6,840 research outputs found

    Misleading signposts along the de Broglie-Bohm road to quantum mechanics

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    Eighty years after de Broglie's, and a little more than half a century after Bohm's seminal papers, the de Broglie--Bohm theory (a.k.a. Bohmian mechanics), which is presumably the simplest theory which explains the orthodox quantum mechanics formalism, has reached an exemplary state of conceptual clarity and mathematical integrity. No other theory of quantum mechanics comes even close. Yet anyone curious enough to walk this road to quantum mechanics is soon being confused by many misleading signposts that have been put up, and not just by its detractors, but unfortunately enough also by some of its proponents. This paper outlines a road map to help navigate ones way.Comment: Dedicated to Jeffrey Bub on occasion of his 65th birthday. Accepted for publication in Foundations of Physics. A "slip of pen" in the bibliography has been corrected -- thanks go to Oliver Passon for catching it

    TCP over High Speed Variable Capacity Links: A Simulation Study for Bandwidth Allocation

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    New optical network technologies provide opportunities for fast, controllable bandwidth management. These technologies can now explicitly provide resources to data paths, creating demand driven bandwidth reservation across networks where an applications bandwidth needs can be meet almost exactly. Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode (DTM) is a gigabit network technology that provides channels with dynamically adjustable capacity. TCP is a reliable end-to-end transport protocol that adapts its rate to the available capacity. Both TCP and the DTM bandwidth can react to changes in the network load, creating a complex system with inter-dependent feedback mechanisms. The contribution of this work is an assessment of a bandwidth allocation scheme for TCP flows on variable capacity technologies. We have created a simulation environment using ns-2 and our results indicate that the allocation of bandwidth maximises TCP throughput for most flows, thus saving valuable capacity when compared to a scheme such as link over-provisioning. We highlight one situation where the allocation scheme might have some deficiencies against the static reservation of resources, and describe its causes. This type of situation warrants further investigation to understand how the algorithm can be modified to achieve performance similar to that of the fixed bandwidth case

    Measuring ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O from White Dwarf Asteroseismology

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    During helium burning in the core of a red giant, the relative rates of the 3&alpha and ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reactions largely determine the final ratio of carbon to oxygen in the resulting white dwarf star. The uncertainty in the 3&alpha reaction at stellar energies due to the extrapolation from high-energy laboratory measurements is relatively small, but this is not the case for the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction. Recent advances in the analysis of asteroseismological data on pulsating white dwarf stars now make it possible to obtain precise measurements of the central ratio of carbon to oxygen, providing a more direct way to measure the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction rate at stellar energies. We assess the systematic uncertainties of this approach and quantify small shifts in the measured central oxygen abundance originating from the observations and from model settings that are kept fixed during the optimization. Using new calculations of white dwarf internal chemical profiles, we find a rate for the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction that is significantly higher than most published values. The accuracy of this method may improve as we modify some of the details of our description of white dwarf interiors that were not accessible through previous model-fitting methods.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, uses emulateapj5.sty, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Irreversible Quantum Mechanics in the Neutral K-System

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    The neutral Kaon system is used to test the quantum theory of resonance scattering and decay phenomena. The two dimensional Lee-Oehme-Yang theory with complex Hamiltonian is obtained by truncating the complex basis vector expansion of the exact theory in Rigged Hilbert space. This can be done for K_1 and K_2 as well as for K_S and K_L, depending upon whether one chooses the (self-adjoint, semi-bounded) Hamiltonian as commuting or non-commuting with CP. As an unexpected curiosity one can show that the exact theory (without truncation) predicts long-time 2 pion decays of the neutral Kaon system even if the Hamiltonian conserves CP.Comment: 36 pages, 1 PostScript figure include

    Entanglement and State Preparation

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    When a subset of particles in an entangled state is measured, the state of the subset of unmeasured particles is determined by the outcome of the measurement. This first measurement may be thought of as a state preparation for the remaining particles. In this paper, we examine how the duration of the first measurement effects the state of the unmeasured subsystem. The state of the unmeasured subsytem will be a pure or mixed state depending on the nature of the measurement. In the case of quantum teleportation we show that there is an eigenvalue equation which must be satisfied for accurate teleportation. This equation provides a limitation to the states that can be accurately teleported.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    White Dwarf Asteroseismology and the ^12C(alpha,gamma)^16O Rate

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    Due to a new global analysis method, it is now possible to measure the internal composition of pulsating white dwarf stars, even with relatively simple theoretical models. The precise internal mixture of carbon and oxygen is the largest single source of uncertainty in ages derived from white dwarf cosmochronometry, and contains information about the rate of the astrophysically important, but experimentally uncertain, ^12C(alpha,gamma)^16O nuclear reaction. Recent determinations of the internal composition and structure of two helium-atmosphere variable (DBV) white dwarf stars, GD 358 and CBS 114, initially led to conflicting implied rates for the ^12C(alpha,gamma)^16O reaction. If both stars were formed through single-star evolution, then the initial analyses of their pulsation frequencies must have differed in some systematic way. I present improved fits to the two sets of pulsation data, resolving the tension between the initial results and leading to a value for the ^12C(alpha,gamma)^16O reaction rate that is consistent with recent laboratory measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, uses emulateapj5.sty; Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Fine Grid Asteroseismology of R548 and G117-B15A

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    We now have a good measurement of the cooling rate of G117-B15A. In the near future, we will have equally well determined cooling rates for other pulsating white dwarfs, including R548. The ability to measure their cooling rates offers us a unique way to study weakly interacting particles that would contribute to their cooling. Working toward that goal, we perform a careful asteroseismological analysis of G117-B15A and R548. We study them side by side because they have similar observed properties. We carry out a systematic, fine grid search for best fit models to the observed period spectra of those stars. We freely vary 4 parameters: the effective temperature, the stellar mass, the helium layer mass, and the hydrogen layer mass. We identify and quantify a number of uncertainties associated with our models. Based on the results of that analysis and fits to the periods observed in R548 and G117-B15A, we clearly define the regions of the 4 dimensional parameter space ocuppied by the best fit models.Comment: The first author would love to hear from you if you found this paper interesting. email [email protected]
