273 research outputs found

    Non-stationary temporal characterization of the temperature profile of a soil exposed to frost in south-eastern Canada

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    The objective of this work was to compare time and frequency fluctuations of air and soil temperatures (2-, 5-, 10-, 20- and 50-cm below the soil surface) using the continuous wavelet transform, with a particular emphasis on the daily cycle. The analysis of wavelet power spectra and cross power spectra provided detailed non-stationary accounts with respect to frequencies (or periods) and to time of the structure of the data and also of the relationships that exist between time series. For this particular application to the temperature profile of a soil exposed to frost, both the air temperature and the 2-cm depth soil temperature time series exhibited a dominant power peak at 1-d periodicity, prominent from spring to autumn. This feature was gradually damped as it propagated deeper into the soil and was weak for the 20-cm depth. Influence of the incoming solar radiation was also revealed in the wavelet power spectra analysis by a weaker intensity of the 1-d peak. The principal divergence between air and soil temperatures, besides damping, occurred in winter from the latent heat release associated to the freezing of the soil water and the insulation effect of snowpack that cease the dependence of the soil temperature to the air temperature. Attenuation and phase-shifting of the 1-d periodicity could be quantified through scale-averaged power spectra and time-lag estimations. Air temperature variance was only partly transferred to the 2-cm soil temperature time series and much less so to the 20-cm soil depth

    The effect of crop residues, cover crops, manures and nitrogen fertilization on soil organic carbon changes in agroecosystems: a synthesis of reviews

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    International initiatives are emphasizing the capture of atmospheric CO2 in soil organic C (SOC) to reduce the climatic footprint from agroecosystems. One approach to quantify the contribution of management practices towards that goal is through analysis of long-term experiments (LTEs). Our objectives were to analyze knowledge gained in literature reviews on SOC changes in LTEs, to evaluate the results regarding interactions with pedo-climatological factors, and to discuss disparities among reviews in data selection criteria. We summarized mean response ratios (RRs) and stock change rate (SCR) effect size indices from twenty reviews using paired comparisons (N). The highest RRs were found with manure applications (30%, N = 418), followed by aboveground crop residue retention and the use of cover crops (9–10%, N = 995 and 129), while the effect of nitrogen fertilization was lowest (6%, N = 846). SCR for nitrogen fertilization exceeded that for aboveground crop residue retention (233 versus 117 kg C ha−1 year−1, N = 183 and 279) and was highest for manure applications and cover crops (409 and 331 kg C ha−1 year−1, N = 217 and 176). When data allows, we recommend calculating both RR and SCR because it improves the interpretation. Our synthesis shows that results are not always consistent among reviews and that interaction with texture and climate remain inconclusive. Selection criteria for study durations are highly variable, resulting in irregular conclusions for the effect of time on changes in SOC. We also discuss the relationships of SOC changes with yield and cropping systems, as well as conceptual problems when scaling-up results obtained from field studies to regional levels

    Communication Research

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    Contains reports on seven research projects.Carnegie Foundatio

    Communication Research

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    Contains reports on seven research projects.Rockefeller FoundationCarnegie Foundatio

    Multi-objective calibration of RothC using measured carbon stocks and auxiliary data of a long-term experiment in Switzerland

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    Interactions between model parameters and low spatiotemporal resolution of available data mean that conventional soil organic carbon (SOC) models are often affected by equifinality, with consequent uncertainty in SOC forecasts. Estimation of belowground C inputs is another major source of uncertainty in SOC modelling. Models are usually calibrated on SOC stocks and fluxes from long‐term experiments (LTEs), whereas other point data are not used for constraining the model parameters. We used data from an agricultural long‐term (> 65 years) fertilization experiment to test a multi‐objective parameter estimation approach on the RothC model, combining SOC data from different fertilization treatments with microbial biomass, basal respiration and Zimmermann’s fractions data. We also compared two methods to estimate the belowground C inputs: a conventional scaling of belowground biomass from crop harvest yield and an alternative approach based on constant belowground C for cereals measured experimentally in the field. The resulting posterior parameter distributions still suffered from some equifinality; the most stable C pool kinetic constants and composition of exogenous organic matter were the most sensitive parameters. The use of fixed belowground C inputs for cereals improved the model performance, reducing the importance of treatment‐specific parameters and processes. The introduction of microbial biomass and basal respiration data was effective for increasing determination of the calibration, but also suggested a change in the model structure: the microbial biomass pool, which is proportional to the C inputs in the traditional models, could be represented by different microbial physiology functions

    Islet antibodies and remaining beta-cell function 8 years after diagnosis of diabetes in young adults: a prospective follow-up of the nationwide Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden.

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    Objectives. To establish the prevalence of remaining beta-cell function 8 years after diagnosis of diabetes in young adults and relate the findings to islet antibodies at diagnosis and 8 years later. Design. Population-based cohort study. Setting. Nationwide from all Departments of Medicine and Endocrinology in Sweden. Subjects. A total of 312 young (15-34 years old) adults diagnosed with diabetes during 1987-88. Main outcome measure. Plasma connecting peptide (C-peptide) 8 years after diagnosis. Preserved beta-cell function was defined as measurable C-peptide levels. Three islet antibodies - cytoplasmic islet cell antibodies (ICA), glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies and tyrosine phosphatase antibodies - were measured. Results. Amongst 269 islet antibody positives (ab+) at diagnosis, preserved beta-cell function was found in 16% (42/269) 8 years later and these patients had a higher body mass index (median 22.7 and 20.5 kg m-2, respectively; P = 0.0003), an increased frequency of one islet antibody (50 and 24%, respectively; P = 0.001), and a lower prevalence of ICA (55 and 6%, respectively; P = 0.007) at diagnosis compared with ab+ without remaining beta-cell function. Amongst the 241 patients without detectable beta-cell function at follow-up, 14 lacked islet antibodies, both at diagnosis and at follow-up. Conclusions. Sixteen per cent of patients with autoimmune type 1 diabetes had remaining beta-cell function 8 years after diagnosis whereas 5.8% with beta-cell failure lacked islet autoimmunity, both at diagnosis and at follow-up

    Acute Modulation of Adipose Tissue Lipolysis by Intravenous Estrogens

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine whether intravenous (IV) conjugated estrogens (EST) acutely enhance the suppression of whole-body or regional subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) lipolysis by insulin in postmenopausal women. Research Methods and Procedures: We assessed whole-body lipolysis by [2H5]glycerol rate of appearance (GlycRA) and abdominal and femoral SAT lipolysis (interstitial glycerol; GlycIS) by subcutaneous microdialysis. Postmenopausal women (n = 12) were studied on two occasions, with IV EST or saline control (CON), under basal conditions and during a 3-stage (4, 8, and 40 mU/m2/ min) hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp. Ethanol outflow/inflow ratio and recovery of [13C] glycerol during microdialysis were used to assess blood flow changes and interstitial glycerol concentrations, respectively. Results: Compared with CON, EST did not affect systemic basal or insulin-mediated suppression of lipolysis (GlycRA) or SAT nutritive blood flow. Basal GlycIS in SAT was reduced on the EST day. However, insulin-mediated suppression of lipolysis in SAT was not significantly influenced by EST. Discussion: These findings suggest that estrogens acutely reduce basal lipolysis in SAT through an unknown mechanism but do not alter whole-body or SAT suppression of lipolysis by insulin. Originally published Obesity (Silver Spring), Vol. 14, No. 12, Dec 200

    Burden of waterpipe smoking and chewing tobacco use among women of reproductive age group using data from the 2012-13 Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey

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    Background: Despite the general decline in cigarette smoking, use of alternative forms of tobacco has increased particularly in developing countries. Waterpipe (WP) and Chewing Tobacco (CT) are two such alternative forms, finding their way into many populations. However, the burden of these alternative forms of tobacco and their socio demographic determinants are still unclear. We assessed the prevalence of WP and CT use among women of reproductive age group in Pakistan. Methods: Data from the most recent Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2012–13 (n = 13,558) was used for this analysis. Information obtained from ever married women, aged between 15 and 49 years were analyzed using two separate data subgroups; exclusive WP smokers (total n = 12,995) and exclusive CT users (total n = 12,771). Univariate and Multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted and results were reported as crude and adjusted Odds Ratio with 95 % confidence intervals. Results: Prevalence of WP smoking and CT were 4 % and 2 %, respectively. After multivariate adjustments, ever married women who were: older than 35 years (OR; 4.68 95 % CI, 2.62–8.37), were poorest (OR = 4.03, 95 % CI 2.08–7.81), and had no education (OR = 9.19, 95 % CI 5.10–16.54), were more likely to be WP smokers. Similarly, ever married women who were: older than 35 years (OR = 3.19, 95 % CI 1.69–6.00), had no education (OR = 4.94, 95 % CI 2.62–9.33), were poor (OR = 1.64, 95 % CI 1.07–2.48) and had visited health facility in last 12 months (OR = 1.81, 95 % CI 1.22–2.70) were more likely to be CT users as well. Conclusion: Older women with lower socio-economic profile were more likely to use WP and CT. Focused policies aiming towards reducing the burden of alternate forms of tobacco use among women is urgently needed to control the tobacco epidemic in the country