36 research outputs found

    Intersectoral collaboration and coordination mechanisms for implementing water fluoridation: Challenges from a case study in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVES: Community water fluoridation has been associated with better oral health conditions globally and reduced dental caries. While oral health policies are governed by the health sector agenda, water fluoridation is undertaken by public, private, and mixed public/private companies of the sanitation sector. The first aim of this study was to investigate the degree of intersectoral collaboration, and the second was to investigate how the coordination mechanisms are perceived by the sanitation agents of the sectors involved in water quality management, for the potential establishment of water fluoridation in a central-west state in Brazil. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with chief sanitation agents from nonprofit, profit, and mixed public/private companies responsible for water quality and fluoridation in a purposive sample. Theoretical frameworks of intersectoral collaboration and coordination mechanisms were used for analysis. RESULTS: Twelve interviews were conducted. Informal collaboration was identified in the sanitation sector within companies involved in water provision. The main coordination mechanisms were network-type mechanisms, which involve consultations and knowledge sharing, and market-type mechanisms, which explore new job opportunities and cost-effectiveness, especially in water quality measures. Enabling themes (enablers) were identified, such as positive attitude toward including water quality and fluoridation in a collaborative health and sanitation common agenda. Moreover, fluoridation did not meet the regulatory and surveillance agenda at the state level, and until that moment, there was no proposal of the health sector for water fluoridation. CONCLUSIONS: Partnership creation, consolidation, and shared mission, especially between health and sanitation sectors, were identified as main challenges for implementing water fluoridation policy

    Cobertura de equipes de saúde bucal na Estratégia Saúde da Família e uso de serviços odontológicos em adolescentes de Mato Grosso do Sul, 2019: estudo transversal

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    Objective: To analyze the association between the coverage of oral health teams in the Family Health Strategy (ESF-SB) and the use of dental services among adolescents aged 12 years in Mato Grosso do Sul, 2019. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, involving school-based research. The outcome was the use of dental services. Structural equation models were performed to test the association of covariates with the use of services. Results: Of the 615 participants, 74.0% used dental services in the past three years. ESF-SB coverage ≥50% was associated with greater use of public dental services [Standardized Coefficient (SC) = 0.10 – IC95% 0.01;0.18], greater use for treatment (SC = -0.07 – IC95% 0.17;0.01), and greater consumption of unhealthy foods (SC = 0.19 – IC95% 0.11;0.26). Conclusion: Greater coverage of ESF-SB was associated with greater use for treatments and greater inadequate food consumption by adolescents. Oral health teams must organize access and qualify the work process.Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre a cobertura de equipes de saúde bucal na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF-SB) e a utilização de serviços odontológicos entre adolescentes de 12 anos, em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, 2019. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, cujo desfecho foi a utilização de serviços odontológicos. Modelos de equações estruturais foram construídos para testar a associação das covariáveis com o desfecho. Resultados: Dos 615 participantes, 74,0% utilizaram os serviços odontológicos nos últimos três anos. A cobertura de ESF-SB ≥50% associou-se a maior uso de serviços públicos [coeficiente padronizado (CP) = 0,10 – IC95% 0,01;0,18], menor uso para prevenção (CP = -0,07 – IC95% -0,17;0,01) e maior consumo de alimentos não saudáveis (CP = 0,19 – IC95% 0,11;0,26). Conclusão: Maiores coberturas de ESF-SB associaram-se a menor utilização de serviços para prevenção e maior consumo alimentar não saudável. As equipes devem organizar o acesso e qualificar o processo de trabalho

    Actinobacteria from termite mounds show antiviral activity against bovine viral diarrhea virus, a surrogate model for Hepatitis C virus

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    Extracts from termite-associated bacteria were evaluated for in vitro antiviral activity against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Two bacterial strains were identified as active, with percentages of inhibition (IP) equal to 98%. Both strains were subjected to functional analysis via the addition of virus and extract at different time points in cell culture; the results showed that they were effective as posttreatments. Moreover, we performed MTT colorimetric assays to identify the CC50, IC50, and SI values of these strains, and strain CDPA27 was considered the most promising. In parallel, the isolates were identified as Streptomyces through 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis. Specifically, CDPA27 was identified as S. chartreusis. The CDPA27 extract was fractionated on a C18-E SPE cartridge, and the fractions were reevaluated. A 100% methanol fraction was identified to contain the compound(s) responsible for antiviral activity, which had an SI of 262.41. GC-MS analysis showed that this activity was likely associated with the compound(s) that had a peak retention time of 5 min. Taken together, the results of the present study provide new information for antiviral research using natural sources, demonstrate the antiviral potential of Streptomyces chartreusis compounds isolated from termite mounds against BVDV, and lay the foundation for further studies on the treatment of HCV infection2015CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP311779/2014-02011/50919-

    Actinobacteria from Termite Mounds Show Antiviral Activity against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, a Surrogate Model for Hepatitis C Virus

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    Extracts from termite-associated bacteria were evaluated for in vitro antiviral activity against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Two bacterial strains were identified as active, with percentages of inhibition (IP) equal to 98%. Both strains were subjected to functional analysis via the addition of virus and extract at different time points in cell culture; the results showed that they were effective as posttreatments. Moreover, we performed MTT colorimetric assays to identify the CC50, IC50, and SI values of these strains, and strain CDPA27 was considered the most promising. In parallel, the isolates were identified as Streptomyces through 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis. Specifically, CDPA27 was identified as S. chartreusis. The CDPA27 extract was fractionated on a C18-E SPE cartridge, and the fractions were reevaluated. A 100% methanol fraction was identified to contain the compound(s) responsible for antiviral activity, which had an SI of 262.41. GC-MS analysis showed that this activity was likely associated with the compound(s) that had a peak retention time of 5 min. Taken together, the results of the present study provide new information for antiviral research using natural sources, demonstrate the antiviral potential of Streptomyces chartreusis compounds isolated from termite mounds against BVDV, and lay the foundation for further studies on the treatment of HCV infection

    Last dental visit and severity of tooth loss: a machine learning approach

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    Abstract The aims of the present study were to investigate last dental visit as a mediator in the relationship between socioeconomic status and lack of functional dentition/severe tooth loss and use a machine learning approach to predict those adults and elderly at higher risk of tooth loss. We analyzed data from a representative sample of 88,531 Brazilian individuals aged 18 and over. Tooth loss was the outcome by; (1) functional dentition and (2) severe tooth loss. Structural Equation models were used to find the time of last dental visit associated with the outcomes. Moreover, machine learning was used to train and test predictions to target individuals at higher risk for tooth loss. For 65,803 adults, more than two years of last dental visit was associated with lack of functional dentition. Age was the main contributor in the machine learning approach, with an AUC of 90%, accuracy of 90%, specificity of 97% and sensitivity of 38%. For elders, the last dental visit was associated with higher severe loss. Conclusions. More than two years of last dental visit appears to be associated with a severe loss and lack of functional dentition. The machine learning approach had a good performance to predict those individuals

    Machine learning to predict untreated dental caries in adolescents

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    Abstract Objective This study aimed to predict adolescents with untreated dental caries through a machine-learning approach using three different algorithms Methods Data came from an epidemiological survey in the five largest cities in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, consumption of unhealthy foods and behaviours (use of dental floss and toothbrushing) were collected using Sisson’s theoretical model, in 615 adolescents. For the machine learning, three different algorithms were used: (1) XGboost; (2) decision tree and (3) logistic regression. The epidemiological baseline was used to train and test predictions to detect individuals with untreated dental caries, through eight main predictor variables. Analyzes were performed using the R software (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). The Ethics Committee approved the study.. Results For the 615 adolescents, xgboost performed better with an area under the curve (AUC) of 84% versus 81% for the decision tree algorithm. The most important variables were the use of dental floss, unhealthy food consumption, self-declared race and exposure to fluoridated water. Conclusions Family health teams can improve the work process and use artificial intelligence mechanisms to predict adolescents with untreated dental caries, and, in this way, schedule dental appointments for the treatment of adolescents earlier

    Study of the factors associated with oral health of workers

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    Objetivo. Este estudo analisou a interação entre fatores sócio-demográficos, ocupacionais e em relação ao estilo de vida associados à saúde bucal dos trabalhadores encaminhados ao CEREST-Guarulhos Método. Este foi um estudo transversal e o cálculo do tamanho da amostra resultou na análise de 100 trabalhadores. Coletaram-se as informações sócio-demográficas, ocupacionais e em relação ao estilo de vida dos trabalhadores com questionários validados para uso no Brasil, e estes foram: o questionário OHIP14 (autopercepção da saúde bucal), o questionário da tolerância de Fagestron (dependência de nicotina), o questionário AUDIT (consumo de álcool), a escala de estresse no trabalho (EET), a prática de atividade física (PAF) e o índice da capacidade para o trabalho (ICT); também foi realizado exame clínico odontológico respeitados os critérios da OMS para verificação da condição de saúde bucal dos trabalhadores. As análises estatísticas utilizadas para associação entre as variáveis foram teste t de student, Mann-Whitney, ANOVA e Kruskall-Wallis. Para análise conjunta dos fatores associados foram realizadas regressões lineares e logísticas múltiplas Resultados. O índice CPO-D variou significativamente conforme avanço dos grupos etários analisados, sendo melhor explicado pelas perdas dentárias (P0,05). A presença de LCNCs, através da análise de regressão logística múltipla, esteve associada estatistica e independentemente das demais variáveis, à idade OR=4,27(IC95% 1,89-9,71) e ao grupo ocupacional de exposição a névoas ácidas e produtos químicos OR=4,14 (IC95% 1,15-14,96). As perdas dentárias estiveram associadas, independentemente das demais variáveis, à idade (p<0,0001) e à dependência de nicotina (p=0,007). Os anos de fumo também estiveram associados significativamente ao número de LCNCs (p=0,044), e independentemente das demais variáveis, através da análise de regressão linear múltipla Conclusões. Entre os trabalhadores, as altas taxas de perdas dentárias e de LCNCs estiveram associadas à idade e aos hábitos de fumo. As LCNCs também estiveram associadas aos grupos de exposição a névoas ácidas e produtos químicos no meio ambiente ocupacional, denotando uma multifatorialidade no desenvolvimento destas lesões. A importância de ações de promoção da saúde bucal nas empresas, como, por exemplo, a inclusão de ações em saúde bucal no programa de controle médico em saúde ocupacional (PCMSO), a inclusão de ações em saúde bucal na semana interna de prevenção de acidentes do trabalho (SIPAT) e a realização de exames odontológicos admissionais e periódicos nos trabalhadores, aliadas com estratégias de combate ao fumo, bem como até a própria criação de uma norma regulamentadora (NR) para tratar das questões referentes à saúde bucal dos trabalhadores merecem especial atenção.Objectives- This study intended to collaborate with relations of social and demographic conditions, occupational factors and lifestyle with oral health of workers in a municipal reference centre of workers health, located in Guarulhos, SP-Brazil. Methods- It was a cross-sectional study and the sample consisted of 100 workers. They answered the questionaries: Work Ability Index (WAI), Baecke Questionaire, Fagerstron Tolerance Questionaire, Audit Test, Work Stress Scale (WSS) and Oral Health Impact Profile-short form (OHIP14). After that, workers were conducted to a clinical dental exam, in respect of WHO parameters. Statistic analyses were performed using student t test, Mann-whitney, analyse of variance (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis, multiple regression analysis model and multiple unconditioned logistic regression analysis. Results- There was a significant progressive reduce in DMFT index, associated with increase of age groups, and the missing (M) teeth was responsible for this impact (P<0,0001). The NCCLs (Non carious cervical lesions) and the periodontal conditions including the periodontal attachment loss were significant associated with age groups. Scores of OHIP14, Fagestron, Audit test, Baecke questionnaire, WSS and WAI weren´t associated with age groups. The presence of NCCLs, by unconditional logistic regression, was better explained by age groups OR=4,27(IC95% 1,89-9,71) and occupational exposure to acid mists and chemical products OR=4,14 (IC95% 1,15- 14,96). Missing teeth were better explained by age groups (p<0,0001) and fagestron tolerance (p=0,007). The ages of smoking habits were associated with NCCLs (p=0,044), and independent of other variables, by multiple linear regression. Conclusions- Missing teeh and NCCLs were associated with age groups and smoking habits. The NCCLs were associated to occupational exposure to acid mists and chemical products, implying multifactorial theory in development of NCCLs. Educative and promotion of oral health actions in companies should be suportted by regulation of federal laws, including admissional and periodical clinical dental exams in workers, with stop smoking habits. Public policies should be created to brazilian workers to improve oral health

    The relations between oral health with work ability and general health in office workers

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    Objetivo. Este estudo pretende colaborar com a análise das relações entre a saúde bucal do trabalhador com o estado de saúde geral e com a capacidade para o trabalho em trabalhadores do setor administrativo de uma empresa privada de São Paulo. Método. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com os trabalhadores da empresa, onde foi aplicado a cada funcionário três questionários, o índice OHIP 14, que mede a qualidade de vida em saúde bucal auto-percebida, o questionário SF36, para medir o estado de saúde geral auto-percebido e o questionário que mede a auto percepção da capacidade para o trabalho (ICT) dos trabalhadores do setor administrativo de uma empresa privada de São Paulo. Resultados. A taxa de resposta dos trabalhadores da empresa ao questionário correspondeu a 75,20%. O escore OHIP 14 foi significativamente associado, dependente de outras variáveis, ao sexo, ao cargo e ao estado de saúde, nas dimensões de capacidade funcional, estado geral de saúde e saúde mental, e foi estatisticamente associado e independente de outras variáveis, à capacidade para o trabalho (ICT) e ao nível de escolaridade, avaliado através da análise de regressão múltipla. Conclusões. As melhores condições de saúde bucal auto-percebidas através do questionário OHIP 14 foram significativamente associadas, e de maneira independente de características demográficas ou funcionais, às melhores condições da capacidade do indivíduo para o trabalho (ICT) e aos maiores níveis de escolaridade, denotando a importância de ações preventivas em saúde bucal nas empresas, como por exemplo, ações em saúde bucal no programa de controle médico em saúde ocupacional (PCMSO), através da realização de exames odontológicos admissionais, periódicos e demissionais nos trabalhadores.Objective: In this research, we intended to collaborate with the relationships of oral health with work ability and general health in a private company of São Paulo, Brazil. Method: For this, we applied self administered questionnaires to access oral health, (OHIP 14) questionnaire, general health, (SF36) questionnaire, work ability index (WAI) and demographic and occupational characteristics. Associations between variables were measured using Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis tests. A multiple regression analyses were realized by stepwise forward. Results: Oral health were significantly associated with work ability index of workers (p=0,02) and level education (p=0,01) and independent of social and demographic conditions, like demonstrated by multiple regression analysis. Conclusions: Independently of other characteristics, the better conditions of oral health were significantly associated with better conditions of work ability index. This provides evidence of the importance of considering oral health in periodically exams in companies, to maintain work ability of office workers