6 research outputs found

    Proportional entropy of normal cardiac dynamic and with arrhythmia in the Intensive Care Unit

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    Background: Based on the theory of probability and not equiprobable entropy ratios in the context of dynamical systems theory, a methodology for cardiac dynamic evaluation was developed. Objectives: To confirm the clinical applicability of the diagnostic methodology based on probability and entropy for patients with different types of arrhythmia assessing the degree of intensification in the ICU through its characteristic proportions. Methods: 80 Holter records from ICU diagnosed with arrhythmia and 20 normal were analyzed. Holter clinical findings were masked and were taken from them the maximum and minimum values of heart rate and total number of beats per minute to build the numerical attractor for each dynamics. Probability, entropy, S/k ratio, and proportions of entropy were evaluated, establishing its mathematical diagnosis and quantifying its severity level. Results: It was shown that the methodology difference in all cases normal of abnormal dynamics, obtaining a sensitivity and specificity of 100 % and Kappa coefficient of 1, showing that it is also possible to establish quantitatively the degree of exacerbation. Conclusions: The methodology developed is useful in clinical practice to correlate the severity of arrhythmias with physical and mathematical predictions of exacerbation.</p

    Proportional entropy of normal cardiac dynamic and with arrhythmia in the intensive care unit

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    Antecedentes: Con base en la teoría de la probabilidad y las proporciones de la entropía no equiprobable en el contexto de la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos se desarrolló una metodología de evaluación de la dinámica cardiaca. Objetivo: Confirmar la aplicabilidad clínica de la metodología diagnóstica basada en la probabilidad y la entropía para pacientes con diferentes tipos de arritmia evaluando el grado de agudización en la UCI por medio de sus proporciones características. Métodos: Se analizaron 80 registros Holter de la UCI con diagnóstico de arritmia y 20 normales. Se enmascararon las conclusiones clínicas del Holter y se tomaron de este los valores máximo, mínimo de frecuencia cardiaca y número total de latidos por hora para construir el atractor numérico para cada dinámica. Se calculó la probabilidad, la entropía, la relación S/k, y se evaluaron las proporciones de la entropía, estableciendo su diagnóstico matemático y cuantificando su nivel de gravedad. Resultados: Se demostró que la metodología diferencia en todos los casos dinámicas normales de anormales, obteniendo valores de sensibilidad y especificidad de 100% y coeficiente Kappa de 1, evidenciando que es posible además establecer cuantitativamente el grado de agudización. Conclusiones: La metodología desarrollada es útil en la práctica clínica para correlacionar la gravedad de las arritmias con predicciones de agudización físicas y matemáticas.Background: Based on the theory of probability and not equiprobable entropy ratios in the context of dynamical systems theory, a methodology for cardiac dynamic evaluation was developed. Objectives: To confirm the clinical applicability of the diagnostic methodology based on probability and entropy for patients with different types of arrhythmia assessing the degree of intensification in the ICU through its characteristic proportions. Methods: 80 Holter records from ICU diagnosed with arrhythmia and 20 normal were analyzed. Holter clinical findings were masked and were taken from them the maximum and minimum values of heart rate and total number of beats per minute to build the numerical attractor for each dynamics. Probability, entropy, S/k ratio, and proportions of entropy were evaluated, establishing its mathematical diagnosis and quantifying its severity level. Results: It was shown that the methodology difference in all cases normal of abnormal dynamics, obtaining a sensitivity and specificity of 100 % and Kappa coefficient of 1, showing that it is also possible to establish quantitatively the degree of exacerbation. Conclusions: The methodology developed is useful in clinical practice to correlate the severity of arrhythmias with physical and mathematical predictions of exacerbation

    Aneurysmatic coronary artery disease : Presentation of a case and review the literature

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    La enfermedad aneurismática coronaria o ectasias y dilataciones de segmentos coronarios, son hallazgos típicamente incidentales en los estudios angiográficos. Aunque no está claramente establecida la etiología, muchas series describen como factor más común la aterosclerosis coronaria, pero también un desorden congénito, secundario a infl amación o enfermedad del tejido conectivo. Es bien estudiada su asociación con enfermedad de Kawasaki. Se revisa el caso de un paciente con síndrome coronario agudo (SCA) y dilataciones aneurismáticas en arterias coronarias, su enfoque diagnóstico y terapéutico.38-41Coronary artery aneurysms or ectasias are dilatations of arterial segments, which are typically incidentally identifi ed at angiography. Although the etiology isn ́t clearly established, several large clinical series described that the most common etiologic factor for coronary aneurysms is atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, but they can also be congenital or secondary to infl ammatory or connective tissue disorders. A well-known association with Kawasaki disease is also studied. We review the case of a patient with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and aneurysms dilations in coronary arteries, its diagnosis and therapeutic approach

    Aplicación de FeO, ZnO y CuO como pigmentos en compuestos cerámicos

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    Entre los problemas más relevantes de la industria alfarera de Boyacá, Colombia, se encuentra la ausencia de una gama de tonalidades uniformes de sus productos finales. El color, por tratarse de una propiedad física fácilmente observable, se convierte en un criterio distintivo para clientes potenciales que buscan un producto diferenciador y a la vanguardia dentro de un medio en constante cambio. Por tal razón, el presente trabajo propuso un compuesto cerámico elaborado a partir de arcillas montmorillonitas y óxidos metálicos tales como FeO, CuO y ZnO. Las arcillas se caracterizaron por Fluorescencia de Rayos X (FRX) y de acuerdo a la composición química de cada arcilla, se determinaron las concentraciones de los óxidos metálicos como agentes colorantes, los cuales variaron de 1 a 8 % (en peso). Los prototipos cerámicos se conformaron por el método de prensado uniaxial a una presión de compactación constante de 15 MPa, posteriormente se sinterizaron a 950 °C durante 2 h. Mediante histogramas RGB se realizaron los análisis de color de los especímenes, los resultados mostraron cambios significativos en la pigmentación del compuesto cerámico reportando tono rojo, café y blanco. Lo anterior, hace viable la utilización de estos óxidos como pigmentos termoestables en la elaboración de productos cerámicos tales como: tejas, tabletas y baldosas, entre otros diseños cerámicos que hoy en día solo se pueden encontrar en tiendas de cerámica avanzada.Among the most relevant problems of the pottery industry in Boyacá, Colombia, is the absence of a range of uniform shades in their final products. The color, being an easily observable physical property, becomes a distinctive criterion for potential customers seeking a differentiating and cutting-edge product within a constantly changing environment. For that reason, the present work proposed a ceramic compound elaborated from montmorillonite clays and metal oxides such as FeO, CuO and ZnO. The clays were characterized by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and according to the chemical composition of each clay, the concentrations of metal oxides were determined as coloring agents, which varied from 1 to 8 % (by weight). The ceramic prototypes were shaped by uniaxial pressing method at a constant compaction pressure of 15 MPa, and then sintered at 950 °C for 2 h. RGB histograms were used to analyze the color of the specimens, the results showed significant changes in the pigmentation of the ceramic compound reporting red, brown and white tone. This makes viable the use of these oxides as thermosetting pigments in the production of ceramic products such as roof tiles, tablets and tiles among other ceramic designs, which today can only be found in advanced ceramic shops

    Modelling the effect of temperature on the physical and mechanical properties of ceramic composites filled with foundry sand waste

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    The aim of this research is to describe the temperature effect on the water absorption, linear shrinkage, density and compressive strength of ceramic composites produced by mixing clay with additions of foundry sand waste from 20% to 40% wt. Previous studies have shown that foundry sands can be recycled due to the high content of SiO2 on its chemical composition, therefore, in this research is proposed as an alternative raw material in ceramic bodies. Prototypes were shaped by uniaxial pressing method and fired at three different temperatures (850°C, 950°C and 1,050°C) in order to promote the formation of the ceramic phases. Physical and mechanical properties were measured based on the procedures specified by standard ASTM C373 and ASTM C773-88. It was found that at 1,050°C properties such as mechanical strength and density reach its maximum values, effect that might be associated to the reduction in pore size inside the microstructure during calcination. The main merit of the models obtained is offer a valuable tool to set up a proper thermal process in order to obtain eco-friendly ceramic samples with physical and mechanical properties at its optimum values, reducing environmental problems related to landfill disposal and minimizing costs of manufacturing

    Proportional entropy of normal cardiac dynamic and with arrhythmia in the intensive care unit

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    Antecedentes: Con base en la teoría de la probabilidad y las proporciones de la entropía no equiprobable en el contexto de la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos se desarrolló una metodología de evaluación de la dinámica cardiaca. Objetivo: Confirmar la aplicabilidad clínica de la metodología diagnóstica basada en la probabilidad y la entropía para pacientes con diferentes tipos de arritmia evaluando el grado de agudización en la UCI por medio de sus proporciones características. Métodos: Se analizaron 80 registros Holter de la UCI con diagnóstico de arritmia y 20 normales. Se enmascararon las conclusiones clínicas del Holter y se tomaron de este los valores máximo, mínimo de frecuencia cardiaca y número total de latidos por hora para construir el atractor numérico para cada dinámica. Se calculó la probabilidad, la entropía, la relación S/k, y se evaluaron las proporciones de la entropía, estableciendo su diagnóstico matemático y cuantificando su nivel de gravedad. Resultados: Se demostró que la metodología diferencia en todos los casos dinámicas normales de anormales, obteniendo valores de sensibilidad y especificidad de 100% y coeficiente Kappa de 1, evidenciando que es posible además establecer cuantitativamente el grado de agudización. Conclusiones: La metodología desarrollada es útil en la práctica clínica para correlacionar la gravedad de las arritmias con predicciones de agudización físicas y matemáticas.Background: Based on the theory of probability and not equiprobable entropy ratios in the context of dynamical systems theory, a methodology for cardiac dynamic evaluation was developed. Objectives: To confirm the clinical applicability of the diagnostic methodology based on probability and entropy for patients with different types of arrhythmia assessing the degree of intensification in the ICU through its characteristic proportions. Methods: 80 Holter records from ICU diagnosed with arrhythmia and 20 normal were analyzed. Holter clinical findings were masked and were taken from them the maximum and minimum values of heart rate and total number of beats per minute to build the numerical attractor for each dynamics. Probability, entropy, S/k ratio, and proportions of entropy were evaluated, establishing its mathematical diagnosis and quantifying its severity level. Results: It was shown that the methodology difference in all cases normal of abnormal dynamics, obtaining a sensitivity and specificity of 100 % and Kappa coefficient of 1, showing that it is also possible to establish quantitatively the degree of exacerbation. Conclusions: The methodology developed is useful in clinical practice to correlate the severity of arrhythmias with physical and mathematical predictions of exacerbation