16 research outputs found

    The impact of corporate science on environmental innovations : the role of universities and research institutions

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABEnvironmental innovation has become a cornerstone for companies and societies nowadays, given its potential to promote sustainable growth and development. To undertake environmental innovations, firms traditionally rely on their own resources such as corporate science, that is, basic scientific research that induces the development of the knowledge and capabilities required to sustain long-term strategies. Notably, coupled with corporate science, collaborations with universities and research institutions can also be important when seeking to promote environmental innovations, as these institutions continuously engage in R&D projects and increasingly adopt an eco-friendly vision toward innovation. The results of this longitudinal study, based on a sample of Spanish firms, confirm that corporate science investments spur environmental innovations. Yet, only collaborations with universities positively moderate the relationship between corporate science and environmental innovation

    Aprendizaje Basado en Equipos en cursos de gestión de empresas: La aplicación de estudios de casos y simulaciones

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    INTRODUCCIÓ. El domini en disciplines amb una gran orientació pràctica, com la gestió d’empreses, no està determinat directament pel grau de coneixement, sinó per la capacitat d’aplicar teories econòmiques i de gestió al món real. Aquesta naturalesa pràctica posa en relleu la insuficiència de les tècniques educatives tradicionals per a l’ensenyament, consistents en lectures i classes magistrals, i condueix a l’aparició de mètodes instructius alternatius, com els fonamentats en l’aprenentatge basat en equips (ABE). MÈTODE. Concretament, hi ha dos instruments l’ús dels quals s’ha anat incrementant en educació empresarial: els estudis de casos i les simulacions. RESULTATS. En aquesta investigació, els dos instruments són analitzats detalladament amb l’objectiu de determinar si el seu ús en la fase d’aplicació de l’ABE és una alternativa apropiada, atesa la naturalesa pràctica d’aquesta fase. DISCUSSIÓ. Basada en l’avaluació d’aquestes tècniques, la nostra investigació suggereix que la implementació conjunta d’ambdós instruments pot resultar especialment beneficiosa i desembocar en millors resultats d’aprenentatge i d’adquisició de capacitats, atès que cada un produeix efectes diferents i, al seu torn, valuosos.INTRODUCTION. A command of action-oriented disciplines such as business is not directly determined by knowledge level, but by the capacity to apply management and economic theories to the real world. This action-oriented nature has highlighted the insufficiency of traditional educational techniques for teaching purposes, based on readings and lectures, and has given rise to the appearance of alternative instructional methods such as those based on team-based learning (TBL). METHOD. The use of two key instruments is becoming increasingly widespread in business training: case studies and simulation games. RESULTS. As part of this study, both tools are subjected to an in-depth analysis in order to determine whether their use at the TBL application stage is an appropriate alternative, given the practical nature of this phase. DISCUSSION. Based on the evaluation of these techniques, our research suggests that their joint implementation can be particularly beneficial and may lead to better learning outcomes and skills acquisition, given that each produces different but equally valuable results.INTRODUCCIÓN. El dominio en disciplinas con una gran orientación práctica, como la gestión de empresas, no está determinado directamente por el nivel de conocimiento, sino por la capacidad de aplicar teorías económicas y de gestión al mundo real. Dicha naturaleza práctica puso de relieve la insuficiencia de las técnicas educativas tradicionales para la enseñanza, consistentes en lecturas y clases magistrales, y condujo a la aparición de métodos instructivos alternativos, como los fundamentados en el Aprendizaje Basado en Equipos (ABE). MÉTODO. Concretamente, existen dos instrumentos cuyo uso en educación empresarial se ha ido incrementando: los estudios de casos y las simulaciones. RESULTADOS. En esta investigación, ambos instrumentos son analizados en detalle con el objetivo de determinar si su uso en la fase de aplicación de ABE es una alternativa apropiada, dada la naturaleza práctica de esta etapa. DISCUSIÓN. Basada en la evaluación de estas técnicas, nuestra investigación sugiere que la implementación conjunta de ambos instrumentos puede resultar especialmente beneficiosa y desembocar en mejores resultados de aprendizaje y de adquisición de capacidades, dado que cada uno de ellos produce efectos diferentes y, a su vez, valiosos

    Estudio del caso y adquisición de habilidades : una experiencia docente en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

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    Este trabajo evalúa mediante una encuesta en qué medida el método de estudio del caso contribuye a mejorar las habilidades de los estudiantes de un curso de Dirección Estratégica. Los resultados en general son muy positivos, con promedios superiores a 4 (en una escala de 6 puntos) en todos los componentes analizados

    Team-based learning in business courses: The application of case studies and simulation games

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    INTRODUCTION. A command of action-oriented disciplines such as business is not directly determined by knowledge level, but by the capacity to apply management and economic theories to the real world. This action-oriented nature has highlighted the insufficiency of traditional educational techniques for teaching purposes, based on readings and lectures, and has given rise to the appearance of alternative instructional methods such as those based on team-based learning (TBL). METHOD. The use of two key instruments is becoming increasingly widespread in business training: case studies and simulation games. RESULTS. As part of this study, both tools are subjected to an in-depth analysis in order to determine whether their use at the TBL application stage is an appropriate alternative, given the practical nature of this phase. DISCUSSION. Based on the evaluation of these techniques, our research suggests that their joint implementation can be particularly beneficial and may lead to better learning outcomes and skills acquisition, given that each produces different but equally valuable results

    The influence of top management support for ICTs on organisational performance through knowledge acquisition, transfer, and utilisation.

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    This research analyses, first, whether top management support for information and communications technologies has positive consequences for knowledge management by analysing the specific influence of top management support for ICTs on each of the knowledge management processes (knowledge acquisition, transfer, and utilisation). Second, it analyses the influence of each knowledge management process on organisational performance. The theoretical model is tested using data collected from March to May 2010 from 201 CEOs in Spanish technology organisations. The results indicate that the stage-based disaggregation of the knowledge management process into knowledge acquisition, transfer, and utilisation, and the three-stage management process are the mediating mechanisms in the relationship between top management support for ICTs and organisational performance. CEOs should thus support the information and communication technologies necessary to improve all of the interrelated stages of knowledge management as a mechanism for achieving better organisational performance. Various strategic actions should be stimulated within the organisation to intensify the interrelation between these stages of acquisition, transfer, and utilisation of knowledge.Excellence Research Projects P08- SEJ-04057P11-SEJ-7988 from the Andalusian Regional GovernmentProjects ECO2009-09241 from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation.Projects ECO2012-31780 from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation

    Emprendimiento e innovación en la empresa granadina. Análisis de la situación actual

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    El presente estudio, auspiciado por la Cámara de Comercio de Granada y desarrollado por la Cátedra Bancaja Jóvenes Emprendedores de la Universidad de Granada, analiza las condiciones específicas que enfrentan las empresas granadinas a la hora de innovar. Por otra parte, establece algunas recomendaciones para empresarios/as y directivos interesados en utilizar esta herramienta como posible solución de algunos de los problemas que vienen soportando en sus empresas debido a la situación de crisis económica que estamos atravesando.Cámara de Comercio de GranadaCátedra Bancaja de Jóvenes Emprendedores de la Universidad de Granad

    Gestión de la tecnología y recursos de conocimiento en empresas del sector tecnológico: consecuencias y requerimientos en un ámbito de innovación

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    Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Organización de EmpresasLa realización de esta tesis doctoral ha sido posible gracias a la financiación que he recibido a través del Programa de Becas de Formación del Profesorado Universitario (F.P.U.), concedida por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, y Deporte (Gobierno de España). Igualmente, he de agradecer el apoyo que me ha brindado el grupo de investigación "Innovación, Desarrollo, y Sostenibilidad Empresarial" (SEJ481), la Junta de Andalucía y el Ministerio de Educación, a través de diversos proyectos de investigación (P11-SEJ-7988; P10-SEJ-6765; P08-SEJ-4057; ECO2012-31780; ECO2009-09241), el Departamento de Organización de Empresas y la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Universidad de Granada), y el Departamento "Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship" de la Carlson School of Managemente (University of Minnesota

    Team-based learning in business courses : the application of case studies and simulation games

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    A command of action-oriented disciplines such as business is not directly determined by knowledge level, but by the capacity to apply management and economic theories to the real world. This actionoriented nature has highlighted the insufficiency of traditional educational techniques for teaching purposes, based on readings and lectures, and has given rise to the appearance of alternative instructional methods such as those based on team-based learning (TBL). METHOD. The use of two key instruments is becoming increasingly widespread in business training: case studies and simulation games. RESULTS. As part of this study, both tools are subjected to an in-depth analysis in order to determine whether their use at the TBL application stage is an appropriate alternative, given the practical nature of this phase. DISCUSSION. Based on the evaluation of these techniques, our research suggests that their joint implementation can be particularly beneficial and may lead to better learning outcomes and skills acquisition, given that each produces different but equally valuable results

    Technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning: Effects on organizational innovation to improve firm performance

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    This paper analyzes how top management support of technology influences the generation of technological skills, technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning. The research also examines the effects of technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning on organizational innovation and reflects how all of these variables impact organizational performance. The results of our empirical analysis, based on a sample of 201 Spanish technological firms, suggest that: (1) top management support positively influences the generation of technological skills, technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning; (2) technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning positively affect organizational performance, directly and indirectly through organizational innovation.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science for their financial support through project ECO2009-09241The authors would like to thank the Research and the Local Council of Economy, Innovation and Science of Andalusia’s Regional Government for their financial support through project P08-SEJ-405