531 research outputs found

    High dillution of Staphysagria and fruit fly biotherapic preparations to manage South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus, in organic peach orchards.

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    The peach, Prunus persica, is an important economic crop in southern Brazil, where family farms are predominantly small. The South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus is a limiting factor to increased production in orchard crops. Increased organic production in Brazil has stimulated research to find ecological based pest management. This research was carried out in order to evaluate the efficacy of preparations at high dilution in managing A. fraterculus in organic peach orchards. Experiments were conducted under field conditions in randomized blocks during 2003/04 and 2004/05. Treatments consisted of A. fraterculus nosodes and Staphysagria homeopathic preparations, both at two high dilution levels, 3CH and 6CH (centesimal hahnemannian dilution method), applied at two spray intervals, 5 and 10 days, and a control. Fruit losses due to A. fraterculus infestation varied from 40 to 98.3%. Although there were significant differences among treatments in the first harvest of two of the three experiments there were no significant differences in the second harvest of any of the experiments. None of the homeopathic preparations reduced the incidence of infested fruit significantly below that of the water control in any of the three experiments. Further studies must combine other strategies such as bagging fruits and planting of early season cultivars. Variation on high dilution potency, dose, and frequency of application must also be considered

    Avaliação de armadilhas e atrativos na captura de Grapholita molesta Busck (1916) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) em pomares de macieira.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar modelos de armadilhas e atrativos alimentares para o monitoramento de adultos de Grapholita molesta

    Avaliação de armadilhas para a captura de fêmeas de Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) na cultura da macieira.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de diferentes modelos de armadilhas na captura de fêmeas de G. molesta na cultura da macieira no ano agrícola 2011/12 em Farroupilha, RS

    Método de avaliação de tolerância à toxidez de alumínio em trigo, em condições de hidroponia, na Embrapa Trigo.

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    Desenvolvimento de Physocleora dimidiaria (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera:Geometridae) em hospedeiros naturais.

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    Foi estudado o desenvolvimento de Physocleora dimidiaria (Guenée, 1852) em Malus domestica (MD), Trifolium repens (TR) e Rumex obtusifolius (RO) em laboratório. A duração da fase larval foi maior em MD (34,5 ± 0,89 dias) e menor em TR (23,4 ± 0,41 dias) e RO (24,9 ± 0,44 dias). O desenvolvimento de pupa (13 dias), peso de pupas (0,07g), fecundidade (entre 191,9 e 431 ovos), incubação (9 dias), longevidade (11 dias), pré-oviposição (1 dias), oviposição (7 dias) e a taxa líquida de reprodução (entre 59,3 e 183,6 fêmeas) não diferiram. A fertilidade foi menor em TR (20,5 ± 9,01 %) que em RO (71,5 ± 16,30 %). O tempo de uma geração foi superior em MD (60,0 ± 1,16 dias)

    Laboratory evaluation of the effects of Attract & Kill formulations on Anastrepha Fraterculus.

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    A new atract & kill (A&K) formulation was dcveloped by ISCA Tccnologias to control fruit flies, In laboratory tests, we compared the efficacy of this new formulation with three cornrnercial products used by fruit growers in southern Brazil. Mortality tests were performed with Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephntidae) and results showed that the effecuveness of Anarosa forrnulations was directly proportional to increasing dose of insecticide. Formulations containing organophosphates and cypennethrin produced similar mortality results. The Anarosa formulations, regardless of the insecticide dose, were more effective than GF 120 for A, fraterculus control.Resumo

    Sistema Intensivo de Suínos Criados ao Ar Livre - SISCAL: comedouro de gestação.

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    Fruticultura orgânica: avaliação de parâmetros para o ensacamento de frutos de pereira.

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    No estado de Santa Catarina o cultivo da pereira se encontra em plena expansão, pois se constitui numa alternativa de renda para os agricultores familiares. A pereira é um hospedeiro potencial da mosca-da-fruta (Anastrepha fraterculus) que pode causar perdas expressivas na qualidade e quantidade de seus frutos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o momento adequado para o ensacamento de frutos através do estudo da relação entre o diâmetro de frutos das cultivares de pêra Packham's e William's. Os tratamentos foram frutos de pêra de diferentes diâmetros colhidos em diferentes intervalos de tempo. O delineamento experimental foi completamente casualizado com dez repetições, considerando como uma unidade experimental um fruto com dois casais de mosca-da-frutas acondicionados em um pote plástico de 750 mL. Nas cultivares Packham's e William's o ataque ocorreu a partir de 6,0 e 6,4 cm de diâmetro respectivamente. Desta forma, para garantir a proteção dos frutos de pereira o ensacamento deve ser realizado antes que os frutos atinjam 6 cm de diâmetro.Resumo apresentado no VII Congresso Brasileiro de Agroecologia, Fortaleza, CE, de 12 a 16 de dezembro de 2011

    Exploring the Association between Vascular Dysfunction and Skeletal Muscle Mass, Strength and Function in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The prevalence of vascular dysfunction increases with advancing age, as does the loss of muscle mass, strength and function. This systematic review explores the association between vascular dysfunction and skeletal muscle health in healthy adults. Methods: EMBASE and MEDLINE were searched for cross-sectional and randomized controlled studies between January 2009 and April 2019, with 33 out of 1246 studies included based on predefined criteria. Assessments of muscular health included muscle mass, strength and function. Macrovascular function assessment included arterial stiffness (pulse wave velocity or augmentation index), carotid intima-media thickness, and flow-mediated dilation. Microvascular health assessment included capillary density or microvascular flow (contrast enhanced ultrasound). Results: All 33 studies demonstrated a significant association between vascular function and skeletal muscle health. Significant negative associations were reported between vascular dysfunction and -muscle strength (10 studies); -mass (9 studies); and -function (5 studies). Nine studies reported positive correlations between muscle mass and microvascular health. Conclusions: Multiple studies have revealed an association between vascular status and skeletal muscle health in healthy adults. This review points to the importance of screening for muscle health in adults with vascular dysfunction with a view to initiating early nutrition and exercise interventions to ameliorate functional decline over tim