161 research outputs found

    So close, no matter how far: A spatial analysis of CO2 emissions considering geographic and economic distances

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    In recent years, the effects of climate change have become a topic of growing interest in the literature. Many works claimed the importance of spillover effects while studying CO2 emissions. Most part of them considers these indirect effects from a geographical perspective. The reduction of transportation costs makes other factors more important. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to analyse the existence of spatial dependence, considering geographical and economic proximity and comparing both measures. Empirically, we make use of the World Input–Output database with a worldwide focus from 2000 to 2014. Based on an environmentally extended multiregional input–output model, we estimate the CO2 emissions embodied in the domestic production and international trade between countries. To analyse the dependence from both perspectives, we carry out a spatial econometric analysis and make use of two different spatial weight matrices. The results offer a new approach on this field, highlighting the importance of the spillover effects to explain the CO2 emissions of the local country, showing that economic proximity is even more important than geographical one

    Essential thrombocythaemia in a child of three years

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    AbstractEssential thrombocythaemia is a rare pathology in adults and extremely rare in children, making it a diagnostic challenge for paediatricians. The challenge is greater when patients are asymptomatic, despite an incidental discovery of thrombocytosis.We report the case of extreme thrombocytosis found in an asymptomatic child of 3 years with no personal history or familial history. Study protocol started by ruling out laboratory errors, infectious disease, haemolytic anaemia, iron deficiency anaemia and autoimmune diseases. Bone marrow sample confirmed elevated megakaryocyte production, with other cell lines within normal ranges. Genetic analysis (including JAK2 mutation) was also negative, leading to a differential diagnosis of essential thrombocythaemia. Hydroxyurea (10mg/kg) and aspirin (5mg/kg) were prescribed. A moderate reduction in platelet count was achieved after 4 weeks of treatment

    Non-linear analysis of heart rate variability and its application to predict hypotension during spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery

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    A non-linear analysis of heart rate variability is carried out through two complexity measures (Correlation Dimension and Pointwise Correlation Dimension) and two regularity measures (Approximate Entropy and Sample Entropy) in order to predict hypotension episodes occurred during spinal anesthesia in cesarean delivery. These methods are applied to RR-interval series, during which woman adopts two alternative positions, one physiologically relaxed (PR) and one physiologically stressed (PS). Results show that women who developed hypotension have significantly higher (p-value = 0.05) complexity measures at PR position, (and significantly lower values for the PS position), than those who did not developed the disease. Regarding the regularity measures, women who developed hypotension have lower values, but not arriving to significance, during PS position than those who did not developed it, whereas those values remain almost constant for PR position

    The role of regions in global value chains: an analysis for the European Union

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    While considerable attention has been directed to the national-level impacts of global value chains, far less attention has been focused on the way in which global production fragmentation has affected regional economies. Using some measures derived from a multiregional, multisectoral input–output model, this paper analyzes the position and share of EU regions in Global Value Chains (GVC). The spatial determinants of these two dimensions are explored using spatial econometric methods to capture the influence of neighboring regions on these outcomes. Empirically, the focus is on a set of NUTS2 European regions for the most recent year (2010) of the EUREGIO database. Our results confirm the hypothesis of spatial dependence between regions conditioning the engagement and position GVCs, suggesting that global production processes are influenced by regional and local factors. In particular, spatial spillover effects play a significant role conditioned by both geographical proximity and similarity of production structures. The results show that sharing certain characteristics, some of them associated to their degree of proximity and the neighbouring situation of regions condition their specialization, participation and positioning in GVC, generating some important insights informative for the formulation of regional development policies

    Establishment of a network of monitoring stations using lichens as indicators. Base for the assessment of human impact and air quality on the vegetation in the AigĂĽestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park

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    Com a primera part de la monitorització, mitjançant el líquens com a indicadors, del Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, hem seleccionat, marcat i caracteritzat 20 estacions de seguiment. Les estacions han quedat establertes en els següents ambients: rouredes amb boix, bosc caducifoli mixt, fagedes, fagedes amb avet, pinedes de pi roig, avetosa, avetosa amb neret, pinedes de pi negre amb neret o amb ginebró, i roquissars, tant en roques carbonatades com àcides. Donem, com a exemple de l’estudi d’aquestes estacions, el cas d’una estació establerta a la comunita d’avetosa amb neret. El seguiment de l’evolució, en el temps, de les diferents comunitats, ens haurà de permetre correlacionar les modificacions observades en les estacions amb els canvis produïts en la qualitat de l’aire o a causa de l’impacte humà.As a first part of the monitoring project, using lichens as indicators of the Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici National Park, 20 monitoring stations have been selected, marked and characterised. The stations were included in the following plant communities: Buxo-Quercetum pubescentis, Helleboro-Fagetum, Luzulo-Fagetum, Hylocomio- Pinetum catalaunicae, Goodyero-Abietetum, Saxifrago-Rhododendretum abietetosum albae, Saxifrago-Rhododendretum pinetosum uncinatae and Arctostaphylo-Pinetum uncinatae, and in rocky places on carbonated and siliceous rocks. As an example of study of these stations, we give the information of one station located in Saxifrago- Rhododendretum abietetosum albae. The changes of the different communities through time allow us to correlate these observed modifications with changes in the air quality or due to the human impact

    Characterization of SiO2 Nanoparticles by Single Particle - Inductively Coupled Plasma – Tandem Mass Spectroscopy

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    This work uses the tandem ICP-MS (ICPMS/MS) for obtaining interference-freeconditions to characterize SiO2 nanoparticles ranging between 80 and 400nm. These NPs have been detected and accurately characterized. For SiO2 NPs >100 nm, it was possible to provide accurateresults in a straightforward way, as theirsignal distributions are well resolved fromthat of the background

    Characterization of SiO2 nanoparticles by single particle-inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS/MS)

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    The increase in the use of SiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) is raising concern about their environmental and health effects, thus necessitating the development of novel methods for their straightforward detection and characterization. Single particle ICP-mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) is able to provide information on the size of NPs, their particle number density and mass concentration. However, the determination of Si via ICP-MS is strongly hampered by the occurrence of spectral overlap from polyatomic species (e.g., CO+ and N2+). The use of tandem ICP-MS (ICP-MS/MS) enables interference-free conditions to be obtained, even in the most demanding applications. Upon testing several gases, the use of CH3F (monitoring of SiF+, mass-shift approach) and of H2 (monitoring of Si+, on-mass approach) were demonstrated to be the most suitable to overcome the spectral interference affecting ultra-trace Si determination (LoD < 15 ng L-1). By using these approaches, SiO2 NPs (ranging between 80 and 400 nm) can be detected and characterized. For SiO2 NPs > 100 nm, it was possible to provide accurate results in a straightforward way, as the signals they give rise to are well resolved from those of the background. In the case of 80 and 100 nm NPs, the use of a simple deconvolution approach following a Gaussian model was needed to characterize SiO2 NPs apparently showing incomplete distributions as a result of the presence of the background signal. Overall, the methods developed using SP-ICP-MS/MS are sensitive and selective enough for the interference-free determination of Si at ultra-trace levels, also in the form of SiO2 NPs

    Europeanization vs. Globalization? A deeper look into income and employment embodied in intra-European trade

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    Production processes are nowadays increasingly global, implying interdependent structures linking goods, processes and countries. Traditional economic blocks and sectoral intra-country linkages coexist with increasing worldwide dependencies. Recent literature supports the hypothesis of a new globalization process taking place in the late 1990s and the 21st century, centred on the consolidation of increasingly competitive macro-regions at a global level, with a growing specialization of countries within them. We propose a multiregional input-output (MRIO) model of the European Union (EU) to analyse whether the generation of employment and income in Europe in recent decades can be defined as a process that is mainly regional or global (involving countries within the region versus countries outside Europe). Our results show that intra-EU trade is an important factor contributing to income and employment growth, more oriented to intermediate inputs, in the same way as extra-EU trade, despite the fact that some European countries are more specialized in final goods, mainly driven by high-income EU countries. Los procesos de producción son hoy en día cada vez más globales, lo que implica estructuras interdependientes que vinculan bienes, procesos y países. Los bloques económicos tradicionales y los vínculos sectoriales dentro del país coexisten con dependencias mundiales crecientes. La literatura reciente respalda la hipótesis de un nuevo proceso de globalización que tuvo lugar a fines de los años 90 y el siglo XXI, centrado en la consolidación de macro-regiones cada vez más competitivas a nivel global, con una creciente especialización de los países dentro de ellas. Proponemos un modelo multirregional input-output (MRIO) de la Unión Europea (UE) para analizar si la generación de empleo e ingresos en Europa en las últimas décadas se puede definir como un proceso que es principalmente regional o global. Nuestros resultados muestran que el comercio intracomunitario es un factor importante que contribuye al crecimiento de los ingresos y el empleo, más orientado a los inputs intermedios, de la misma manera que el comercio extracomunitario, a pesar del hecho de que algunos países europeos están más especializados en productos finales, principalmente demandados por países de altos ingresos de la UE

    Size determination and quantification of engineered cerium oxide nanoparticles by flow field-flow fractionation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

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    Facing the lack of studies on characterization and quantification of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs), whose consumption and release is greatly increasing, this work proposes a method for their sizing and quantification by Flow Field-flow Fractionation (FFFF) coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Two modalities of FFFF (Asymmetric Flow- and Hollow Fiber-Flow Field Flow Fractionation, AF4 and HF5, respectively) are compared, and their advantages and limitations discussed. Experimental conditions (carrier composition, pH, ionic strength, crossflow and carrier flow rates) are studied in detail in terms of NP separation, recovery, and repeatability. Size characterization of CeO2 NPs was addressed by different approaches. In the absence of feasible size standards of CeO2 NPs, suspensions of Ag, Au, and SiO2 NPs of known size were investigated. Ag and Au NPs failed to show a comparable behavior to that of the CeO2 NPs, whereas the use of SiO2 NPs provided size estimations in agreement to those predicted by the theory. The latter approach was thus used for characterizing the size of CeO2 NPs in a commercial suspension. Results were in adequate concordance with those achieved by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and dynamic light scattering. The quantification of CeO2 NPs in the commercial suspension by AF4-ICP-MS required the use of a CeO2 NPs standards, since the use of ionic cerium resulted in low recoveries (99 ± 9% vs. 73 ± 7%, respectively). A limit of detection of 0.9 µg L-1 CeO2 corresponding to a number concentration of 1.8 × 1012 L-1 for NPs of 5 nm was achieved for an injection volume of 100 µL

    Gene expression profiling of mesenteric lymph nodes from sheep with natural scrapie

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    Background: Prion diseases are characterized by the accumulation of the pathogenic PrPSc protein, mainly in the brain and the lymphoreticular system. Although prions multiply/accumulate in the lymph nodes without any detectable pathology, transcriptional changes in this tissue may reflect biological processes that contribute to the molecular pathogenesis of prion diseases. Little is known about the molecular processes that occur in the lymphoreticular system in early and late stages of prion disease. We performed a microarray-based study to identify genes that are differentially expressed at different disease stages in the mesenteric lymph node of sheep naturally infected with scrapie. Oligo DNA microarrays were used to identify gene-expression profiles in the early/middle (preclinical) and late (clinical) stages of the disease. Results: In the clinical stage of the disease, we detected 105 genes that were differentially expressed (=2-fold change in expression). Of these, 43 were upregulated and 62 downregulated as compared with age-matched negative controls. Fewer genes (50) were differentially expressed in the preclinical stage of the disease. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis revealed that the differentially expressed genes were largely associated with the following terms: glycoprotein, extracellular region, disulfide bond, cell cycle and extracellular matrix. Moreover, some of the annotated genes could be grouped into 3 specific signaling pathways: focal adhesion, PPAR signaling and ECM-receptor interaction. We discuss the relationship between the observed gene expression profiles and PrPSc deposition and the potential involvement in the pathogenesis of scrapie of 7 specific differentially expressed genes whose expression levels were confirmed by real time-PCR. Conclusions: The present findings identify new genes that may be involved in the pathogenesis of natural scrapie infection in the lymphoreticular system, and confirm previous reports describing scrapie-induced alterations in the expression of genes involved in protein misfolding, angiogenesis and the oxidative stress response. Further studies will be necessary to determine the role of these genes in prion replication, dissemination and in the response of the organism to this disease
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