436 research outputs found

    Spin-orbit driven Peierls transition and possible exotic superconductivity in CsW2_{2}O6_{6}

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    We study \textit{ab initio} a pyrochlore compound, CsW2_{2}O6_{6}, which exhibits a yet unexplained metal-insulator transition. We find that (1) the reported low-TT structure is likely inaccurate and the correct structure has a twice larger cell; (2) the insulating phase is not of a Mott or dimer-singlet nature, but a rare example of a 3D Peierls transition, with a simultaneous condensation of three density waves; (3) spin-orbit interaction plays a crucial role, forming well-nested bands. The high-TT (HT) phase, if stabilized, could harbor a unique eg+iege_{g}+ie_{g} superconducting state that breaks the time reversal symmetry, but is not chiral. This state was predicted in 1999, but never observed. We speculate about possible ways to stabilize the HT phase while keeping the conditions for superconductivity

    Lattice dynamics and electron-phonon interaction in (3,3) carbon nanotubes

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    We present a detailed study of the lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling for a (3,3) carbon nanotube which belongs to the class of small diameter based nanotubes which have recently been claimed to be superconducting. We treat the electronic and phononic degrees of freedom completely by modern ab-initio methods without involving approximations beyond the local density approximation. Using density functional perturbation theory we find a mean-field Peierls transition temperature of approx 40K which is an order of magnitude larger than the calculated superconducting transition temperature. Thus in (3,3) tubes the Peierls transition might compete with superconductivity. The Peierls instability is related to the special 2k_F nesting feature of the Fermi surface. Due to the special topology of the (n,n) tubes also a q=0 coupling between the two bands crossing the Fermi energy at k_F is possible which leads to a phonon softening at the Gamma point.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Pressure effects on crystal and electronic structure of bismuth tellurohalides

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    We study the possibility of pressure-induced transitions from a normal semiconductor to a topological insulator (TI) in bismuth tellurohalides using density functional theory and tight-binding method. In BiTeI this transition is realized through the formation of an intermediate phase, a Weyl semimetal, that leads to modification of surface state dispersions. In the topologically trivial phase, the surface states exhibit a Bychkov-Rashba type dispersion. The Weyl semimetal phase exists in a narrow pressure interval of 0.2 GPa. After the Weyl semimetal--TI transition occurs, the surface electronic structure is characterized by gapless states with linear dispersion. The peculiarities of the surface states modification under pressure depend on the band-bending effect. We have also calculated the frequencies of Raman active modes for BiTeI in the proposed high-pressure crystal phases in order to compare them with available experimental data. Unlike BiTeI, in BiTeBr and BiTeCl the topological phase transition does not occur. In BiTeBr, the crystal structure changes with pressure but the phase remains a trivial one. However, the transition appears to be possible if the low-pressure crystal structure is retained. In BiTeCl under pressure, the topological phase does not appear up to 18 GPa due to a relatively large band gap width in this compound

    Lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling in transition metal diborides

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    The phonon density-of-states of transition metal diborides TMB2 with TM = Ti, V, Ta, Nb and Y has been measured using the technique of inelastic neutron scattering. The experimental data are compared with ab initio density functional calculations whereby an excellent agreement is registered. The calculations thus can be used to obtain electron-phonon spectral functions within the isotropic limit. A comparison to similar data for MgB2 and AlB2 which were subject of prior publications as well as parameters important for the superconducting properties are part of the discussion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Characteristics of oxygen isotope substitutions in the quasiparticle spectrum of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta}

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    There is an ongoing debate about the nature of the bosonic excitations responsible for the quasiparticle self energy in high temperature superconductors -- are they phonons or spin fluctuations? We present a careful analysis of the bosonic excitations as revealed by the `kink' feature at 70 meV in angle resolved photoemission data using Eliashberg theory for a d-wave superconductor. Starting from the assumption that nodal quasiparticles are not coupled to the (π,π)(\pi,\pi) magnetic resonance, the sharp structure at 7070 meV can be assigned to phonons. We find that not only can we account for the shifts of the kink energy seen on oxygen isotope substitution but also get a quantitative estimate of the fraction of the area under the electron-boson spectral density which is due to phonons. We conclude that for optimally doped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} phonons contribute 10\sim 10% and non-phononic excitations 90\sim 90%.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Ab initio lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling of Bi(111)

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    We present a comprehensive ab initio study of structural, electronic, lattice dynamical and electron-phonon coupling properties of the Bi(111) surface within density functional perturbation theory. Relativistic corrections due to spin-orbit coupling are consistently taken into account. As calculations are carried out in a periodic slab geometry, special attention is given to the convergence with respect to the slab thickness. Although the electronic structure of Bi(111) thin films varies significantly with thickness, we found that the lattice dynamics of Bi(111) is quite robust and appears converged already for slabs as thin as 6 bilayers. Changes of interatomic couplings are confined mostly to the first two bilayers, resulting in super-bulk modes with frequencies higher than the optic bulk spectrum, and in an enhanced density of states at lower frequencies for atoms in the first bilayer. Electronic states of the surface band related to the outer part of the hole Fermi surfaces exhibit a moderate electron-phonon coupling of about 0.45, which is larger than the coupling constant of bulk Bi. States at the inner part of the hole surface as well as those forming the electron pocket close to the zone center show much increased couplings due to transitions into bulk projected states near Gamma_bar. For these cases, the state dependent Eliashberg functions exhibit pronounced peaks at low energy and strongly deviate in shape from a Debye-like spectrum, indicating that an extraction of the coupling strength from measured electronic self-energies based on this simple model is likely to fail.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure