24 research outputs found

    Preface for CEEPE 2020 Proceedings

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    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1585, 2020 the 3rd International Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering (CEEPE 2020) 24-26 April 2020, Chongqing, ChinaThe 3rd International Conference on Energy, Electrical, and Power Engineering (CEEPE) was planned to be held in April 24-26, 2020, in Chongqing, China, and was co-sponsored by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Wuhan University, China; Shandong University, China; South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering (SAISE) and IEEE PES Chongqing Chapter. Due to the unexpected COVID 19 pandemic, that closed the world to national and international travel, the organization decided to hold the CEEPE 2020 totally online. It was a challenge, not only to the organizers, but also to the participants who were delivering their speeches using videoconference tools, under different time zones. This conference brought together researchers and engineers in academia and industry from China, Iraq, Japan and Portugal to discuss the latest developments and implementation, in these countries, of electrical power in applications ranging from commercial generation and distribution, to electric vehicles, with a particular focus on renewable energy integration in power systems, automation and control systems. Although there was not the opportunity to meet face-to-face under a live social environment, attendees from different areas of the world could interact under the videoconference tool, clarify their doubts and establish business and technical connections. The proceedings of these presentations are listed here in peer reviewed, written form.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Projeto Exagri – Informação para produtores e trabalhadores rurais do estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Este relato apresenta a experiência da Divisão de Biblioteca e Documentação (DIBD), da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiróz - Esalq, da USP, no desenvolvimento de um projeto de informação denominado Exagri, que disponibilizou o acesso à literatura agropecuária, em nível de extensão rural, para produtores e trabalhadores rurais do estado de São Paulo. Apresenta os resultados da parceria entre a universidade e as organizações de produtores rurais

    LABEC, the INFN ion beam laboratory of nuclear techniques for environment and cultural heritage

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    The LABEC laboratory, the INFN ion beam laboratory of nuclear techniques for environment and cultural heritage, located in the Scientific and Technological Campus of the University of Florence in Sesto Fiorentino, started its operational activities in 2004, after INFN decided in 2001 to provide our applied nuclear physics group with a large laboratory dedicated to applications of accelerator-related analytical techniques, based on a new 3 MV Tandetron accelerator. The new accelerator greatly improved the performance of existing Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) applications (for which we were using since the 1980s an old single-ended Van de Graaff accelerator) and in addition allowed to start a novel activity of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), in particular for 14C dating. Switching between IBA and AMS operation became very easy and fast, which allowed us high flexibility in programming the activities, mainly focused on studies of cultural heritage and atmospheric aerosol composition, but including also applications to biology, geology, material science and forensics, ion implantation, tests of radiation damage to components, detector performance tests and low-energy nuclear physics. This paper describes the facilities presently available in the LABEC laboratory, their technical features and some success stories of recent applications

    Del aula : aporte a la enseñanza de la literatura

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    Del aula. Aporte a la enseñanza de la literatura cuenta, entre sus muchos atractivos, con el de transportarnos a la cotidianeidad de un colegio secundario argentino de la segunda década del siglo XX. La primera parte de ese volumen es un ejemplo sorprendente por su lejanía en el tiempo de lo que hoy llamaríamos narrativas de la práctica docente. Incluye reflexiones, programas de estudio, transcripciones de clases y conferencias dictadas por Emilio Alonso Criado en el ámbito escolar. La segunda mitad del libro, en cambio, compila textos autobiográficos, periodísticos o literarios escritos por sus estudiantes. Entre ambas partes dan forma al ideario pedagógico de un profesor de literatura convencido de que el secundario debe ser un laboratorio experimental de las futuras actividades científicas y culturales que deberán desarrollar los ciudadanos. Lejos del tópico que se refiere al aula como un terreno aséptico, preservado de las tensiones sociales que la rodean, Alonso Criado se presenta aquí como un intelectual que ve en la escuela una tribuna propicia para intervenir en los debates públicos de su época