254 research outputs found

    Essays in Financial Economics

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    My dissertation consists of three essays exploring how economic agents\u27 reception of updatedinformation about macroeconomic developments impacts their actions and investment choices and the effect this has on asset prices and macroeconomic fluctuations. The first essay provides evidence that variations in the treasury supply and foreign demand for safe assets have been a source of priced predictability in domestic consumer credit and consumption growth. In the second essay I set out to explain the sequential order of devaluations during contagious currency crises employing a Global Games model featuring informational cascades where individual currencies share a common exposure to adverse macroeconomic factors. In my third essay I argue that shocks to the slope of aggregate uncertainty rather than the level lead to declines in aggregate economic activity through a wait and see channel

    Naming the Unnameable: An Approach to Poetry for New Generations

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    Informed by a writing philosophy that values both spontaneity and discipline, Michelle Bonczek Evory’s Naming the Unnameable: An Approach to Poetry for New Generations offers practical advice and strategies for developing a writing process that is centered on play and supported by an understanding of America’s rich literary traditions. With consideration to the psychology of invention, Bonczek Evory provides students with exercises aimed to make writing in its early stages a form of play that gives way to more enriching insights through revision, embracing the writing of poetry as both a love of language and a tool that enables us to explore ourselves and better understand the world. The volume includes resources for students seeking to publish and build a writing-centered lifestyle or career. Poets featured range in age, subject, and style, and many are connected to colleges in the State University of New York system. Naming the Unnameable promotes an understanding of poetry as a living art of which students are a part, and provides ways for students to involve themselves in the growing contemporary poetry community that thrives in America today.https://knightscholar.geneseo.edu/oer-ost/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Breeding Ecology of Mottled Ducks in Southwestern Louisiana

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    Mottled ducks are a resident species found in the southern United States that rely on coastal marsh and associated habitat to fulfill the needs of the entirety of their annual cycle. Population monitoring has revealed declines in western Gulf Coast (WGC) mottled ducks since 2008. Mottled duck populations are influenced by survival and recruitment, and changes in these factors may contribute to population declines. The overarching goal of this project was to identify the mechanisms potentially limiting WGC mottled ducks. I captured adult female mottled ducks during molt on Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge and adjacent lands in southwestern Louisiana from 2017–2019. I marked 148 individuals with a backpack solar-powered GPS-GSM transmitter and monitored them throughout the year for mortality and nest attempts. I used a Known Fate model in Program MARK to determine annual and seasonal survival and how survival varied temporally and spatially. Mottled duck survival was best explained by maximum partitioning of the year by the hunted periods and biological seasons and the proportion of GPS locations in agricultural land. Annual survival in this study was 0.60–0.64, one of the highest estimates for WGC mottled ducks. I identified 29 nest attempts during the breeding seasons 2018–2020. I used the nest survival model accessed through RMark to obtain daily survival rates of nests and evaluate the effect of local and landscape-level characteristics on survival. Nest survival varied positively with vegetation density. Lastly, I matched used nest sites with random locations within the home range of the female to examine nest site selection. Nest site selection varied by habitat type and vegetation density. Old fields were most likely to be selected, while emergent marsh was least likely to be selected. Probability of use also varied positively with vegetation density. During this study, survival estimates were similar to that of waterfowl species not experiencing declines and nest success and renesting propensity were relatively high. Nesting propensity was very low and future research should further investigate cues mottled ducks use to initiate nesting

    Structure of a File Oriented Programming Language, GPLAN-BL-1

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    Modern computer science has developed languages along many distinct paths; three are: Operating System Languages (e.g., OS/JCL), High Level Procedural Languages (e.g., FORTRAN), and High Level Non-Procedural Data Base Languages (e.g., ALPHA, SQUARE, GPLAN). The purpose of each of these is to solve a particular problem, namely, to simplify the work of the programmer, so that a majority of his time could be spent on his own application. The development of data manipulation procedures has also proceeded independently; of programming languages only in the programming language LISP are data and program expressed in a common manner. We feel that the time has come for a new approach to computer language evolution, especially for business oriented users. The combination of data, programs, and operating system into a single language would make a great simplification of the current state of affairs. The BL/I language is presented as a prototype for a data base oriented computer system, combining features from operating systems, programming languages, and data base languages

    Modeling of Transistor Amplifiers Cooling

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    Import 22/07/2015Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá modelováním chlazení výkonových tranzistorových zesilovačů pracujících ve třídách AB a D. V úvodu práce jsou stručně shrnuty principy funkce zesilovačů ve třídách A, B, AB, C a D. Odvod tepelné energie z čipu tranzistoru se významnou měrou podílí na správné funkci a bezporuchovém chodu zařízení. Aby byla zajištěna správná a dlouhodobá funkce zařízení, kladou se v dnešní době vysoké požadavky na efektivní odvod tepelné energie. Z těchto důvodů se využívají modelační programy založené na řešení metodou konečných prvků. Model tranzistoru koncového stupně zesilovače je vytvořen pomocí programu COMSOL Multiphysics a působí na něj odlišné vlastnosti, které vycházejí z předpokladu rozdílné účinnosti porovnávaných zesilovačů třídy AB a D. Cílem této práce je namodelovat chlazení takovýchto tranzistorů v daných třídách a výsledné modely porovnat a zhodnotit.This Bachelor thesis deals with the modeling of cooling power transistor amplifiers working in classes AB and D. In the introduction of the work are briefly summarised the principles of function the amplifiers in the classes A, B, AB, C, and D. Dissipation of the thermal energy from the chip of the transistor significantly participate proper functioning and trouble-free operation of the device. In order to ensure the proper and long-term functions of the equipment, are nowadays high demands on effective dissipation of the heat energy. For this reason are used modelling programs based on the finite element method. The model of the end stage amplifier transistor was created by using the COMSOL Multiphysics program and dissimilar properties, based on the presuppositions of the different effectiveness of compared amplifiers of the class AB and D, acts on it. The aim of this work is to create model of the cooling these transistors in the specified classes and the resulting models compare and evaluate.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    Design development of steel-concrete composite bridges

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    Cílem práce je navrhnout a posoudit hlavní nosné části spřaženého ocelobetonového mostu, který převádí pozemní komunikaci v přímé. Návrh a posudek bude udělán analytickými metodami v tabulkovém procesoru tak, aby byly dosaženy přesné a přehledné výstupy. V tabulkovém procesoru bude také provedena parametrizace, umožňující variabilní počet hlavních nosníků. Bude proveden záznam dat pro různé varianty parametrizace a následně budou tyto varianty porovnány za účelem nalezení optimálního počtu hlavních nosníků. Dále budou vytvořeny numerické modely v komerčních softwarech tak, aby výsledky odpovídaly ručním výpočtům. Tyto numerické modely budou dále upravovány, aby co nejvěrněji simulovaly reálnou podobu konstrukce mostu. Nakonec budou výsledky z těchto numerických modelů porovnány.The aim of the work is to design and assess the main load-bearing parts of a steel-concrete bridge that carries a road in straight. The design and assessment will be done by analytical methods in spreadsheet so that accurate and clear outputs are obtained. Parameterization will also be done in the spreadsheet to allow variable number of main girders. Data will be recorded for the different parameterisation options and then compared to find the optimum number of main beams. In addition, numerical models will be created in commercial software so that the results match the manual calculations. These numerical models will be further modified to simulate as closely as possible the actual bridge structure. Finally, the results from these numerical models will be compared.221 - Katedra konstrukcívýborn

    Program for solving of frame structures by displacement method

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    Cílem práce je vytvořit program, který dokáže provést statickou analýzu rámových konstrukcí s využitím obecné deformační metody. Program bude vytvořen tak, aby uživatel zvládl co nejefektivněji vymodelovat libovolný typ rámové konstrukce a poté ji mohl libovolně zatížit. Do algoritmu výpočtu bude také přidána možnost počítat s vlivem smykových deformací, nebo rozdělit pruty na libovolný počet, který je dán uživatelem. Pro následný výpočet soustavy lineárních rovnic budou do výpočtu přidána také numerická řešení, která řeší soustavu přímo nebo iteračně. Jednotlivá numerická řešení budou srovnána dle časové efektivity a přesnosti výpočtu. Po výpočtu program poté vytvoří část textovou a grafickou, kde se budou nacházet výsledné hodnoty. Textová část bude sloužit pro podrobnější výpis především deformací na jednotlivých uzlech a výpis reakcí. Grafická část pak poslouží pro vykreslení průběhů vnitřních sil a deformací a vypsání maximálních hodnot. Na závěr práce dojde k verifikaci získaných výsledků s výsledky z komerčního softwaru.The aim of this work is to create a program that can perform static analysis of the frame structures using the displacement method. The program will be designed so that the user can as effectively as possible create model of any type of frame structure and then load it arbitrarily. To the algorithm will also be added an option to calculate with effect of the shear deformations, or divide the bars into any number that is given by user. For the subsequent calculation of the system of linear equations will also be added to calculation the numerical solutions that solve the system directly or iteratively. The numerical solutions will be compared according to the time efficiency and accuracy of the calculation. After the calculation, the program then creates a text and graphic part, where the resulting values will be located. The text part will be used for a more detailed listing, especially of deformations at individual nodes and a listing of reactions. The graphic part will be then used to plot the diagrams of internal forces and deformations and list the maximum values. At the end of the work, the obtained results will be verified with the results from commercial software.228 - Katedra stavební mechanikyvýborn

    Overcoming “Bikelash”: Successful Implementation of an Urban Bicycle Highway in Montréal

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    Among the leading factors that frustrate bike lane development is the phenomenon known as “bikelash,” which is the organised opposition to bike lane development, usually categorised by heated emotion. The presence of bikelash can make bike lane developments politically toxic in the public discourse, often leading to the failure to build the bike lane. The Saint-Denis Réseau Express Vélo (REV) is one artery of the “bike highway” of Montréal that managed to be built despite the presence of bikelash from merchants, politicians and select members of the public. This thesis uses the Saint-Denis REV as a case study to understand why bikelash did not overwhelm this bike lane, despite the intense opposition to this development. Using political communication strategies and merchant subsidy programs, the municipal administration of Montréal was able to overcome bikelash and see the bike lane successfully installed. This thesis will examine the history of this bike lane, the bikelash in response to the development, and how this project managed to survive