22 research outputs found

    Estado crítico de la investigación en la psicología ecuatoriana: el abandono de la estadística como base de la producción científica

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    This article reports a study that analyzed the role of statistics in the scientific production of Ecuadorian psychology based on a mixed methodology study. The sample included 410 participants (students and professionals of different cities of Ecuador). The findings on the quantitative phase included that liking and mastering statistical processes increase the probability of publishing a scientific article. Moreover, when negative belief variables and anxiety related to statistics have a higher score, the mastery of statistical processes and its use for the job of the psychologist decrease. On the qualitative phase, a significance emerged that allowed to better understand quantitative data, and to develop categories on statistics erroneous' believes, procedures, a negative predisposition towards learning statistics and others. The paper concludes by analyzing the scientific reality of Ecuadorian psychology and the need to carry out longitudinal research where it will be possible to restructure subjective constructions on the role of statistics in psychology

    University Students’ Rejection to Learning Statistics: Research from a Latin American Standpoint

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    Introduction: Negative beliefs, fear, avoidance behaviors, and superficial attitudes surrounding the learning of statistics create significant problems for university students in Latin America. Objective: To analyze the impact of fearful behavior, superficial work, and avoidance displayed by university students when it comes to statistics. Method: In this article, we give details about a quantitative research project carried out by two independent studies. The first (N = 310) focused on the development of a scale to assess negative beliefs, fears, and avoidance behaviors towards statistics, in which goodness of fit was determined in a 3-factor model. In the second study (N = 250), it was hypothesized that undergraduates perform superficially due to negative beliefs and avoidance behaviors when learning statistics. Findings: The proposed model explained 42% of the variance. In addition, in the analysis of the proposed mediation model, an adequate adjustment was found. In the discussion of this research project, the need to intervene in the negative beliefs, fears, and avoidance behaviors displayed by university students towards statistics is highlighted. Novelty:This research project explains why college students dislike or avoid learning statistics in depth. The findings will allow for a modification in the way statistics is taught so that Latin American professionals achieve better performance in this field. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-SIED2-07 Full Text: PD

    Validation of the GAEU-1 Acale to Assess the Learning Management of University Students

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    Introduction: The self-management of university learning encompasses a series of aspects that allow students to be conscious and autonomous in their professional training. Objective: In this article, we present the process of creation and validation of a scale to assess essential factors of this phenomenon: self-management of learning, conscious motivation strategies for learning, perception of academic performance, and techniques for deep learning. Method: The design is a cross-sectional quantitative process with the purpose of carrying out validity and reliability analysis of a psychological measurement instrument. The research was conducted with 1373 university students from Chile and Ecuador. Results: The scale consists of 19 items that conform the four factors mentioned and whose results indicate adequate psychometric properties, allowing it to be applied in the Latin American context. Novelty:This research proposes a new instrument to assess the self-management of the university learning process, which contributes to carrying out new research in the university educational context. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-SIED2-019 Full Text: PD

    E-learning and M-learning Benefits in the Learning Process

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    This paper elaborates around the perception that students have regarding the learning process based on technological means: e-learning and m-learning combined. The experiment’s sample consisted of 16 students between 9 and 12 years old (37.2% female and 62.5% male). The results showed that most students are in favor of using technology to improve their motivation to learn, which significantly improves their willingness to complete learning activitie

    Mobile app for psycho-statistics learning

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    The requirements to complete the curricula for psychology students has a nodal point which has not yet been solved, it is the acquirement of statistical analyses competences. In this sense, the present work represents the creative development of a mobile application for teaching statistics to Psychology students and professionals. Taking into account this problem and based on the technological use that a mobile cellphone has, our proposal as technological innovation is to create series of mobile applications, for Android and IOS, addressing students and professionals in this science that would like to conduct statistical analyses with high quality competences. In this first mobile application proposed, descriptive statistics will be taught, and it will have various stages with sub-components to interact with the user of the app. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    Virtual Reality as a Learning Mechanism: Experiences in Marketing

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    Virtual reality or VR is the simulation of a real or imaginary environment, which can be experienced as an abstraction of the real environment, which in turn allows the user to interact through a technological device within that simulation. Likewise, the user has the ability to modify the surrounding system by means of motion sensors, which will allow him/her to feel, and perceive as he or she is immersed in virtuality. Thanks to VR, sensorial perception is amplified, allowing to enhance our experiences of the real world, so that VR provides us with safe space of learning. Because of it, there has been seen necessary to review the scope of VR in marketing education, addressing that technology advances present excellent tools useful for the training of better professionals, as well as being support into rehabilitation processes, such as in learning difficulties at all marketing educational levels

    University Students’ Rejection to Learning Statistics: Research from a Latin American Standpoint

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    Introduction: Negative beliefs, fear, avoidance behaviors, and superficial attitudes surrounding the learning of statistics create significant problems for university students in Latin America. Objective: To analyze the impact of fearful behavior, superficial work, and avoidance displayed by university students when it comes to statistics. Method: In this article, we give details about a quantitative research project carried out by two independent studies. The first (N = 310) focused on the development of a scale to assess negative beliefs, fears, and avoidance behaviors towards statistics, in which goodness of fit was determined in a 3-factor model. In the second study (N = 250), it was hypothesized that undergraduates perform superficially due to negative beliefs and avoidance behaviors when learning statistics. Findings: The proposed model explained 42% of the variance. In addition, in the analysis of the proposed mediation model, an adequate adjustment was found. In the discussion of this research project, the need to intervene in the negative beliefs, fears, and avoidance behaviors displayed by university students towards statistics is highlighted. Novelty: This research project explains why college students dislike or avoid learning statistics in depth. The findings will allow for a modification in the way statistics is taught so that Latin American professionals achieve better performance in this field

    Factorial Structure of the EOCL-1 Scale to Assess Executive Functions

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    The process of assessing executive functions through behavioral observation scales is still under theoretical and empirical construction. This article reports on the analysis of the factorial structure of the EOCL-1 scale that assesses executive functions, as proposed by the theory developed by Luria, which has not been previously considered in this type of evaluation. In this scale, the executive functions taken into account are error correction, internal behavioral and cognition regulatory language, limbic system conscious regulation, decision making, future consideration of consequences of actions, goal-directed behavior, inhibitory control of automatic responses, creation of new behavioral repertoires, and cognitive–behavioral activity verification. A variety of validity and reliability analyses were carried out, with the following results: (a) an adequate internal consistency level of executive functions between α = 0.70 and α = 0.83, (b) significant convergent validity with a scale that assesses frontal deficits between r = −0.07 and r = 0.28, and (c) the scale’s construct validity that proposes a model with an executive central factor comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.93, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.04 (LO.04 and HI.04), standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) = 0.04, and x2(312) = 789.29, p = 0.001. The findings are discussed based on previous literature reports and in terms of the benefits of using a scale to assess the proposed executive functions

    Critical status of research in Educadorian psychology: The abandonment of statistics as a basis of scientific production

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    This article reports a study that analyzed the role of statistics in the scientific production of Ecuadorian psychology based on a mixed methodology study. The sample included 410 participants (students and professionals of different cities of Ecuador). The findings on the quantitative phase included that liking and mastering statistical processes increase the probability of publishing a scientific article. Moreover, when negative belief variables and anxiety related to statistics have a higher score, the mastery of statistical processes and its use for the job of the psychologist decrease. On the qualitative phase, a significance emerged that allowed to better understand quantitative data, and to develop categories on statistics erroneous’ believes, procedures, a negative predisposition towards learning statistics and others. The paper concludes by analyzing the scientific reality of Ecuadorian psychology and the need to carry out longitudinal research where it will be possible to restructure subjective constructions on the role of statistics in psychology.En este artículo se reporta una investigación que analizó el rol de la estadística en la producción científica de la psicología ecuatoriana, para lo cual, se realizó, un estudio con metodología mixta. La muestra se conformó con 410 participantes (estudiantes y profesionales de diversas ciudades de Ecuador). En la fase cuantitativa se encontró que, sentir gusto y dominar los procesos de estadística aumentan la probabilidad de publicar un artículo científico además, cuando las variable creencias negativas sobre estadística y ansiedad por la estadística aumentan en su puntuación, el dominio de los procesos estadísticos y la utilidad de la estadística en el trabajo del psicólogo disminuyen. En la fase cualitativa emergieron significaciones que permitieron comprender de mejor manera los datos cuantitativos, en donde se construyeron categorías que tienen que ver con creencias erróneas sobre la estadística, sus procedimientos, una predisposición negativa hacia su aprendizaje y otras. Se concluye el artículo analizando la realidad científica de la psicología ecuatoriana y la necesidad de ejecutar investigaciones longitudinales donde se pueda re-estructurar las construcciones subjetivas sobre la estadística en la psicología

    Adaptación y estudio descriptivo del experimento Simon en una muestra de estudiantes ecuatorianos

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    Introducción. El experimento Simon es una tarea que permite evaluar el control inhibitorio y tiempo de reacción ante un estímulo que genera una tendencia automática de respuesta en el ser humano. Actualmente no existe investigación alguna que haya buscado adaptar este experimento en el contexto ecuatoriano. Objetivo. Adaptar y realizar un estudio descriptivo y correlacional del experimento Simon en una muestra de estudiantes ecuatorianos. Materiales y Método. La muestra estuvo conformada por 81 participantes entre 6 y 15 años de edad. Dentro del análisis se utilizó estadística descriptiva y paramétrica. Resultados. Se encontró que el tiempo de reacción es menor a medida que la edad avanza. Además, se observó que existe una tendencia de mejora del control inhibitorio desde los seis a los doce años, edad en donde existe una disminución en su maduración, la cual vuelve a mejorar alrededor de los quince años de edad. Conclusión. El experimento Simon presenta las características necesarias para ser aplicado en estudiantes ecuatorianos. Esta investigación nos proyecta a realizar nuevos estudios en donde podamos determinar los parámetros normativos de las respuestas en inhibición y tiempo de reacción de estudiantes a nivel nacional, tanto en población clínica como con desarrollo regular