66 research outputs found

    Franck-Condon factors and observed band strength distribution in the vibrational structure of the Ag_2 D-X band system

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    Potential curves for the X_1Ī£_g^+ and D_1Ī£_u^+ states of three diatomic silver isotopomers, ^(107)Ag_2, ^(107)Ag^(109)Ag and ^(109)Ag_2, were determined from the best available molecular constants by the Rydberg-Klein-Rees method. From these potentials, Franck-Condon factors and band-origin wave numbers were computed, and the reliability of the obtained values was verified by comparison with the observed band strength distribution and the measured band origin positions in a previously recorded D-X spectrum. The ratios of the Franck-Condon factors to those of corresponding isotopic bands were found to be very close to unity, revealing only a very small isotopic effect on the Franck Condon factors of Ag_2 D-X bands. The isotopic shifts of the calculated band origins agree well with previously measured displacements of band heads

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a multidisciplinary clinical practice approachā€”the institutional adaptation to existing Clinical Practice Guidelines

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is among the most frequently encountered chronic liver diseases in everyday clinical practice. It is considered the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome. Today, liver biopsy is still the gold standard for NAFLD confirmation and assessing NAFLD's possible progression to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Because of the high prevalence of NAFLD and potential associated risks of invasive diagnostic procedures, it is of great interest to recruit the patients for liver biopsy. However, as the presence of liver fibrosis determines the further clinical course, liver biopsy is expectedly reserved for those with increased fibrosis risk. The quality of liver biopsy recruitment and patient monitoring could be significantly improved by using non-invasive tools to assess liver fibrosis presence and interactive collaboration between general practitioners, gastroenterologists, and endocrinologists. As a result, the quality of liver biopsy recruitment and patients monitoring could be significantly improved. Here, we proposed clinical practice guidelines that could be implemented for everyday clinical practice in NAFLD patients

    Franckā€“Condon factors and observed band strength distribution in the vibrational structure of the Ag2 D-X band system

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    TPotential curves for the X1Sg+ and D1Su+ states of three diatomic silver isotopomers, 107Ag2, 107Ag109Ag and 109Ag2, were determined from the best available molecular constants by the Rydbergā€“Kleinā€“Rees method. From these potentials, Franckā€“Condon factors and band-origin wavenumbers were computed, and the reliability of the obtained values was verified by comparison with the observed band strength distribution and the measured band origin poĀ¬sitions in a previously recorded D-X spectrum. The ratios of the Franckā€“ConĀ¬don factors to those of corresponding isotopic bands were found to be very close to unity, revealing only a very small isotopic effect on the Franckā€“Condon factors of Ag2 D-X bands. The isotopic shifts of the calculated band origins agree well with previously measured displacements of band heads

    Influence of CAN fertilizer and seed inoculation with NS Nitragin on glycine max plant on pseudogley soil type

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    Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is the most important legume because it is an essential source of dietary protein and oil for animal feed and food production. Good soil with wellplanned program of fertilization is the main factor of soybean production. Soybean yield will be reduced when essential nutrients are deficient. Sufficient soil fertility combined with a well-planned fertilization program is a main component for high soybean production. The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of fertilization and seed inoculation on height of soybean plant in humid year. Two factors were tested: 1. CAN fertilization and 2. seed inoculation. Four treatments of CAN fertilization were tested: Control - 0 kg N ha-1; 50 kg N ha-1; 100 kg N ha-1 and 150 kg N ha-1. Two factors of seed inoculation (SI) were tested: Without SI and with SI. Results showed that fertilizers and seed inoculation significantly increased the values of soybean productivity. Cost effective is the application of 50 kg N ha-1 and it is recommended on the basis of this study

    Effect of genotype on morphological and quality features of sugar beet

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    The importance of sugar beet is great because it gives root yield of about 50 t ha-1 and 30 - 40 t of fresh leaves and heads of beet that is used for feeding cattle. In the Republic of Serbia are favorable agro-ecological and soil conditions for the production of sugar beet. In the structure of total arable land of the Republic of Serbia, sugar beet accounts for about 2% where 94% of it is in Vojvodina, which has the most favorable climate and soil conditions, tradition and proximity of capacities for root production and processing. In addition to its adaptability to climatic conditions, sugar beet reacting quickly to changes in meteorological factors which greatly affect root yield and sugar content. In the three-year trials it was examined morphological characteristics and the amount of a-amino N in five genotype of sugar beet. According to the survey results, the largest number of leaves at the genotypes at technological maturity had the genotype Otis (35.33) while the smallest had had genotype Severina (15:53). Genotype Otis, as a whole, had the highest leaf area (X=10193.13 and Xmax = 11483.79), and the lowest had genotype Severina (X = 4242.33; Xmin = 3982.44). The lowest average value of the amount of Ī± -amino N indicators were found for Chiara and Laetitia (X = 2.23). The observed traits were largely depended on the genotypes and years. Genetic variation is necessary for successful breeding

    Morphological characterization of sweet sorghum genotypes across environments

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    Sweet sorghum being a C4 crop accumulates more sugar in its stalks, also suitable for biofuel production and has high degree of tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Morphological characteristics i.e., plant height, plant biomass, leaves on the stem, panicle length and yield of crude biomass of sweet sorghum genotypes were studied across different environments. Environments and genotype by environment interaction (GEI) had a significant effect on the yield of crude biomass. The smallest yield of crude biomass was achieved in 2016 (42.54 t ha(-1)), which was found significantly lower as compared to that in 2014 and 2015. The average plant height had a significant and positive correlation with the number of leaves (0.54) and number of leaves had highly a significant and positive correlation with the mass of stem (0.46) and panicle length (0.61). Biomass yield was positively and significantly correlated with precipitation (0.72) and negatively significantly correlated with temperature (-0.57). In breeding of sweet sorghum, the highest attention should be given to biomass yield as it manage the whole variation and controlled by polygenes

    n-alkani u voskovima iglica Pinus heldreichii var. pančići

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    This is the first report of n-alkanes in needle epicuticular waxes of the variety Bosnian pine, Pinus heldreichii var. pancici. n-Hexane extracts of needle samples, originating from seven isolated localities in Serbia, were analysed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC MS). The results evidenced n-alkanes ranging from C(18) to C(33) in epicuticular waxes. The most abundant alkanes were C(27), C(23), C(25) and C(29) (12.53 %, 12.46 %, 12.00 % and 10.38 % on average, respectively). The carbon preference index (CPI(total)) of Pinus heldreichii var. pancici ranged from 1.1 to 2.1 (1.6 on average), while the average chain length (ACL(total)) ranged from 25.0 to 25.8 (25.3 on average). A high level of individual quantitative variation An all of these hydrocarbon parameters was also found. The obtained results were compared with the bibliographic references for Pinus heldreichii var. leucodermis and other species of the Pinus genus.Ovo je prvo saopÅ”tenje o n-alkanima u voskovima iglica varijeteta munike, Pinus heldreichii var. pančići. n-Heksanski ekstrakti uzoraka iglica koji potiču sa sedam izolovanih lokaliteta u Srbiji analizirani su gasnom hromatografijom (GC) i gasnom hromatografijom-masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS). Rezultati su pokazali da se n-alkani nalaze u opsegu od C18 do C33. Među njima su najobilniji C27, C23, C25 i C29 (12,53, 12,46, 12,00 i 10,38 % u proseku, redom). Ugljenični preferencijalni indeks (CPItotal) Pinus heldreichii var. pančići je bio u opsegu od 1,1 do 2,1 (prosečno 1,6), a dužina niza ugljenikovih atoma (ACLtotal) u opsegu od 25,0 do 25,8 (prosečno 25,3). Takođe je utvrđen visok nivo individualne kvantitativne varijabilnosti u svim analiziranim parametrima ovih ugljovodonika. Dobijeni rezultati su upoređeni sa literaturnim podacima koji se odnose na Pinus heldreichii var. leucodermis i druge vrste roda Pinus

    Lipidni status u dece sa hipotireoidizmom: uticaj bolesti i supstitucione terapije levotiroksinom

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    Hypothyroidism is associated with dislipidaemia and an increased risk of atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of disease and long-term levothyroxine replacement therapy on serum lipids in hypothyroid children. We measured concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and thyroid-stimulating hormone in serum samples of 58 children with hypothyroidism (before and after therapy) and in 100 healthy controls. LDL-C and TC values were most markedly affected by the hypothyroid state. The values in the patients were on the average of 100% (LDL-C) and 54% (TC) higher than in the healthy controls. This finding is accordance with the known fact that LDL clearance is slower in hypothyroidism. TG concentrations were slightly higher (p lt 0.05) and HDL-C lower (p lt 0.02), but only in some age groups of patients. The effect of long-term L-T4 replacement on LDL-C and TC was quantitatively most pronounced. The values obtained in patients after therapy were markedly lower than before therapy and did not differ significantly from the values found in the corresponding age groups of healthy children. Significantly lower concentrations of HDL-C and TG after L-T4 administration were found only in children aged from 10 to 15 years. When we compared the lipid-lowering effect of L-T4 replacement therapy in normometabolic versus hypometabolic patients, we obtained a significantly greater effect on TC and LDL-C values in the normometabolic than in hypometabolic group (p lt 0.01). TC and LDL-C concentrations obtained in the L-T4 treated patients correlated well with the corresponding TSH levels (r = 0.770 and 0.725, respectively).Hipotireoidizam je povezan sa dislipidemijom i povećanim rizikom od ateroskleroze. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj bolesti i dugoročne supstitucione terapije levotiroksinom (L-T4) na lipidni status dece sa hipotireoidizmom. Određene su koncentracije ukupnog holesterola (TC) HDL-holesterola (HDL-C), LDL-holesterola (LDL-C), triglicerida (TG) i tireostimulirajućeg hormona (TSH) u uzorcima seruma sakupljenim od 58 dece sa hipotireoidizmom (pre i posle terapije) i 100 zdrave dece. Hipotireoidizam je najviÅ”e uticao na vrednosti LDL-C i TC: kod pacijenata su nađene prosečno 100% (LDL-C), odnosno 54% (TC) viÅ”e koncentracije nego u kontrolnoj grupi. Ovo se slaže sa poznatom činjenicom da je katabolizam LDL čestica u hipotireoidizmu usporen. Vrednosti TG su bile neÅ”to viÅ”e (p lt 0,05), a HDL-C niže (p lt 0,02), ali samo u nekim starosnim grupama pacijenata. Dugoročna supstituciona terapija imala je najizrazitiji uticaj na nivoe LDL-C i TC: vrednosti dobijene kod pacijenata posle terapije bile su znatno niže nego pre terapije i nisu se značajno razlikovale od koncentracija dobijenih kod zdrave dece odgovarajuće starosti. Značajno niže vrednosti HDL-C i TG posle davanja L-T4 dobijene su jedino kod dece uzrasta od 10 do 15 godina. Sniženje vrednosti TC i LDL-C pod uticajem L-T4 bilo je izraženije kod normometaboličnih nego kod hipometaboličnih pacijenata (p lt 0,01). Kod pacijenata pod terapijom L-T4 dobijena je dobra korelacija između nivoa TC, odnosno LDL-C pacijenata sa koncentracijom TSH (r = 0,770 i 0,725, respektivno)

    Terpene relationships among some soft and hard pine species

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    In this study we have reported the chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from the needles of twelve Pinus taxa, belonging to the subgenera Pinus (sections Pinus and Trifoliae) and Strobus (sect. Quinquefoliae). Monoterpenes dominated over sesquiterpenes in most of the investigated taxa of both subgenera, except in representatives of the subsection Pinaster, subgenus Pinus. Ī±-Pinene was the most abundant terpene in eight pines, but other dominant terpenes were found in some taxa - trans-caryophyllene, germacrene D, abietadiene and Ī²-pinene. In the subsect. Pinaster, the most dominant compounds varied from species to species. In addition, P. halepensis and P. pinaster had the highest percentage of diterpenes, while P. heldreichii was the richest in germacrene D. In the PCA and cluster analyses, three species from the subsect. Pinaster emerged as the most distant: P. halepensis, P. pinaster, and P. heldreichii. In addition, the possible taxonomic implications of the terpene profile in the analysed Pinus taxa were also discussed
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