1,718 research outputs found


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    Catchers are asked to make quick, highly accurate throws from a deep squat starting position. The purpose of this study was to define the throwing mechanics of catchers. Comparisons of their throwing biomechanics were made with pitching and long toss. Motion data were collected on collegiate catchers (n=8) and pitchers (n=22) making such throws in game-like situations. Catchers exhibited a significantly different stride pattern, greater elbow flexion through arm cocking, and less forward trunk tilt at ball release. The stresses on the shoulder and elbow during catchers’ throws were similar to pitching and long toss, but produced significantly less ball velocity, suggesting a less efficient motion. This inefficiency is most likely compensation in order to complete the throw in less time. Coaches should be aware of this tendency when teaching catchers throwing mechanics

    Creation and study of formulations as inhibitors of metal corrosion and scaling for stabilization water treatment in water utilization systems (a review)

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    This review summarizes studies for the past 5 years aimed at creation of efficient organophosphonate reagents for the stabilization water treatment aimed at preventing metal corrosion and scaling in water utilization systems.This study was carried out with state financial support provided by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science under Subsidy Grant Agreement No. 14.576.21.0017 of August 23, 2014

    Earth matter density uncertainty in atmospheric neutrino oscillations

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    That muon neutrinos νμ\nu_{\mu} oscillating into the mixture of tau neutrinos ντ\nu_{\tau} and sterile neutrinos νs\nu_{s} has been studied to explain the atmospheric νμ\nu_{\mu} disappearance. In this scenario, the effect of Earth matter is a key to determine the fraction of νs\nu_{s}. Considering that the Earth matter density has uncertainty and this uncertainty has significant effects in some neutrino oscillation cases, such as the CP violation in very long baseline neutrino oscillations and the day-night asymmetry for solar neutrinos, we study the effects caused by this uncertainty in the above atmospheric νμ\nu_{\mu} oscillation scenario. We find that this uncertainty seems to have no significant effects and that the previous fitting results need not to be modified fortunately.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Kombinirani učinci smjenskog rada i faktora okoline (vrućina, buka, toksični agensi)

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    The paper deals with the results of studies or discussions concerning the problem of nightwork combined with other adverse working conditions. Special emphasis is laid on the untoward effect of high temperature during nightwork, as well as on noise and exposure to chemicals. It is shown that there is no substantial influence of heat stress on the circadian rhythm of adrenaline excretion under sitting working conditions with the subject performing a difficult mental task at warm climates up to 30 °C BET. Shiftwork and noise induce independent different effects which can be explained in terms of activation for shiftwork and in terms of tension for noise. The combination of both adverse exposures is therefore partly subtractive but partly additive as night work and noise negatively affect daysleep. Practical experience in the field of combined effects of shiftwork and chemical agents is lacking, but theoretical speculations lead to the conclusion that there may exist a time of day dependence of some chemicals, used at workplaces.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja i iznesena je teorijska rasprava o problemu smjenskog rada povezanim s drugim nepovoljnim uvjetima rada. Naročito je naglašeno moguće negativno djelovanje visoke temperature za vrijeme smjenskog rada, kao i utjecaj buke i izloženost kemikalijama. Nađeno je da nema značajnog utjecaja toplinskog stresa na dnevni ritam izlučivanja adrenalina pri sjedećem teškom mentalnom radu sve dok temperatura ne pređe 30 ° BET. Smjenski rad i buka imaju neovisno djelovanje koje se može razjasniti aktivnošću u smjenskom radu i napetošću uzrokovanom bukom. Stoga je djelovanje ovih dvaju negativnih utjecaja djelomično suprotno, a djelomično aditivna, budući da noćni rad i buka negativno utiču na san slijedećeg dana. Nedostaju iskustva o kombiniranom djelovanju smjenskog rada i kemijskih spojeva u radnoj okolini, no teorijske pretpostavke dovode do zaključka da bi mogle postojati razlike u toksičnosti pojedinih kemikalija s obzirom na doba dana

    The Lehmann discontinuity

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    Recent reflections by Inge Lehmann on her discovery of the inner core (Eos, January 20, 1987, p. 33; see also Bolt [1987, 1982]) remind us that this outstanding Earth scientist is now in her 100th year. The inner core boundary (ICB) is one of the three great seismic-compositional discontinuities that divide Earth into crust, mantle, core, and inner core. The other two discontinuities are well known by names honoring their discoverers, Andrija Mohorovicic and Beno Gutenberg. In this tradition, it is fitting that the ICB be called the Lehmann Discontinuity in honor of its discoverer

    The Design and Creation of an Interactive E-Book: "Book of Answer"

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    Interactive E-book is a digital book which the reader can direct the storyline and interact with it. 'The book of answer' is a kind of popular book that reader can interact with. In this project, we aim to develop an PVE game to simulating the process that the reader interact with the computer with the content of the book saved in. We use Python to realize the interactive dialogue process in GUI (Graphical User Interface).https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1187/5/05201

    New approaches in glass investment casting: Creative practitioners researching and innovating in the field of digital fabrication

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    © 2014, BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING PLC. This paper describes a research project aimed at delivering innovation in a combined sphere of digital fabrication and glass investment casting. The project has established an entirely new method for creating glass casting moulds directly from three-dimensional computer files without the need for a physical mould pattern, by using a moulding approach based on Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM) technology. While the paper includes a narrative of the development of the moulding process, the central argument of the paper is rooted in the project’s research/innovation methodology. This argument concerns our profile as creative practitioners and the impact this position has on the research/ innovation scenario. Also central in this argument is the use of ‘emergent methodologies’ and ‘reflective practice’. A new type of rich media enabled research journal to aid the use of these methodologies was developed as a part of this project and is also presented in this paper

    Competition in Bank-Provided Payment Services

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