3,540 research outputs found

    Bringing the state back in to humanitarian crises response:Disaster governance and challenging collaborations in the 2015 Malawi flood response

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    Malawi is a disaster-prone country with a long history of flooding. Yet disaster response policies have been largely neglected and disaster risk reduction efforts are mostly donor-led. The 2015 floods showed that Malawi's local and national state institutions struggled to respond adequately. To support the Malawi government, the United Nations implemented its cluster system to coordinate the collaborations between the state, humanitarian and nongovernmental organizations in the disaster response. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews with relief intervention participants, we argue that a focus on the localization of aid without explicit attention to the affected state's institutions is problematic in contexts characterized by limited state capacity and overall donor dependency

    Correlations and the relativistic structure of the nucleon self-energy

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    A key point of Dirac Brueckner Hartree Fock calculations for nuclear matter is to decompose the self energy of the nucleons into Lorentz scalar and vector components. A new method is introduced for this decomposition. It is based on the dependence of the single-particle energy on the small component in the Dirac spinors used to calculate the matrix elements of the underlying NN interaction. The resulting Dirac components of the self-energy depend on the momentum of the nucleons. At densities around and below the nuclear matter saturation density this momentum dependence is dominated by the non-locality of the Brueckner G matrix. At higher densities these correlation effects are suppressed and the momentum dependence due to the Fock exchange terms is getting more important. Differences between symmetric nuclear matter and neutron matter are discussed. Various versions of the Bonn potential are considered.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX, including 6 figure

    Towards a Robuster Interpretive Parsing

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    The input data to grammar learning algorithms often consist of overt forms that do not contain full structural descriptions. This lack of information may contribute to the failure of learning. Past work on Optimality Theory introduced Robust Interpretive Parsing (RIP) as a partial solution to this problem. We generalize RIP and suggest replacing the winner candidate with a weighted mean violation of the potential winner candidates. A Boltzmann distribution is introduced on the winner set, and the distribution’s parameter TT is gradually decreased. Finally, we show that GRIP, the Generalized Robust Interpretive Parsing Algorithm significantly improves the learning success rate in a model with standard constraints for metrical stress assignment

    Sex‐biased Survival Contributes to Population Decline in a Long‐Lived Seabird, the Magellanic Penguin

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    We developed a Hidden Markov mark–recapture model (R package marked) to examine sex‐specific demography in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus ). Our model was based on 33 yr of resightings at Punta Tombo, Argentina, where we banded ~44,000 chicks from 1983 to 2010. Because we sexed only 57% of individuals over their lifetime, we treated sex as an uncertain state in our model. Our goals were to provide insight into the population dynamics of this declining colony, to inform conservation of this species, and to highlight the importance of considering sex‐specific vital rates in demographic seabird studies. Like many other seabirds, Magellanic Penguins are long‐lived, serially monogamous, and exhibit obligate biparental care. We found that the non‐breeding‐season survival of females was lower than that of males and that the magnitude of this bias was highest for juveniles. Biases in survival accumulated as cohorts aged, leading to increasingly skewed sex ratios. The survival bias was greatest in years when overall survival was low, that is, females fared disproportionality worse when conditions were unfavorable. Our model‐estimated survival patterns are consistent with independent data on carcasses from the species’ non‐breeding grounds, showing that mortality is higher for juveniles than for adults and higher for females than for males. Juveniles may be less efficient foragers than adults are and, because of their smaller size, females may show less resilience to food scarcity than males. We used perturbation analysis of a population matrix model to determine the impact of sex‐biased survival on adult sex ratio and population growth rate at Punta Tombo. We found that adult sex ratio and population growth rate have the greatest proportional response, that is, elasticity, to female pre‐breeder and adult survival. Sex bias in juvenile survival (i.e., lower survival of females) made the greatest contribution to population declines from 1990 to 2009. Because starvation is a leading cause of morality in juveniles and adults, precautionary fisheries and spatial management in the region could help to slow population decline. Our data add to growing evidence that knowledge of sex‐specific demography and sex ratios are necessary for accurate assessment of seabird population trends

    The Sensitivity of Auditory-Motor Representations to Subtle Changes in Auditory Feedback While Singing

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    Singing requires accurate control of the fundamental frequency (F0) of the voice. This study examined trained singers’ and untrained singers’ (nonsingers’) sensitivity to subtle manipulations in auditory feedback and the subsequent effect on the mapping between F0 feedback and vocal control. Participants produced the consonant-vowel /ta/ while receiving auditory feedback that was shifted up and down in frequency. Results showed that singers and nonsingers compensated to a similar degree when presented with frequency-altered feedback (FAF); however, singers’ F0 values were consistently closer to the intended pitch target. Moreover, singers initiated their compensatory responses when auditory feedback was shifted up or down 6 cents or more, compared to nonsingers who began compensating when feedback was shifted up 26 cents and down 22 cents. Additionally, examination of the first 50 ms of vocalization indicated that participants commenced subsequent vocal utterances, during FAF, near the F0 value on previous shift trials. Interestingly, nonsingers commenced F0 productions below the pitch target and increased their F0 until they matched the note. Thus, singers and nonsingers rely on an internal model to regulate voice F0, but singers’ models appear to be more sensitive in response to subtle discrepancies in auditory feedback

    Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy of the Photodissociation Regions associated with S 106 and IRAS 23133+6050

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    Photodissociation regions (PDRs) contain a large fraction of all of the interstellar matter in galaxies. Classical examples include the boundaries between ionized regions and molecular clouds in regions of massive star formation, marking the point where all of the photons energetic enough to ionize hydrogen have been absorbed. In this paper we determine the physical properties of the PDRs associated with the star forming regions IRAS 23133+6050 and S 106 and present them in the context of other Galactic PDRs associated with massive star forming regions. We employ Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopic observations to construct a full 55-650 {\mu}m spectrum of each object from which we measure the PDR cooling lines, other fine- structure lines, CO lines and the total far-infrared flux. These measurements are then compared to standard PDR models. Subsequently detailed numerical PDR models are compared to these predictions, yielding additional insights into the dominant thermal processes in the PDRs and their structures. We find that the PDRs of each object are very similar, and can be characterized by a two-phase PDR model with a very dense, highly UV irradiated phase (n \sim 10^6 cm^(-3), G0_0 \sim 10^5) interspersed within a lower density, weaker radiation field phase (n \sim 10^4 cm^(-3), G0_0 \sim 10^4). We employed two different numerical models to investigate the data, firstly we used RADEX models to fit the peak of the 12^{12}CO ladder, which in conjunction with the properties derived yielded a temperature of around 300 K. Subsequent numerical modeling with a full PDR model revealed that the dense phase has a filling factor of around 0.6 in both objects. The shape of the 12^{12}CO ladder was consistent with these components with heating dominated by grain photoelectric heating. An extra excitation component for the highest J lines (J > 20) is required for S 106.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, A&A Accepte