381 research outputs found

    Shedding Light on the Chemical Diversity of Ectopic Calcifications in Kidney Tissues: Diagnostic and Research Aspects

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    In most industrialized countries, different epidemiologic studies show that chronic renal failure is dramatically increasing. Such major public health problem is a consequence of acquired systemic diseases such as type II diabetes, which is now the first cause for end stage renal failure. Furthermore, lithogenic diseases may also induce intratubular crystallization, which may finally result in end-stage renal failure (ESRF). Up to now, such rare diseases are often misdiagnosed. In this study, based on twenty four biopsies, we show that SR µFTIR (Synchrotron Radiation-µFourier transform infrared) spectroscopy constitutes a significant opportunity to characterize such pathological µcalcifications giving not only their chemical composition but also their spatial distribution in the tissues. This experimental approach offers new opportunities to the clinicians to describe at the cell level the physico-chemical processes leading to the formation of the pathological calcifications which lead to ESRF


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    SUMMARY Introduction: We present a fatal case of disseminated cryptococcosis in a young man whose diagnosis of HIV infection was made at the time of admission to the emergency room. Case report: The patient was a twenty-three-year-old man, with a history of daily fever during one month associated with diarrhea, weight loss, headache, vomiting and generalized seizures. He also had a history of diabetes mellitus, alcoholism and drug addiction. Upon physical examination the patient was pale, disoriented and had periods of agitation. White blood cells count was 3,440/mm3 (5% lymphocytes), hemoglobin was 10g/dL, platelets were 83,000/ mm3. Creatinine was 0.7 mg/dL; urea 19 mg/dL; Na, K, and liver enzymes were within normal limits. Lactic dehydrogenase was 494 IU/L. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis revealed 10 white blood cells/mm3 (58% neutrophils, 31% lymphocytes, 11% monocytes) and 2 red blood cells/mm3. India ink test revealed six Cryptococcus yeasts/mm3. CSF glucose was 122 mg/dL and protein was 36 mg/ dL. VDRL test was negative and anti-HIV test was positive. Intravenous hydration, insulin, phenytoin, fluconazole, pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, folinic acid, and amphotericin B were started. The patient did not improve and became obtunded and hypotensive. He was intubated and put on mechanical respiration. He received vasoactive drugs and died less than 24 hours after admission. A postmortem examination was performed and revealed disseminated cryptococcosis, with severe involvement of the kidneys. Conclusion: Cryptococcosis, as a rule, is a systemic disease that affects mostly immunocompromised individuals, especially patients with AIDS. When diagnosed late in its course it has a very high mortality

    Dreißig Jahre Fakultät Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (1977 bis 2007)

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    Anlass zur Vorlage der Festschrift ist das dreißigjährige Bestehen der Fakultät Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (SpLit) der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (1977–2007). Sie soll die Entwicklung, die die Fakultät seit ihrer Gründung genommen hat, möglichst knapp und sachlich dokumentieren. Sie hat daher den Charakter einer Leistungsbilanz, sie bietet streckenweise Materialien zu einer Chronik der Fakultät, sie verschweigt aber auch nicht ihre „Geburtsfehler“ in Gestalt mangelnder Ressourcen. In einer Zeit des Umbruchs, nämlich der bevorstehenden Verschmelzung mit der Fakultät Geschichts- und Geowissenschaften (GGeo) zu einer Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften (GuK), soll diese Selbstdarstellung der Fakultät ihr Profil und ihre Identität bis zu ihrer zum 1.10.2007 zu Ende gegangenen selbständigen Existenz erkennbar machen. Die Druckauflage wurde vom Dekanat der Fakultät herausgegeben

    Every creole has its own history

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    "mit Vorwort, Interview, Schriftenverzeichnis und Gesamtbibliographie versehen

    L'ouverture de l'adoption à la mère d'intention d'un enfant issu d'une gestation pour autrui

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    International audience(Civ. 1re, 5 juill. 2017, n° 16-16.901 et 16-50.025, n° 16-16.455, n° 16-16.495, n° 15-28.597, n° 16-20.052, D. 2017. 1737, note H. Fulchiron ; ibid. 1727, obs. P. Bonfils et A. Gouttenoire ; AJ fam. 2017. 482 ; ibid. 375, point de vue F. Chénedé ; ibid. 431, point de vue P. Salvage-Gerest ; JDI 2017. 1291, note J. Guillaumé ; Civ. 1re, 29 nov. 2017, n° 16-50.061, D. 2017. 2477 ; AJ fam. 2018. 122, obs. A. Dionisi-Peyrusse
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