25 research outputs found

    New opportunities for collaboration between physicians and pharmacists in Poland in the context of implementing coordinated care and pharmaceutical care

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    The aim of the paper is to identify new opportunities for cooperation between doctors and pharmacists in Poland in the situation of implementing coordinated care and pharmaceutical care. In the first part of the article, the effectiveness of the interprofessional therapeutic team's action in caring for the health and life of patients was emphasized, and the necessity of changing the previously dominant model of the relationship between doctors and pharmacists was justified. The argumentation focused on the characteristics and potential perspectives for improving the health condition of society, staffing resources, and the specificity of the current functioning of the healthcare system, as well as the consequences of limited possibilities to secure health needs during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It was assumed that the process of implementing coordinated care in the primary healthcare sector and pharmaceutical care would allow the potential of pharmacists to be adequately utilized and enable the expansion and integration of existing forms of cooperation between doctors and pharmacists. In the main part of the work, a brief characterization of coordinated care was made, stating that pharmacists should be involved in its implementation at every level of actions taken, for all groups of patients under care, and in the situation of therapy of each of the disease entities, legally indicated for the coordination of medical actions. Subsequently, elements of pharmaceutical care (pharmaceutical consultations, medication review, issuing prescriptions as part of the continuation of a medical order, diagnostic tests, pharmaceutical care plan) were presented, in the implementation of which the pharmacist, legally defined as an independent medical worker, has gained new possibilities for supporting the patient and the attending physician. In conclusion, it was stated that including a pharmacist providing pharmaceutical care in the process of coordinated care for a patient, in many situations, may constitute real and very significant help for the doctor, bringing considerable benefits in improving patient health outcomes, especially in the elderly or those treated for chronic diseases

    Poglądy studentów pielęgniarstwa na temat stanów, zachowań i naturalnych procesów biologicznych poddawanych medykalizacji

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    The article is the presentation of the initial analysis of the results of research on the level of medicalization of nursing students’ opinions towards selected conditions, behaviors, and natural biological processes, which are being medicalized. The study group seemed interesting to us, because it consists of people undergoing both medical training and shaped in the spirit of the holistic paradigm of nursing care, which should lead them to thinking about human and his problems not only in medical terms, but also in psychological and social. On the basis of six being medicalized conditions, behaviors, and natural biological processes (depression, compulsive buying, erectile dysfunction, childbirth, osteoporosis and obesity) we assessed the degree of medicalization of opinions of respondents. Depending on the example of the problem, the results are very different. Nursing students, on the one hand, have a very medicalised view of osteoporosis (more than 60% consider it as a disease), and on the other hand, rarely define depression in this way (depression as neurological disease is treated by only 17% of them). Moreover, by comparing the responses of students in the first year (undergraduate) and in the second year (MA), we concluded that the nursing studies rather reinforce medicalization of opinions of respondents. We have also come to the conclusion that reliance on the closed-ended questions does not give satisfactory effects: results they are too ambiguous and it is impossible to explain the internal contradictions in the responses of the respondents. Artykuł jest efektem pierwszych analiz wyników badań nad stopniem zmedykalizowania poglądów studentów pielęgniarstwa wobec wybranych stanów, zachowań i naturalnych procesów biologicznych poddawanych współcześnie medykalizacji. Badana grupa wydała się nam interesująca, ponieważ składa się z osób zarówno poddawanych szkoleniu medycznemu, jak i kształtowanych w duchu holistycznego paradygmatu opieki pielęgniarskiej, który powinien skłaniać ich ku myśleniu o człowieku i jego problemach zarówno w kategoriach medycznych, psychologicznych, jak i społecznych. Na podstawie sześciu współcześnie medykalizowanych stanów, zachowań i naturalnych procesów biologicznych (depresji, zakupoholizmu, zaburzeń erekcji, porodów, osteoporozy i otyłości) dokonaliśmy oceny stopnia zmedykalizowania postaw respondentów. W zależności od przykładu medykalizowanego problemu, wyniki są bardzo różne. Studenci pielęgniarstwa z jednej strony patrzą w bardzo zmedykalizowany sposób na osteoporozę (ponad 60% uważa ją za chorobę), a z drugiej strony rzadko w ten sposób definiują depresję (depresję jako chorobę neurologiczną rozumiało jedynie 17% z nich). Ponadto, porównując odpowiedzi studentów I roku studiów I stopnia i II roku studiów II stopnia, uznaliśmy, że studia pielęgniarskie raczej sprzyjają medykalizacji postaw badanych. Jednocześnie doszliśmy do wniosku, że opieranie się na pytaniach zamkniętych nie daje zadowalających wyników, ponieważ są one niejednoznaczne i nie da się na ich podstawie wyjaśnić wewnętrznych sprzeczności w odpowiedziach badanych

    Convalescents’ Reports on COVID-19 Experience—A Qualitative Study

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    Background: The dynamic character of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences caused several medical and societal issues and dilemmas. The aim of our qualitative research was to capture and analyze attitudes and beliefs of convalescents who experienced mild symptoms of COVID-19 in the first wave of the pandemic and decided to donate their plasma for therapeutic purposes. Material and Methods: The article presents results of qualitative research conducted on the basis of grounded theory (GT) methodology. Empirical material includes 10 in-depth interviews conducted with respondents who had mild or asymptomatic disease and, after recovery, voluntarily donated their plasma to the Regional Centre for Blood Donation and Blood Treatment (RCKiK). Data were collected in May and June 2020 in Poland. Qualitative analysis was focused on the experience of convalescents who entered the social role of a sick person in individual, social, and organizational dimensions. Results: The social role of the patient in the narratives of convalescents was related to three stages: (1) initiation to the role, (2) staying in the COVID-19 patient role, and (3) leaving the role. Research results enabled the distinction of three basic descriptive categories (“ontological uncertainty”, “the global and individual dimension”, and “being sick in the disease-infected environment”), which became epistemological framework for a detailed description of the roles played by an individual COVID-19 patient during the pandemic. Conclusions: The disease, despite its mild course, generated a number of non-medical issues, and the entire process of being ill was burdened with institutional and emotional struggles. The experience of mild COVID-19 is significantly modified by disease institutionalization. These results may contribute to a better understanding of the psychosocial dimension of COVID-19 and convalescents’ motivations for plasma donation

    Use of physiotherapeutic treatments in spa and wellness centres as a method of health and beauty care

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    These days the topics of health and beauty care have become particularly interesting for people. Consequently, health and beauty treatments are becoming increasingly more popular. The aim of this paper is to analyse aspects which make visitors of spa and wellness centres choose a particular offer of physiotherapeutic treatments. The research was conducted in 2015 among 115 respondents who attended wellness and spa resorts in Eastern Poland. The result were obtained using the diagnostic poll method as well as the author’s tool. Statistical analysis was based on the chi2 test. The level of statistical significance was set at p0.05. The main reason why the respondents received physiotherapeutic treatments in wellness and spa resorts was to rest (51,3%), increase their fitness (50,4%) or improve their image (35,6%). Although in most cases they were satisfied with their appearance, they still aimed to improve it (63,5%) by taking massage (60,8%), sauna (52,1%) and hydrotherapy (37,4%) (these were the most frequently chosen treatments), which were considered as effective. The respondents claim that the number of wellness and spa resorts is currently insufficient (57,4%) and that the demand for them will increase along with the growing health and beauty care among the society (68,7%). Since the current offer of physiotherapeutic treatments available in wellness and spa resorts is chosen by people who care about their appearance and fitness or aim to improve them.W czasach współczesnych problematyka skoncentrowana na zdrowiu i urodzie cieszy się bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem, a co za tym idzie, coraz więcej osób korzysta z różnego rodzaju usług prozdrowotnych i upiększających. Celem pracy jest analiza uwarunkowań, które w sytuacji osób korzystających z ośrodków spa i wellness, decydowały o wyborze dostępnych tam usług fizjoterapeutycznych.Badania przeprowadzono w 2015 roku, wśród 115 osób korzystających z ośrodków spa i wellness we wschodniej Polsce. W pracy zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego oraz autorskie narzędzie badawcze. Uzyskane wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej z wykorzystaniem testu chi2. Respondenci korzystali z zabiegów fizjoterapeutycznych w ośrodkach spa i wellness przede wszystkim aby wypocząć (51,3%), poprawiać kondycję zdrowotną (50,4%) lub zadbać o wizerunek (35,6%). W większości byli zadowoleni ze swojego wyglądu, dążyli jednak do jego zmiany (63,5%) korzystając najczęściej z masaży (60,8%), sauny (52,1%) i hydroterapii (37,4%). Efektywność zabiegów oceniali wysoko (50%). Zdaniem badanych dostępność ośrodków spa i wellness, świadczących usługi fizjoterapeutyczne jest obecnie niewystarczająca (57,4%) a rosnąca w społeczeństwie troska o zdrowie i urodę zwiększy zapotrzebowanie na nie w przyszłości (68,7%).Współczesna oferta usług fizjoterapeutycznych w ośrodkach spa i wellness adresowana jest do osób, które dbają o kondycję zdrowotną i swój wizerunek lub dążą do jego zmiany

    Psychosocial determinants of disease acceptance in selected mental disorders

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    Introduction and objective Every mental disorder may cause a number of negative consequences in the personal lives of the patients and their families as well as in their social relations. Acceptance of the disease is a crucial factor in the process of coping with the problems resulting from it. Acceptance of the disease may significantly influence the reduction of negative emotional reactions it causes. Consequently, it may contribute to better adaptation of the patients and hence may facilitate the process of recovery. The study attempts to define the socio-psychological conditioning of the degree of disease acceptance among patients treated for psychical disorders. Material and Methods Opinion surveys were carried out in 2013 among a group of 240 patients treated in Mental Health Clinic in Chełm, eastern Poland. The study applied Acceptance Illness Scale – AIS B. Felton, T. A. Revenson, G.A. Hinrichsen, adapted in Poland by Z. Juczyński, as well as a socio-demographic questionnaire. Results The analysis of the obtained results revealed a similar level of acceptance of such diseases as anxiety disorders (24.41±8.52), depression (22.80±7.51) and personality disorders (23.89±7.89). The medical records of all patients fitted among the low average. Conclusions The greatest problem in the researched group related to the social consequences of the psychical disorders. Those questioned were afraid of the negative reactions of others and of being a burden to their families. The level of acceptance was not correlated with independent variables (age, gender, education, place of residence, general well-being)

    Level and conditioning of knowledge about breast cancer displayed by women in perimenopausal age

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    Introduction Women aged 50–69 are the most likely to develop breast cancer. Knowledge about breast tumours as well as regular examination are two of the key factors which reduce the risk of the disease, and increase both the success of treatment and chances of survival. Objective The aim of the paper was to assess knowledge about risk factors, symptoms, screening, early diagnosis and breast cancer treatment among women in perimenopausal age. Material and Methods 400 women aged 45–60, residing in the Lublin region of eastern Poland participated in the research. The primary research tool was a questionnaire with 35 questions checking knowledge about symptoms, screening and early diagnosis, as well as breast cancer treatment. Particulars were also part of the questionnaire. Results Over 50% of women obtained average results with regard to general knowledge, 40% obtained high results and 6% low results. Subjective assessment of the women’s knowledge was statistically significantly (p<0.001) different from the objective assessment. The research confirmed a significant relationship between knowledge and education (p<0.01), and place of residence (p<0.001). The group examined displayed considerably limited knowledge about risk factors, symptoms, screening, as well as breast cancer early diagnosis and therapy. Over a half of the women in perimenopausal age had average general knowledge, while only 40% – high. Conclusions Over half of the women in perimenopausal age had average general knowledge, while only 40% – high. Subjective assessment of knowledge differed statistically significantly from the objective assessment. Women with higher education and living in rural areas displayed a higher level of general knowledge about breast cancer. The study did not identified any relationship between level of knowledge about breast cancer and age, financial situation or health of women in perimenopausal age

    Sustainable Consumption of Households According to the Zero Waste Concept

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    The actions, decisions and behavior of consumers in a circular economy are defined as a circular consumption system. The circular economy is an alternative economic model to the linear model of production and consumption. This model is in line with the zero waste concept, which according to the Zero Waste International Alliance, is an ethical, economical, efficient and forward-looking concept in which consumer behavior includes buying products, caring for them and then recycling or reusing them. This is closely linked to adopting and committing to the circular business model of extending and reusing products. The aim of the study was to identify and describe consumer behavior and activities related to the zero waste concept. The analysis was conducted in the context of reusable products. The research was based on the CAWI method. The tool used to obtain the information was a structured questionnaire. The survey included 821 respondents from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. The survey shows that consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the consequences of consumption not based on choices with a positive attitude towards the environment. In addition, consumer sensitivity to environmental problems is growing. Growing consumer awareness and the promotion of healthy lifestyles by environmental organizations and movements are reversing unfavorable trends in favor of conscious consumption based on rational consumer choices, which translates into economic effects for households. The study found that the behavior of many respondents fits into the zero waste concept, implementing habits on a daily basis that are in line with sustainable consumption

    The Concept of Zero Waste in the Context of Supporting Environmental Protection by Consumers

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    Zero waste according to the Zero Waste International Alliance is an ethical, economical, effective and forward-thinking concept whereby people can change their lifestyles and habits to one that mimics natural cycles, where all discarded materials are designed to become resources that can benefit others. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge of the Zero Waste problem (subject of the study) by respondents in selected Central and Eastern European countries, including Poland, Slovakia (EU countries) and Ukraine (EU associated country), as well as to verify whether the Zero Waste rules are known and implemented in sustainable activities of residents in the studied countries. The research was carried out using the CAWI method. The research tool was a structured questionnaire. The analysis of data from the countries covered by the study showed a significant relationship between the basic elements in the daily functioning of households related to the protection of the environment through responsible consumption, reuse and recovery of selected products, packaging and materials and food and the concept of Zero Waste. Research has shown that respondents consciously identify these activities with Zero Waste. According to the authors, the results of the research are the basis for public discussion at the European and global level in the field of creating legal regulations and educational programs in the context of waste management