27 research outputs found

    Loop Quantum Cosmology and Boundary Proposals

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    For many years, the most active area of quantum cosmology has been the issue of choosing boundary conditions for the wave function of a universe. Recently, loop quantum cosmology, which is obtained from loop quantum gravity, has shed new light on this question. In this case, boundary conditions are not chosen by hand with some particular physical intuition in mind, but they are part of the dynamical law. It is then natural to ask if there are any relations between these boundary conditions and the ones provided before. After discussing the technical foundation of loop quantum cosmology which leads to crucial ifferences to the Wheeler–DeWitt quantization, we compare the dynamical initial conditions of loop quantum cosmology with the tunneling and the no-boundary proposal and explain why they are closer to the no-boundary condition. We end with a discussion of recent developments and several open problems of loop quantum cosmology

    Lattice Refining Loop Quantum Cosmology from an Isotropic Embedding of Anisotropic Cosmology

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    We demonstrate that it is possible to produce different isotropic embeddings of anisotropic Loop Quantum Cosmology, resulting to "lattice refinement" in the isotropic system. To introduce the general approach, we first use a simple model with only two anisotropic directions. We then employ the specific case of a Bianchi I model, to show how the method extends to three-dimensional systems. To concisely calculate the step-size of the resulting isotropic state, we define the "symmetric dual" of states and operators, for the two- and three-dimensional systems, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; slightly amended version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Hubble operator in isotropic loop quantum cosmology

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    We present a construction of the Hubble operator for the spatially flat isotropic loop quantum cosmology. This operator is a Dirac observable on a subspace of the space of physical solutions. This subspace gets selected dynamically, requiring that its action be invariant on the physical solution space. As a simple illustrative application of the expectation value of the operator, we do find a generic phase of (super)inflation, a feature shown by Bojowald from the analysis of effective Friedmann equation of loop quantum cosmology.Comment: 20 pages, 3 eps figures, few comments and clarifications added to match with the published versio

    Consistency Conditions for Fundamentally Discrete Theories

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    The dynamics of physical theories is usually described by differential equations. Difference equations then appear mainly as an approximation which can be used for a numerical analysis. As such, they have to fulfill certain conditions to ensure that the numerical solutions can reliably be used as approximations to solutions of the differential equation. There are, however, also systems where a difference equation is deemed to be fundamental, mainly in the context of quantum gravity. Since difference equations in general are harder to solve analytically than differential equations, it can be helpful to introduce an approximating differential equation as a continuum approximation. In this paper implications of this change in view point are analyzed to derive the conditions that the difference equation should satisfy. The difference equation in such a situation cannot be chosen freely but must be derived from a fundamental theory. Thus, the conditions for a discrete formulation can be translated into conditions for acceptable quantizations. In the main example, loop quantum cosmology, we show that the conditions are restrictive and serve as a selection criterion among possible quantization choices.Comment: 33 page

    The Early Universe in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    Loop quantum cosmology applies techniques derived for a background independent quantization of general relativity to cosmological situations and draws conclusions for the very early universe. Direct implications for the singularity problem as well as phenomenology in the context of inflation or bouncing universes result, which will be reviewed here. The discussion focuses on recent new results for structure formation and generalizations of the methods.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, plenary talk at VI Mexican School on Gravitation and Mathematical Physics, Nov 21-27, 200

    Closed FRW model in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    The basic idea of the LQC applies to every spatially homogeneous cosmological model, however only the spatially flat (so called k=0k=0) case has been understood in detail in the literature thus far. In the closed (so called: k=1) case certain technical difficulties have been the obstacle that stopped the development. In this work the difficulties are overcome, and a new LQC model of the spatially closed, homogeneous, isotropic universe is constructed. The topology of the spacelike section of the universe is assumed to be that of SU(2) or SO(3). Surprisingly, according to the results achieved in this work, the two cases can be distinguished from each other just by the local properties of the quantum geometry of the universe. The quantum hamiltonian operator of the gravitational field takes the form of a difference operator, where the elementary step is the quantum of the 3-volume derived in the flat case by Ashtekar, Pawlowski and Singh. The mathematical properties of the operator are studied: it is essentially self-adjoint, bounded from above by 0, the 0 itself is not an eigenvalue, the eigenvectors form a basis. An estimate on the dimension of the spectral projection on any finite interval is provided.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figures, high quality, nea

    Quantum Nature of the Big Bang: Improved dynamics

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    An improved Hamiltonian constraint operator is introduced in loop quantum cosmology. Quantum dynamics of the spatially flat, isotropic model with a massless scalar field is then studied in detail using analytical and numerical methods. The scalar field continues to serve as `emergent time', the big bang is again replaced by a quantum bounce, and quantum evolution remains deterministic across the deep Planck regime. However, while with the Hamiltonian constraint used so far in loop quantum cosmology the quantum bounce can occur even at low matter densities, with the new Hamiltonian constraint it occurs only at a Planck-scale density. Thus, the new quantum dynamics retains the attractive features of current evolutions in loop quantum cosmology but, at the same time, cures their main weakness.Comment: Typos corrected. Revised version to appear in Physical Review

    Inflationary scalar spectrum in loop quantum cosmology

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    In the context of loop quantum cosmology, we consider an inflationary era driven by a canonical scalar field and occurring in the semiclassical regime, where spacetime is a continuum but quantum gravitational effects are important. The spectral amplitude and index of scalar perturbations on an unperturbed de Sitter background are computed at lowest order in the slow-roll parameters. The scalar spectrum can be blue-tilted and far from scale invariance, and tuning of the quantization ambiguities is necessary for agreement with observations. The results are extended to a generalized quantization scheme including those proposed in the literature. Quantization of the matter field at sub-horizon scales can provide a consistency check of such schemes.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures. v2: typos corrected, discussion improved and extended, new section added. Conclusions are unchange

    Effects of the quantisation ambiguities on the Big Bounce dynamics

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    In this paper we investigate dynamics of the modified loop quantum cosmology models using dynamical systems methods. Modifications considered come from the choice of the different field strength operator F^\hat{F} and result in different forms of the effective Hamiltonian. Such an ambiguity of the choice of this expression from some class of functions is allowed in the framework of loop quantisation. Our main goal is to show how such modifications can influence the bouncing universe scenario in the loop quantum cosmology. In effective models considered we classify all evolutional paths for all admissible initial conditions. The dynamics is reduced to the form of a dynamical system of the Newtonian type on a 2-dimensional phase plane. These models are equivalent dynamically to the FRW models with the decaying effective cosmological term parametrised by the canonical variable pp (or by the scale factor aa). We find that for the positive cosmological constant there is a class of oscillating models without the initial and final singularities. The new phenomenon is the appearance of curvature singularities for the finite values of the scale factor, but we find that for the positive cosmological constant these singularities can be avoided. For the positive cosmological constant the evolution begins at the asymptotic state in the past represented by the deSitter contracting (deS−_{-}) spacetime or the static Einstein universe H=0 or H=−∞H=-\infty state and reaches the deSitter expanding state (deS+_{+}), the state H=0 or H=+∞H=+\infty state. In the case of the negative cosmological constant we obtain the past and future asymptotic states as the Einstein static universes.Comment: RevTeX4, 28 pages, 11 figs; rev.2 new section on exact solutions; (v3) published versio

    Lattice refinement in loop quantum cosmology

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    Lattice refinement in LQC, its meaning and its necessity are discussed. The r\^ole of lattice refinement for the realisation of a successful inflationary model is explicitly shown. A simple and effective numerical technique to solve the constraint equation for any choice of lattice refinement model is briefly illustrated. Phenomenological and consistency requirements leading to a particular choice of lattice refinement model are presented, while it is subsequently proved that only this choice of lattice refinement leads to a unique factor ordering in the Wheeler-De Witt equation, which is the continuum limit of LQC.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of "Recent Developments in Gravity-NEB XIII"; Thessaloniki (Greece), June 200