913 research outputs found

    Masculinité et maternage dans Le vieux chagrin de Jacques Poulin 

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    S’appuyant sur les théories du genre (gender) et sur les théories féministes matérialistes, l’auteure de cet article soutient que le roman Le vieux chagrin (1989) de Jacques Poulin recèle un discours constructiviste sur la parentalité. En mettant en scène un homme qui, pour assumer les tâches du travail affectif (caring), se dépouille des schémas virils de l’identité masculine, Poulin révise aussi bien l’idée d’essence virile que l’association étroite entre féminité et maternage. L’article présente les procédés textuels par lesquels passe cette révision, notamment la réécriture des schémas freudiens, la dissémination des métaphores de la migration (entre masculin et féminin) et la valorisation d’un ethos maternant.The author uses theories of gender and materialist feminist theories to argue that Jacques Poulin’s novel Le vieux chagrin (1989) embodies a constructivist discourse on parenthood. In presenting a man who, to take on the tasks of caring, divests himself of the virile patterns of masculine identity, Poulin questions both the idea of a virile essence and the idea of a close connection between femininity and motherhood (which is a associated with tasks usually carried out by women and considered to be naturally theirs)

    Poète ou "schizophrène"

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    Écrire l’incontournable

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    Answering the call: A scoping review investigating Indigenization of Canadian nursing schools

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    Background: Within nursing curricula, there are rarely mandatory courses that address the unique health needs and history of the Indigenous population (CINA, 2012; Rozendo, Salas, & Cameron, 2017). Both Western and Indigenous knowledge are essential components of nursing practice, yet often only the former is present within nursing education (Bearskin et al., 2016; Pijl-Zieber & Hagen, 2011 & Zeran, 2016). The availability of Indigenous knowledge in nursing schools supports an environment of culturally safe care, influencing nursing students who learn and practice in traditional Indigenous lands (Rozendo et al., 2017 & CINA 2009). To examine further these claims, a scoping review was used to inquire about the breadth and depth of research within a Canadian context. The research question: what is the extent of research evidence informing how Indigenous knowledge in classroom or clinical settings impacts the learning of BScN students? This question was addressed through the objective: map out literature regarding Indigenous knowledge in nursing education to understand contextual factors involved with the integration of Indigenous knowledge in nursing. Methods: A scoping review as per Arksey and O’Malley (2005) was used to assess the level of integration and implications regarding the integration of an Indigenous knowledge-based course in BScN education within Canadian nursing schools. Articles were analyzed using the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (ANAC)’s (2009) Cultural Competency and Cultural Safety for First Nations, Inuit and Metis Students framework to address the extent that research articles have addressed incorporating Indigenization. Conclusions: This scoping review helps to inform the Indigenization agenda in nursing stemming from the TRC’s (2012) Call to Action. Four common themes were found, including: the importance of Indigenous voices, Indigenous and Western intersectionality, the lived experience of Indigeneity, as well as barriers to Indigenizing nursing education. Currently a dearth of evidence exists on Indigenization within Canadian nursing curricula and more research needs to be directed to understanding how nursing students engage with Indigenous knowledge

    Présence et absence du portrait à l’École littéraire de Montréal. Les exemples de Charles Gill et d’Émile Nelligan

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    Parce que l’influence du symbolisme a conduit plusieurs membres de l’École littéraire de Montréal à envisager la poésie selon un paradigme musical (la musique, affirmait déjà Louis Dantin à propos de Nelligan, « est frère de son rythme et de sa mélancolie »), la critique ne s’est jamais véritablement penchée sur la manière dont les poètes canadiens-français des dernière décennies du xixe siècle ont emprunté à la peinture certains motifs. Or s’il fallait identifier la façon la plus répandue de concevoir l’ut pictura poesis à l’aube de la modernité québécoise, ce serait non pas en fonction du paysage, comme on pourrait s’y attendre, mais plutôt en fonction du portrait. En portant une attention particulière aux poésies de Charles Gill et d’Émile Nelligan, le présent travail vise à comprendre les enjeux littéraires, poétiques et esthétiques du portrait. Loin de correspondre à l’ekphrasis, le poème-portrait définit en creux une manière d’envisager la création artistique ; il amorce une réflexion sur la continuité entre l’image et la parole, le voir et le dire. Le portrait, plus précisément, conduit au silence ; parce que sa présence se manifeste in absentia, selon une formule de Jean-Luc Nancy, il est porteur d’une conception moderne de l’image.Since the influence of symbolism lead many members of the École littéraire de Montréal to consider poetry from a musical paradigm (music, asserted Louis Dantin about Nelligan, “is the brother of his rhythm and his melancholy”), critics have not paid much attention to the way French-Canadians poets of the late 1800’s borrowed some motifs from painting. Further, if we were to identify the most common way to conceive the old idea of the ut pictura poesis at the dawn of the Quebec modernity, it would not be as a function of the landscape, as we might expect, but rather as a function of the portrait. Paying attention to Eudore Évanturel, Charles Gill and Émile Nelligan’s poetry, this article wants to understand the literary, poetic and aesthetic stakes of the portrait. Far from being limited to the ekphrasis, artistic creation in the portrait-poem takes a distinct implicit form as it considers the continuity between images and words, between the seeing and the saying. The portrait, most precisely, leads to the silence ; because his presence appears in absentia, as Jean-Luc Nancy says, it brings a modern conception of image

    Lutter contre les insectes nuisibles en agriculture biologique : intervenir en harmonie face à la complexité

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    Les systèmes agricoles en gestion biologique se caractérisent par une grande biodiversité et une forte complexité. La biodiversité est associée à une faune entomophage variée et abondante qui permet une meilleure lutte naturelle contre les insectes ravageurs qu’en agriculture intensive. Cette contribution ne se limite pas à la ferme. Certaines études à l’échelle du paysage démontrent que les zones non cultivées servent de réservoirs à la faune auxiliaire (prédateurs et parasitoïdes). Cependant, la biodiversité ne permet pas de réprimer certains ravageurs en dessous du seuil économique. Par conséquent, la prévention joue un rôle important en visant l’aménagement du système agricole pour qu’il soit favorable aux ennemis naturels et défavorable aux ravageurs. Ainsi, les pratiques culturales telles que la rotation et le choix de cultivars sont au premier plan dans une stratégie de lutte intégrée en production biologique. À un parcours technique qui mise sur le principe de prévention s’ajoutent, en dernier recours, des outils comme les bâches, les biopesticides et les agents de lutte biologique. Malgré ces outils, le défi reste entier. La complexité de « l’agroécosystème biologique » exige un effort de recherche pour mieux comprendre certains mécanismes qui permettraient d’accroître la lutte naturelle aux insectes ravageurs.Organic agricultural systems are characterized by a large biodiversity and high complexity. Biodiversity is often associated with a wide variety of entomophagous insects, which allows better natural insect pest control than in conventional systems. This contribution is not only limited to the farm itself. Studies at the landscape level have shown that non-cultivated areas may act as reservoirs for beneficial insects such as predators and parasitoids. However, biodiversity is not always effective at maintaining pests below the economic threshold. Consequently, prevention is a key component in insect pest management in organic crops. Prevention will aim to make the environment favourable to natural enemies but unfavourable to insect pests. Agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and choice of cultivars, are key elements when an integrated pest management approach is applied to an organic system. Along with agricultural practices and precautionary measures, some tools such as row covers, biopesticides and beneficial insects are also available as a last resort. However, the challenge is still overwhelming. Organic agroecosystems are complex and require much more research to understand the mechanisms that will allow natural control to become more efficient

    Recycling Made Easy: An Ergonomic Approach to Home Recycling and Trash Containers

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    The purpose of this project is to create an ergonomically sound recycling/trash container, with the ultimate hope of making the recycling process easier and more intuitive, thereby increasing recycling rates. Currently, while there are many recycling/trash containers available for purchase, there is no product that has a design without glaring ergonomic flaws. An ergonomic design and product prototype was created as a part of this project, and was subsequently tested against a conventional prototype model. The data collected from the experiments conducted suggests that the new ergonomic model makes the waste disposal process and the container transportation process easier, while two-thirds of participants said that they would be more likely to recycle if they were to own the ergonomic model over the generic. Combined with economic analysis showing the need for a family of four to increase recycling rates by a mere 3% over the course of a year for the economy to see a full payback on the $50 purchase price, government assistance is recommended for consumers looking to acquire this product

    Les conceptions de l’identité sexuelle, le postmodernisme et les textes littéraires

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    Le présent article trace d’abord un bref portrait de trois conceptions dominantes de l’identité sexuelle : le modèle patriarcal, le modèle féministe et le modèle postmoderne. Puis, après avoir présenté plus longuement le dernier, il analyse deux romans relayant cette conception postmoderne de l’identité de sexe/genre, l’un écrit par un homme (Self, de Yann Martel, paru en 1996), et l’autre par une femme (Ce qu’il en reste, de Julie Hivon, paru en 1999). Dans ces deux romans, qui revêtent de ce fait une importante dimension politique, les identités figées sont mises à mal tant discursivement que formellement – par la déconstruction des signes du passé et la mise en place de dispositifs énonciatifs confondant hommes et femmes, par exemple. Ils participent ainsi à une conception culturaliste de l’identité sexuelle, selon laquelle le genre est une performance.This article begins by briefly introducing three major frameworks for conceptualizing gender identity : a patriarchal model, a feminist model and a postmodern model. After exploring the third in greater depth, it offers a reading of two novels of postmodern gender identity, one by a male author (Self by Yann Martel, 1996), one by a female author (Ce qu’il en reste by Julie Hivon, 1999). Both novels, which are therefore strongly political, challenge the concept of predetermined gender identity on the levels both of discourse and of form, by deconstructing older concepts and by blurring gender lines. They are therefore grounded in a view of gender identity as cultural construction and performance
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