78 research outputs found

    Extending emission line Doppler tomography ; mapping modulated line flux

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    Emission line Doppler tomography is a powerful tool that resolves the accretion flow in binaries on micro-arcsecond scales using time-resolved spectroscopy. I present an extension to Doppler tomography that relaxes one of its fundamental axioms and permits the mapping of time-dependent emission sources. Significant variability on the orbital period is a common characteristic of the emission sources that are observed in the accretion flows of cataclysmic variables and X-ray binaries. Modulation Doppler tomography maps sources varying harmonically as a function of the orbital period through the simultaneous reconstruction of three Doppler tomograms. One image describes the average flux distribution like in standard tomography, while the two additional images describe the variable component in terms of its sine and cosine amplitudes. I describe the implementation of such an extension in the form of the maximum entropy based fitting code MODMAP. Test reconstructions of synthetic data illustrate that the technique is robust and well constrained. Artifact free reconstructions of complex emission distributions can be achieved under a wide range of signal to noise levels. An application of the technique is illustrated by mapping the orbital modulations of the asymmetric accretion disc emission in the dwarf nova IP Pegasi.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Near-infrared photometry of WISE J085510.74-071442.5

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceAims. We aim at obtaining near-infrared photometry and deriving the mass, age, temperature, and surface gravity of WISE J085510.74 071442.5 (J0855 0714), which is the coolest object beyond the solar system currently known. Methods. We used publicly available data from the archives of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to determine the emission of this source at 1.153 mu m (F110W) and 1.575 mu m (CH4-o ff). J0855 0714 was detected at both wavelengths with a signal-to-noise ratio of approximate to 10 (F110W) and approximate to 4 (CH4-off) at the peak of the corresponding point-spread-functions. Results. This is the first detection of J0855 0714 in the H-band wavelengths. We measured 26.31 +/- 0.10 and 23.22 +/- 0.35 mag in F110W and CH4-o ff (Vega system). J0855 0714 remains unresolved in the HST images that have a spatial resolution of 0.22 0 0. Companions at separations of 0.5 AU (similar mass and brightness) and at similar to 1 AU approximate to 1 mag fainter in the F110W filter) are discarded. By combining the new data with published photometry, including non-detections, we build the spectral energy distribution of J0855 0714 from 0.89 through 22.09 mu m, and contrast it against current solar-metallicity models of planetary atmospheres. We determine that the best spectral fit yields a temperature of 225 250 K, a bolometric luminosity of log L/L-circle dot = 8 : 57, and a high surface gravity of log g = 5 : 0 (cm s(2)), which suggests an old age although a gravity this high is not fully compatible with evolutionary models. After comparing our data with the cooling theory for brown dwarfs and planets, we infer a mass in the interval 2 10 MJup for ages of 1 12 Gyr and high atmospheric gravities of log g greater than or similar to 3.5 (cm s(2)). If it had the age of the Sun, J0855 0714 would be a approximate to 5-M-Jup free-floating planetary-mass object. Conclusions. J0855 0714 meets the mass values previously determined for free-floating planetary-mass objects discovered in starforming regions and young stellar clusters. Based on extrapolations of the substellar mass functions of young clusters to the field, as many J0855 0714-like objects as M5-L2 stars may be expected to populate the solar neighborhood.http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2016/08/aa28662-16.pd

    Temperature constraints on the coldest brown dwarf known WISE 0855-0714

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    Context. Nearby isolated planetary mass objects are beginning to be discovered, but their individual properties are poorly constrained because their low surface temperatures and strong molecular self-absorption make them extremely faint. Aims. We aimed to detect the near infrared emission of the coldest brown dwarf (BD) found so far, WISE0855-0714, located \sim2.2 pc away, and to improve its temperature estimate (Teff_{\rm eff}= 225-260 K) from a comparison with state-of-the-art models of BD atmospheres. Methods. We observed the field containing WISE0855-0714 with HAWK-I at the VLT in the YY band. For BDs with Teff<_{\rm eff}<500\,K theoretical models predict strong signal (or rather less molecular absorption) in this band. Results. WISE0855-0714 was not detected in our Y-band images, thus placing an upper limit on its brightness to Y>24.4 mag at 3-σ\sigma level, leading to Y-[4.5]>10.5. Combining this limit with previous detections and upper limits at other wavelengths, WISE0855-0714 is confirmed as the reddest BD detected, further supporting its status as the coldest known brown dwarf. We applied spectral energy distribution fitting with collections of models from two independent groups for extremely cool BD atmospheres leading to an effective temperature of Teff<_{\rm eff}<250\,K,.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. A&A letter Accepte

    Mass Transfer by Stellar Wind

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    I review the process of mass transfer in a binary system through a stellar wind, with an emphasis on systems containing a red giant. I show how wind accretion in a binary system is different from the usually assumed Bondi-Hoyle approximation, first as far as the flow's structure is concerned, but most importantly, also for the mass accretion and specific angular momentum loss. This has important implications on the evolution of the orbital parameters. I also discuss the impact of wind accretion, on the chemical pollution and change in spin of the accreting star. The last section deals with observations and covers systems that most likely went through wind mass transfer: barium and related stars, symbiotic stars and central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN). The most recent observations of cool CSPN progenitors of barium stars, as well as of carbon-rich post-common envelope systems, are providing unique constraints on the mass transfer processes.Comment: Chapter 7, in Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars, H.M.J. Boffin, G. Carraro & G. Beccari (Eds), Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springe

    Properties of the solar neighbor WISE J072003.20-084651.2

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    The severe crowding towards the Galactic plane suggests that the census of nearby stars in that direction may be incomplete. Recently, Scholz reported a new M9 object at an estimated distance d~7 pc (WISE J072003.20-084651.2; hereafter WISE0720) at Galactic latitude b=2.3 degr. Our goals are to determine the physical characteristics of WISE0720, its kinematic properties, and to address the question if it is a binary object, as suggested in the discovery paper. Optical and infrared spectroscopy from the Southern African Large Telescope and Magellan, respectively, and spectral energy distribution fitting were used to determine the spectral type of WISE0720. The measured radial velocity, proper motion and parallax yielded its Galactic velocities. We also investigated if WISE0720 may show X-ray activity based on archival data. Our spectra are consistent with spectral type L0+/-1. We find no evidence for binarity, apart for a minor 2-sigma level difference in the radial velocities taken at two different epochs. The spatial velocity of WISE0720 does not connect it to any known moving group, instead it places the object with high probability in the old thin disk or in the thick disk. The spectral energy distribution fit hints at excess in the 12 and 22 micron WISE bands which may be due to a redder companion, but the same excess is visible in other late type objects, and it more likely implies a shortcoming of the models (e.g., issues with the effective wavelengths of the filters for these extremely cool objects, etc.) rather than a disk or redder companion. The optical spectrum shows some Halpha emission, indicative of stellar activity. Archival X-ray observations yield no detection.Comment: A&A, accepted; 9 pages, 6 figure

    Readiness of the Belgian network of sentinel general practitioners to deliver electronic health record data for surveillance purposes: results of survey study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In order to proceed from a paper based registration to a surveillance system that is based on extraction of electronic health records (EHR), knowledge is needed on the number and representativeness of sentinel GPs using a government-certified EHR system and the quality of EHR data for research, expressed in the compliance rate with three criteria: recording of home visits, use of prescription module and diagnostic subject headings.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were collected by annual postal surveys between 2005 and 2009 among all sentinel GPs. We tested relations between four key GP characteristics (age, gender, language community, practice organisation) and use of a certified EHR system by multivariable logistic regression. The relation between EHR software package, GP characteristics and compliance with three quality criteria was equally measured by multivariable logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A response rate of 99% was obtained. Of 221 sentinel GPs, 55% participated in the surveillance without interruption from 2005 onwards, i.e. all five years, and 78% were participants in 2009. Sixteen certified EHR systems were used among 91% of the Dutch and 63% of the French speaking sentinel GPs. The EHR software package was strongly related to the community and only one EHR system was used by a comparable number of sentinel GPs in both communities. Overall, the prescription module was always used and home visits were usually recorded. Uniform subject headings were only sometimes used and the compliance with this quality criterion was almost exclusively related to the EHR software package in use.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The challenge is to progress towards a sentinel network of GPs delivering care-based data that are (partly) extracted from well performing EHR systems and still representative for Belgian general practice.</p

    Stellar Encounters with Massive Star-Disk Systems

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    The dense, clustered environment in which massive stars form can lead to interactions with neighboring stars. It has been hypothesized that collisions and mergers may contribute to the growth of the most massive stars. In this paper we extend the study of star-disk interactions to explore encounters between a massive protostar and a less massive cluster sibling using the publicly available SPH code GADGET-2. Collisions do not occur in the parameter space studied, but the end state of many encounters is an eccentric binary with a semi-major axis ~ 100 AU. Disk material is sometimes captured by the impactor. Most encounters result in disruption and destruction of the initial disk, and periodic torquing of the remnant disk. We consider the effect of the changing orientation of the disk on an accretion driven jet, and the evolution of the systems in the presence of on-going accretion from the parent core.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Ap

    Nucleosynthesis in ONeMg Novae: Models versus Observations to Constrain the Masses of ONeMg White Dwarfs and Their Envelopes

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    Nucleosynthesis in ONeMg novae has been investigated with the wide ranges of three parameters, i.e., the white dwarf mass, the envelope mass at ignition, and the initial composition. A quasi-analytic one-zone approach is used with an up-to-date nuclear reaction network. The nucleosynthesis results show correlation with the peak temperatures or the cooling timescales during outbursts. Among the combinations of white dwarf and envelope masses which give the same peak temperature, the explosion is more violent for a lower white dwarf mass owing to its smaller gravitational potential. Comparison of the nucleosynthesis results with observations implies that at least two-third of the white dwarf masses for the observed ONeMg novae are 1.1M\simeq 1.1 M_\odot, which are significantly lower than estimated by previous hydrodynamic studies but consistent with the observations of V1974 Cyg. Moreover, the envelope masses derived from the comparison are 104M\gtrsim 10^{-4} M_\odot, which are in good agreement with the ejecta masses estimated from observations but significantly higher than in previous hydrodynamic studies. With such a low mass white dwarf and a high mass envelope, the nova can produce interesting amounts of γ\gamma-ray emitters 7^7Be, 22^{22}Na, and 26^{26}Al. We suggest that V1974 Cyg has produced 22^{22}Na as high as the upper limit derived from the COMPTEL survey. In addition, a non-negligible part of the Galactic 26^{26}Al may originate from ONeMg novae, if not the major contributors. Both the future INTEGRAL survey for these γ\gamma-ray emitters and abundance estimates derived from ultraviolet, optical, and near infrared spectroscopies will impose a severe constraint on the current nova models.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 523, No.1, September 20, 1999; preprint with embedded images can be obtained from http://th.nao.ac.jp/~wanajo/journal/onenova.p

    Capture Formed Binaries via Encounters with Massive Protostars

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    Most massive stars are found in the center of dense clusters, and have a companion fraction much higher than their lower mass siblings; the massive stars of the Trapezium core in Orion have ~ 1.5 companions each. This high multiplicity could be a consequence of formation via a capture scenario, or it could be due to fragmentation of the cores that form the massive stars. During stellar formation circumstellar disks appear to be nearly ubiquitous. Their large radii compared to stellar sizes increase the interaction radius significantly, suggesting that disk interactions with neighboring stars could assist in capturing binary companions. This mechanism has been studied for stars of approximately solar mass and found to be inefficient. In this paper we present simulations of interactions between a 22 Msun star-disk system and less massive impactors, to study the disk-assisted capture formation of binaries in a regime suited to massive stars. The formation of binaries by capture is found to be much more efficient for massive capturers. We discuss the effects of a mass dependent velocity dispersion and mass segregation on the capture rates, and consider the long term survival of the resultant binaries in a dense cluster.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Ap