boreal latitudes including an earlier crisis which merits further study in order to fully understand the course and cause of the Permo-Triassic extinctions

    Climate warming, euxinia and carbon isotope perturbations during the Carnian (Triassic) Crisis in South China

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    The Carnian Humid Episode (CHE), also known as the Carnian Pluvial Event, and associated biotic changes are major enigmas of the Mesozoic record in western Tethys. We show that the CHE also occurred in eastern Tethys (South China), suggestive of a much more widespread and probably global climate perturbation. Oxygen isotope records from conodont apatite indicate a double-pulse warming event. The CHE coincided with an initial warming of 4 °C. This was followed by a transient cooling period and then a prolonged ~7 °C warming in the later Carnian (Tuvalian 2). Carbon isotope perturbations associated with the CHE of western Tethys occurred contemporaneously in South China, and mark the start of a prolonged period of carbon cycle instability that persisted until the late Carnian. The dry-wet transition during the CHE coincides with the negative carbon isotope excursion and the temperature rise, pointing to an intensification of hydrologic cycle activities due to climatic warming. While carbonate platform shutdown in western Tethys is associated with an influx of siliciclastic sediment, the eastern Tethyan carbonate platforms are overlain by deep-water anoxic facies. The transition from oxygenated to euxinic facies was via a condensed, manganiferous carbonate (MnO content up to 15.1 wt%), that records an intense Mn shuttle operating in the basin. Significant siliciclastic influx in South China only occurred after the CHE climatic changes and was probably due to foreland basin development at the onset of the Indosinian Orogeny. The mid-Carnian biotic crisis thus coincided with several phenomena associated with major extinction events: a carbonate production crisis, climate warming, δ 13 C oscillations, marine anoxia, biotic turnover and flood basalt eruptions (of the Wrangellia Large Igneous Province)

    Palaeoenvironment of Eocene prodelta in Spitsbergen recorded by the trace fossil Phycosiphon incertum

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    Ichnological, sedimentological and geochemical analyses were conducted on the Eocene Frysjaodden Formation in order to interpret palaeoenvironment prodelta sediments in the Central Basin of Spitsbergen. Phycosiphon incertum is the exclusive ichnotaxon showing differences in size, distribution, abundance and density, and relation to laminated/bioturbated intervals. Large P. incertum mainly occur dispersed, isolated and randomly distributed throughout the weakly laminated/non-laminated intervals. Small P. incertum occur occasionally in patches of several burrows within laminated intervals or as densely packed burrows in thin horizons in laminated intervals or constituting fully bioturbated intervals that are several centimetres thick. Ichnological changes are mainly controlled by oxygenation, although the availability of benthic food cannot be discarded. Changes in oxygenation and rate of sedimentation can be correlated with the registered variations in the Bouma sequence of the distal turbiditic beds within prodeltal shelf sediments.Funding for this research was provided by Project CGL2012-33281 (Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Spain), Project RYC-2009-04316 (Ramón y Cajal Programme) and Projects RNM-3715 and RNM-7408 and Research Group RNM-178 (Junta de Andalucía). The authors benefited from a bilateral agreement between the universities of Granada and Oslo, supported by the University of Granada

    Phosphorus-cycle disturbances during the Late Devonian anoxic events

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    The Late Devonian was marked by repeated faunal crises and episodes of geographically widespread marine anoxia, and featured one of the ‘Big Five’ mass extinctions of the Phanerozoic Aeon during the Frasnian–Famennian transition. However, the processes responsible for causing the numerous anoxic events remain unclear. This study highlights the occurrence of disturbances to the phosphorus cycle during several Late Devonian crises by investigating sedimentary concentrations of the element (Ptot) as a tracer of nutrient influx, as well as its ratio with total organic carbon (TOC) to infer the recycling of the element from marine sediments. Increased TOC/Ptot ratios in the Frasnian–Famennian Lower and Upper Kellwasser horizons and upper Famennian Annulata and Hangenberg levels suggest that such nutrient recycling occurred across extensive areas of the marine shelf in Laurentia and both Rheic Ocean margins at those times, helping to sustain reducing conditions in those environments. Elevated Ptot values in the Upper Kellwasser, Annulata, and Hangenberg levels are consistent with an enhanced nutrient influx as the initial trigger for the anoxia. Correlation of phosphorus trends with other geochemical indicators of weathering/detrital influx (osmium-isotope, silicon/aluminum, and titanium/aluminium ratios) support a scenario in which terrestrial runoff provided these nutrients both to marine shelves and the oceanic inventory. Upwelling of oceanic deep-water bodies may have then brought the phosphorus to areas that had not featured major direct inputs of terrigenous material. The exception is the Lower Kellwasser Event, during which there was no increase in phosphorus delivery to marine areas and no evidence for terrestrial influx at the studied sections, invoking a different mechanism for the development of water-column anoxia. Clearly, the Late Devonian marine realm was unusually susceptible to becoming anoxic through various possible triggers, including nutrient influx from land and/or deep-water upwelling, and the recycling of phosphorus from newly deposited sediments

    Pulses of enhanced continental weathering associated with multiple Late Devonian climate perturbations: Evidence from osmium-isotope compositions

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    Anomalously high rates of continental weathering have frequently been proposed as a key stimulus for the development of widespread marine anoxia during a number of Late Devonian environmental and biospheric crises, which included a major mass extinction during the Frasnian–Famennian transition (marked by the Upper and Lower Kellwasser horizons). Here, this model is investigated by presenting the first stratigraphic record of osmium-isotope trends (187Os/188Os) in upper Devonian strata from the Kowala Quarry (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Changes in reconstructed 187Os/188Os seawater values to more radiogenic compositions are documented at the base of both the Lower (~0.42 to ~0.83) and Upper (~0.31 to ~0.81) Kellwasser horizons characteristic of the Frasnian–Famennian transition, and additionally within upper Famennian shales that record a more minor environmental perturbation known as the Annulata Event (~0.20 to ~0.53). These shifts indicate the occurrence of extremely enhanced continental weathering rates at the onsets of the Kellwasser crises and during the later Annulata Event. The similarity of 187Os/188Os values in this study from Frasnian–Famennian boundary and lower Famennian strata (between 0.4 and 0.5) to those from North American stratigraphic equivalents suggests that the 187Os/188Os values record global trends. These findings support a causal relationship between increased continental weathering (and thus, nutrient supply to the marine shelf) and the environmental perturbations that occurred during numerous Late Devonian events, including both of the biospherically catastrophic Kellwasser crises as well as other, less severe, oceanic anoxic events