136 research outputs found

    Access to Electricity and Economic Growth in the WAEMU: Causality Analysis

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    The objective of this paper is to determine the possible link between economic growth and electricity access rate. An autoregressive lag model (ARDL) on panel data from 1998 to 2019 for West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) member states was used. This model shows that in long term, the growth rate has a positive impact on access to electricity in WAEMU member states. In the short term, economic growth rate has a positive and significant impact on electricity access rate only in Benin. The results of Granger causality test show an unidirectional relationship from GDP growth rate, investment rate to access to electricity


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    Tomato (Solanum esculentum Mill) is one of the most consumed in the world with a production of 124 million tons of vegetables. However, the growth of this culture runs into constraints to plant health. To find alternatives to synthetic fungicides which represent the means of control used by most gardeners, a study was conducted on the extracts (essential oils and powders of fruits and leaves) of Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A . Rich. (Annonaceae) and two synthetic fungicides (Banko-plus and mancozebe) to test their antifungal potency of Sclerotium rolfsii. Fifteen isolates of Trichoderma sp. are also used for quality antibiotic and fertilizer for crops. At the end of the in vitro tests, it was revealed that the essential oil of fruits was higher than the other extracts on mycelial growth of Sclerotium rolfsii inhibition rate. Four isolates with the best attitudes to mycelial growth were used for in vivo testing. After in vivo assays, the essential oil of fruits and the 9th isolate of Trichoderma harzianum showed a good return on the growth parameters of tomato. The powdered fruit of Xylopia aethiopica also showed a good response to the incidence of the disease. The impact of the higher disease was 10.66 for the fruit powder and 5.96 for the essential oil of the fruit. This study offers the possibility of using essential oils and powdered fruit of Xylopia aethiopica in strategies to control Sclerotium rolfsii

    Saint-Dizier – Les Crassées

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    La campagne de 2017 s’est déroulée pendant cinq semaines, du mardi 6 juin au vendredi 7 juillet, avec une équipe de quarante bénévoles. Aucun espace supplémentaire n’a été décapé de sa terre végétale. L’équipe s’est consacrée aux deux secteurs de fouille déjà entamés, au sud dans la nécropole médiévale installée sur le bâtiment résidentiel antique et au nord dans les bains privés antiques. Au sud, la priorité de la fouille archéo-anthropologique fut les inhumations du chœur et de la travée ce..

    Strategies to prevent Type 2 Diabetes in the postnatal period, in women with history of Gestational Diabetes Exploring different research methodologies based on dietary and pharmacological interventions

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    Aim and objectives The aim of this thesis is to investigate methods to prevent the progression to type 2 diabetes in the immediate postnatal period, in women diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The objectives of this thesis are to explore the views of pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes and healthcare professionals, with regards to the use of an app in the postnatal period which will provide information about diet for type 2 diabetes prevention. The development of a protocol for a single-arm feasibility study on a Mediterranean-style diet for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in the postnatal period. To pilot the trial design and study processes and assess the feasibility of a large-scale trial on the effectiveness of a Mediterranean-style diet in postnatal period for type 2 diabetes prevention. To examine the acceptability of a Mediterranean-style diet for type 2 diabetes prevention in women taking part in a feasibility study and explore the opinions of women and healthcare professionals on trial processes. To develop a protocol for a pilot trial on metformin for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in the postnatal period. Pilot the trial design and study processes and assess the feasibility of a large-scale trial on the effectiveness of metformin in postnatal period for type 2 diabetes prevention. Methods The methods employed in this thesis include a cross-sectional survey, a single arm mixed method feasibility study with qualitative evaluation (which included the use of an app) and a mixed method randomised controlled double blind feasibility study with the use of metformin or placebo. Results Survey The survey demonstrated that app usage is part of everyday life, with 84% (85/101) of pregnant GDM women and 82% (71/87) of healthcare professionals using apps daily. All pregnant women who participated in this survey had a device by which they could access apps (100%, 101/101) and 95% (179/188) of the participants had a smartphone. The participants agreed that an app which provides dietary information in the postnatal period for diabetes prevention would be welcomed by postnatal women with GDM history. Single arm feasibility study on a Mediterranean-style diet for the prevention of T2D in the postnatal period (MERIT) A total of 69% (83/121) of eligible multi-ethnic women agreed to participate and 67% (56/83) of those initially recruited commenced the intervention. The last visit (12 months postnatally) was completed by 73.2% (41/56) of participants. A higher number of participants completed visit 2 (which is at 6 months postnatally) 80.4% (45/56), but this visit was completed remotely due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown restrictions, whereas visit 3 was completed face-to-face. Participants had high engagement with the coach, both face-to-face and via phone-calls or text messages. Adherence based on the ESTEEM diet questionnaire was high at the end of the study. There was a trend of reduction of total dysglycaemia, and the participants weight was also reduced by 1.3kg, from visit 1 (6 to 13 weeks) to visit 3 (12 months postnatally). Clinical effectiveness discussion is exploratory due to the small sample size. The intervention and trial processes were acceptable to women and healthcare professionals, adherence was high when women had a supportive environment, provided by their family and the health coach. The group chat function was not successful in this study. Randomised double-blind placebo-controlled pilot trial on metformin for the prevention of T2D in the postnatal period (OMAhA) A total of 57.9% (175/302) of eligible multi-ethnic women agreed to take part in the study, out of those 82.3% (144/175) were randomised to receive metformin or placebo. The attendance rates for visits 2 (6 months) and 3 (12 months) were similar, with 54.6% (71/130) and 55.7 (64/115) attending each visit respectively. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic visit 3 was completed over the phone for 21.7% (39/115) of the participants which led to limited blood samples collection. Total dysglycaemia reduction was evident in the metformin group (18.3%) compared to the placebo group (24.7%) but this discussion is exploratory, and the study is not powered to measure effectiveness. The metformin group maintained their weight throughout the study, whereas the placebo group gained 400g. Adherence was 54.1% (participants who took at least 75% of the recommended dosage). The study was acceptable to both women and healthcare professionals, but the element of peer-support should be included in future studies. Conclusion It is feasible and acceptable to recruit women in the postnatal period in studies that are focused on diabetes prevention and introduce dietary or pharmacological interventions. The MERIT protocol will have to be revised to address how follow-up rates can be improved. The OMAhA protocol will also be revised to target improvement in adherence and follow-up rates. The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown restrictions and staffing issues have impacted data collection of both studies. More research is needed in this population with larger sample sizes to be able to prove efficacy. The strongest motivator that affects adherence and retention is the woman’s perception of her own risk of developing diabetes. Future studies should include the element of peer support and an education session about the risk of Type 2 Diabetes in postnatal period

    Estudos das comunidades de macrofungos em montados de sobro sujeitos a diferentes maneios

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    O montado de sobro apresenta uma grande diversidade de nichos ecológicos resultantes da ação humana. Os macrofungos, que desempenham importantes papéis nestes locais, podem ser influenciados pelos diferentes maneios. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se compreender a influência do maneio na ocorrência de macrofungos. Em 55 pontos de amostragem (75x20m), na Serra de Monfurado, recolheu-se os corpos de frutificação epígeos e quantificou-se algumas variáveis que caracterizam o local. Recolheu-se um total de 142 espécies (68 micorrízicas, 72 sapróbias e 2 parasitas), distribuídas de forma heterogénea pelos locais amostrados. Os dados demonstraram a relação entre espécies micorrízicas e variáveis relacionadas com a vegetação arbórea e arbustiva. Tal como a relação entre as espécies sapróbias e variáveis relacionadas com a ação do gado; Study of macrofungi communities in cork oak montado subject to different management Abstract: The cork oak montado presents diverse ecological niches resulting from human action. The macrofungi, which play important roles in these places, can be influenced by different managements. This paper intend to understand the influence of management on the occurrence of macrofungi. At 55 sampling points (75x20m), in Serra de Monfurado, was collected the epigean fruiting bodies and quantified some variables that characterize the place. It was collected a total of 142 species (68 mycorrhizal 72 saprobic and 2 parasites), they are distributed by heterogeneously in sampled locations. The data demonstrated the relationship between mycorrhizal species and arboreous and shrubby vegetation. Such as the relationship between saprobic species and variables related to the actions of livestock

    Prática de ensino supervisionada em educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico: conexões entre o pensamento algébrico e a música

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    O presente relatório constitui uma investigação no âmbito das unidades curriculares de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar e Prática Supervisionada em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo em Ensino Básico, que fazem parte do plano de estudos do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Esta investigação decorreu em dois contextos, o primeiro numa turma de 1.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e o segundo numa sala de Educação Pré-escolar. Ambos os contextos fazem parte do Agrupamento de Escolas n.º 1 de Évora. A investigação teve como objetivos compreender, analisar e refletir sobre como a Música, abordada do ponto de vista da exploração das suas regularidades, pode influenciar o desenvolvimento do pensamento algébrico das crianças nos primeiros anos de escolaridade e na educação pré-escolar. Assim, ao longo desta investigação procurou-se responder às seguintes questões: que aspetos do pensamento algébrico desenvolveram as crianças? Que dificuldades revelaram as crianças? Que características desta experiência se revelaram importantes no sucesso das aprendizagens das crianças? A investigação desenvolveu-se segundo a modalidade de investigação-ação. Desta forma foi possível compreender como as crianças lidavam com as aprendizagens, dando atenção à forma como as resoluções das tarefas decorriam e que estratégias e representações as crianças usavam para resolver as tarefas, procurando analisar e melhorar a minha prática. A criação das tarefas propostas e a perceção de como foram aceites pelas crianças tornou esta investigação numa rica experiência de desenvolvimento curricular, não limitada a materiais pré-fabricados e sim assente em materiais e tarefas especificamente adequados para os grupos de crianças implicadas. No final desta investigação confirmamos que as crianças conseguiram desenvolver capacidades relacionadas com o pensamento algébrico: identificar, dar continuidade, modificar e fazer generalizações de regularidades, bem como desenvolver um aspeto diretamente relacionado com a Música: representação de sons através de símbolos. Verificou-se também que a Música auxiliou as aprendizagens na Matemática, mas também a exploração de regularidades fez crescer aprendizagens musicais; Supervised Teaching Practice in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Basic Education – Connections Between Algebraic Thinking and Music Abstract: This report is an investigation developed within the curricular units of Supervised Teaching Practice in Pre-School Education and Supervised Practice in Teaching of the 1st Cycle in Basic Education, which are part of the syllabus of the master's degree in Pre-school Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle in Basic Education. This research was carried out in two contexts, the first in a 1st grade class in the 1st cycle of basic education and the second in a pre-school classroom. Both contexts belong to Évora Grouping of Schools No. 1. The research aimed to understand, analyze and reflect on how Music, in conjunction with work with regularities, can influence the development of algebraic thinking of children in the early years of schooling and preschool. The research formulate the following questions: which aspects of the algebraic thought can be developed with the exploration of Music? What difficulties do the children show within this experience? What characteristics of this experience proved to be important for the success of the children’s learning? An action-research methodology was adopted. This option allowed to understand how the children went on the process of learning and to pay attention to the factors that affected the resolutions of the tasks, what strategies and representations the children used to solve the tasks, and also allowed to regulate my work in order to promote better understanding of the mathematical connections with music. The conclusions show that children have developed several aspects of algebraic thinking through their relationship with Music, despite some difficulties emerged, namely in what concerns the use of symbols to represent complex musical patterns. This experience became attractive because the relationship between algebraic thinking and music promoted learning in both, and not only in the area of mathematics

    A survey examining the relationship between burnout, professional empowerment, and personality traits of midwives of an inner London NHS Trust

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    Besides the well-known negative effects on physical and psychological well-being, burnout has been associated with high attrition and absenteeism in the midwifery profession. This study explores whether burnout in midwifery can be explained by the midwives' type of personality and the sense of empowerment they experience at work. Moreover, the study identifies areas of improvement in relation to these topics and elements that can be conducive to strengthening the midwifery workforce. A cross-sectional exploratory study design was used, including an online survey completed by 120 midwives working for an NHS Trust in London. The response rate was 24%. Three validated questionnaires were used: the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), the Perception of Empowerment in Midwifery Scale (PEMS), and the Big Five Personality Trait Short Questionnaire (BFPTSQ). A multiple linear regression analysis indicated empowerment and personality traits are significant predictors of levels of burnout. Furthermore, emotional stability was shown to partially mediate the relationship between empowerment and burnout. The study also examined the midwifery burnout levels of this NHS Trust, which were found to be significantly high and similar to a previous study conducted by the Royal College of Midwives. The empowerment experienced by midwives and their personality traits significantly predict the levels of burnout in the midwifery workforce. Only empowerment and emotional stability were significant contributors to the regression model. Multiple strategies can be implemented to support midwives in these two areas. These interventions could also be of great help to reinforce the role of the midwife, making it more appealing to society and, in particular, younger generations with an interest in human-orientated professions

    Antibacterial Activity of 04 Medicinal Plant on the IN VITRO Growth of Multi-Resistant Strains Involved in Diarrhea in the Department of Kouto (Ivory Coast)

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    This work aims at evaluating in vitro the antibacterial effects of aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts of leaf macerates, Manilkara multinervis, Waltheria indica root bark, Securrinega virosa, and Anogeissus leiocarpa stem bark. These four medicinal plants are traditionally used to treat diarrhea in the canton of North-Niéné (Department of Kouto, Côte d'Ivoire). The antibacterial activities of the various extracts from these plants were carried out on multi-resistant strains (Escherichia coli BLSE, Shigella flexneri BLSE, Staphylococcus aureus meti-R). The methodology consisted of extracting the drugs with a 70% hydroalcoholic solvent and distilled water. Agar diffusion and dilution methods were used for susceptibility testing and determination of CMI and CMB parameters. Agar diffusion and dilution methods were used. By the diffusion method, all four plants were found to be active on at least one of the bacteria tested. The ethanolic extract of M. Multinervis was the most active by inducing a diameter of 15 mm on the growth of S. aureus meti-R. As for the dilution method, the ethanolic extracts of W. indica and M. Multinervis showed bactericidal effects on both S. aureus at 6.25 mg/mL and 3.125 mg/mLrespectively as well as on all other 100 mg/mL germs. Only M. Multinervis recorded the highest activity. This important activity was demonstrated on S. aureus meti-R with a minimum bactericidal concentration of 3.125 mg/mL. These results confirm the traditional use of these plants in the management of diarrheal diseases in the Department of Kouto

    Antibacterial Activity of 04 Medicinal Plant on the IN VITRO Growth of Multi-Resistant Strains Involved in Diarrhea in the Department of Kouto (Ivory Coast)

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    This work aims at evaluating in vitro the antibacterial effects of aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts of leaf macerates, Manilkara multinervis, Waltheria indica root bark, Securrinega virosa, and Anogeissus leiocarpa stem bark. These four medicinal plants are traditionally used to treat diarrhea in the canton of North-Niéné (Department of Kouto, Côte d'Ivoire). The antibacterial activities of the various extracts from these plants were carried out on multi-resistant strains (Escherichia coli BLSE, Shigella flexneri BLSE, Staphylococcus aureus meti-R). The methodology consisted of extracting the drugs with a 70% hydroalcoholic solvent and distilled water. Agar diffusion and dilution methods were used for susceptibility testing and determination of CMI and CMB parameters. Agar diffusion and dilution methods were used. By the diffusion method, all four plants were found to be active on at least one of the bacteria tested. The ethanolic extract of M. Multinervis was the most active by inducing a diameter of 15 mm on the growth of S. aureus meti-R. As for the dilution method, the ethanolic extracts of W. indica and M. Multinervis showed bactericidal effects on both S. aureus at 6.25 mg/mL and 3.125 mg/mLrespectively as well as on all other 100 mg/mL germs. Only M. Multinervis recorded the highest activity. This important activity was demonstrated on S. aureus meti-R with a minimum bactericidal concentration of 3.125 mg/mL. These results confirm the traditional use of these plants in the management of diarrheal diseases in the Department of Kouto
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