320 research outputs found

    Marshall University Music Department Presents a Junior Recital, Nathan Bohach, Vibraphone and Drumset

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    Marshall University Music Department Presents a Senior Recital, Nathan Bohach, Jazz Vibraphone

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    Educational change process: A case study of a rural school district\u27s reading reform

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    Beginning reading instruction is the subject of much debate in educational fields as well as in the political arena. The product of such debates is often a push to reform reading programs and teachers are targeted as the ones to carry out these reforms. If reading educators have been actively involved in a reading change process, what are their concerns about change and the influence of mandated legislation? The purpose of this qualitative research study was to examine how teachers and administrators initiated and implemented a balanced reading innovation. It also investigated how the Concerns-Based Adoption Model identified teachers\u27 concerns during the implementation of the innovation and the impact of “No Child Left Behind” legislation. Leadership also emerged as a key aspect of change in this study. Results of this study will provide insight into educators\u27 responses to reading reform and how that translates into their current instructional decision-making processes and student learning. It also provides insight for change facilitators and the importance of recognizing individual stages of development within a change process

    The role and problems of small business

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    Розглянуто стан розвитку підприємництва в Україні та Тернопільській області зокрема. Оскільки малий бізнес став драйвером економічного розвитку в історичному ракурсі, то саме програми розвитку цього сектора економіки є прерогативою в формуванні стратегії підтримки підприємництва в Україні. Досліджено стан та тенденції розвитку малого підприємництва, основні фактори впливу на результативність діяльності малих підприємств, а також вагомість елементів матриці PEST-аналізу в процесі формування сприятливого бізнес-середовища для розвитку малого підприємництва в Україні.The article examines the state of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine and in Ternopil region in particular. Since the small business has become a driver of economic development in the historical perspective, the programs for the development of this economy sector is the prerogative in forming the strategy for supporting entrepreneurship in Ukraine. There were explored the state and trends of small business development, the main influence factors at the performance of small enterprises, also the weight of PEST matrix elements in the process of creating a favorable business environment for the development of small business in Ukrain

    Writing portfolios: Descriptive assessment of children\u27s writing

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    A trend in the language arts program is to focus on nurturing children\u27s emerging thinking-language abilities while they are involved in the language processes. This view of language learning places children at the center of the instructional program. A school learning environment that supports such activity promotes risk-taking and a sense of ownership. Assessing children\u27s responses in this type of learning environment requires descriptive techniques (Johnston, 1987). In respect to the writing component of the language arts program, descriptive techniques facilitate the appraisal of children\u27s responses as they write to create meaning. Assessment, then, becomes an integral part of the writing process with teachers collaborating with students to describe their emerging writing abilities and to ascertain their instructional needs

    Endoparasitoses of the Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) on the northern Black Sea coast of Ukraine

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    One of the main tasks of ecological parasitology at the present stage is to determine patterns of spread of invasive diseases of poultry in the environment through a thorough epidemiological examination, as well as to determine the main directions and factors of spread of parasites in Ukraine. Some pigeon health problems can affect their populations, but parasitic infections play an important role. Our research found that 83.3% of Eurasian collared doves examined (Streptopelia decaocto) were affected by endoparasites. The commonest helminths were Raillietina spp. with the average invasion intensity of 4.9 ± 1.3 specimens/ind., Baruscapillaria spp. and Ascaridia columbae with an invasion intensity of 4.6 ± 1.5 and 3.7 ± 2.1 specimens/ind., respectively. The commonest cestodes were Raillietina spp. with the extent of invasion of 52.2% and Davainea proglottina – 6.7%. The Amoebotaenia cuneata cestodes were recorded in 3 (3.3%) doves, and Echinolepis carioca – only in 2 (2.2%) doves. Six doves (6.7%) were infected with the nematode Ascaridia columbae and 5 (5.6%) – Baruscapillaria spp. Eimerian oocysts were found in 9 (10%) collared doves, and Trichomonas gallinae was recorded in 15 (16.7%) birds. According to the results of helminthological autopsy and identification of the isolated pathogens, 8 varieties of mixinvasions were identified. In association with the Rayetins, there were the protozoa Eimeria spp. and Trichomonas gallinae and the nematode Ascaridia columbae. Two-component invasions were registered in 78.6% of doves, three-component infestations in 14.3% and four-component infestations in 7.1% of birds. Mixed infection with Raillietina spp. + Ascaridia columbae was found in the small intestine of Streptopelia decaocto, which was also pathomorphologically observed to have catarrhal-hemorrhagic enteritis, which was accompanied by the formation of a large number of spotted hemorrhages on the mucous membrane, and in the places of attachment of cestodes - necrotic-caseous areas. Temperature and other weather conditions such as humidity, precipitation, etc. of the northern Black Sea coast affect the population size of intermediate host cestodes. Continuous monitoring of invasive diseases of pigeons of different species will help to take the necessary preventive measures against endoparasitoses of birds


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    The article provides data on the spread of endoparasitoses in vietnamese bellied pigs in the pasture growing system in the farms of the Odesa region. Pigs can have numerous intestinal parasites, most often protozoa and nematodes. Although the course of such parasitic infections is usually subclinical, clinical manifestations may occasionally occur, especially in growing pigs. The study of the structure and functioning of parasitic systems is extremely important. The obtained data on gastrointestinal parasites in pigs can help in the development of effective and sustainable measures for the prevention of pig diseases. The aim of the work was to monitor endoparasitoses in vietnamese bellied pigs in the pasture growing system, depending on age, in the farms of the Odesa region. A total of 475 samples of feces of vietnamese bellied pigs from 6 private farms of Odesa region were studied. Fecal samples were collected from suckling piglets and weanling piglets (<4 months), young (4‒8 months) and adults (>8 months) of both sexes. It was established that the total infestation with protozoa in piglets < 4 months. age was 86.7 %, in growing pigs (4-8 months) ‒ 28.9 %, and in adults ‒ 18.7 %, helminthes infestation was 13.3 %, 71.1% and 81.3% in accordance. Piglets < 4 months. age, Isospora suis (28.3 %) and Eimeria suis (18.6 %) were most infested, while Strongyloides sp. (2.7 %). Ascaris suum (33.4 %) and Trichuris suis (24.6 %) had the highest lesion extent in growing pigs (4‒8 months), and the lowest among protozoans was Isospora suis and Blastocystis sp. (2.9 %). In adult pigs, the highest infestation of Ascaris suum (34.4 %) and Trichuris suis (31.2 %) was recorded, while isosporosis and cryptosporidiosis were not recorded.У статті наведено дані щодо поширення ендопаразитозів в᾽єтнамських вислобрюхих свиней при клітково-вигульному утриманні в господарствах Одеської області. У свиней можуть бути численні кишкові паразити, найчастіше – найпростіші та нематоди. Хоча перебіг таких паразитарних інвазій зазвичай субклінічний, іноді можуть виникати клінічні прояви, особливо у свиней, що ростуть. Дослідження структури і функціонування паразитарних систем має важливе значення. Отримані дані про паразити травного каналу в свиней можуть допомогти в розробці ефективних заходів профілактики інвазійних хвороб. Метою роботи було провести моніторинг ендопаразитозів у в᾽єтнамських вислобрюхих свиней при клітково-вигульному утриманні, в залежності від віку, в господарствах Одеської області. Усього було досліджено 475 проб фекалій в᾽єтнамських вислобрюхих свиней з шести приватних господарств Одеської області. Зразки фекалій збирали у поросят-сисунів і поросят-відлучників (<4 місяців), молодняку (4‒8 місяців) та дорослих свиней (>8 місяців) обох статей. Встановлено, що загальна екстенсивність інвазії протозоозами у поросят менше 4 міс. віку становила 86,7 %, у свиней на дорощуванні (4-8 міс.) ‒ 28,9 %, у дорослих ‒ 18,7 %, а загальна екстенсивність інвазії гельмінтами становила 13,3 %, 71,1 % та 81,3 %, відповідно. Поросята < 4 міс. віку найбільше були інвазовані видами Isospora suis (28,3 %) і Eimeria suis (18,6 %), найменше ‒ Strongyloides sp. (2,7 %). У свиней на дорощуванні (4‒8 міс) була найвища екстенсивність ураження видами Ascaris suum (33,4 %) та Trichuris suis (24,6 %), а найнижчою серед протозоозів було ураження видами Isospora suis і Blastocystis sp. (2,9 %). У дорослих свиней встановили найбільшу екстенсивність інвазії видами Ascaris suum (34,4 %) та Trichuris suis (31,2 %), тоді як ураження видами ізоспор та криптоспоридій не встановлено

    A quantitative real time PCR method to analyze T cell receptor Vβ subgroup expansion by staphylococcal superantigens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs), SE-like (SEl) toxins, and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), produced by <it>Staphylococcus aureus</it>, belong to the subgroup of microbial superantigens (SAgs). SAgs induce clonal proliferation of T cells bearing specific variable regions of the T cell receptor β chain (Vβ). Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) has become widely accepted for rapid and reproducible mRNA quantification. Although the quantification of Vβ subgroups using qRT-PCR has been reported, qRT-PCR using both primers annealing to selected Vβ nucleotide sequences and SYBR Green I reporter has not been applied to assess Vβ-dependent expansion of T cells by SAgs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with various SAgs or a monoclonal antibody specific to human CD3. Highly specific expansion of Vβ subgroups was assessed by qRT-PCR using SYBR Green I reporter and primers corresponding to selected Vβ nucleotide sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>qRT-PCR specificities were confirmed by sequencing amplified PCR products and melting curve analysis. To assess qRT-PCR efficiencies, standard curves were generated for each primer set. The average slope and R<sup>2 </sup>of standard curves were -3.3764 ± 0.0245 and 0.99856 ± 0.000478, respectively, demonstrating that the qRT-PCR established in this study is highly efficient. With some exceptions, SAg Vβ specificities observed in this study were similar to those reported in previous studies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The qRT-PCR method established in this study produced an accurate and reproducible assessment of Vβ-dependent expansion of human T cells by staphylococcal SAgs. This method could be a useful tool in the characterization T cell proliferation by newly discovered SAg and in the investigation of biological effects of SAgs linked to pathogenesis.</p


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    Intestinal coccidiosis, in particular isosporosis and cryptosporidiosis, lead to significant economic losses in the global pig industry. Piglets become infected immediately after birth through ingestion of sporulating oocysts from previously infected litter, as sows are considered a secondary source of infection for them. Proper housing and hygiene, which reduce the accumulation of oocysts in the environment and exposure of piglets to sporulation oocysts, are key to disease prevention. The goal of the work. To determine the effectiveness of eimeriostatics for the mixed course of isosporosis and cryptosporidiosis in piglets. The effectiveness of the drugs was determined on 14-day-old piglets of the breed ''Velika Bila''. The piglets of the first experimental group were given the drug Turil 5%, the second experimental group - Brovitacoccid, the third experimental group - Amprolev-plus." The dynamics of the infestation of piglets with isospores and cryptosporidia after the use of the drugs and their effectiveness were determined on the 7th, 14th and 28th days by counting the number of oocysts in 10 fields of view of the microscope according to the method of N.P. Orlova (1956). After treatment of piglets with the drug Turil 5% on the 14th day, the release of I. suis decreased to 3.9 ± 0.1 oocysts, and on the 28th day they were not recorded, while on the 28st day C. suis was at the level 7.4±0.2 oocysts in 10 fields of view of the microscope. When using Brovitacoccide on the 14th and 28th days, I. suis was not recorded, and the infestation of piglets by C. suis was 3.5±0.2 oocysts. The best indicators regarding the reduction of oocyst excretion were obtained in the group of piglets treated with the drug Amprolev-plus. On the 14th day, only the release of I. suis oocysts was recorded (5.1±0.1 oocysts in 10 fields of view of the microscope), and on the 28th day, the release of C. suis and I. suis oocysts was not recorded. On the 14th day, the effectiveness of Brovitacoccsid against I. suis and Amprolev-plus against C. suis was 100%, and already on the 28th day, 100% effectiveness of Amprolev-plus also showed against I. suis.У статті наведені дані лікування спонтанного змішаного перебігу ізоспорозу і криптоспоридіозу поросят протиеймерійними препаратами Турилом 5 %, Бровітакокцидом і Ампролевом-плюс. Кишкові кокцидіози, зокрема ізоспороз і криптоспоридіоз, призводять до значних економічних втрат у світовій галузі свинарства. Поросята заражаються одразу після народження через заковтування споруляційних ооцист з раніше зараженого посліду, оскільки свиноматки вважаються другорядним джерелом інвазії для них. Належне утримання та гігієна, які зменшують накопичення ооцист у навколишньому середовищі та вплив спорульованих ооцист на поросят, є ключовими для запобігання захворювання. Мета роботи – визначити ефективність еймеріостатиків за змішаного перебігу ізоспорозу і криптоспоридіозу поросят. Ефективність препаратів визначали на 32 поросятах 14-добового віку породи Велика біла, спонтанно інвазованих ізоспорами і криптоспоридіями. Поросятам першої дослідної групи задавали препарат Турил 5 %, поросятам другої дослідної групи ‒ Бровітакокцид третьої дослідної групи ‒ Ампролев-плюс». Динаміку інвазованості поросят ізоспорами та криптоспоридіями після застосування препаратів та їх ефективність визначали на 7-му, 14-ту і 28-у доби шляхом підрахунку кількості ооцист в 10 полях зору мікроскопа за методикою Н.П. Орлова (1956). Після обробки поросят препаратом Турил 5 % на 14 добу виділення I. suis зменшилось до 3,9 ± 0,1 ооцисти, а на 28 добу вони не реєструвалися, тоді як на 28 добу C. suis був на рівні 7,4±0,2 ооцисти в 10 полях зору мікроскопа. При застосуванні Бровітакокциду на 14 та 28 добу I. suis не реєстрували, а інвазованість поросят C. suis становила 3,5±0,2 ооцисти. Найкращі показники щодо зниження виділення ооцист отримано в групі поросят, які отримували препарат Ампролев-плюс. На 14-ту добу зафіксовано лише виділення ооцист I. suis (5,1±0,1 ооцисти в 10 полях зору мікроскопа), а на 28-му добу виділення ооцист C. suis та I. suis не реєстрували. На 14 добу ефективність Бровітакокциду проти I. suis та Ампролеву-плюс проти C. suis становила 100 %, а вже на 28 добу 100 % ефективність Ампролев плюс також проявив проти I. suis