333 research outputs found

    The Orbital Angular Momentum of Light for Ultra-High Capacity Data Centers

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    The potential of orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light in data center scenarios is presented. OAMs can be exploited for short reach ultra-high bit rate fiber links and as additional multiplexing domain in transparent ultra-high capacity optical switches. Recent advances on OAM integrated photonic technology are also reported. Finally demonstration of OAM-based fiber links (aggregate throughput 17.9 Tb/s) and two layers OAM-WDM-based optical switches are presented exploiting OAM integrated components and demonstrating the achievable benefits in terms of size, weight and power consumption (SWaP) compared to different technologies

    Phase noise mitigation in photonics-based radio frequency multiplication

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    Two photonics-based radio frequency multiplication schemes for the generation of high-frequency carriers with low phase noise are proposed and experimentally demonstrated. With respect to conventional frequency multiplication schemes, the first scheme induces a selective cancelation of phase noise at periodic frequency-offset values, whereas the second scheme provides a uniform 3-dB mitigation of phase noise. The two schemes are experimentally demonstrated for the generation of a 110-GHz carrier by sixfold multiplication of an 18.3-GHz carrier. In both cases, the experimental results confirm the phase noise reduction predicted by theory

    Simultaneous beam steering of multiple signals based on optical wavelength-selective switch

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    A novel, photonics-based scheme for the independent and simultaneous beam steering of multiple radio frequency signals at a wideband phased-array antenna is presented. As a proof of concept, a wavelength-selective switch (WSS) is employed both as a wavelength router to feed multiple antenna elements and as a tunable phase shifter to independently control the phase of each signal at any antenna element. In the experiment, two signals at 12.5 and 37.5 GHz are simultaneously fed to the four output ports of the WSS with independent and tunable phase shifts, emulating the independent steering of two signals in a four-element phased-array antenna. The results confirm the precision and flexibility of the proposed scheme, which can be realized both with bulk components or resorting to photonic integrated circuits, especially for wide-band applications. The architecture for a possible integrated implementation of the proposed solution is presented, employing a structure based on micro-ring resonator. Starting from these results, the feasibility of an integrated version of the presented architecture is also considered. The proposed photonic integrated circuit realizing the beam-forming network might be based on tunable true-time delay, as well as on phase shift through micro-ring resonators, and could be conveniently implemented with CMOS-compatible silicon technology.</jats:p

    Photonics-based tunable 1-50 GHz RF transmitter on silicon chip

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    The paper presents an innovative tunable software-defined RF transmitter based on integrated photonics, able to work in 1-50GHz with very fast tuning. The system has been characterized and verified in a communication scenario

    Influencias climáticas en la dieta del delfín costero del litoral brasileño

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    The Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) is a small-bodied dolphin distributed along the Atlantic coast from Honduras to southern Brazil. It preys on fish, squid and shrimps. Several seminal studies have described its diet, yet relationships between the species’ feeding plasticity and climate gradients remain unknown. We compiled a large database of Guiana dolphin stomach remains from southeast coastal Brazil. We described the species’ diet using a number of descriptors, multivariate analysis of variance to test possible differentiation in diet composition, and the Morisita index to estimate the extent of trophic niche overlap between groups. We also analysed feeding plasticity using a regression tree analysis followed by an ordination analysis. We present new records of prey for the species in Brazil. Our results suggest that the Guiana dolphin has opportunistic feeding habits, which may exhibit the species’ feeding plasticity. Such feeding plasticity is associated with the capability to prey throughout a wide array of climate conditions. From a conservation ecology perspective, we conclude that estuaries—even ones that are over-depleted and succumbing to human impacts—are paramount environments for the Guiana dolphin, serving as important sources of prey for the species and other sympatric marine mammals.Sotalia guianensis es un delfín de pequeño porte cuya área de ditribución abarca el litoral atlántico desde Honduras hasta el sur de Brasil. Al día de la fecha, pese a que la dieta de este delfín ya ha sido descrita en anteriores trabajos, las posibles relaciones entre la ingesta de determinadas presas y los cambios en las variables ambientales aún se ignoran. En nuestro trabajo, describimos la dieta de estos delfines a través del análisis de contenidos estomacales y recopilamos una extensa base de datos a efectos de desvendar posibles patrones en la ecologia trófica de la especie a lo largo de la costa atlántica sudoriental brasileña. Usamos un conjunto de descriptores para caracterizar la dieta de estos delfines, probamos posibles diferencias por medio de un análisis de variancia multivariada y cuantificamos el grado de solapamiento trófico entre grupos utilizando el índice de Morisita. Además, analizamos la plasticidad trófica de la especie por medio de un árbol de regresión seguido de una ordenación. Presentamos nuevos registros de presas para la especie en Brasil. Los principales resultados que obtuvimos confirman los hábitos oportunistas que caracterizan a estos delfines y evidencian que sus presas más frecuentes y abundantes son a su vez abundantes en estuarios, como peces pertenecientes a la familia Sciaenidae. Dichos hábitos oportunistas podrían estar relacionados con la característica plasticidad trófica de la especie. Corroboramos que la plasticidad trófica del delfín costero se debe a su capacidad de predar en un amplio rango de condiciones climáticas, aunque sus presas más comunes se encuentran en estuarios. Desde el punto de vista de la Ecología de la Conservación, concluímos que los estuarios son ambientes de relevante importancia para estos delfines y otros mamíferos marinos simpátricos, por ser éstos una importante fuente de recursos alimenticios, aunque están en ambientes que soportan un fuerte impacto antrópico

    Evaluation, recommendation and implementation of the local hospital catering system

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    According to the literature the prevalence of the risk of malnutrition o hospitalized people exceeds 25% of patients, this evidence is also related to low meal satisfaction. To reduce hospital malnutrition it is also important to improve the consumption of meals by implementing organoleptic and nutritional quality (O&amp;NQ). The Local Health Agency of Trieste (ASUITS) has conducted surveys to find out how to evaluate and improve the procurement qualifications of hospital catering systems (HCS) and how to implement O&amp;NQ. The production processes of meals served in two clinics using Cook Chill (CC) and Cook/Fresh - Hot Hold (CFHH) production process, respectively, were evaluated from 2017 - 2019. The Nutrient Analysis Critical Control Point process was applied for the evaluation of two catering systems. In addition, the antiradicalic power (ARP) of 120 samples of meals by the University of Trieste was analysed. In 2019 an investigation was conducted to compare the satisfaction and ARP content of meals served to patients in two hospital wards (N = 60). The meals to patients of two wards respectively with CC Cold Plating Retherm (PR) and CC Hot PR were served. Meals produced by the CC production process highlight the average loss of 50% of ARP compared to the CFHH. Meals produced by the CC Cold PR method limit the loss of ARP by 15-40% less compared to the CC Hot PR method. The satisfaction of patients who have consumed meals produced by the CC Cold PR method is double compared to that of patients who have consumed meals produced by the CC Hot PR method. The surveys have produced significant evidence to evaluate hospital meal production processes and to improve O&amp;NQ. The results were used to develop recommendations for the drafting of tender specifications capable of also protecting nutritional variables. The evaluation of the O&amp;NQ of HCS represents a central determinant of food safety and nutrition security and must be taken into consideration in the procurements procedure

    Evaluation of sixty-eight cases of fracture stabilisation by external hybrid fixation and a proposal for hybrid construct classification

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    Background: Hybrid external fixation (HEF) is an emerging technique for fracture stabilization in veterinary orthopedics, but its use has been reported in few papers in the veterinary literature. The linear and circular elements that form hybrid fixators can be connected in a very high number of combinations, and for this reason just referring to HEF without any classification is often misleading about the actual frame structure. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate fracture stabilization by HEF in 58 client-owned dogs and 8 cats, and to extend the already existing classification for hybrid constructs to include all frame configurations used in this study and potentially applicable in clinical settings. Animal signalment, fracture classification, surgical procedure and frame configuration were recorded. Complications, radiographic, functional and cosmetic results were evaluated at the time of fixator removal.Results: Sixty-eight fractures in 58 dogs and eight cats were evaluated. Two dogs had bilateral fractures. Fifty-one percent were radio-ulna, 34% tibial, 9% humeral, 3% femoral and 3% scapular fractures. One ring combined with one or two linear elements was the most widely employed configuration in this case series. Radiographic results at the time of frame removal were excellent in 59% of the cases, good in 38% and fair in 3%, while functional and cosmetic results were excellent in 69% of the cases, good in 27% and fair in 4%.Conclusions: HEF is a useful option for fracture treatment in dogs and cats, particularly for peri and juxta-articular fractures. It can be applied with a minimally invasive approach, allows adjustments during the postoperative period and is a versatile system because of the large variety of combinations that can fit with the specific fracture features. The classification used enables to determine the number of linear and circular elements used in the frame

    O agronegócio nos estados da região sul no período de 1985 a 1995

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    This article aims to measure and to characterize the agribusiness in the economies of the states of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC) and Parana (PR) for the period of 1985 to 1995. The methodology and the data base that was used to implement this research are based on the input-output matrixes available for the states. It was verified for the period of 1985 to 1995 that the agribusiness ofRio Grande do Sul accounted for 48,65% and 38,27% of its GND, respectively, the one ofSanta Catarina for 61,55% and 59,90% and the one ofParana for 56,07% and 33,46%. It was also verified that the agricultural production is highly integrated with the urban sector, since the industries that sell products for the rural production and that buy their production contribute, in its majority, in the total value ofthe agribusiness income, in every economies. It was also verified that the states ofthe South region are inserted in the transformation process ofthe Brazilian agribusiness, presenting a higher level ofindustrial development, comparing to the national one

    O agronegócio nos estados da região sul no período de 1985 a 1995

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    This article aims to measure and to characterize the agribusiness in the economies of the states of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC) and Parana (PR) for the period of 1985 to 1995. The methodology and the data base that was used to implement this research are based on the input-output matrixes available for the states. It was verified for the period of 1985 to 1995 that the agribusiness ofRio Grande do Sul accounted for 48,65% and 38,27% of its GND, respectively, the one ofSanta Catarina for 61,55% and 59,90% and the one ofParana for 56,07% and 33,46%. It was also verified that the agricultural production is highly integrated with the urban sector, since the industries that sell products for the rural production and that buy their production contribute, in its majority, in the total value ofthe agribusiness income, in every economies. It was also verified that the states ofthe South region are inserted in the transformation process ofthe Brazilian agribusiness, presenting a higher level ofindustrial development, comparing to the national one

    OpenFlow-Control of an OAM-Based Two-Layer Switch Supporting 100Gb/s Real Data-Traffic

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    A two-layer orbital angular momentum and wavelength based switch is presented and characterized up to 100Gb/s with coherent polarization-multiplexed real data traffic. The switch is successfully reconfigured by applying an OpenFlow based SDN control plane