7 research outputs found

    SynFind: Compiling Syntenic Regions across Any Set of Genomes on Demand

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    The identification of conserved syntenic regions enables discovery of predicted locations for orthologous and homeologous genes, evenwhennosuchgeneispresent.Thiscapabilitymeansthatsynteny-basedmethodsarefarmoreeffectivethansequencesimilaritybased methods in identifying true-negatives, a necessity forstudying gene loss and gene transposition. However, the identification of syntenicregionsrequirescomplexanalyseswhichmustberepeatedforpairwisecomparisonsbetweenanytwospecies.Therefore,as the number of published genomes increases, there is a growing demand for scalable, simple-to-use applications to perform comparative genomic analyses that cater to both gene family studies and genome-scale studies. We implemented SynFind, a web-based tool that addresses this need. Given one query genome, SynFind is capable of identifying conserved syntenic regions in any set of targetgenomes.SynFindiscapableofreportingper-geneinformation,usefulforresearchersstudyingspecificgenefamilies,aswellas genome-wide data sets of syntenic gene and predicted gene locations, critical for researchers focused on large-scale genomic analyses. Inference of syntenic homologs provides the basis for correlation of functional changes around genes of interests between related organisms. Deployed on the CoGe online platform, SynFind is connected to the genomic data from over 15,000 organisms from all domains of life as well as supporting multiple releases of the same organism. SynFind makes use of a powerful job execution framework that promises scalability and reproducibility. SynFind can be accessed at http://genomevolution.org/CoGe/SynFind.pl. A video tutorial of SynFind using Phytophthrora as an example is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Agczny9Nyc

    SynFind: Compiling Syntenic Regions across Any Set of Genomes on Demand

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    The identification of conserved syntenic regions enables discovery of predicted locations for orthologous and homeologous genes, evenwhennosuchgeneispresent.Thiscapabilitymeansthatsynteny-basedmethodsarefarmoreeffectivethansequencesimilaritybased methods in identifying true-negatives, a necessity forstudying gene loss and gene transposition. However, the identification of syntenicregionsrequirescomplexanalyseswhichmustberepeatedforpairwisecomparisonsbetweenanytwospecies.Therefore,as the number of published genomes increases, there is a growing demand for scalable, simple-to-use applications to perform comparative genomic analyses that cater to both gene family studies and genome-scale studies. We implemented SynFind, a web-based tool that addresses this need. Given one query genome, SynFind is capable of identifying conserved syntenic regions in any set of targetgenomes.SynFindiscapableofreportingper-geneinformation,usefulforresearchersstudyingspecificgenefamilies,aswellas genome-wide data sets of syntenic gene and predicted gene locations, critical for researchers focused on large-scale genomic analyses. Inference of syntenic homologs provides the basis for correlation of functional changes around genes of interests between related organisms. Deployed on the CoGe online platform, SynFind is connected to the genomic data from over 15,000 organisms from all domains of life as well as supporting multiple releases of the same organism. SynFind makes use of a powerful job execution framework that promises scalability and reproducibility. SynFind can be accessed at http://genomevolution.org/CoGe/SynFind.pl. A video tutorial of SynFind using Phytophthrora as an example is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Agczny9Nyc

    Balancing, Proportionality, and Constitutional Rights

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    In the theory and practice of constitutional adjudication, proportionality review plays a crucial role. At a theoretical level, it lies at core of the debate on rights adjudication; in judicial practice, it is a widespread decision-making model characterizing the action of constitutional, supra-national and international courts. Despite its circulation and centrality in contemporary legal discourse, proportionality in rights-adjudication is still extremely controversial. It raises normative questions—concerning its justification and limits—and descriptive questions—regarding its nature and distinctive features. The chapter addresses both orders of questions. Part I centres on the justification of proportionality review, the connection between proportionality, balancing and theories of rights and the critical aspects of this connection. Part II identifies and analyses the different forms of proportionality both in review, as a template for rights-adjudication, and of review, as a way of defining the scope and limits of adjudication

    Sequencing, Mapping, and Analysis of 27,455 Maize Full-Length cDNAs

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    Full-length cDNA (FLcDNA) sequencing establishes the precise primary structure of individual gene transcripts. From two libraries representing 27 B73 tissues and abiotic stress treatments, 27,455 high-quality FLcDNAs were sequenced. The average transcript length was 1.44 kb including 218 bases and 321 bases of 5′ and 3′ UTR, respectively, with 8.6% of the FLcDNAs encoding predicted proteins of fewer than 100 amino acids. Approximately 94% of the FLcDNAs were stringently mapped to the maize genome. Although nearly two-thirds of this genome is composed of transposable elements (TEs), only 5.6% of the FLcDNAs contained TE sequences in coding or UTR regions. Approximately 7.2% of the FLcDNAs are putative transcription factors, suggesting that rare transcripts are well-enriched in our FLcDNA set. Protein similarity searching identified 1,737 maize transcripts not present in rice, sorghum, Arabidopsis, or poplar annotated genes. A strict FLcDNA assembly generated 24,467 non-redundant sequences, of which 88% have non-maize protein matches. The FLcDNAs were also assembled with 41,759 FLcDNAs in GenBank from other projects, where semi-strict parameters were used to identify 13,368 potentially unique non-redundant sequences from this project. The libraries, ESTs, and FLcDNA sequences produced from this project are publicly available. The annotated EST and FLcDNA assemblies are available through the maize FLcDNA web resource (www.maizecdna.org)

    Constitutional Adjudication and the ‘Dimensions’ of Judicial Activism: Comparative Legal and Institutional Heuristics

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    The dominant approach to constitutional law, and even more so to constitutional theory, has historically been judicial review-centred. Constitutional scholarship has often seemed ‘strong on positions and weak on analysis’, based on ‘foundationalist’/organic theories of judicial review, try- ing to justify or to reject the practice in toto and dictating its parameters. Behind such strong positions, and behind the search for ‘first-best principles’ of legitimacy, one can see a series of latent and intractable tensions, inherent in traditional constitutional theories of interpretation and adjudication: these tensions are the consequences of the unavoidably creative function of the judicial role. A pragmatic, second-best inquiry must probe the degree of such creativity, focusing on the questions of mode, limits, level of acceptability of law-making through the courts, and issues of institutional performance and systemic effects of adjudication. In light of all this, the paper will provide a taxonomy of the different types of criticisms that constitutional theories have raised regarding what we can broadly describe as the democratic legitimacy concerns of constitutional review. These are often lumped together, in different contexts, under the concept of ‘judicial activ- ism’, ranging from the very existence of judicial review, to the different forms of conceptualising the proper role of judicial interventions and the different modalities of constitutional adjudication. The paper will deal, in comparative perspective, with both American and Continental historical constitutional theories as well as the most recent trends of Institutional Analysis. The objective is to sketch a useful framework and some heuristic devices for the study of courts, different kinds of constitutional adjudication, and the spaces of discretion that are thereby implied