19 research outputs found

    Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Dialog- und Konfliktforschung: Einige Bemerkungen zum Forschungsgegenstand, zu den Erkenntniszielen und Untersuchungsmethoden der anthropozentrischen Kulturologie

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    Intercultural Communication, Dialogue and Conflict Studies: Some Remarks on the object of investigation, the finality of research and the methods of analysis of anthropocentric culturology.The paper presents the main issues of anthropocentric culturology as an autonomous scientific discipline which differentiate itself in the context of the Anthropocentric Theory of Languages and Cultures. It presents in a synthetic way the object of investigation, the finalities and the research methods of this discipline on the base of selected topics: Intercultural Communication, Dialogue and Conflict Studies, Communication face-to -face

    Language identity and cultural memory in borderland areas. A survey-based research with aged respondents (seniors)

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    The article presents methodological and practical experiences of an inter-university research project “Language of boundaries – Boundaries of language. Paralinguistic aspects of intercultural communication”, one of project tasks being conducting interviews with Polish and German senior respondents. The project aims were, among others, to investigate linguistic and cultural awareness, the sense of proximity/alienness with the culture and the others in the transborder area and the processes of mutual accommodation. In this context, senior respondents are a particularly precious target group in language contact studies as they are witnesses of linguistic identity and cultural memory. The interviews took place in the Polish-German border region of Frankfurt/Oder and Słubice. The respondents were asked questions included in a questionnaire that was especially prepared for the purpose. The questions included among other things questions about the respondents’ origins, professional life, education, daily habits, languages spoken by them, attitudes towards the other cultural group. The authors have not only presented theoretical basics of transborder studies, accommodation processes and age studies, but they have also given practical tips on what should be considered when doing interviews with the elderly. The article includes a summary of the answers given by the two groups of the respondents. With the article, the authors intend to contribute methodologically to future socio- and gerontolinguistic studies. The research was carried out as part of the project Język pogranicza – pogranicze języka. Parajęzykowe aspekty komunikacji międzykulturowej (UMO: No. 0106 / NPRH3 / H12 / 82/2014) financed by the National Program for the Development of Humanities.The article presents methodological and practical experiences of an inter-university research project “Language of boundaries – Boundaries of language. Paralinguistic aspects of intercultural communication”, one of project tasks being conducting interviews with Polish and German senior respondents. The project aims were, among others, to investigate linguistic and cultural awareness, the sense of proximity/alienness with the culture and the others in the transborder area and the processes of mutual accommodation. In this context, senior respondents are a particularly precious target group in language contact studies as they are witnesses of linguistic identity and cultural memory. The interviews took place in the Polish-German border region of Frankfurt/Oder and Słubice. The respondents were asked questions included in a questionnaire that was especially prepared for the purpose. The questions included among other things questions about the respondents’ origins, professional life, education, daily habits, languages spoken by them, attitudes towards the other cultural group. The authors have not only presented theoretical basics of transborder studies, accommodation processes and age studies, but they have also given practical tips on what should be considered when doing interviews with the elderly. The article includes a summary of the answers given by the two groups of the respondents. With the article, the authors intend to contribute methodologically to future socio- and gerontolinguistic studies. Badania zrealizowano w ramach projektu Język pogranicza – pogranicze języka. Parajęzykowe aspekty komunikacji międzykulturowej (UMO: Nr 0106/NPRH3/H12/82/2014) finansowanego przez Narodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki. &nbsp

    Schlagbilder, Schreckbilder, Wohlfühlbilder: eine diskurslinguistische Analyse von visuellen Konstruktionen mit handlungsleitendem Charakter am Beispiel der Islam-Debatte

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    In der diskursanalytischen Forschung herrscht noch keine Einstimmigkeit darüber, wie man Kommunikate untersuchen soll, in denen der Bildteil eine wichtige Komponente darstellt und die in der Gestaltung von Diskursen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Eine konsistente begriffliche Bestimmung von Termini, die unterschiedliche Aspekte der visuellen Semiotik erfassen, wie "Bildtext", "Schlagbild", "Schlüsselbild", "Visiotyp", ist noch als Desiderat anzusehen. In jüngster Zeit wird immer wieder dem multimodalen Charakter von Bildkonstruktionen Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Dabei stellt sich die Frage, ob das bildlinguistische Instrumentarium adäquate Mittel zur Analyse von handlungsleitenden Bildkonstruktionen liefert wie im Falle der so genannten "Schreckbilder" (Bonacchi 2016) und "Wohlfühlbilder". Im Rahmen einer Fallstudie über Bilder in der Islamdebatte soll gezeigt werden, dass eine multimodale Analyse nicht nur die semiotischen Aspekte, die der Interpretation des Visuellen und des Verbalen zugrunde liegen, sondern auch die mehrdimensionalen kognitiven Verarbeitungsprozesse, die vor allem Kinetik und Haptik betreffen (und die wesentlich zum "Schreck"-Effekt bzw. "Wohlfühl"-Effekt beitragen), erfassen kann

    Remarks about the use of the term “multimodality”

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    The paper presents some remarks about the use of the term “multimodality” in recent linguistic discourse pointing at its development in various scientific disciplines. It attempts also to describe the research field of multimodal studies in scientific linguistic discourse at the present time.11171Journal of Multimodal Communication Studie

    The „communicative space” in culturological investigations about (im)politeness

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    The paper attempts to define the term "communicative space” for (im)politeness research. “Communicative space” is a crucial notion for the definition of concepts such as “ritual balance”, “discursive rule”, “discursive position”, “territoriality”, “field of action” and “co-construction of communicative interaction” (Jacoby, Ochs 1995). “Communicative space” cannot be reduced to the mere physical space in which an (im)polite communicative interaction takes place (“transactional space” according to Kendon 1990). It is a mental space, which is “co-constructed” in so far as it is the result of the convergence of the mental worlds of interactants mediated by utterences. In this sense it can be defined as a “phenomenal space” which is ruled by structuring principles and field laws. The capacity of creating convergent communicative spaces is a key competence which lays the foundations for dialogue capacity and permits successful communicative interactions; therefore it is defined as a very important educational goal in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001).Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznani

    Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Dialog- und Konfliktforschung: Einige Bemerkungen zum Forschungsgegenstand, zu den Erkenntniszielen und Untersuchungsmethoden der anthropozentrischen Kulturologie

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    Intercultural Communication, Dialogue and Conflict Studies: Some Remarks on the object of investigation, the finality of research and the methods of analysis of anthropocentric culturology.The paper presents the main issues of anthropocentric culturology as an autonomous scientific discipline which differentiate itself in the context of the Anthropocentric Theory of Languages and Cultures. It presents in a synthetic way the object of investigation, the finalities and the research methods of this discipline on the base of selected topics: Intercultural Communication, Dialogue and Conflict Studies, Communication face-to -face

    Expressivity in Language, Emotions and Verbal Aggression

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    The study represents a contribution to the current debate on linguistic expressivity and expressive meaning in the light of emotion studies and verbal aggression research. The emotions closely related to verbal aggression (anger, fear, frustration, lust and desire) and their social display rules are discussed on the basis of current emotions theories. The connection between linguistic expressiveness and emotions is shown by means of exemplary positions: Bühler’s and (post)Bühler’s view of the functions of language, speech act theory and new formal semantic approaches

    Einige Bemerkungen Zum Begriff Der Höflichkeitskompetenz

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    Friendly or hostile? A pilot study about the illocutionary structure and phonetic realization of indi-rect supportive and derogative speech acts on the example of banter expressions (mock impoliteness)

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    The “Banter Principle” describes cases in which an offensive utterance (for example: DT: “Du Arsch!” or PL: “Ty draniu”) is not addressed by the speaker to the interlocutor with an offensive intention, but it is intended to be an expression of admiration which reinforces the relationship with the Addressee. In addition, use of such language reinforces social ties, i.e. identity and a sense of affiliation to the group. The appropriate reconstruction of the intended meaning (derogatory or supportive meaning, i.e. genuine or mock impoliteness) depends on the conversational setting, on the relation of the speakers, on the mental presuppositions of the interlocutors, and on the mutual acceptance of the communicative means. The use of banter utterances is quite unstable, since they can always switch from a face-enhancing to a face-threatening or aggressive act. The paper presents the results of a pilot studies on phonetic cues of banter utterances in German and Polish