47 research outputs found

    Regulatory B Cells: Role in Type 1 Diabetes

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordRegulatory B cells (Bregs) have an anti-inflammatory role and can suppress autoimmunity, by employing both cytokine secretion and cell-contact mediated mechanisms. Numerous Breg subsets have been described and have overlapping phenotypes in terms of their immune expression markers or cytokine production. A hallmark feature of Bregs is the secretion of IL-10, although IL-35 and TGFβ−producing B cells have also been identified. To date, few reports have identified an impaired frequency or function of Bregs in individuals with type 1 diabetes; thus our understanding of the role played by these Breg subsets in the pathogenesis of this condition is limited. In this review we will focus on how regulatory B cells are altered in the development of type 1 diabetes, highlighting both frequency and function and discuss both human and animal studies.Research EnglandMedical Research Council (MRC

    Immune and pancreatic β cell interactions in type 1 diabetes

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    The autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic islet β cells is due to a targeted lymphocyte attack. Different T cell subsets communicate with each other and with the insulin-producing β cells in this process, with evidence not only of damage to the tissue cells but also of lymphocyte regulation. Here we explore the various components of the immune response as well as the cellular interactions that are involved in causing or reducing immune damage to the β cells. We consider these in the light of the possibility that understanding them may help us identify therapeutic targets to reduce the damage and destruction leading to type 1 diabetes. Trends In type 1 diabetes (T1D), β cells are highly sensitive to selective damage and recruit immune cells by chemokine production. These immune cells directly damage β cells and induce enzymes and cytokines that cause free radical- and cytokine-induced apoptosis. Damaged islets express innate immune receptors, engagement of which may amplify β cell destruction contributing to their own destruction. Interestingly, damaged and functional islets coexist. Immune regulatory cells and regulatory mechanisms induced by islet cells counterbalance inflammation. Communication between immune cells and resident islet β cells during inflammation is dependent on the pancreatic microenvironment. Therapeutically targeting the direct and indirect mediators of β cell damage to prevent further destruction combined with boosting β cell numbers and function are important joint targets in developing therapies for T1D

    B cell depletion reduces T cell activation in pancreatic islets in a murine autoimmune diabetes model

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    Aims/hypothesis: Type 1 diabetes is a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease characterised by the destruction of beta cells in the islets of Langerhans, resulting in deficient insulin production. B cell depletion therapy has proved successful in preventing diabetes and restoring euglycaemia in animal models of diabetes, as well as in preserving beta cell function in clinical trials in the short term. We aimed to report a full characterisation of B cell kinetics post B cell depletion, with a focus on pancreatic islets. Methods: Transgenic NOD mice with a human CD20 transgene expressed on B cells were injected with an anti-CD20 depleting antibody. B cells were analysed using multivariable flow cytometry. Results: There was a 10 week delay in the onset of diabetes when comparing control and experimental groups, although the final difference in the diabetes incidence, following prolonged observation, was not statistically significant (p = 0.07). The co-stimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 were reduced on stimulation of B cells during B cell depletion and repopulation. IL-10-producing regulatory B cells were not induced in repopulated B cells in the periphery, post anti-CD20 depletion. However, the early depletion of B cells had a marked effect on T cells in the local islet infiltrate. We demonstrated a lack of T cell activation, specifically with reduced CD44 expression and effector function, including IFN-γ production from both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. These CD8+ T cells remained altered in the pancreatic islets long after B cell depletion and repopulation. Conclusions/interpretation: Our findings suggest that B cell depletion can have an impact on T cell regulation, inducing a durable effect that is present long after repopulation. We suggest that this local effect of reducing autoimmune T cell activity contributes to delay in the onset of autoimmune diabetes

    Activated but functionally impaired memory Tregs are expanded in slow progressors to type 1 diabetes

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordData availability: The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.Aims/hypothesis Slow progressors to type 1 diabetes are individuals positive for multiple pancreatic islet autoantibodies who have remained diabetes-free for at least 10 years; regulation of the autoimmune response is understudied in this group. Here, we profile CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in a small but well-characterised cohort of extreme slow progressors with a median age 43 (range 31–72 years), followed up for 18–32 years. Methods Peripheral blood samples were obtained from slow progressors (n = 8), age- and sex-matched to healthy donors. One participant in this study was identified with a raised HbA1c at the time of assessment and subsequently diagnosed with diabetes; this donor was individually evaluated in the analysis of the data. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated, and to assess frequency, phenotype and function of Tregs in donors, multi-parameter flow cytometry and T cell suppression assays were performed. Unsupervised clustering analysis, using FlowSOM and CITRUS (cluster identification, characterization, and regression), was used to evaluate Treg phenotypes. Results Unsupervised clustering on memory CD4+ T cells from slow progressors showed an increased frequency of activated memory CD4+ Tregs, associated with increased expression of glucocorticoid-induced TNFR-related protein (GITR), compared with matched healthy donors. One participant with a raised HbA1c at the time of assessment had a different Treg profile compared with both slow progressors and matched controls. Functional assays demonstrated that Treg-mediated suppression of CD4+ effector T cells from slow progressors was significantly impaired, compared with healthy donors. However, effector CD4+ T cells from slow progressors were more responsive to Treg suppression compared with healthy donors, demonstrated by increased suppression of CD25 and CD134 expression on effector CD4+ T cells. Conclusions/interpretations We conclude that activated memory CD4+ Tregs from slow progressors are expanded and enriched for GITR expression, highlighting the need for further study of Treg heterogeneity in individuals at risk of developing type 1 diabetes.Diabetes UKJDR

    Natural protection from Type 1 Diabetes in Non obese diabetic (Nod) mice is characterised by a unique pancreatic islet phenotype

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    The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse develops spontaneous type 1 diabetes, with some features of disease that are very similar to the human disease. However, a proportion of NOD mice are naturally-protected from developing diabetes, and currently studies characterising this cohort are very limited. Here, using both immunofluorescence and multi-parameter flow cytometry we focus on the pancreatic islet morphology and immune infiltrate observed in naturally-protected NOD mice. We show that naturally-protected NOD mice are characterised by an increased frequency of insulin-containing, smaller sized, pancreatic islets. Although mice remain diabetes free, florid immune infiltrate remains. However, this immune infiltrate is skewed towards a regulatory phenotype in both T and B-cell compartments. Pancreatic islets have an increased frequency of IL-10 producing B cells and associated cell surface markers. Resident memory CD69+CD8+ T cells show a significant shift towards reduced CD103 expression, while CD4+ T cells have increased FoxP3+CTLA4+ expression. These data indicate that naturally-protected NOD mice have a unique islet signature and provide new insight into regulatory mechanisms within pancreatic islets

    Phenotypically distinct anti-insulin B cells repopulate pancreatic islets after anti-CD20 treatment in NOD mice

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    Aims/hypothesis Autoreactive B cells escape immune tolerance and contribute to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. While global B cell depletion is a successful therapy for autoimmune disease, the fate of autoreactive cells during this treatment in autoimmune diabetes is unknown. We aimed to identify and track anti-insulin B cells in pancreatic islets and understand their repopulation after anti-CD20 treatment. Methods We generated a double transgenic system, the VH125.hCD20/NOD mouse. The VH125 transgenic mouse, expressing an increased frequency of anti-insulin B cells, was crossed with a human CD20 (hCD20) transgenic mouse, to facilitate B cell depletion using anti-CD20. B cells were analysed using multiparameter and ImageStream flow cytometry. Results We demonstrated that anti-insulin B cells were recruited to the pancreas during disease progression in VH125.hCD20/NOD mice. We identified two distinct populations of anti-insulin B cells in pancreatic islets, based on CD19 expression, with both populations enriched in the CD138int fraction. Anti-insulin B cells were not identified in the plasma-cell CD138hi fraction, which also expressed the transcription factor Blimp-1. After anti-CD20 treatment, anti-insulin B cells repopulated the pancreatic islets earlier than non-specific B cells. Importantly, we observed that a CD138intinsulin+CD19− population was particularly enriched after B cell depletion, possibly contributing to the persistence of disease still observed in some mice after anti-CD20 treatment. Conclusions/interpretation Our observations may indicate why the loss of C-peptide is only temporarily delayed following anti-CD20 treatment in human type 1 diabetes

    Peripheral proinsulin expression controls low-avidity proinsulin-reactive CD8 T Cells in type 1 diabetes

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    Low-avidity autoreactive CD8 T cells (CTLs) escape from thymic negative selection, and peripheral tolerance mechanisms are essential for their regulation. We report the role of proinsulin (PI) expression on the development and activation of insulin-specific CTLs in the NOD mouse model of type 1 diabetes. We studied insulin B-chain–specific CTL from different T-cell receptor transgenic mice (G9Cα−/−) expressing normal PI1 and PI2 or altered PI expression levels. In the absence of PI2 (Ins2−/−), CTL in pancreatic lymph nodes (PLNs) were more activated, and male G9Cα−/− mice developed T1D. Furthermore, when the insulin-specific CTLs developed in transgenic mice lacking their specific PI epitope, the CTLs demonstrated increased cytotoxicity and proliferation in vitro and in vivo in the PLNs after adoptive transfer into NOD recipients. Dendritic cell–stimulated proliferation of insulin-specific T cells was reduced in the presence of lymph node stromal cells (LNSCs) from NOD mice but not from mice lacking the PI epitope. Our study shows that LNSCs regulate CTL activation and suggests that exposure to PI in the periphery is very important in maintenance of tolerance of autoreactive T cells. This is relevant for human type 1 diabetes and has implications for the use of antigen-specific therapy in tolerance induction

    A simple method for in vivo labelling of infiltrating leukocytes in the mouse retina using indocyanine green dye

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    We have developed a method to label and image myeloid cells infiltrating the mouse retina and choroid in vivo, using a single depot injection of indocyanine green dye (ICG). This was demonstrated using the following ocular models of inflammation and angiogenesis: endotoxin-induced uveitis, experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis and laser-induced choroidal neovascularization model. A near-infrared scanning ophthalmoscope was used for in vivo imaging of the eye, and flow cytometry was used on blood and spleen to assess the number and phenotype of labelled cells. ICG was administered 72 h before the induction of inflammation to ensure clearance from the systemic circulation. We found that in vivo intravenous administration failed to label any leukocytes, whereas depot injection, either intraperitoneal or subcutaneous, was successful in labelling leukocytes infiltrating into the retina. Progression of inflammation in the retina could be traced over a period of 14 days following a single depot injection of ICG. Additionally, bright-field microscopy, spectrophotometry and flow cytometric analysis suggest that the predominant population of cells stained by ICG are circulating myeloid cells. The translation of this approach into clinical practice would enable visualization of immune cells in situ. This will not only provide a greater understanding of pathogenesis, monitoring and assessment of therapy in many human ocular diseases but might also open the ability to image immunity live for neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular disease and systemic immune-mediated disorders

    Gene expression profiling in NOD mice reveals that B cells are highly educated by the pancreatic environment during autoimmune diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis: B cells play an important role in driving the development of type 1 diabetes; however, it remains unclear how they contribute to local beta cell destruction during disease progression. Here, we use gene expression profiling of B cell subsets identified in inflamed pancreatic tissue to explore their primary functional role during the progression of autoimmune diabetes. Methods: Transcriptional profiling was performed on FACS-sorted B cell subsets isolated from pancreatic islets and the pancreatic lymph nodes of NOD mice. Results: B cells are highly modified by the inflamed pancreatic tissue and can be distinguished by their transcriptional profile from those in the lymph nodes. We identified both a discrete and a core shared gene expression profile in islet CD19+CD138– and CD19+CD138+ B cell subsets, the latter of which is known to have enriched autoreactivity during diabetes development. On localisation to pancreatic islets, compared with CD138– B cells, CD138+ B cells overexpress genes associated with adhesion molecules and growth factors. Their shared signature consists of gene expression changes related to the differentiation of antibody-secreting cells and gene regulatory networks associated with IFN signalling pathways, proinflammatory cytokines and Toll-like receptor (TLR) activation. Finally, abundant TLR7 expression was detected in islet B cells and was enhanced specifically in CD138+ B cells. Conclusions/interpretation: Our study provides a detailed transcriptional analysis of islet B cells. Specific gene signatures and interaction networks have been identified that point towards a functional role for B cells in driving autoimmune diabetes. Graphical abstract

    Re-programming immunosurveillance in persistent non-infectious ocular inflammation

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    Ocular function depends on a high level of anatomical integrity. This is threatened by inflammation, which alters the local tissue over short and long time-scales. Uveitis due to autoimmune disease, especially when it involves the retina, leads to persistent changes in how the eye interacts with the immune system. The normal pattern of immune surveillance, which for immune privileged tissues is limited, is re-programmed. Many cell types, that are not usually present in the eye, become detectable. There are changes in the tissue homeostasis and integrity. In both human disease and mouse models, in the most extreme cases, immunopathological findings consistent with development of ectopic lymphoid-like structures and disrupted angiogenesis accompany severely impaired eye function. Understanding how the ocular environment is shaped by persistent inflammation is crucial to developing novel approaches to treatment