16 research outputs found

    Biochemical Aspects of Artwork Restoring

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    Následující práce je zaměřena na poznatky v oblasti restaurátorství výtvarných děl ve spojení s jejich biochemickými aspekty. V úvodu je stručně shrnuta historie restaurátorství výtvarných děl a obecně definovány pojmy konzervace a restaurace, výtvarného umění a malby. Pro lepší návaznost jsou zmíněny základní malířské techniky (akvarel, kvaš, tempera a olejomalba), jednotlivé vrstvy, ze kterých se malba skládá, pomůcky a materiály pro malířskou tvorbu. Z používaných materiálů jsou zde stručně shrnuty nejčastěji používané anorganické a organické pigmenty. Tato práce je však především zaměřena na organická pojiva - lipidy, proteiny, polysacharidy a terpeny - jejich složení, vlastnosti, použití a případné interakce. Následující práce je psána v českém jazyce. Klíčová slova: restaurování, výtvarná díla, malba, organická pojiva, lipidy, proteiny, polysacharidy, terpenyThe following bachelor thesis is focussed on findings on the field of art restoring in connection with its biochemical aspects. In itroduction is resumed brief history of art restoring and generally defined terms of preservation, restoring, art and paint. For better understanding basic paint techniques (aquarelle, gouache, tempera and oil painting), strata sequence and instruments and materials commonly used for art work are mentioned. Most frequently used organic and inorganic pigments are briefly mentioned, however this thesis is mainly focussed on applied organic compounds - lipids, proteins, polysacharides and terpenoids - its composition, characteristics, usagea nd possible interactions. The following thesis is written in czech. Key words: restoring, art work, paint, organic binders, lipids, proteins, polysacharides, terpenoidsDepartment of BiochemistryKatedra biochemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Changes in the Concept of Property Rights in the Light of the New Civil Code

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    This bachelor thesis analyses the conception of property rights in the New Civil Code, which has been effective since January 1, 2014. The goal of this thesis is to inform readers about the development of the law and also the provision of instructions for resolving of judicial problems

    Jana Navrátilová: Výjimečný trest

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    Recenze publikace - Jana Navrátilová: Výjimečný trestLeges, Praha, 2010, 256 stran, ISBN 978-80-87212-41-

    Cassation and appeal in the criminal procedure code

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    - Cassation and appeal in the criminal procedure code The subject of my thesis is a cassation and appeal principle used during a criminal proceedings. Both principles control criminal proceedings within the meaning of determination of the appeal body jurisdiction, especially how to treat a first instance judgement that is opposed to a factual or legal flaws. Current legal regulation tends to apply the appeal principle with a restricted appeal elements and in compliance with the factual intentions of a legal code. This trend will continue in the future as this approach is implemented in the forthcoming legal code provisions. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter present the historical excursus of the Czech judicature evolution. It presents difference between civil and criminal law. The second chapter discuss a legal remedy system and is mainly focusing to define terms such as appeal, cassation and revision. The aim is to clarify the legal remedy principles and also to explain the purpose of reviewing procedure during a criminal proceedings with accent to a three main roles of the reviewing procedure: general, immediate and extended which all represent main criminal proceedings principles. The subject of the next chapter is focused on a relationship of the cassation and appeal..

    German Experience with Electronics Monitoring - the Way to (non) Implementation of the House Arrest

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    Ve Spolkové republice Německo, kde ve všech spolkových zemích platí jediný trestní zákoník a trestní řád, avšak právní úprava výkonu trestů spadá od 1. 9. 2006 do výlučné kompetence spolkových zemí, panuje mezi jednotlivými zeměmi nejednota ohledně zavedení elektronicky monitorovaného domácího vězení na zemské i celostátní úrovni. Tento článek se zaměřuje na dvě spolkové země, Hesensko a Bádensko-Württembersko, které se při testování elektronického monitoringu vydaly odlišným směrem a kde prvotní testovací fázi doprovázel vědecký výzkum.This paper deals with pilot testing of electronically monitored house arrest in two German states, in Hessen (2000-2002) and Baden-Württemberg (2010-2012), which accompanied the scientific research of the Max- Planck-Institute. In these states is instead of the term house arrest more often used the term electronic monitoring or electronic bracelet, which can comprise both the control mechanism and the house arrest, or just the control mechanism (without the house arrest).The paper focuses on differences in tested forms of house arrest and examines the similarities and differences in conditions of imposition and execution of house arrest with electronic monitoring in both states. The paper also emphasizes several problems or risks, which these states faced according to the research results. In the case of Baden-Württemberg the rather negative research results and the failure to accomplish desired goals influenced the decision of the government not to implement the electronically monitored house arrest any further. While in Hessen the positively presented research results and favourable attitude of the participating authorities resulted in ongoing implementation of the house arrest with electronic monitoring and expansion of the areas (or forms) of its application

    The Effect of Conception of Punishment Justification on the Systemic Place of Alternative and Community Punishments - the Case of Czech Republic and England and Wales

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    Článek se zabývá porovnáním filozofických koncepcí účelu trestu ve dvou vybraných právních systémech – v České republice a v Anglii a Walesu. Jeho cílem je na základě teorií ospravedlnění účelu trestu, vyplývajících ze zákonné úpravy a z interpretací v rozhodnutích Ústavního soudu ČR a Odvolacího soudu Anglie a Walesu, vymezit rozdíly v postavení alternativních trestů v systému trestů v České republice oproti postavení komunitních trestů v systému trestů Anglie a Walesu. Použitými metodami jsou metoda monografická, komparativní a analytická. Kromě analýzy napříč vybranými případy je využit i longitudinální přístup, neboť je komparativní analýza zasazena do období od počátku 90. let, kdy došlo v Anglii a Walesu k zásadním změnám v trestní politice, do současnosti, kdy je v České republice již druhým rokem účinný nový trestní zákoník. Česká republika byla vybrána z důvodu zavedení nových alternativních trestů trestním zákoníkem, trestu domácího vězení a zákazu vstupu na sportovní, kulturní a jiné společenské akce. Anglie a Wales pak představují v rámci Velké Británie země se společným právním systémem i jurisdikcí (viz Odvolací soud), v nichž lze mezi komunitními tresty nalézt tresty hodné porovnání s nově zavedenými tresty v České republice. Z toho důvodu bude pozornost věnována nejprve terminologickému vyjasnění pojmu alternativního trestu, včetně kategorizace trestu domácího vězení a trestu zákazu vstupu na sportovní, kulturní a jiné společenské akce, a pojmu komunitního trestu.The paper deals with the purpose of punishment and the system of punishments in Czech Republic and in England and Wales. The aim of the paper is to find the differences in systemic place of alternative and community punishments, which stem from the conception of punishment justification of the state. The methods used for this purpose are the monographic, the comparative and the analytic method. The examined period is from the beginning of nineties till present time, because there was a little shift in the conception of the purpose of punishment in Czech Republic and a greater shift in England and Wales. The first concern has to be the clarification of the terminology of alternative and community punishments (in theory and in the law). Afterwards, the Czech and the English justifications of the punishment from the view of the legislator and the interpretative authority (Constitutional Court and Court of Appeal) and their effect on the system of punishments are presented. Finally, the last chapter encompasses the main differences in the systemic place of alternative and community punishments

    Biochemical Aspects of Artwork Restoring

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    The following bachelor thesis is focussed on findings on the field of art restoring in connection with its biochemical aspects. In itroduction is resumed brief history of art restoring and generally defined terms of preservation, restoring, art and paint. For better understanding basic paint techniques (aquarelle, gouache, tempera and oil painting), strata sequence and instruments and materials commonly used for art work are mentioned. Most frequently used organic and inorganic pigments are briefly mentioned, however this thesis is mainly focussed on applied organic compounds - lipids, proteins, polysacharides and terpenoids - its composition, characteristics, usagea nd possible interactions. The following thesis is written in czech. Key words: restoring, art work, paint, organic binders, lipids, proteins, polysacharides, terpenoid

    German Experience with Electronics Monitoring - the Way to (non) Implementation of the House Arrest

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    Ve Spolkové republice Německo, kde ve všech spolkových zemích platí jediný trestní zákoník a trestní řád, avšak právní úprava výkonu trestů spadá od 1. 9. 2006 do výlučné kompetence spolkových zemí, panuje mezi jednotlivými zeměmi nejednota ohledně zavedení elektronicky monitorovaného domácího vězení na zemské i celostátní úrovni. Tento článek se zaměřuje na dvě spolkové země, Hesensko a Bádensko-Württembersko, které se při testování elektronického monitoringu vydaly odlišným směrem a kde prvotní testovací fázi doprovázel vědecký výzkum.This paper deals with pilot testing of electronically monitored house arrest in two German states, in Hessen (2000-2002) and Baden-Württemberg (2010-2012), which accompanied the scientific research of the Max- Planck-Institute. In these states is instead of the term house arrest more often used the term electronic monitoring or electronic bracelet, which can comprise both the control mechanism and the house arrest, or just the control mechanism (without the house arrest).The paper focuses on differences in tested forms of house arrest and examines the similarities and differences in conditions of imposition and execution of house arrest with electronic monitoring in both states. The paper also emphasizes several problems or risks, which these states faced according to the research results. In the case of Baden-Württemberg the rather negative research results and the failure to accomplish desired goals influenced the decision of the government not to implement the electronically monitored house arrest any further. While in Hessen the positively presented research results and favourable attitude of the participating authorities resulted in ongoing implementation of the house arrest with electronic monitoring and expansion of the areas (or forms) of its application

    Biochemical Aspects of Artwork Restoring

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    The following bachelor thesis is focussed on findings on the field of art restoring in connection with its biochemical aspects. In itroduction is resumed brief history of art restoring and generally defined terms of preservation, restoring, art and paint. For better understanding basic paint techniques (aquarelle, gouache, tempera and oil painting), strata sequence and instruments and materials commonly used for art work are mentioned. Most frequently used organic and inorganic pigments are briefly mentioned, however this thesis is mainly focussed on applied organic compounds - lipids, proteins, polysacharides and terpenoids - its composition, characteristics, usagea nd possible interactions. The following thesis is written in czech. Key words: restoring, art work, paint, organic binders, lipids, proteins, polysacharides, terpenoid