485 research outputs found

    The Effect of Musical Characteristics, Exposure, and Individual Difference Variables on String Student Musical Preference: Implications for Introducing Western Art Music

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    This study explores the influences of various musical, environmental, and personal factors on string students\u27 preferences for selections of Western Art Music. The purpose of this study was to provide insight into the information of music preferences by young string students in order to allow teachers to introduce Western Art music most effectively. Participants (n = 498) from northwest Arkansas public school string programs were given the String Student Music Preference Questionnaire (SSMPQ) developed by the author. Part One of the SS~MPQ measured preference for six one-minute selections of Western Art music by Beethoven, Berlioz, Mahle1; Saint-Siiens, and Schoenberg. In Part Two, the researcher collected data on participants\u27 age, gender, musical experience, social influence and listening habits. It was determined that the musical examples with characteristics similar to popular music were most preferred. These characteristics included: fast tempo, steady rhythm, stable dynamics, identifiable instntmentation, and moderate complexity. Age, social influences, and listening habits did not significantly affect preference, while the gender and the live attendance portion of the musical experience variables significantly influenced participant preference

    By A Thread: Adapting And Understanding The Literary Past Through Contemporary Costume

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    For over four hundred years, Shakespeare’s plays have been adapted from text to the visual realizations on the stage and later the screen. Scholarship has attended to the playscript and the performance, but it has largely neglected the position of the costume as a bridge between the literary past and contemporary adaptation. This project contends that costumes as adaptations themselves play a significant role in contemporary constructions of the literary past. In particular, the project attends to the contribution of costumes in the visualization of Shakespeare’s histories on screen. To explore this topic, the project considers several aspects. Specifically, the project attends to how pasts are represented on screen, how Shakespeare’s scripts and prior adaptations impact costume representations of the literary past, and how the contemporary costume designer builds a representation of the literary past. The project concludes that costumes are multivalent and indicates several points of consideration. First, the project suggests that the temporal displacement of costumes representing the literary past signal their performativity. Next, the connection costumes offer between their adapted literature and the visual realization results in mimetic in distortions based on contemporary concerns, which contribute to the palimpsestic work of adaptations. Finally, the adaptation’s moment of creation is the filter by which Shakespeare’s playscript and all other material contribute to the construction of a costume, resulting in a unique presentation. Ultimately, the costume is a dynamic material object that supports a literary present and past, both immediate and not

    Remarks of Class President

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    The sutures in dentistry

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    In oral surgery, the last phase of a surgical operation is represented by the tissues suture, that allows the wound lips edges approximation and their stabilization, to promote haemostasis, to avoid the alimentary residues accumulation on the incision line and allow the first intention healing. A good suture avoids that the displacing forces generated by the muscular insertions, functional movements and by the external agents destabilize or cause the surgical wound deiscence. The purpose of this study was to re-examine the suture threads characteristics, properties and biological interactions evaluating the different studies published in literature results and conclusions. In conclusion, the authors recommended the use of the different suture threads on the dependence of the oral surgery operation type that must be performed, of the patient compliance and of the various suture materials physical and biocompatibility characteristics

    Digital work-flow

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    The project presents a clinical case in which the digital work-flow procedure was applied for a prosthetic rehabilitation in natural teeth and implants. Digital work-flow uses patient’s photo for the aesthetic’s planning, digital smile technology for the simulation of the final restoration and real time scanning to register the two arches. Than the scanning are sent to the laboratory that proceed with CAD-CAM production. Digital work-flow offers the opportunities to easily speak with laboratory and patients, gives better clinical results and demonstrated to be a less invasiveness method for the patient. Intra-oral scanner, digital smile design, preview using digital wax-up, CAD-CAM production, are new predictable opportunities for prosthetic team. This work-flow, compared with traditional methods, is faster, more precise and predictable

    A novel technique to close large perforation of sinus membrane

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    Maxillary sinus floor elevation is generally accepted as a regenerative procedure to facilitate dental implants placement in the posterior atrophic maxilla. Although the sinus lift procedure is relatively safe, some potential problems could be occur. The most prevalent intraoperative complication is perforation of sinus membrane, which can lead to graft infection and early failure. The Aim of this work. Is to present a new technique to repair large perforation of sinus membrane. This case report. Is focused on a 10 mm perforation of sinus membrane occurred during preparation of the sinus window. The obliteration of the perforation was obtained by means of suturing sinus membrane with a resorbable material to the bone directly lateral to the osteotomy site. Sinus augmentation procedure could complete and the insertion of a graft was permitted


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    Regressions such as Grain yield=f(soil,landscape) are frequently reported in precision agriculture research, and are typically computed using conventional OLS methods, implicitly ignoring spatial correlation of the residuals. This oversight can have a marked effect on the final conclusions derived from these regressions. A further issue is, which approach should be used to account for this problem? We investigated this question using a 2 year data set that includes sitespecific soil and topographic information and soybean yields and compare regression results from direct covariance representation and spatial autoregressive approaches. Our results show that the coefficients from both spatial approaches are in many cases significantly different to those from OLS, but the estimates from both spatial approaches appear to show little differences. To provide further insight into the comparison among these approaches we use a simulation of spatial random fields, with a model containing 2 independent explanatory variables and a spatially structured residual term. We then estimated the coefficients for 1000 simulations of this field and assessed their distributional properties. All methods yielded overall unbiased estimates and OLS showed the largest standard errors, while the ‘spatial’ approaches proved to be relatively consistent, although a certain neighborhood specification within the spatial autoregressive model had an evidently lower performance than the rest

    Clinical insights on Tolosa Hunt syndrome: a multidisciplinary approach on neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial region

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    Background Tolosa–Hunt syndrome (THS) related neurological symptoms are described in literature as “unilateral”, “recurrent”, “episodic”, “intense”, “severe”, “lancinating” or “stabbing” pain on the upper face and forehead and may be misdiagnosed due to the similarity of few symptoms and a significant number of common characteristics between both conditions. Aims The aim of this brief report is to indicate some important clinical insights related to Tolosa Hunt syndrome, and to give a frank account on the multidisciplinary approach on neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial region. Methods We analysed a selection of patients with such clinical picture. To better describe the proper management of clinical cases, we report a 50-year-old female reporting an history of two years of recurrent, severe stabbing pain around the right eye, prominence of her cheek and forehead. Her general dentist first mistakenly diagnosed toothache and, thus, it was subsequently misdiagnosed the trigeminal neuropathy (TN). Results Reported exemplificative case presented a mild ptosis, diplopia of the right eye, corneal reflex loss, paresthesia and hyperesthesia of upper part of left side of face. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings were suggestive of THS. Complete resolution of symptoms was achieved with oral Prednisolone and constant monitoring of symptoms. Conclusion THS may be added to the long list of differential diagnosis of TN and general dentist and oral surgeons should be informed about such rare causes of facial pain through continued medical education programs

    Isotropic nanocrystalline (Nd,Pr)(Fe,Co)B permanent magnets

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    Nanokristalline Permanentmagnete zeigen ungewöhnliche magnetische Eigenschaften aufgrund von OberflĂ€chen- und GrenzflĂ€cheneffekten, die verschieden von denen massiver oder mikrokristalliner Materialien sind. Diese Arbeit zeigt Ergebnisse einer systematischen Untersuchung der Beziehung zwischen Mikrostruktur und magnetischen Eigenschaften von isotropen nanokristallinen (Nd,Pr)(Fe,Co)B-Permanentmagneten. Hochkoerzitive Magnete vom Typ (Nd,Pr)FeB wurden durch hochenergetisches Mahlen in der KugelmĂŒhle oder Rascherstarrung hergestellt. Der Einfluss geringer Mengen von ZusĂ€tzen wie Dy und Zr und die Substitution von Nd durch Pr auf die magnetischen Eigenschaften wird dargestellt. Weiterhin wurde eine EinschĂ€tzung des Warmumformverhaltens dieser Materialien durchgefĂŒhrt. Hochenergetisches Kugelmahlen einer Legierung mit der Anfangszusammensetzung Pr9Nd3Dy1Fe72Co8B6.9Zr0.1 fĂŒhrte, nach GlĂŒhbehandlung, zu fast einphasigem Magnetpulver mit einem maximalen Energieprodukt von (BH)max~140 kJm-3. Das hochenergetische Kugelmahlen wurde zu einer sehr vielseitigen Technik zur Herstellung hochleistungsfĂ€higer Nanokompositmagnete weiterentwickelt. Das Zulegieren unterschiedlicher Anteile von weichmagnetischem alpha-Fe ist damit sehr effektiv möglich. Der Zusatz von 25 Gew.-% alpha-Fe fĂŒhrt zu einem hohen (BH)max=178kJm-3. Dies wird auf eine sehr effektive Austauschkopplung zwischen den hart- und weichmagnetischen Phasen zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt. Die Natur der intergranularen Wechselwirkungen kann durch die WohlfarthÂŽsche Remanenzanalyse (?deltaJ-plot¥§) beschrieben werden. Im speziellen wurden deltaJ-Diagramme fĂŒr verschiedene (i) alpha-Fe Gehalte, (ii) KorngrĂ¶ĂŸen und (iii) AustauschlĂ€ngen erstellt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass in den Nanokompositmagneten auf Pr-Basis keine Spinumorientierung auftritt. Abschließend zeigt die Arbeit die Möglichkeit der Nutzung einer mechanisch aktivierten Gas-Festkörper-Reaktion auf, mit der eine sehr feinkörnige Mikrostruktur erhalten wird. Die Untersuchungen wurden mit stöchiometrischen Nd2(Fe1-xCox)14B-Legierungen begonnen (x=0-1). Die Verbindungen wurden unter höheren WasserstoffdrĂŒcken und Temperaturen gemahlen, wodurch sie zu NdH2+delta und krz-(Fe,Co) (x=0-0.75) oder kfz-Co (x=1) entmischt wurden. Die KorngrĂ¶ĂŸen des rekombinierten Nd2(Co,Fe)14B-Materials liegen im Bereich von 40-50 nm.Nanocrystalline permanent magnets present unusual magnetic properties because of surface/interface effects different from those of bulk or microcrystalline materials. This work presents results of a systematic investigation of the relationship between microstructure and magnetic properties in isotropic nanocrystalline (Nd,Pr)(Fe,Co)B permanent magnets. Highly coercive (Nd,Pr)FeB-type magnets have been produced using high energy ball milling and melt-spinning. The influence of small amounts of additives, Dy and Zr, and the substitution of Nd by Pr on the microstructural and magnetic properties are shown. An assessment of the hot deformation behaviour has been carried out. Intensive milling of an alloy with starting composition Pr9Nd3Dy1Fe72Co8B6.9Zr0.1 yields, after annealing treatment, nearly single-phase magnet powders with a maximum energy product (BH)max?Ăź140kJm-3. Co has a beneficial effect on the intrinsic magnetic properties but also on the microstructure, with a mean grain size of 20nm. Intensive milling is used to produce high-performance nanocomposite magnets by blending this latter alloy with different fractions of soft magnetic alfa-Fe. Addition of 25wt.% alfa-Fe leads to a high (BH)max=178 kJm-3 due to an effective exchange-coupling between the hard and the soft magnetic phases. The intergrain interactions between the crystallites of the nanocomposite structure are analysed. Demagnetisation recoil loops of the nanocomposite magnets show relatively open minor loops due to the exchange-spring mechanism. Information about the intergrain interactions during demagnetisation are obtained by plotting the deviation of the demagnetising remanence from the Wohlfarth-model (¥§deltaJ-plot¥š). Exchange-coupling phenomena are studied by analysing the evolution of the corresponding deltaJ values when varying (i) the alfa-Fe content, (ii) the annealing temperature, i.e. the grain size and (iii) the measurement temperature. Low temperature measurements do not reveal any sign of spin reorientation for these Pr-based nanocomposite magnets. The work concludes showing the possibility of using a mechanically activated gas-solid reaction to obtain an effective grain refined microstructure starting from stoichiometric Nd2(Fe1-xCox)14B alloys (x=0-1). These compounds were milled under enhanced hydrogen pressure and temperature leading to their disproportionation into NdH2+delta and bcc-(Fe,Co) (x=0-0.75) or fcc-Co (x=1). Grain sizes of recombined Nd2(Fe,Co)14B materials were found to be 40-50nm
