4 research outputs found

    Assessing Factors Affecting the Blockchain Adoption in Public Procurement Delivery in Ghana:A Correlational Study Using UTAUT2 Theoretical Framework

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    The study assessed the factors that influence the adoption of blockchain (BC) in Ghana’s public procurement delivery. The study adopted correctional design and utilized the extended unified theory of the acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) as the conceptual basis to determine whether performance expectancy (PE), behavioral intent (BI), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), hedonic motivation (HM), price value (PV), and habit (HT) were predictors of the intention of state owned enterprises to adopt blockchain programs in the implementation of the public procurement act. Only four constructs, namely PE, EE, FC, and HT, were found to influence the behavioral intention (BI) of service providers to participate in a BC. This study provides a deeper understanding of the adoption of BC in the delivery of public contracts.</p


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