961 research outputs found

    Fast fluorescence dynamics in non-ratiometric calcium indicators

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    A fluorescence decay of high-affinity non-ratiometric Ca2+ indicator Oregon Green BAPTA-1 (OGB-1) is analyzed with unprecedented temporal resolution in the two-photon excitation regime. A triple exponential decay is shown to best fit the fluorescence dynamics of OGB-1. We provide a new model for accurate measurements of the free Ca2+ concentration and dissociation constants of non-ratiometric calcium indicators.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, figures revised, added chi-square goodness of fi

    Творческое самовыражение младшего школьника: практико-ориентированные подходы развития в системе внешкольного образования

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    The author has concluded that the problem of personal expression is urgent in contemporary social and cultural situation based on the theoretical analysis of scientific studies. Nowadays, person-oriented paradigm of education is introduced in educational process So, the article is devoted to the creative self-expression of primary schoolchildren through the author’s practice-oriented approaches in the system of out-of-school education. The results of experimental studies have shown that the process of creative self-expression requires more teachers and parents’ attention. The author offers a program of pedagogical support of pupils, parents and teachers of out-of-school educational institutions in order to disclose primary schoolchildren’s identity in the process of creative activity.На підставі теоретичного аналізу наукових досліджень робиться висновок, що проблема самовираження особистості актуалізується в сучасній соціокультурній ситуації, коли впроваджується особистісно орієнтована парадигма освіти. В статті розкривається творче самовираження особистості за допомогою авторських практично-орієнтованих підходів до формування творчого самовираження молодших школярів у системі позашкільної освіти. Результати дослідження дали підстави оцінити процес творчого самовираження як такий, що вимагає посилення уваги до нього педагогів та батьків. Серед чинників, які гальмують розвиток творчого самовираження дітей, автор виокремлює недостатнє розуміння дорослими значимості та сутності проблеми, страх дитини творчо виражати себе. З метою розкриття молодшими школярами своєї індивідуальності в процесі творчої діяльності розроблена програма психолого-педагогічного супроводу школярів, їх батьків та педагогів позашкільних навчальних закладів.На основе теоретического анализа научных исследований делается вывод, что проблема самовыражения личности актуализируется в современной социокультурной ситуации, когда в жизни внедряется личностно ориентированная парадигма образования. В статье раскрывается творческое самовыражение личности с помощью авторских практико-ориентированных подходов к формированию творческого самовыражения младших школьников в системе внешкольного образования. Среди факторов, тормозящих развитие творческого самовыражения детей, названы недостаточное понимание взрослыми значимости и сущности проблемы, страх ребенка выразить себя творчески. С целью раскрытия младшими школьниками своей индивидуальности в процессе творческой деятельности разработана программа психолого-педагогического сопровождения школьников, их родителей и педагогов внешкольных учебных учреждений

    Модернізація позашкільної освіти в Україні на основі європейського досвіду

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    The purpose of the research is to reveal that non-formal education in Ukraine should be transformed according to European experience in order to confirm its new legal status as a compound of the educational system.Мета дослідження полягає у у тому, щоб виявити, що позашкільну освіту в Україні слід трансформувати відповідно до європейського досвіду

    Photogrammetry and ballistic analysis of a high-flying projectile in the STS-124 space shuttle launch

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    A method combining photogrammetry with ballistic analysis is demonstrated to identify flying debris in a rocket launch environment. Debris traveling near the STS-124 Space Shuttle was captured on cameras viewing the launch pad within the first few seconds after launch. One particular piece of debris caught the attention of investigators studying the release of flame trench fire bricks because its high trajectory could indicate a flight risk to the Space Shuttle. Digitized images from two pad perimeter high-speed 16-mm film cameras were processed using photogrammetry software based on a multi-parameter optimization technique. Reference points in the image were found from 3D CAD models of the launch pad and from surveyed points on the pad. The three-dimensional reference points were matched to the equivalent two-dimensional camera projections by optimizing the camera model parameters using a gradient search optimization technique. Using this method of solving the triangulation problem, the xyz position of the object's path relative to the reference point coordinate system was found for every set of synchronized images. This trajectory was then compared to a predicted trajectory while performing regression analysis on the ballistic coefficient and other parameters. This identified, with a high degree of confidence, the object's material density and thus its probable origin within the launch pad environment. Future extensions of this methodology may make it possible to diagnose the underlying causes of debris-releasing events in near-real time, thus improving flight safety.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Lipidien peroksidaatio Alzheimerin taudissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Kandidaattitutkielman aiheena on lipidien peroksidaatio Alzheimerin taudissa ja peroksidaation tuotteiden neurotoksisuus ja yhteys taudin biomarkkereihin. Biomolekyylien hapettuminen oksidatiivisen stressin ansiosta on monien sairauksien taustalla tapahtuva reaktio. Alzheimerin taudissa havainnoitut nostetut lipidien peroksidaation tuotteiden pitoisuudet voivat nopeuttaa taudin edistymistä. Lipidiaineenvaihdunnan muutosten tutkiminen voisi olla hyödyllistä taudin hoidon kannalta

    Reflection of Cultural Policy in Business on the Example of Austria

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    The article raises the issue of the mutual influence of national culture and state cultural policy and business models adopted in the state. Based on the postulate of a special cultural environment prevailing in Austria, the author analyzes how business develops in this environment, how brands and firms with global significance function. The article also attaches great importance to such topics as social responsibility of business, charity, international economic relations, the history of successful business projects. The author does not ignore the complex topics about problems in the economic and social spheres, offering to look for their solution in the same cultural policy. The main method for analyzing information is content analysis, and the Internet is used as the source of information — the most dynamic resource, reflecting all the changes in the studied areas, Russian-language journalism and literature. The main topic of the article is the proof of the possibility of coexistence of the strategy of preserving and multiplying cultural baggage with the desire to achieve economic benefits and personal success. The author gives various examples of the possibility of their coexistence in the framework of a single state policy, proposing the following thesis as the main conclusion from the article: “business is formed in a certain cultural paradigm that influences it, but which, when it reaches a certain value, begins to influence the environment”

    The Cartesian product of graphs with loops

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    We extend the definition of the Cartesian product to graphs with loops and show that the Sabidussi-Vizing unique factorization theorem for connected finite simple graphs still holds in this context for all connected finite graphs with at least one unlooped vertex. We also prove that this factorization can be computed in O(m) time, where m is the number of edges of the given graph.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Dense agent-based HPC simulation of cell physics and signaling with real-time user interactions

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    Introduction: Distributed simulations of complex systems to date have focused on scalability and correctness rather than interactive visualization. Interactive visual simulations have particular advantages for exploring emergent behaviors of complex systems. Interpretation of simulations of complex systems such as cancer cell tumors is a challenge and can be greatly assisted by using “built-in” real-time user interaction and subsequent visualization.Methods: We explore this approach using a multi-scale model which couples a cell physics model with a cell signaling model. This paper presents a novel communication protocol for real-time user interaction and visualization with a large-scale distributed simulation with minimal impact on performance. Specifically, we explore how optimistic synchronization can be used to enable real-time user interaction and visualization in a densely packed parallel agent-based simulation, whilst maintaining scalability and determinism. We also describe the software framework created and the distribution strategy for the models utilized. The key features of the High-Performance Computing (HPC) simulation that were evaluated are scalability, deterministic verification, speed of real-time user interactions, and deadlock avoidance.Results: We use two commodity HPC systems, ARCHER (118,080 CPU cores) and ARCHER2 (750,080 CPU cores), where we simulate up to 256 million agents (one million cells) using up to 21,953 computational cores and record a response time overhead of ≃350 ms from the issued user events.Discussion: The approach is viable and can be used to underpin transformative technologies offering immersive simulations such as Digital Twins. The framework explained in this paper is not limited to the models used and can be adapted to systems biology models that use similar standards (physics models using agent-based interactions, and signaling pathways using SBML) and other interactive distributed simulations

    Transitions/relaxations in polyester adhesive/PET system

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    The correlations between the transitions and the dielectric relaxation processes of the oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) pre-impregnated of the polyester thermoplastic adhesive have been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic dielectric spectroscopy (DDS). The thermoplastic polyester adhesive and the oriented PET films have been studied as reference samples. This study evidences that the adhesive chain segments is responsible for the physical structure evolution in the PET-oriented film. The transitions and dielectric relaxation modes’ evolutions in the glass transition region appear characteristic of the interphase between adhesive and PET film, which is discussed in terms of molecular mobility. The storage at room temperature of the adhesive tape involves the heterogeneity of the physical structure, characterized by glass transition dissociation. Thus, the correlation between the transitions and the dielectric relaxation processes evidences a segregation of the amorphous phases. Therefore, the physical structure and the properties of the material have been linked to the chemical characteristics

    Theory of orbital magnetization in disordered systems

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    We present a general formula of the orbital magnetization of disordered systems based on the Keldysh Green's function theory in the gauge-covariant Wigner space. In our approach, the gauge invariance of physical quantities is ensured from the very beginning, and the vertex corrections are easily included. Our formula applies not only for insulators but also for metallic systems where the quasiparicle behavior is usually strongly modified by the disorder scattering. In the absence of disorders, our formula recovers the previous results obtained from the semiclassical theory and the perturbation theory. As an application, we calculate the orbital magnetization of a weakly disordered two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We find that for the short range disorder scattering, its major effect is to the shifting of the distribution of orbital magnetization corresponding to the quasiparticle energy renormalization.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure