8 research outputs found

    How digital is agriculture in South America? Adoption and limitations. [PC- ICPA 2022].

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    Abstract. A rapidly growing population in a context of land and water scarcity, and climate change has driven an increase in healthy, nutritious, and affordable food demand while maintaining the current cropping area. Digital agriculture (DA) can contribute solutions to meet the demands in an efficient and sustainable way. South America (SA) is one of the main grain and protein producers in the world but the status of DA in the region is unknown. Systematic review of official reports and surveys, literature, and case studies from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile was conducted to address the following objectives: i) quantify adoption of existing DA technologies, ii) identify limitations for DA adoption, iii) summarize existing metrics to benchmark DA benefits. The Region of study showed to follow the same trend than the world on DA adoption. The level of adoption was led by Brazil and Argentina followed by Uruguay and Chile. The GPS guidance systems, mapping tools, mobile apps and remote sensing were the most adopted DA technologies in SA. While, technology cost, lack of training, limited number of companies providing services and unclear benefits from DA were the most reported limitations for adoption. Clear economic, social, and environmental metrics that track the benefits of DA could promote adoption as well as help benchmarking future research and extension projects

    How digital is agriculture in a subset of countries from South America? Adoption and limitations.

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    Digital agriculture (DA) can contribute solutions to meet an increase in healthy, nutritious, and affordable food demands in an efficient and sustainable way. South America (SA) is one of the main grain and protein producers in the world but the status of DA in the region is unknown. A systematic review and case studies from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile were conducted to address the following objectives: (1) quantify adoption of existing DA technologies, (2) identify limitations for DA adoption; and (3) summarise existing metrics to benchmark DA benefits. Level of DA adoption was led by Brazil and Argentina followed by Uruguay and at a slower rate, Chile. GPS guidance systems, mapping tools, mobile apps and remote sensing were the most adopted DA technologies in SA. The most reported limitations to adoption were technology cost, lack of training, limited number of companies providing services, and unclear benefits from DA. Across the case studies, there was no clear definition of DA. To mitigate some of these limitations, our findings suggest the need for a DA educational curriculum that can fulfill the demand for job skills such as data processing, analysis and interpretation. Regional efforts are needed to standardise these metrics. This will allow stakeholders to design targeted initiatives to promote DA towards sustainability of food production in the region

    Raiva bovina no estado de São Paulo e sua distribuição espacial entre 1992 e 2003

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    Descreveu-se a influência do relevo, da precipitação, da temperatura e da sazonalidade na distribuição espacial da raiva bovina. Para a realização dessa análise, foi construído um banco geográfico de dados que possibilitou a geração de uma função kernel, com base no somatório anual dos diagnósticos de raiva laboratorialmente positivos entre 1992 e 2003, bem como a verificação da sua relação com as demais variáveis. Constatou-se que a região com relevo montanhoso, maiores índices pluviométricos e temperatura mais amena do planalto atlântico e da província costeira correspondeu às áreas com maior densidade da função, contrapondo-se à região do planalto ocidental com menores índices pluviométricos e áreas mais quentes. Não se observou, no estado, relação entre sazonalidade e raiva bovina no período estudado. A região plana da depressão periférica e o eixo de conurbação São Paulo-Campinas são óbices que dividem, respectivamente, a enfermidade entre as regiões leste-oeste e leste-sul do estado