867 research outputs found

    Asymptotic equivalence of a subclass of WCLT non degenerate GKSL generator

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    We prove the assymptotic equivalence of a sequence of block diagonal matrices with Toeplitz blocks. The blocks are the principal submatrices of an originating Toeplitz sequence with generating symbol of the Wiener class. As an application, using the invariance of certain \textit{diagonal} and \textit{cyclic-diagonal} operator subspaces of the GKSL generators of circulant and WCLT quantum Markov semigroups, the asymptotic equivalence of the families is proved under suitable hypothesis

    Assessment of the importance of the current-wave coupling in the shelf ocean forecasts

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    International audienceThe effects of wave-current interactions on shelf ocean forecasts is investigated in the framework of the MFSTEP (Mediterranean Forecasting System Project Towards Enviromental Predictions) project. A one way sequential coupling approach is adopted to link the wave model (WAM) to the circulation model (SYMPHONIE). The coupling of waves and currents has been done considering four main processes: wave refraction due to currents, surface wind drag and bottom drag modifications due to waves, and the wave induced mass flux. The coupled modelling system is implemented in the southern Catalan shelf (NW Mediterranean), a region with characteristics similar to most of the Mediterranean shelves. The sensitivity experiments are run in a typical operational configuration. The wave refraction by currents seems to be not very relevant in a microtidal context such as the western Mediterranean. The main effect of waves on current forecasts is through the modification of the wind drag. The Stokes drift also plays a significant role due to its spatial and temporal characteristics. Finally, the enhanced bottom friction is just noticeable in the inner shelf

    Rare decay t→cγγt\to c\gamma\gamma via scalar leptoquark doublets

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    A calculation of the one-loop contribution to the rare three-body flavor changing neutral current top quark decay t→cγγt\to c\gamma\gamma is presented in the framework of models with one or more scalar leptoquark SU(2)SU(2) doublets with hypercharge 7/67/6. Analytical expressions for the invariant amplitude of the generic decay fi→fjγγf_i\to f_j\gamma\gamma, with fi,jf_{i,j} a lepton or quark, are presented in terms of Passarino-Veltman integral coefficients, from which the amplitudes for the processes t→cγγt\to c\gamma\gamma and ℓi→ℓjγγ\ell_i\to \ell_j\gamma\gamma follow easily. An analysis of the current constraints on the parameter space is presented in the scenario with only one scalar LQ doublet and bounds on the LQ couplings are obtained from the muon g−2g-2 anomaly, the lepton flavor violating (LFV) decay τ→μγ\tau\to \mu\gamma and extra constraints meant to avoid tension between theory predictions and experimental data. For a LQ with a mass in the range of 11--1.51.5 TeVs, the estimate Br(t→cγγ)∼10−11{\rm Br}(t\to c\gamma\gamma)\sim 10^{-11}--10−1210^{-12} is obtained for the largest allowed values of the LQ coupling constants, which means that this decay would be below the reach of future experimental measurements. We also consider an scenario with three scalar doublets, which was recently proposed to explain the lepton flavor universality violation anomalies in BB decays as well as the muon g−2g-2 anomaly. Although this scenario allows large LQ couplings to the tau lepton and the cc and tt quarks, the branching ratio of the t→cγγt\to c\gamma\gamma decay is also of the order of 10−1110^{-11}--10−1210^{-12} for LQ masses of 1.7 TeV.Comment: In preparation for Journal Submissio

    External quarantine of artiodactils wildlife from Namibia to Cuba

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    In Cuba for several years not imported wild animals from the African continent and this important donation was received from Namibia called Noah?s Ark II, considered the largest held in the country?s history. The present study shows the results of external quarantine of the 8 species of artiodactyls introduced in the country and with final destination at the National Zoo Park. Artiodactyls species were identified as African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer), Cape Eland (Taurotragus oryx), Roan Antelope (Hippotragus equinus), Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), Hartebeest (Alcelaphus lichtensteinii), Gemsbok or Oryx (Oryx gazella), Impala (Aepyceros melampus) and Springbok (Antidorcas marsupiales). One hundred nine animals were investigated against 20 diseases. The laboratory results showed that 74.3% of all animals in quarantine were negative for 15 of the 20 diseases, 4% trypanosomiasis suspects and 22% positive for bluetongue, theileriosis, anaplasmosis and epizootic hemorrhagic disease. Sex relating these results showed that the highest percentage of negative animals appeared in populations with 77% females, while in males was lower with 69%. Arrived in the country a total of 59 adults and 5 calf Springbok meeting with the evaluate aspects and points made in the import protocol, so as apparently healthy animals and serologically negative to diseases of interestFil: Bolaños, R. Dirección Provincial La Habana. Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria (IMV). Departamento de Cuarentena Animal y Control de Comercio Internacional. La Habana, CubaFil: Cubilla, S. Parque Zoológico Nacional de Cuba (PZN). La Habana, CubaFil: Hernández, O.I. Dirección Provincial La Habana. Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria (IMV). Departamento de Cuarentena Animal y Control de Comercio Internacional. La Habana, CubaFil: Abeledo, M.A. Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (CENSA). CubaEn Cuba desde hace varios años no se importaban animales salvajes desde el continente africano y esta importante donación recibida desde Namibia ha sido denominada Arca de Noé II, considerada la mayor realizada en la historia del país. El presente estudio muestra los resultados obtenidos en la cuarentena externa de las 8 especies de artiodáctilos introducidas en el territorio nacional y con destino final al Parque Zoológico Nacional. Las especies de artiodáctilos fueron identificadas como Búfalo Africano (Syncerus caffer), Eland del Cabo (Taurotragus oryx), Antílope Roan (Hippotragus equinus), Gran Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), Hartebeest (Alcelaphus lichtensteinii), Gemsbok o Oryx (Oryx gazella), Impala (Aepyceros melampus) y Springbok (Antidorcas marsupiales). Se investigaron 109 animales contra 20 enfermedades. Los resultados de laboratorio arrojaron que el 74.3% del total de los animales en cuarentena fueron negativos a 15 de las 20 enfermedades, el 4% sospechosos a tripanosomiasis y el 22% positivos a lengua azul, teileriosis, anaplasmosis y enfermedad hemorrágica epizoótica. Al relacionar el sexo en estos resultados observamos que el mayor por ciento de animales negativos se presentó en las poblaciones de hembras con un 77%, mientras que en los machos fue inferior con 69%. Arribaron al país un total de 59 artiodáctilos adultos y 5 crías de Springbok cumpliendo con los aspectos evaluados y puntos establecidos en el protocolo de importación, así como animales aparentemente sanos y serológicamente negativos a las enfermedades de interés

    Effects of supplementation of L-carnitine on the body composition of trained and sedentary rats

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar el efecto de la suplementación de L-carnitina sobre la composición corporal de ratas entrenadas y sedentarias. Fueron seleccionadas de forma aleatoria 30 ratas machos Wistar, de 12 semanas de vida, cuyo peso osciló entre 350 a 380 gramos, constituyéndose cuatro grupos de animales: sedentario no suplementado (SNS), sedentario suplementado (SS), entrenado no suplementado (ENS) y entrenado suplementado (ES). El entrenamiento fue realizado con sesiones de carrera en la estera rodante, con duración de una hora y con suplementación oral crónica de L-Carnitina. Ambos protocolos con una duración de 4 semanas. La composición corporal fue evaluada a través de ecuaciones de predicción para determinar la masa libre de grasa (MLG) y masa de grasa (MG). Los resultados muestran que el entrenamiento físico disminuye los valores de la MLG y MG en el grupo ENS, y que la administración de la L-carnitina en forma conjunta con el entrenamiento físico revierte parcialmente la reducción de la MLG en el grupo ES. Finalmente se concluye que el ejercicio físico debe ser realizado juntamente con la suplementación de L-carnitina, permitiendo una disminución de la MG y mantener los niveles de MLG en ratas en proceso de crecimiento.The aim of this study is to determine the effect of L-carnitine supplementation on body composition of trained and sedentary rats. Were randomly selected 30 male Wistar rats of 12 weeks of age, whose weight ranged between 350 to 380 grams, four groups of animals: sedentary non-supplemented (SNS), sedentary supplemented (SS), trained not supplemented (ENS) trained and supplemented (ES). The training was done with sessions running on a treadmill, lasting an hour and chronic oral supplementation of L-carnitine. Both protocols with a duration of 4 weeks. Body composition was assessed by prediction equations to determine fat-free (FFM) and fat mass (FM). The results show that physical training decreases the values of FFM and FM in the ENS group, and that the administration of L-carnitine together with physical training partially reverses the reduction of MLG in ES. Finally concluded that physical exercise should be conducted jointly with the supplementation of L-carnitine, allowing a reduction in the MG and maintain levels in rats MLG growth process.Peer Reviewe

    A Characterization of Quantum Gaussian States in Terms of Annihilation Moments

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    We give a rigorous definition of moments of an unbounded observable with respect to a quantum state in terms of Yosida's approximations of unbounded generators of contractions semigroups. We use this notion to characterize Gaussian states in terms of annihilation moments. As a by-product, rigorous formulae for the mean value vector and the covariance matrix of a Gaussian state are obtained

    The fast recurrent subspace on an NN-level quantum energy transport model

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    The fast recurrent subspace (the biggest support of all invariant states) of a Weak Coupling Limit Type Quantum Markov Semigroup modeling a quantum transport open system of NN-energy levels is determined. This is achieved by characterizing the structure of all the invariant state and their spectra in terms of a natural generalization of the Discrete Fourier Transform operator. Finally, the attraction domains and long-time behavior of the evolution are studied on hereditary subalgebras where faithful invariant states exist.Comment: 25 page
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