929 research outputs found

    Imaging Pulsed Laser Deposition oxide growth by in-situ Atomic Force Microscopy

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    To visualize the topography of thin oxide films during growth, thereby enabling to study its growth behavior quasi real-time, we have designed and integrated an atomic force microscope (AFM) in a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) vacuum setup. The AFM scanner and PLD target are integrated in a single support frame, combined with a fast sample transfer method, such that in-situ microscopy can be utilized after subsequent deposition pulses. The in-situ microscope can be operated from room temperature (RT) up to 700^\circC and at (process) pressures ranging from the vacuum base pressure of 106^{-6} mbar up to 1 mbar, typical PLD conditions for the growth of oxide films. The performance of this instrument is demonstrated by resolving unit cell height surface steps and surface topography under typical oxide PLD growth conditions.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Determining the energetics of vicinal perovskite oxide surfaces

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    The energetics of vicinal SrTiO3_3(001) and DyScO3_3(110), prototypical perovskite vicinal surfaces, has been studied using topographic atomic force microscopy imaging. The kink formation and strain relaxation energies are extracted from a statistical analysis of the step meandering. Both perovskite surfaces have very similar kink formation energies and exhibit a similar triangular step undulation. Our experiments suggest that the energetics of perovskite oxide surfaces is mainly governed by the local oxygen coordination.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Lifshitz transition in the phase diagram of two-leg tt-JJ ladder systems at low filling

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    We use a combination of numerical matrix product states (MPS) and analytical approaches to investigate the phase diagram of the two-leg tt-JJ ladder in the region of low to intermediate fillings. We choose the same coupling strength along the leg- and rung-directions, but study the effect of adding a nearest-neighbor repulsion VV. We observe a rich phase diagram and analytically identify a Lifshitz-like band filling transition, which can be associated to a numerically observed crossover from s-wave to d-wave like superconducting quasi-long range order (QLRO). Due to the strong interactions, the Lifshitz transition is smeared into a crossover region which separates two distinct Luttinger theories with unequal physical meaning of the Luttinger parameter. Our numerically exact MPS results spotlight deviations from standard Luttinger theory in this crossover region and is consistent with Luttinger theory sufficiently far away from the Lifshitz transition. At very low fillings, studying the Friedel-like oscillations of the local density identifies a precursor region to a Wigner crystal at small values of the magnetic exchange interaction J/tJ/t. We discuss analytically how tuning parameters at these fillings modifies the phase diagram, and find good agreement with MPS results.Comment: 14 pages, 4 appendices, 17 figure

    Ecological determinants of extrapair fertilizations and egg dumping in Alpine water pipits (Anthus spinoletta)

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    Behavioral ecology has successfully explained the diversity in social mating systems through differences in environmental conditions, but diversity in genetic mating systems is poorly understood. The difference is important in situations where parents care for extrapair young (EPY) originating from extrapair paternity (EPP), extrapair maternity (EPM), and intraspecific brood parasitism (IBP). In birds, IBP and EPM are rare, but EPP is widespread and highly variable among species and populations. Explanations for this variability are controversial, mainly because detailed ecological information is usually lacking in paternity studies. Here we present results of the first study to identify the ecological determinants of extrapair activities for both sexes of the same species, the water pipit (Anthus spinoletta). DNA fingerprints of 1052 young from 258 nests revealed EPP in 5.2% of the young from 12.4% of the nests. EPM and IBP, both involving egg dumping (EDP), each occurred in 0.5% of the young from 1.9% of the nests. Nests with and without EPY could not be distinguished by traits of the breeders and by reproductive succcess, but they differed with respect to ecology: nests with EPP young were characterized by asynchronous clutch initiation, nests with EPM and IBP young were characterized by higher overlap with neighboring territories and closer proximity to communal feeding sites. We suggest that chance events, resulting from the temporal and spatial distribution of broods, offer a better explanation for the occurence of extrapair activities than female search for genetic or phenotypic benefits. This possibility of "accidental” extrapair reproduction as an "ecological epiphenomenon” with low potential for selection should also be considered for species other than the water pipi

    Minimal invasive surgery for coronoid fracture: technical note

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    Operative treatment of coronoid fracture often requires a large dissection of soft tissue, resulting in elbow stiffness and functional limitation. The authors present a minimal invasive, safe technique, useful in the case of isolated coronoid fracture associated with elbow dislocation. This technique does not require soft tissue dissection and allows an early unlimited resumption of sports activitie

    Grain boundary energies and cohesive strength as a function of geometry

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    Cohesive laws are stress-strain curves used in finite element calculations to describe the debonding of interfaces such as grain boundaries. It would be convenient to describe grain boundary cohesive laws as a function of the parameters needed to describe the grain boundary geometry; two parameters in 2D and 5 parameters in 3D. However, we find that the cohesive law is not a smooth function of these parameters. In fact, it is discontinuous at geometries for which the two grains have repeat distances that are rational with respect to one another. Using atomistic simulations, we extract grain boundary energies and cohesive laws of grain boundary fracture in 2D with a Lennard-Jones potential for all possible geometries which can be simulated within periodic boundary conditions with a maximum box size. We introduce a model where grain boundaries are represented as high symmetry boundaries decorated by extra dislocations. Using it, we develop a functional form for the symmetric grain boundary energies, which have cusps at all high symmetry angles. We also find the asymptotic form of the fracture toughness near the discontinuities at high symmetry grain boundaries using our dislocation decoration model.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures, changed titl

    A Precision Measurement of pp Elastic Scattering Cross Sections at Intermediate Energies

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    We have measured differential cross sections for \pp elastic scattering with internal fiber targets in the recirculating beam of the proton synchrotron COSY. Measurements were made continuously during acceleration for projectile kinetic energies between 0.23 and 2.59 GeV in the angular range 30θc.m.9030 \leq \theta_{c.m.} \leq 90 deg. Details of the apparatus and the data analysis are given and the resulting excitation functions and angular distributions presented. The precision of each data point is typically better than 4%, and a relative normalization uncertainty of only 2.5% within an excitation function has been reached. The impact on phase shift analysis as well as upper bounds on possible resonant contributions in lower partial waves are discussed.Comment: 23 pages 29 figure