265 research outputs found

    Body size and vocalization in primates and carnivores

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    A fundamental assumption in bioacoustics is that large animals tend to produce vocalizations with lower frequencies than small animals. This inverse relationship between body size and vocalization frequencies is widely considered to be foundational in animal communication, with prominent theories arguing that it played a critical role in the evolution of vocal communication, in both production and perception. A major shortcoming of these theories is that they lack a solid empirical foundation: rigorous comparisons between body size and vocalization frequencies remain scarce, particularly among mammals. We address this issue here in a study of body size and vocalization frequencies conducted across 91 mammalian species, covering most of the size range in the orders Primates (n = 50; ~0.11–120 Kg) and Carnivora (n = 41; ~0.14–250 Kg). We employed a novel procedure designed to capture spectral variability and standardize frequency measurement of vocalization data across species. The results unequivocally demonstrate strong inverse relationships between body size and vocalization frequencies in primates and carnivores, filling a long-standing gap in mammalian bioacoustics and providing an empirical foundation for theories on the adaptive function of call frequency in animal communication

    Homo naledi, a new species of the genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa.

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    Homo naledi is a previously-unknown species of extinct hominin discovered within the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave system, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa. This species is characterized by body mass and stature similar to small-bodied human populations but a small endocranial volume similar to australopiths. Cranial morphology of H. naledi is unique, but most similar to early Homo species including Homo erectus, Homo habilis or Homo rudolfensis. While primitive, the dentition is generally small and simple in occlusal morphology. H. naledi has humanlike manipulatory adaptations of the hand and wrist. It also exhibits a humanlike foot and lower limb. These humanlike aspects are contrasted in the postcrania with a more primitive or australopith-like trunk, shoulder, pelvis and proximal femur. Representing at least 15 individuals with most skeletal elements repeated multiple times, this is the largest assemblage of a single species of hominins yet discovered in Africa

    Like mother, like child : investigating perinatal and maternal health stress in post-medieval London.

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    Post-Medieval London (sixteenth-nineteenth centuries) was a stressful environment for the poor. Overcrowded and squalid housing, physically demanding and risky working conditions, air and water pollution, inadequate diet and exposure to infectious diseases created high levels of morbidity and low life expectancy. All of these factors pressed with particular severity on the lowest members of the social strata, with burgeoning disparities in health between the richest and poorest. Foetal, perinatal and infant skeletal remains provide the most sensitive source of bioarchaeological information regarding past population health and in particular maternal well-being. This chapter examined the evidence for chronic growth and health disruption in 136 foetal, perinatal and infant skeletons from four low-status cemetery samples in post-medieval London. The aim of this study was to consider the impact of poverty on the maternal-infant nexus, through an analysis of evidence of growth disruption and pathological lesions. The results highlight the dire consequences of poverty in London during this period from the very earliest moments of life

    Thermal Adaptation of Dihydrofolate Reductase from the Moderate ThermophileGeobacillus stearothermophilus

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    The thermal melting temperature of dihydrofolate reductase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus (BsDHFR) is 30 °C higher than that of its homologue from the psychrophile Moritella profunda. Additional proline residues in the loop regions of BsDHFR have been proposed to enhance the thermostability of BsDHFR, but site-directed mutagenesis studies reveal that these proline residues contribute only minimally. Instead, the high thermal stability of BsDHFR is partly due to removal of water-accessible thermolabile residues such as glutamine and methionine, which are prone to hydrolysis or oxidation at high temperatures. The extra thermostability of BsDHFR can be obtained by ligand binding, or in the presence of salts or cosolvents such as glycerol and sucrose. The sum of all these incremental factors allows BsDHFR to function efficiently in the natural habitat of G. stearothermophilus, which is characterized by temperatures that can reach 75 °C

    Life History of Female Preferences for Male Faces: A Comparison of Pubescent Girls, Nonpregnant and Pregnant Young Women, and Middle-aged Women

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    Although scientific interest in facial attractiveness has developed substantially in recent years, few studies have contributed to our understanding of the ontogeny of facial preferences. In this study, attractiveness of 30 male faces was evaluated by four female groups: girls at puberty, nonpregnant and pregnant young women, and middle-aged women. The main findings are as follows: (1) Preference for sexy-looking faces was strongest in young, nonpregnant women. (2) Biologically more mature girls displayed more adultlike preferences. (3) The intragroup consistency for postmenopausal women was relatively low. (4) In terms of the preference pattern, pregnant women were more similar to perimenopausal women than they were to their nonpregnant peers. (5) Preference for youthful appearance decreased with the age of the women. I argue that the life history of female preferences for male faces is, to a large extent, hormone-driven and underpinned by a set of evolutionary adaptations

    The unfolded protein response and its relevance to connective tissue diseases

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    The unfolded protein response (UPR) has evolved to counter the stresses that occur in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as a result of misfolded proteins. This sophisticated quality control system attempts to restore homeostasis through the action of a number of different pathways that are coordinated in the first instance by the ER stress-senor proteins IRE1, ATF6 and PERK. However, prolonged ER-stress-related UPR can have detrimental effects on cell function and, in the longer term, may induce apoptosis. Connective tissue cells such as fibroblasts, osteoblasts and chondrocytes synthesise and secrete large quantities of proteins and mutations in many of these gene products give rise to heritable disorders of connective tissues. Until recently, these mutant gene products were thought to exert their effect through the assembly of a defective extracellular matrix that ultimately disrupted tissue structure and function. However, it is now becoming clear that ER stress and UPR, because of the expression of a mutant gene product, is not only a feature of, but may be a key mediator in the initiation and progression of a whole range of different connective tissue diseases. This review focuses on ER stress and the UPR that characterises an increasing number of connective tissue diseases and highlights novel therapeutic opportunities that may arise

    Paternal and maternal influences on differences in birth weight between Europeans and Indians born in the UK.

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    BACKGROUND: Ethnic groups differ significantly in adult physique and birth weight. We aimed to improve understanding of maternal versus paternal contributions to ethnic differences in birth weight, by comparing the offspring of same-ethnic versus mixed-ethnic unions amongst Europeans and South Asian Indians in the UK. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used data from the UK Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (LS) and the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (CWH), London. In the combined sample at all gestational ages, average birth weight of offspring with two European parents was significantly greater than that of offspring with two Indian parents [Δ = 344 (95% CI 329, 360) g]. Compared to offspring of European mothers, the offspring of Indian mothers had lower birth weight, whether the father was European [Δ = -152 (95% CI -92, -212) g] or Indian [Δ = -254 (95% -315, -192) g]. After adjustment for various confounding factors, average birth weight of offspring with European father and Indian mother was greater than that of offspring with two Indian parents [LS: Δ = 249 (95% CI 143, 354) g; CWH: Δ = 236 (95% CI 62, 411) g]. Average birth weight of offspring with Indian father and European mother was significantly less than that of offspring with two European parents [LS: Δ = -117 (95% CI -207, -26) g; CWH: Δ = -83 (-206, 40) g]. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Birth weight of offspring with mixed-ethnic parentage was intermediate between that of offspring with two European or two Indian parents, demonstrating a paternal as well as a maternal contribution to ethnic differences in fetal growth. This can be interpreted as demonstrating paternal modulation of maternal investment in offspring. We suggest long-term nutritional experience over generations may drive such ethnic differences through parental co-adaptation

    Matrix Recruitment and Calcium Sequestration for Spatial Specific Otoconia Development

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    Otoconia are bio-crystals anchored to the macular sensory epithelium of the utricle and saccule in the inner ear for motion sensing and bodily balance. Otoconia dislocation, degeneration and ectopic calcification can have detrimental effects on balance and vertigo/dizziness, yet the mechanism underlying otoconia formation is not fully understood. In this study, we show that selected matrix components are recruited to form the crystal matrix and sequester Ca2+ for spatial specific formation of otoconia. Specifically, otoconin-90 (Oc90) binds otolin through both domains (TH and C1q) of otolin, but full-length otolin shows the strongest interaction. These proteins have much higher expression levels in the utricle and saccule than other inner ear epithelial tissues in mice. In vivo, the presence of Oc90 in wildtype (wt) mice leads to an enrichment of Ca2+ in the luminal matrices of the utricle and saccule, whereas absence of Oc90 in the null mice leads to drastically reduced matrix-Ca2+. In vitro, either Oc90 or otolin can increase the propensity of extracellular matrix to calcify in cell culture, and co-expression has a synergistic effect on calcification. Molecular modeling and sequence analysis predict structural features that may underlie the interaction and Ca2+-sequestering ability of these proteins. Together, the data provide a mechanism for the otoconial matrix assembly and the role of this matrix in accumulating micro-environmental Ca2+ for efficient CaCO3 crystallization, thus uncover a critical process governing spatial specific otoconia formation

    Analysis of two methods of isometric muscle contractions during the anti-G straining maneuver

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    This study investigated the difference in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and Cardiac Output (CO) between two methods of isometric muscle contractions during the Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM). 12 subjects (ages 18 to 38 yrs, height 176.8 +/- 7.4 cm, body mass 78.8 +/- 15.6 kg, percent body fat 14.3 +/- 6.6%) participated in the study. The study was a one-way within-subject design with test conditions counterbalanced. Two methods of isometric muscle contractions lasting 30 seconds each were assessed; an isometric push contraction and an isometric muscle tensing contraction. The dependent parameters were MAP and CO. The average MAP during the push contraction was 123 mmHg, SD +/- 11 and for tense was 118 mmHg, SD +/- 8. CO was 7.6 L/min, SD +/- 1.6 for push and 7.9 L/min, SD +/- 2.0 for tense method. Dependent t-tests revealed t(11) = 1.517, p = 0.157 for MAP and t(11) = 0.875, p = 0.400 for CO. This study demonstrated that the two methods of isometric muscle contractions were not statistically different with regards to MAP and CO. Therefore, both forms of isometric contractions may be potentially useful when performing the muscle contraction portion of the AGSM
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