41 research outputs found


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    Handball is a dynamic Olympic sport dominated by acyclic movements (sudden changes in direction, jumps, landings, contacts between the players, etc.) with speed and agility playing an important role in their successful realization. Our aim was to establish which changes occurred in the body composition, speed and agility of top-ranked female handball players during the playing season. The parameters for estimating body composition were: body mass, body mass index (BMI), the percentage of muscle and fat. The ability to achieve speed (in 5, 10 and 30m sprints) and agility (new envelope test without a ball, straight slalom run without a ball and Straight slalom run with a ball, zig-zag with and zig-zag without a ball) was estimated with the portable timing system. The differences between the initial and the final measurements were established with the Student’s t-test. The results obtained show that there were statistically significant changes and weaker results in almost all the tested variables. The only improvements were detected in the maximum speed in 30m sprint and the agility without a ball (new envelope test and slalom run without a ball). It is recommended that the training plan should be carefully devised (the activities of the high intensity load should be applied throughout the season) as well as the plan for proper sports nutrition (body mass should be reduced with simultaneous increase in the muscular mass component)


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    The aim of our research was to determine the explosive strength of the legs i.e., the height of the jump of the top-ranked female handball players during the season. 15 female players underwent the following tests for estimating the explosive strength of the legs: SJ, CMJ, CMJ free arm, CMJ right leg and CMJ left leg. The Student’s t-test was applied for establishing the changes between the measuring sessions during the season. The results obtained show that there were statistically significant changes and better results at the end of the season in the following parameters: CMJ right leg =.002 and CMJ left leg = .018, whereas no significant changes occurred in all the other two-leg jumps. Taking into consideration the fact that in performing different throws and goal shooting the most prominent movements in handball are done on one leg, the results were expected. It is recommended that throughout the season the training process should include additional exercises for improving and maintaining the ability of the handball players to jump (plyometric, proprioceptive and the combination of the two with the common strength improving exercises), since their positive effects have been proven by quite a few studies

    Antithrombotic activity of flavonoids and polyphenols rich plant species

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    Cardiovascular diseases represent one of the most notable health problems of the modern civilization. Stroke and heart attack often lead to lethal outcome, and essential problem underneath being thrombus formation. Prophylactic approaches include acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel therapy on the level of primary hemostasis, i.e., primary clot formation. In the last five years, in the USA, health care expenses related to cardiovascular diseases have increased 50 %, to over 350 billion dollars. Thus, application of plant species and medicinal plants rich in polyphenols in prevention of thrombus formation are of interest. This is supported by the fact that the number of publications on antiaggregatory effect of polyphenols has doubled in the last decade. In this mini-review we focus on antiaggregatory effect of most abundant polyphenols – flavonoids, the effect of plant extracts rich in polyphenols (propolis, species Salvia sp., Calamintha nepeta L., Lavandula angustifolia Mill., Melissa officinalis L, Mentha x piperita L., Ocimum basilicum L., Origanum vulgare L., Rosmarinus officinalis L.) on platelet aggregation, association of chemical composition and antioxidant properties with the observed biological effect, and possible clinical significance of the published results

    Do we talk to a wall or pass on knowledge to students: The advantages and disadvantages of online learning

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    In the era of digitalization, boosted by Covid-19 pandemic, there is a constant need to measure the success of digital education, compare and reappraise its positive and negative outcomes, which are mainly dependent on the technical conditions available, as well as on the extent to which the previous knowledge of teachers has been adapted to practical and technical challenges. The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of digitized education as perceived by students in a qualitative survey, conducted in 2021/22. The starting point were two hypotheses related to positive aspects and two hypotheses related to negative aspects of online learning. An in-depth interview was conducted among 20 high school and 20 university students. By analyzing the results obtained, and juxtaposing them with the data taken from a quantitative survey administered prior to the qualitative one, in 2020/21, it is possible to compare the changes that took place and gain a better insight into the entire process, which has undergone certain improvements, but which also leaves room for further enhancement, particularly in terms of students' and teachers' motivation to actively engage and interact. This would help students overcome their distrust of online education


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    Abstract On a sample of 180 handball players divided into 3 subsamples number 60 participants each, who belong to the I, II and republic handball league of Serbia,a system of 9 variables (6 motor and 3 cognitive) was applied with the aim of determining the statistically significant relations between the system of variables of motor and cognitive variables. The data were processed using a canonical correlation analysis. Using Bartlett’s Chi-square test for handball players of various ranks of competition we tested the statistical significance of the coefficients of the canonical correlation which explains the linear combinations between the groups of variables, that is, the connection between two systems of variables. By solving the characteristic equations of the cross-correlation matrix we obtained, as the roots of these equations, the coefficients of the determination of the canonical correlation for I league handball players (Rc2=.23, Rc2=.10, Rc2=.08), for II league handball players (Rc2=.24) and national level handball players (Rc2=.23). By analyzing the obtained canonical factors of both groups of variables we may say that the cognitive mechanisms have a certain significance for achieving success in handball, at the level of concrete, individual and isolated motor and cognitive abilities, and thus of the greatest importance for handball in general, irrespective of the level of the competition and level of success. A further more detailed study of the connection between the effectiveness of the parallel processor which is responsible for the visual spatialization and the factor of the structuring of movement is needed. Key words: handball, intelligence, motor skills

    Osobna i profesionalna dobrobit učitelja u hrvatskim školama

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    Učiteljska dobrobit je višedimenzionalni konstrukt koji obuhvaća pozitivne aspekte poput pozitivnih emocija, radnog angažmana, osjećaja smisla, ali i izostanak negativnih stanja kao što su stres i profesionalno sagorijevanje. Uslijed rastućeg broja izazova koji se pred učitelje postavljaju, uz istovremeno neadekvatne kompenzacijske mehanizme, moguće su posljedice za osobnu i profesionalnu dobrobit učitelja. Osim za osobu i njenu neposrednu okolinu, narušena dobrobit učitelja može imati značajne posljedice i za obrazovni sustav, primjerice za kvalitetu poučavanja, odnos s učenicima i kolegama, učiteljski absentizam, napuštanje profesije i dr. Znanstvena istraživanja i programi profesionalnog usavršavanja učitelja u Hrvatskoj, ali i šire, tek odnedavno posvećuju potrebnu pažnju problemu dobrobiti učitelja. Cilj ovog izlaganja je potaknuti raspravu o ulozi školskih psihologa u pružanju podrške dobrobiti učitelja, kroz predstavljanje polazišta i rezultata Erasmus+ projekta „Hand in Hand: Osnaživanje socio-emocionalnih kompetencija i svijesti o različitosti kod učitelja širom Europe“. U okviru projekta osmišljen je program profesionalnog usavršavanja učitelja koji je tijekom školske godine 2022./2023. proveden i evaluiran u 5 europskih zemalja, uključujući i Hrvatsku. U izlaganju će ukratko biti predstavljene ključne komponente i aktivnosti programa. Naposljetku će se sumirati iskustva 100-injak polaznika Hand in Hand programa usmjerenog osnaživanju učitelja

    Arganovo ulje

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    Although known for centuries as an excellent oil for skin and hair care, argan oil has become increasingly popular as indispensable ingredient in cosmetology or pharmacy. Argan oil is the most expensive edible oil in the world, obtained by cold press from argan (Argania spinosa L. Skeels) plant seeds, which only grows in the area of southwestern Morocco. Major constituents of argan oil are triglycerides containing up to 80 % of monounsaturated including oleic and linolenic acids alongside with polyphenols, squalens and tocopherols. Th ese constituents are responsible for biological properties of argan oil that include antiinfl ammatory, cardioprotective and antioxidant among others

    “Why didn’t anyone tell us this before?!”: integrating social, emotional and diversity awareness competencies into teacher professional development

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    Greater diversity in the classroom and different sources of threat to students’ and teachers’ well-being have made the teaching profession even more demanding. To support teachers in meeting their everyday responsibilities, without detriment to them‐ selves, their students or their colleagues, it is important to provide teachers with com‐ petencies with regard to how to deal with social, emotional and diversity-related career challenges. Today’s teacher professional development should by no means neglect the topics of well-being and diversity. Thus, in this chapter we focus on teachers’ social, emotional and diversity awareness competencies and the possibilities for improving them through teacher professional development. More specifically, we outline the base‐ line theory on social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness and related concepts, with emphasis put on the importance of these competencies in the educa‐ tional context. We also summarise the evidence on the benefits of teacher professional development that integrates social, emotional and diversity awareness competencies. In the conclusion, we briefly point out the theory- and evidence-based features of the programme developed within the project HAND in HAND: Empowering teachers across Europe to deal with social, emotional and diversity-related career challenges (“HAND:ET”)


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    Basketball is a sports game which consists of rapid changes in direction of movement, sudden stopping and starting for driving and dribbling and a great number of jumps. The various positions on a basketball team precisely determine the requirements for specific forms of movement, even though contemporary basketball strives for all players in all positions to possess the aforementioned abilities. A sample of 15 male basketball players, divided into three groups of five players each, based on their positions on the team, including the guard, forward and center position, was used to determine differences in agility (Agility T Test, Hexagon Agility Тest, Illinois Agility Test и Lane Agility Drill) and explosive power (the Squat jump, Countermovement Jump, Drop Jump and One-legged Counter Movement Jump). To determine the differences between the basketball players in relation to their positions on the team, the ANOVA analysis for independent samples was used as was a post-hoc analysis. The research results have indicated that there is a difference between the guard position compared to the forward and center position