96 research outputs found

    Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) producing gram-negative uropathogens in Sokoto, Nigeria

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    Background: Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBLs) producing  Gram-negative uropathogens is now a major source of concern worldwide.Objectives: The study was conducted to determine the prevalence and  susceptibility to antimicrobial of ESBL-producing Gram-negative uropathogens in Sokoto, Nigeria.Materials and Methods: A total number of Three Hundred and Sixty Five (365) urine samples were analyzed between November, 2014 and February, 2015. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was determined using the modified Kirby Bauer method.  Confirmation of ESBL phenotype was performed by Double-Disc Synergy Test  (DDST) method.Results: Gram-negative uropathogens constitute 60.9% out of the 105 positive  cultures. Male patients were 54.7%, while females were 45.3%. Age group 19-40 constitutes 54.7%, while age group 41-60 was 32.8%, and 61 years and above  accounted for 12.5%. The isolates were highly resistant to Cotrimoxazole (71.9%), but highly susceptible to Nitrofurantoin (70.3 ). Out of the 64 Gram-negative  uropathogens E.coli constitute 29.7%, followed by Salmonella arizonae (23.4%),  Klebsiella oxytoca (10.9%), Enterobacter gergoviae (9.3%), Serratia marscense  (6.3%), and Citrobacter freundii (6.3%). Klebsiella pneumoniae (4.7%). Others  account for 1.6% each (Enterobacter aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Edwardsiella tarda, Burkholderia pseudomallei and Acinetobacter  iwoffii). Fifteen (15) (83.3%) were phenotypically confirmed using the Double-Disc Synergy Test (DDST) as ESBL producers of which E.coli account for 26.7%,  Enterobacter gergoviae (20%), Enterobacter aerogenes (6.7%) Klebsiella oxytoca (6.7%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (6.7%), Citrobacter freundii (13.3%), while Serratia marscense, Edwardsiella tarda, Acinetobacter iwoffii accounted for (6.7%) each.Conclusions: Our findings document the presence of ESBL-producing Gram-negative uropathogens in Sokoto. E.coli and Enterobacter gergoviae were the predominant ESBL producers. Nitrofurantoin remains active in the majority of the isolates.Keywords: ESBLs, Gram-negative uropathogens, Antimicrobial susceptibility

    Fatty Acids Composition of Three Different Vegetable Oils (Soybean Oil, Groundnut Oil and Coconut Oil) by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    Edible vegetable oil were extracted from three sources; soyabean, groundnut and coconut. These oils were processed for fatty acid analysis using high performance liquid chromatography. Three saturated fatty acid were present. Palmitic acid; (C16;O) range from 2.092% in coconut oil to 4.756% in groundnut oil, stearic acid (C16;O) range from 1.496% in soya bean oil to 12.075% in groundnut oil. Monounsaturated fatty acid was also obtained. Oleric acid (C18:1) range from 8.584% in coconut oil to 12.722% in groundnut oil. Polyunsaturated (essential) fatty acid identified was linoleic acid (C18:2 Omega-6) at concentration ranges of 5.654% in soyabean oil to 9.198% in groundnut oil. The result showed that the three samples are good sources of two essential fatty acid (lauric and palmitric acid). The predominant component of soyabean oil and coconut oil was myristic acid (C14:O) (41.039% and 33.544% respectively). The highest fatty acid component of groundnut oil is lauric acid (C12:O) at 14.567%. Keywords: Soybean oil, Groundnut Oil, Coconut oil, Fatty acids, HPLC

    A Bibliometric Study of Authorship and Collaboration Trends Over the Past 30 Years in Four Major Musculoskeletal Science Journals

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    This study explored changes in bibliometric variables over the last 30 years for four major musculoskeletal science journals (BONE®), Calcified Tissue International® (CTI®), Journal of Bone and Mineral Research® (JBMR®), and Journal of Orthopaedic Research® (JOR®), with a specific focus on author gender. Bibliometric data were collected for all manuscripts in 1985 (BONE®, CTI®, JOR®), 1986 (JBMR®), 1995, 2005, and 2015; 2776 manuscripts met inclusion criteria. Manuscripts from Europe were more often published in BONE® or CTI®, while those from North America in JBMR® or JOR®. All journals demonstrated an increase over time in the number of authors (3.67–7.3), number of countries (1.1–1.4), number of institutions (1.4–3.1), and number of references (25.1–45.4). The number of manuscript pages increased (6.6–8.9) except for JOR® which showed a decline. CTI® had the lowest number of authors (4.9 vs. 5.6–6.8). There was a change in the corresponding author position from first to last for all journals; this change was highest for CTI® (35%) and lowest for BONE® (14.0%). All journals demonstrated an increase over time in female authors; however, CTI® was the highest amongst these four journals. The percentage of female first authors rose from 24.6 to 44.3% (CTI® 29.1–52.3%). The percentage of corresponding female authors rose from 17.5 to 33.6% (CTI® 22.9–40.0%). The proportion of female authors is increasing, likely reflecting the increasing number of women obtaining doctorates in science, medicine, and engineering

    Production of Organic Acids and Adsorption of Cd on Roots of Durum Wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum)

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    A number of isolines of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var durum) differ in their translocation of Cd. In the field, the high isolines accumulate twice the Cd in leaves and grain when compared to the low isolines. The hypothesis that differential accumulation of Cd is associated with differential production of organic acids was tested by measuring Cd content in tissues, Cd partitioning within the root, and organic acids in tissues. In solution culture, the high and low isolines of W9261-BG did not differ in any of the variables measured. Within W9260-BC, the low isoline had half the Cd in its shoot, 30% more tightly-bound Cd in the root and higher concentrations of fumaric, malic, and succinic acids in the root compared to the high isoline. Differential Cd accumulation may be linked to differential adsorption and retention of Cd in the roots of the low Cd-accumulating isolines, possibly via chelation with organic acids

    Analyses of the Leaf, Fruit and Seed of Thaumatococcus tktniellii (Benth.): Exploring Potential Uses

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    Thaumatococcus daniellii is an economic plant with versatile uses in Southern Nigeria. The arils attached to the seeds contain thawnatin, a non-sugar sweetener and taste modifier. This study examined the chemical constituents of the leaf, fruit and seed ofT. daniellii. The fresh fruit, on weight basis, consists of 4.8% aril, 22.8% seed and 72.4% fleshy part The leaf contained (per 100 g): 10.67 g moisture, 8.95 gash, 17.21 g fat, 21.06 g protein, 24.61 g crude fiber 17.50 g carbohydrate, 0.10 g calcium, 0.08 g magnesium, 0.01 g iron and 0.37 g phosphorus. The fruit (fleshy part) contained 10.04 g moisture, 21.08 gash, 0.93 g fat 11.53 g protein, 18.43 g crude fiber, 37.27 g carbohydrate, 0.34 g calcium, 0.30 g magnesium, 0.01 g iron and 0.21 g phosphorus. The seed contained 15.15 g moisture, 11.30 g ash, 0.21 g fat, 10.36 g protein, 20.52 g crude fiber and 42.46 g carbohydrate. Terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids and cardiac glycosoides were significantly present in both the leaf and fruit whereas phlobatani:n, saponin, steroids, anthraquinones and ascorbic acid were absent. Tannin was present only in the leaf. The leaf and fruit ofT. daniellii have significant nutritional and medicinal benefits. The leaf is rich in protein and fat. The fruit is a good source of minerals, particularly, calciwn and magnesiwn; the leaf is also rich in phosphoru

    Analyses of the Leaf, Fruit and Seed of Thaumatococcus tktniellii (Benth.): Exploring Potential Uses

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    Thaumatococcus daniellii is an economic plant with versatile uses in Southern Nigeria. The arils attached to the seeds contain thawnatin, a non-sugar sweetener and taste modifier. This study examined the chemical constituents of the leaf, fruit and seed ofT. daniellii. The fresh fruit, on weight basis, consists of 4.8% aril, 22.8% seed and 72.4% fleshy part The leaf contained (per 100 g): 10.67 g moisture, 8.95 gash, 17.21 g fat, 21.06 g protein, 24.61 g crude fiber 17.50 g carbohydrate, 0.10 g calcium, 0.08 g magnesium, 0.01 g iron and 0.37 g phosphorus. The fruit (fleshy part) contained 10.04 g moisture, 21.08 gash, 0.93 g fat 11.53 g protein, 18.43 g crude fiber, 37.27 g carbohydrate, 0.34 g calcium, 0.30 g magnesium, 0.01 g iron and 0.21 g phosphorus. The seed contained 15.15 g moisture, 11.30 g ash, 0.21 g fat, 10.36 g protein, 20.52 g crude fiber and 42.46 g carbohydrate. Terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids and cardiac glycosoides were significantly present in both the leaf and fruit whereas phlobatani:n, saponin, steroids, anthraquinones and ascorbic acid were absent. Tannin was present only in the leaf. The leaf and fruit ofT. daniellii have significant nutritional and medicinal benefits. The leaf is rich in protein and fat. The fruit is a good source of minerals, particularly, calciwn and magnesiwn; the leaf is also rich in phosphoru

    Description and Composition of Tree Species in a Tertiary Institution Agricultural Faculty Arboretum, Ibadan, South-West Nigeria

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    The Arboretum of the Agricultural Faculty of a tertiary institution in Ibadan is known for its rich diversity of trees. Therefore, the study investigates the tree growth variables in the arboretum such as diameter at breast height (dbh), diameter at the base, middle and top of the bole, total height, merchantable height and crown diameter. The basal area and volume were then calculated per species and per family. Several models were fitted for the height – diameter relationship and crown diameter – diameter relationship and crown diameter – dbh relationship. Positive linear relationships were observed among the growth variables. The fitted models showed that cubic models exhibit a more reliable function than quadratic and linear models for crown diameter – dbh predictions as it has R2 above 0.75. Endangered species were observed too and this was indicated through the diversity index obtained. The highest basal area encounter belongs to myrtaceae family (9.61m2) while the lowest belongs to pinaceae family (0.24m2). The total basal area obtained at (31.72m2) from the faculty trees indicates that they are exhibiting better growth and yield

    A case of dengue fever in a health worker in university of Port-Harcourt teaching hospital

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    Dengue fever is a mosquito borne disease which can easily be missed or misdiagnosed in early stages as a result of poor surveillance, similarity with other febrile illness and unavailability of PCR necessary for its diagnosis. We hereby report a 44year old female nurse living around a bushy and swampy environment, who presented to university of Port-Harcourt teaching hospital (UPTH) with high grade fever of 1week duration, also developed joint pains, passage of coke colored urine, sensor neural deafness, hyperglycemia and petechial hemorrhage while on admission. Patient continued to have persistent fever despite having completed her anti-malaria and antibiotics, viral studies were subsequently done for her and she was found to have dengue virus. Patient was conservatively managed and discharged for follow-up in medical outpatient and Ear nose and throat clinic

    Effect of Storage Temperature on Some Ogi Properties

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    Abstract: The study aimed at investigating the effect of storage temperatures on some quality properties of Ogi putting into consideration the peculiar situation of power supply in Nigeria. Ogi was processed using traditional method and stored at different temperatures (27±3, 5 ±2, -10±3 and -20±3ºC) for a period of 12 weeks. Proximate, pH, total titrable acidity, pasting characteristics and sensory evaluation were carried out. The total titratable acidity (Lactic acid based) began to decrease as from week 2 and throughout the period of storage in ogi samples stored at ambient temperature of 27±3ºC. A similar observation was noticed in the ogi stored at 5 ±2ºC, while ogi stored at -10±3 and -20±3ºC maintained the total titrable acidity when compared with the fresh ogi. The mean values of pH were significantly different (p<0.05) in all the storage conditions, while high pH values of 3.61±0.25 and 3.65±0.05 were recorded at week 12 of ogi stored at ambient temperature and 5±2ºC respectively. There was significant difference (p<0.05) in moisture content throughout the period of storage. There was significant difference in proximate composition (p<0.05) in all the storage conditions and throughout the storage period. The peak viscosity and final viscosity of ogi stored under the ambient temperature witnessed a noticeable reduction throughout the period of storage compared with the fresh sample of ogi. Storage at 5±2,-10±3 and -20±3ºC conditions maintained the hold strength (hot paste viscosity). The range of pasting temperature for ogi samples throughout the period of storage was between 76 and 80ºC. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in multiple comparison results of sensory evaluation and the values for consistency were 2.7 and 2.75 at weeks 8 and 10 respectively for ogi stored at ambient temperature. The acceptability results for consistency and colour showed a significant difference (p<0.05). Ogi stored at low temperatures (-10±3 and -20±3ºC) were preferred

    Whole Genome Sequencing of Rhodotorula Mucilaginosa Isolated from the Chewing Stick (Distemonanthus benthamianus): insights into Rhodotorula Phylogeny, Mitogenome Dynamics and Carotenoid Biosynthesis

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    In industry, the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa is commonly used for the production of carotenoids. The production of carotenoids is important because they are used as natural colorants in food and some carotenoids are precursors of retinol (vitamin A). However, the identification and molecular characterization of the carotenoid pathway/s in species belonging to the genus Rhodotorula is scarce due to the lack of genomic information thus potentially impeding effective metabolic engineering of these yeast strains for improved carotenoid production. In this study, we report the isolation, identification, characterization and the whole nuclear genome and mitogenome sequence of the endophyte R. mucilaginosa RIT389 isolated from Distemonanthus benthamianus, a plant known for its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties and commonly used as chewing sticks. The assembled genome of R. mucilaginosa RIT389 is 19 Mbp in length with an estimated genomic heterozygosity of 9.29%. Whole genome phylogeny supports the species designation of strain RIT389 within the genus in addition to supporting the monophyly of the currently sequenced Rhodotorula species. Further, we report for the first time, the recovery of the complete mitochondrial genome of R. mucilaginosa using the genome skimming approach. The assembled mitogenome is at least 7,000 bases larger than that of Rhodotorula taiwanensiswhich is largely attributed to the presence of large intronic regions containing open reading frames coding for homing endonuclease from the LAGLIDADG and GIY-YIG families. Furthermore, genomic regions containing the key genes for carotenoid production were identified in R. mucilaginosa RIT389, revealing differences in gene synteny that may play a role in the regulation of the biotechnologically important carotenoid synthesis pathways in yeasts