62 research outputs found

    Aufbau und Nutzung des Fachinformationssystems Geologie im Niedersächsischen Bodeninformationssystem NIBIS

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    Digital data from various scientific fields is stored in separate information systems („FIS geology“, „FIS pedology“, etc.) in the Lower Saxony Geo-Information System NIBIS so that it can be processed and interpreted; this is necessary to meet increasing demand for soil-relevant information for decision-making and planning purposes. The necessary work will be considerably accelerated and its quality improved by setting up and actually using such a tool. A detailed account is given of the Lower Saxony Geo-Information System NIBIS, in particular how the data base is set up and how the NIBIS is used in cases where concrete problems occured.Um dem steigenden Bedarf an bodenbezogenen Entscheidungs- und Planungshilfen gerecht zu werden, werden im Niedersächsischen Bodeninformationssystem NIBIS Daten aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen in einzelnen Fachinformationssystemen (FIS Geologie, FIS Boden, etc.) digital vorgehalten, damit sie fachlich interpretiert und gemeinsam ausgewertet werden können. Durch den Aufbau und die Nutzung eines solchen Hilfsmittels ist es möglich, die notwendigen Arbeiten wesentlich zu beschleunigen und in ihrer Qualität zu verbessern. Es wird im einzelnen dargelegt, wie mit dem Niedersächsischen Bodeninformationssystem NIBIS der Aufbau der Datenbasis und die problembezogene Nutzung erfolgt

    Segmental and prosodic aspects in the production of consonant clusters

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    Geologisch-petrographische Untersuchungen zur quartären (früh-Saale-zeitlichen) Flußgeschichte im nördlichen Harzvorland

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    Im nordwestlichen Harzvorland wurden Elster- und Saalezeitliche Fluß- und Schmelzwasser-Ablagerungen untersucht. Den Vorzug hierbei erhielt die - möglichst flächendeckende - Bearbeitung spät-Elster- bis früh-Saale-zeitlicher Flußablagerungen (Mittelterrasse). Dabei lag der methodische Schwerpunkt auf der Aufschluß-Bearbeitung und der Erfassung des Geröll- und Schwermineralbestandes

    Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Geoffroyarinden : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Magisters der Pharmacie

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    Percutaneous aortic valve replacement: valvuloplasty studies in vitro

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    Objective: Valvuloplasty of the aortic valve is currently used in selected patients for severe calcified aortic valve disease, but clinical effectiveness is low and complication rate remains high. In this study, the total particle load after valvuloplasty and the embolization risk of calcific debris into the coronary arteries was analyzed in an in vitro model. Methods: Three highly calcified human aortic leaflets have been sutured into a porcine annulus (N=9). Both coronary arteries were separated and each was anastomized to a silicon line, which was drained off into a measuring beaker. Then valvuloplasty was performed (Thyshak II, 20mm, 1.5atm). After removal of the balloon, 100ml of sodium chloride solution irrigated the ascending aorta. After passing through the separated coronary arteries, the solution was filtered (filter size 0.45μm), dried, and the total amount of particles was analyzed microscopically. Results: Nine experiments were analyzed. After valvuloplasty, all hearts showed a median of 18 particles larger than 1mm in the coronary arteries (range 0-307). The amount of particles smaller than 1mm was 6574 (median, range 2207-14200). In five cases, coronary arteries were completely occluded by bulky particles. Conclusion: This study demonstrated a large amount of calcific particles after valvuloplasty with a consequently high risk for coronary embolic events in case of highly calcified aortic valves. In times of valvuloplasty rediscovering as part of transcatheter valve implantation, the risk of embolization should be taken into consideration and filtering techniques have to be develope

    In Vitro Comparison of Novel Polyurethane Aortic Valves and Homografts After Seeding and Conditioning

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    The aim of the study was to compare the behavior of seeded cells on synthetic and natural aortic valve scaffolds during a low-flow conditioning period. Polyurethane (group A) and aortic homograft valves (group B) were consecutively seeded with human fibroblasts (FB), and endothelial cells (EC) using a rotating seeding device. Each seeding procedure was followed by an exposure to low pulsatile flow in a dynamic bioreactor for 5 days. For further analysis, samples were taken before and after conditioning. Scanning electron microscopy showed confluent cell layers in both groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed the presence of EC and FB before and after conditioning as well as the establishment of an extracellular matrix (ECM) during conditioning. A higher expression of ECM was observed on the scaffolds' inner surface. Real-time polymerase chain reaction showed higher inflammatory response during the conditioning of homografts. Endothelialization caused a decrease in inflammatory gene expression. The efficient colonization, the establishment of an ECM, and the comparable inflammatory cell reaction to the scaffolds in both groups proved the biocompatibility of the synthetic scaffold. The newly developed bioreactor permits conditioning and cell adaption to shear stress. Therefore, polyurethane valve scaffolds may offer a new option for aortic valve replacement

    In Vitro Comparison of Novel Polyurethane Aortic Valves and Homografts After Seeding and Conditioning

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    The aim of the study was to compare the behavior of seeded cells on synthetic and natural aortic valve scaffolds during a low-flow conditioning period. Polyurethane (group A) and aortic homograft valves (group B) were consecutively seeded with human fibroblasts (FB), and endothelial cells (EC) using a rotating seeding device. Each seeding procedure was followed by an exposure to low pulsatile flow in a dynamic bioreactor for 5 days. For further analysis, samples were taken before and after conditioning. Scanning electron microscopy showed confluent cell layers in both groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed the presence of EC and FB before and after conditioning as well as the establishment of an extracellular matrix (ECM) during conditioning. A higher expression of ECM was observed on the scaffolds' inner surface. Real-time polymerase chain reaction showed higher inflammatory response during the conditioning of homografts. Endothelialization caused a decrease in inflammatory gene expression. The efficient colonization, the establishment of an ECM, and the comparable inflammatory cell reaction to the scaffolds in both groups proved the biocompatibility of the synthetic scaffold. The newly developed bioreactor permits conditioning and cell adaption to shear stress. Therefore, polyurethane valve scaffolds may offer a new option for aortic valve replacement

    Rhotics.New Data and Perspectives

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    This book provides an insight into the patterns of variation and change of rhotics in different languages and from a variety of perspectives. It sheds light on the phonetics, the phonology, the socio-linguistics and the acquisition of /r/-sounds in languages as diverse as Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Kuikuro, Malayalam, Romanian, Slovak, Tyrolean and Washili Shingazidja thus contributing to the discussion on the unity and uniqueness of this group of sounds