11 research outputs found

    Assessing dangerous climate impacts for the Netherlands

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    Het programma Wetenschappelijke Assessment en Beleidsanalyse Klimaatverandering in opdracht van het ministerie van VROM heeft tot doel: • Het bijeenbrengen en evalueren van relevante wetenschappelijke informatie ten behoeve van beleidsontwikkeling en besluitvorming op het terrein van klimaatverandering; • Het analyseren van voornemens en besluiten in het kader van de internationale klimaatonderhandelingen op hun consequentie

    Adapting to climate change in The Netherlands: an inventory of climate adaptation options and ranking of alternatives

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    In many countries around the world impacts of climate change are assessed and adaptation options identified. We describe an approach for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of adaptation options to respond to climate change in the Netherlands. The study introduces an inventory and ranking of adaptation options based on stakeholder analysis and expert judgement, and presents some estimates of incremental costs and benefits. The qualitative assessment focuses on ranking and prioritisation of adaptation options. Options are selected and identified and discussed by stakeholders on the basis of a sectoral approach, and assessed with respect to their importance, urgency and other characteristics by experts. The preliminary quantitative assessment identifies incremental costs and benefits of adaptation options. Priority ranking based on a weighted sum of criteria reveals that in the Netherlands integrated nature and water management and risk based policies rank high, followed by policies aiming at 'climate proof' housing and infrastructure

    Assessing dangerous climate impacts for the Netherlands

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    Het programma Wetenschappelijke Assessment en Beleidsanalyse Klimaatverandering in opdracht van het ministerie van VROM heeft tot doel: • Het bijeenbrengen en evalueren van relevante wetenschappelijke informatie ten behoeve van beleidsontwikkeling en besluitvorming op het terrein van klimaatverandering; • Het analyseren van voornemens en besluiten in het kader van de internationale klimaatonderhandelingen op hun consequentie

    Quantitative Assessment of the Health Risk for Livestock When Animal Viruses Are Applied in Human Oncolytic Therapy: A Case Study for Seneca Valley Virus.

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    Some viruses cause tumor regression and can be used to treat cancer patients; these viruses are called oncolytic viruses. To assess whether oncolytic viruses from animal origin excreted by patients pose a health risk for livestock, a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) was performed to estimate the risk for the Dutch pig industry after environmental release of Seneca Valley virus (SVV). The QRA assumed SVV excretion in stool by one cancer patient on Day 1 in the Netherlands, discharge of SVV with treated wastewater into the river Meuse, downstream intake of river water for drinking water production, and consumption of this drinking water by pigs. Dose-response curves for SVV infection and clinical disease in pigs were constructed from experimental data. In the worst scenario (four lo

    Routeplanner naar een klimaatbestendig Nederland: AdaptiestrategiĂŤn: 3: A qualitative assessment of climate adaptation options and some estimates of adaptation costs

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    The Routeplanner project aims to provide a ‘systematic assessment’ of potential adaptation options to respond to climate change in the Netherlands in connection to spatial planning. The study is the result of a policy oriented project that took place between May and September 2006. The aim of the current study is to provide a ‘qualitative assessment’ of the direct and indirect effects of adaptation options and to provide an assessment of some of the costs and benefits of adaptation options. The present report presents and summarizes the results of all phases of the study: an inventory of adaptation options, a qualitative assessment of the effects of the adaptation options for the Netherlands in the long run, a database which allows to rank the various options according to a set of criteria and a relative ranking on the basis of these criteria. Finally the report also contains the best available information on costs and benefits of various adaptation option

    Effecten van klimaatverandering in Nederland

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    Het klimaat verandert: de zeespiegel stijgt, de afvoeren van de rivieren nemen toe. De natuur reageert al op de opgetreden temperatuurveranderingen. De waarneembare effecten in Nederland zijn beperkt van omvang. De komende tientallen jaren zullen de ontwikkelingen naar verwachting sneller gaan. Extreem warme en droge zomers zullen vaker vóórkomen. Daarnaasy is de snelheid waarmee de temperatuur stijgt, waarschijnlijk te hoog voor veel organismen om zich te kunnen aanpassen of te kunnen verhuizen. Ook de landbouw en de toeristensector staan voor veranderingen, die economisch gezien zowel positief als negatief kunnen uitpakken; dat is onder andere afhankelijk van ontwikkelingen elders in Europa. De verwachte gezondheidswinst door algehele temperatuurstijging wordt waarschijnlijk grotendeels teniet gedaan door het verhoogde sterfterisico¿s bij extreem warm wee