1,169 research outputs found

    Bioavailable Silicon: Release Rate from Additives & Substrates

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    Liquid fertilization is often used to supply silicon (Si) (Boldt & Altland, 2021), but Si is minimally soluble. Media components that provide a steady release of Si are valuable. There are many options for Si media amendments, but Si release rate is not well characterized. Our objective was to quantify Si release from media components to achieve a steady-state Si release as mono-silicic acid (H4SiO4) over time

    Cross-Correlation of the Cosmic Microwave Background with Radio Sources: Constraints on an Accelerating Universe

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    We present a new limit on the cosmological constant based on the absence of correlations between the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the distribution of distant radio sources. In the cosmological constant-cold dark matter models currently favored, such correlations should have been produced via the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, assuming that radio sources trace the local (z=1) matter density. We find no evidence of correlations between the COBE 53Hz microwave map and the NVSS 1.4 GHz radio survey. The implied 95% CL limit on the cosmological constant is Lambda < 0.74, in marginal agreement with the values suggested by recent measurements of the CMB anisotropy and type-IA supernovae observations, 0.6 < Lambda < 0.7. If the cosmological model does lie in this range, then the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect should be detectable with upcoming CMB maps and radio surveys.Comment: 5 pages; 3 figures; submitted to PR

    A search for X-ray emission from rich clusters, extended halos around clusters, and superclusters

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    The all-sky data base acquired with the HEAO A-2 experiment was searched for X-ray emission on a variety of metagalactic size scales which were either predicted or previously detected. Results in the 0.2-60 keV energy range are presented. The optically richest clusters, including those from which a microwave decrement were observed, appear to be relatively underluminous in X-rays. Observations of Abell 576 show its luminosity to be less than earlier estimates, and moreover less than the luminosity predicted from its microwave decrement, unless the intracluster gas is a factor of approximately 10 hotter than in typical clusters. Near SC0627 there are two X-ray sources, and the identification of the dominant source with SCO627 is probably incorrect. New spectral observations of Abell 401 and 2147, possible superclusters, reveal that they have typical cluster spectra with iron line emission

    Pitch-based non-intrusive objective intelligibility prediction

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    A complete X-ray sample of the high latitude sky from HEAO-1 A-2: log N lo S and luminosity functions

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    An experiment was performed in which a complete X-ray survey of the 8.2 steradians of the sky at galactic latitudes where the absolute value of b is 20 deg down to a limiting sensitivity of 3.1 x ten to the minus 11th power ergs/sq cm sec in the 2-10 keV band. Of the 85 detected sources 17 were identified with galactic objects, 61 were identified with extragalactic objects, and 7 remain unidentified. The log N - log S relation for the non-galactic objects is well fit by the Euclidean relationship. The X-ray spectra of these objects were used to construct log N - log S in physical units. The complete sample of identified sources was used to construct X-ray luminosity functions, using the absolute maximum likelihood method, for clusters galaxies and active galactic nuclei

    On syntheses of the X-ray background with power-law sources

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    The conditions under which the combined emission from power law sources can mimic the X-ray background (XRB) spectrum in the 3-50 keV range are considered in view of HEAO 1 A-2 experiment measurements, and it is confirmed that a good fit may be obtained. The required spectral properties of the component sources differ, however, from those observed for local active galactic nuclei. Constraints are deduced for both the low luminosity extension and evolution of such local objects, and it is shown that any other class of sources contributing to the X-ray background must be characterized by an energy spectral index lower than about 0.4, which is the mean index of the XRB, and exhibit sleeper spectra at higher energies

    The light curve of a transient X-ray source

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    The Ariel-V satellite monitored the X-ray light curve of A1524-62 almost continuously from 40 days prior to maximum light until its disappearance below the effective experimental sensitivity. The source exhibited maximum light on approximately 4 December 1974, at a level of 0.9 the apparent magnitude of the Crab Nebula in the energy band 3-6 keV. Although similar to previously reported transient sources with a decay time constant of approximately 2 months, the source exhibited an extended, variable pre-flare on-state of about 1 month at a level of greater than approximately 0.1 maximum light. The four bright (greater than 0.2 of the Crab Nebula) transient sources observed during the first half-year of Ariel-V operation are indicative of a galactic disk distribution, and a luminosity at maximum in excess of 10 to the 37th power ergs/sec

    Model-based Speech Enhancement for Intelligibility Improvement in Binaural Hearing Aids

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    Speech intelligibility is often severely degraded among hearing impaired individuals in situations such as the cocktail party scenario. The performance of the current hearing aid technology has been observed to be limited in these scenarios. In this paper, we propose a binaural speech enhancement framework that takes into consideration the speech production model. The enhancement framework proposed here is based on the Kalman filter that allows us to take the speech production dynamics into account during the enhancement process. The usage of a Kalman filter requires the estimation of clean speech and noise short term predictor (STP) parameters, and the clean speech pitch parameters. In this work, a binaural codebook-based method is proposed for estimating the STP parameters, and a directional pitch estimator based on the harmonic model and maximum likelihood principle is used to estimate the pitch parameters. The proposed method for estimating the STP and pitch parameters jointly uses the information from left and right ears, leading to a more robust estimation of the filter parameters. Objective measures such as PESQ and STOI have been used to evaluate the enhancement framework in different acoustic scenarios representative of the cocktail party scenario. We have also conducted subjective listening tests on a set of nine normal hearing subjects, to evaluate the performance in terms of intelligibility and quality improvement. The listening tests show that the proposed algorithm, even with access to only a single channel noisy observation, significantly improves the overall speech quality, and the speech intelligibility by up to 15%.Comment: after revisio
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