12 research outputs found

    Effective equations for isotropic quantum cosmology including matter

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    Effective equations often provide powerful tools to develop a systematic understanding of detailed properties of a quantum system. This is especially helpful in quantum cosmology where several conceptual and technical difficulties associated with the full quantum equations can be avoided in this way. Here, effective equations for Wheeler-DeWitt and loop quantizations of spatially flat, isotropic cosmological models sourced by a massive or interacting scalar are derived and studied. The resulting systems are remarkably different from that given for a free, massless scalar. This has implications for the coherence of evolving states and the realization of a bounce in loop quantum cosmology.Comment: 42 page

    Coordinate time dependence in Quantum Gravity

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    The intuitive classical space-time picture breaks down in quantum gravity, which makes a comparison and the development of semiclassical techniques quite complicated. Using ingredients of the group averaging method to solve constraints one can nevertheless introduce a classical coordinate time into the quantum theory, and use it to investigate the way a semiclassical continuous description emerges from discrete quantum evolution. Applying this technique to test effective classical equations of loop cosmology and their implications for inflation and bounces, we show that the effective semiclassical theory is in good agreement with the quantum description even at short scales.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figure. Revised version. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Singularities in Isotropic Non-Minimal Scalar Field Models

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    Non-minimally coupling a scalar field to gravity introduces an additional curvature term into the action which can change the general behavior in strong curvature regimes, in particular close to classical singularities. While one can conformally transform any non-minimal model to a minimally coupled one, that transformation can itself become singular. It is thus not guaranteed that all qualitative properties are shared by minimal and non-minimal models. This paper addresses the classical singularity issue in isotropic models and extends singularity removal in quantum gravity to non-minimal models.Comment: 12 page

    Effective constraints of loop quantum gravity

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    Within a perturbative cosmological regime of loop quantum gravity corrections to effective constraints are computed. This takes into account all inhomogeneous degrees of freedom relevant for scalar metric modes around flat space and results in explicit expressions for modified coefficients and of higher order terms. It also illustrates the role of different scales determining the relative magnitude of corrections. Our results demonstrate that loop quantum gravity has the correct classical limit, at least in its sector of cosmological perturbations around flat space, in the sense of perturbative effective theory.Comment: 44 pages, 6 figure

    Perturbative Degrees of Freedom in Loop Quantum Gravity: Anisotropies

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    The relation between an isotropic and an anisotropic model in loop quantum cosmology is discussed in detail, comparing the strict symmetry reduction with a perturbative implementation of symmetry. While the latter cannot be done in a canonical manner, it allows to consider the dynamics including the role of small non-symmetric degrees of freedom for the symmetric evolution. This serves as a model for the general situation of perturbative degrees of freedom in a background independent quantization such as loop quantum gravity, and for the more complicated addition of perturbative inhomogeneities. While being crucial for cosmological phenomenology, it is shown that perturbative non-symmetric degrees of freedom do not allow definitive conclusions for the singularity issue and in such a situation could even lead to wrong claims.Comment: 32 page

    Cosmological vector modes and quantum gravity effects

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    In contrast to scalar and tensor modes, vector modes of linear perturbations around an expanding Friedmann--Robertson--Walker universe decay. This makes them largely irrelevant for late time cosmology, assuming that all modes started out at a similar magnitude at some early stage. By now, however, bouncing models are frequently considered which exhibit a collapsing phase. Before this phase reaches a minimum size and re-expands, vector modes grow. Such modes are thus relevant for the bounce and may even signal the breakdown of perturbation theory if the growth is too strong. Here, a gauge invariant formulation of vector mode perturbations in Hamiltonian cosmology is presented. This lays out a framework for studying possible canonical quantum gravity effects, such as those of loop quantum gravity, at an effective level. As an explicit example, typical quantum corrections, namely those coming from inverse densitized triad components and holonomies, are shown to increase the growth rate of vector perturbations in the contracting phase, but only slightly. Effects at the bounce of the background geometry can, however, be much stronger.Comment: 20 page

    Spherically Symmetric Quantum Geometry: Hamiltonian Constraint

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    Variables adapted to the quantum dynamics of spherically symmetric models are introduced, which further simplify the spherically symmetric volume operator and allow an explicit computation of all matrix elements of the Euclidean and Lorentzian Hamiltonian constraints. The construction fits completely into the general scheme available in loop quantum gravity for the quantization of the full theory as well as symmetric models. This then presents a further consistency check of the whole scheme in inhomogeneous situations, lending further credence to the physical results obtained so far mainly in homogeneous models. New applications in particular of the spherically symmetric model in the context of black hole physics are discussed.Comment: 33 page

    On Energy Conditions and Stability in Effective Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    In isotropic loop quantum cosmology, non-perturbatively modified dynamics of a minimally coupled scalar field violates weak, strong and dominant energy conditions when they are stated in terms of equation of state parameter. The violation of strong energy condition helps to have non-singular evolution by evading singularity theorems thus leading to a generic inflationary phase. However, the violation of weak and dominant energy conditions raises concern, as in general relativity these conditions ensure causality of the system and stability of vacuum via Hawking-Ellis conservation theorem. It is shown here that the non-perturbatively modified kinetic term contributes negative pressure but positive energy density. This crucial feature leads to violation of energy conditions but ensures positivity of energy density, as scalar matter Hamiltonian remains bounded from below. It is also shown that the modified dynamics restricts group velocity for inhomogeneous modes to remain sub-luminal thus ensuring causal propagation across spatial distances.Comment: 29 pages, revtex4; few clarifications, references added, to appear in CQ

    Fermions in Loop Quantum Cosmology and the Role of Parity

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    Fermions play a special role in homogeneous models of quantum cosmology because the exclusion principle prevents them from forming sizable matter contributions. They can thus describe the matter ingredients only truly microscopically and it is not possible to avoid strong quantum regimes by positing a large matter content. Moreover, possible parity violating effects are important especially in loop quantum cosmology whose basic object is a difference equation for the wave function of the universe defined on a discrete space of triads. The two orientations of a triad are interchanged by a parity transformation, which leaves the difference equation invariant for ordinary matter. Here, we revisit and extend loop quantum cosmology by introducing fermions and the gravitational torsion they imply, which renders the parity issue non-trivial. A treatable locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi model is introduced which clearly shows the role of parity. General wave functions cannot be parity-even or odd, and parity violating effects in matter influence the microscopic big bang transition which replaces the classical singularity in loop quantum cosmology.Comment: 17 page

    Loop Quantum Cosmology

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