473 research outputs found

    HKT transporters : state of the art

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    The increase in soil salinity poses a serious threat to agricultural yields. Under salinity stress, several Na+ transporters play an essential role in Na+ tolerance in plants. Amongst all Na+ transporters, HKT has been shown to have a crucial role in both mono and dicotyledonous plants in the tolerance to salinity stress. Here we present an overview of the physiological role of HKT transporters in plant Na+ homeostasis. HKT regulation and amino acids important to the correct function of HKT transporters are reviewed. The functions of the most recently characterized HKT members from both HKT1 and HKT2 subfamilies are also discussed. Topics that still need to be studied in future research (e.g., HKT regulation) as well as research suggestions (e.g., generation of HKT mutants) are addressed

    Identification of Bird species in Wetlands around Siran Lake, Muara Kaman, Central Mahakam, East Kalimantan

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    The avifauna of tropical peat swamp forests in East Kalimantan has not been well documented because of the smallest peat area compared to central Kalimantan. The surveys were conducted using various methods in the Muara Siran peat swamp forests and surrounding areas of Lake Siran (heath forest and riparian) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. These findings were recorded on a list of 80 bird species as well as in numerous noteworthy records.  Wetlands are an essential habitat for many threatened and near-threatened bird species. We also discovered Gallinula tenebrosa in Siran Lake, a species that has not been seen in over a century. However, it has a wide distribution globally, including in Australia and the United States.  In the peat swamp forest, we recorded Cymbirrhinchus macrurus and Ichtyophaga humilis, rare and widely distributed. We also found Dicrurus hottentotus and Dicrurus remifer, some species of Ferruginous Babbler, Trichastoma bicolor, and the White-necked Babbler, Stachyris leucotis.  The Hook-billed bulbul Setornis criniger and the Sooty capped Babbler Malacopteron affinae are found in riparian forests. There are six species of woodpecker. Dryocopus javensis, Great Slaty Woodpecker, Mulleripicus pulverulentus, Meyglyptes tukki, Picus puniceus, and Sasia abnormis.  Cuckoo-shrike Coracina striata and Pitta sordia were also discovered.   Wetlands (peat swamp forest, heath forest, and riparian areas) should be better protected due to their importance to many species, particularly from destruction and loss of habitat caused by forest fires


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    The arboretum is a collection of various plants or vegetation that has been planted for research and education purposes. Furthermore, vegetation is a carbon dioxide gas absorbent and an oxygen-producing source, both of which are required by living things as a source of breathing. The objective of this study is to estimate carbon accumulation and potential carbon dioxide absorption with vegetation in the arboretum of the LSHK, as well as to understand the contribution of each type of vegetation in the arboretum to carbon dioxide absorption. The method used in this study is a census form which then measures both diameter and height on all vegetation larger than 5 cm in diameter. Allometries are used to analyze carbon accumulation and carbon dioxide absorption. Field measurements revealed 44 trees and 17 sapling species, 24 families, and 352 individuals. Aquilaria malaccensis has the most extensive carbon stock of trees, with 17,610.41 kg/species; Anisoptera costata comes in second, with 11,497.75 kg/species.Arenga pinnata, on the other hand, has the lowest carbon stock, with an average of 8.32 kg/individual tree. The species Aquilaria malaccensis has the most extensive carbon stock of saplings, with 35 individuals and 239.52 kg/species of total carbon stock. Meanwhile, Diospyros blancoi is the first lowest carbon stock, with a total of 0.54 kg/species. Aquilaria malaccensis has the highest potential for carbon dioxide absorption of any tree, with 64,571.52 kg/species. Otherwise, Arenga pinnata has the lowest value of 30.49 kg/species. The most significant result for saplings was Aquilaria malaccensis, with a value of 878.24 kg/type, followed by Diospyros blancoi, with a value of 1.99 kg/species.Keywords: Tree, Sapling, Carbon stock, ArboretumAbstrakArboretum adalah koleksi berbagai jenis tanaman atau vegetasi yang ditanam untuk penelitian, pendidikan. Selain itu, vegetasi juga merupakan penyerap gas karbon dioksida dan penghasil oksigen yang dibutuhkan oleh makhluk hidup sebagai sumber pernapasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkirakan akumulasi karbon dan potensi penyerapan karbon dioksida dengan vegetasi di Arboretum Laboratorium Sumber Daya Hayati Kalimantan, mengetahui kontribusi setiap jenis vegetasi dalam Arboretum dalam penyerapan karbon dioksida. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dalam bentuk sensus pada semua vegetasi yang berdiameter ≄ 5 cm, mengukur diameter dan tinggi. Analisis akumulasi karbon dan penyerapan karbon dioksida dilakukan menggunakan allometrik. Pengukuran lapangan menemukan 44 spesies pohon dan 17 jenis sapihan, 24 famili, dan 352 individu. Analisis data yang diperoleh stok karbon pohon yang paling besar adalah Aquilaria malaccensis dengan 17.610,41 kg/jenis, selanjutnya yang kedua adalah Anisoptera costata, dengan 11.497,75 kg/jenis. Di sisi lain, stok karbon terendah adalah Arenga pinnata dengan nilai 8,32 kg/jenis. Stok karbon sapihan yang paling besar adalah spesies Aquilaria malaccensis, dengan 35 individu dan 239,52 kg/jenis dari total stok karbon. Sementara itu, Diospyros blancoi, dengan jumlah 0,54 kg/jenis, merupakan stok karbon terendah pertama. Potensi penyerapan karbon dioksida untuk pohon yang diperoleh hasil yang paling besar adalah Aquilaria malaccensis dengan nilai 64.571,52 kg/jenis, yang terendah adalah Arenga pinnata dengan nilai 30,49 kg/jenis, dan untuk sapihan didapat hasil yang terbesar Aquilaria malaccensis dengan nilai 878,24 kg/jenis lalu yang terendah Diospyros blancoi dengan nilai 1,99 kg/jenis.Kata kunci: Pohon, Sapihan, Stok karbon, Arboretu

    A novel mutation in the miR-128b gene reduces miRNA processing and leads to glucocorticoid resistance of MLL-AF4 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia cells

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    MLL-AF4 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia has a poor prognosis, and the mechanisms by which these leukemias develop are not understood despite intensive research based on well-known concepts and methods. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a new class of small noncoding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate expression of target mRNA transcripts. We recently reported that ectopic expression of miR-128b together with miR-221, two of the miRNAs downregulated in MLL-AF4 ALL, restores glucocorticoid resistance through downregulation of the MLL-AF4 chimeric fusion proteins MLL-AF4 and AF4-MLL that are generated by chromosomal translocation t(4;11). Here we report the identification of new mutations in miR-128b in RS4;11 cells, derived from MLL-AF4 ALL patient. One novel mutation significantly reduces the processing of miR-128b. Finally, this base change occurs in a primary MLL-AF4 ALL sample as an acquired mutation. These results demonstrate that the novel mutation in miR-128b in MLL-AF4 ALL alters the processing of miR-128b and that the resultant downregulation of mature miR-128b contributes to glucocorticoid resistance through the failure to downregulate the fusion oncogenes.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Grant R01 DK068348)Netherlands Organization for Scientific ResearchDutch Cancer SocietyJapan Society for the Promotion of Scienc

    Pharmacological studies on the role of 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> receptors in male sexual behavior of wildtype and serotonin transporter knockout rats

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    Brain serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission plays an important role in male sexual behavior and it is well established that activating 5-HT1A receptors in rats facilitate ejaculatory behavior. However, the relative contribution of 5-HT1A somatodendritic autoreceptors and heteroreceptors in this pro-sexual behavior is unclear. Moreover, it is unclear whether the contribution of somatodendritic 5-HT1A autoreceptors and postsynaptic 5-HT1A heteroreceptors alter when extracellular 5-HT levels are chronically increased. Serotonin transporter knockout (SERT-/-) rats exhibit enhanced extracellular 5-HT levels and desensitized 5-HT1A receptors. These rats model neurochemical changes underlying chronic SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction. We want to determine the role of presynaptic versus postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in the pro-sexual effects of 5-HT1A receptor agonists in SERT+/+ and in SERT-/- rats. Therefore, acute effects of the biased 5-HT1A receptor agonists F-13714, a preferential 5-HT1A autoreceptor agonist, or F-15599, a preferential 5-HT1A heteroreceptor agonist, and S15535 a mixed 5-HT1A autoreceptor agonist/heteroreceptor antagonist, on male sexual behavior were assessed. A clear and stable genotype effect was found after training where SERT+/+ performed sexual behavior at a higher level than SERT-/- rats. Both F-15599 and F-13714 induced pro-sexual activity in SERT+/+ and SERT-/- animals. Compared to SERT+/+, the F13714-dose-response curve in SERT-/- rats was shifted to the right. SERT+/+ and SERT-/- rats responded similar to F15599. Within both SERT+/+ and SERT-/- rats the potency of F-13714 was much stronger compared to F-15599. S15535 had no effect on sexual behavior in either genotype. In SERT+/+ and SERT-/- rats that were selected on comparable low sexual activity (SERT+/+ 3 or less ejaculations and SERT-/- 5 or less ejaculations in 10 weeks) S15535 also did not influence sexual behavior. The two biased compounds with differential effects on 5-HT1A auto- and hetero-receptors, exerted pro-sexual activity in both SERT+/+ and SERT-/- rats. Applying these specific pharmacological tools has not solved whether pre- or post-synaptic 5-HT1A receptors are involved in pro-sexual activity. Moreover, the inactivity of S15535 in male sexual behavior in either genotype was unexpected. The question is whether the in vivo pharmacological profile of the different 5-HT1A receptor ligands used, is sufficient to differentiate pre- and/or post-synaptic 5-HT1A receptor contributions in male rat sexual behavior

    The Functions of Music-Listening across Cultures: The Development of a Scale Measuring Personal, Social and Cultural Functions of Music

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    We examined the functions of music-listening from a cross-cultural perspective. Two studies were conducted to capture personal, social and cultural experiences with music. Young people were sampled; mainly online surveys were used. Study 1 is a qualitative multicultural study that identified seven main functions of music: background, memories, diversion, emotion, self-regulation, reflection of self, and social bonding. In study 2, based on the qualitative data, we developed and validated a scale measuring Ratings of Experienced Social, PErsonal and Cultural Themes of MUSIC functions (RESPECT-MUSIC) in three cultural samples (Latin-American, Anglo- Saxon, and Germanic). A ten-factorial solution was found to be structurally equivalent and reliable across three cultural samples. The factors represent the functions: background, dancing, emotions, venting, focus, value development, political attitudes, social bonding with friends, family bonding, and cultural identity. Limitations of this research and future directions are discussed. The investigation complements previous psychological research on music with a cross-cultural perspective

    Perinatal fluoxetine treatment and dams’ early life stress history have opposite effects on aggressive behavior while having little impact on sexual behavior of male rat offspring

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the NARSAD young investigator grant from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (Grant No. 25206) and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie (Grant Agreement No. 660152).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Innovation across cultures: Connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations

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    Innovation is considered essential for today's organizations to survive and thrive. Researchers have also stressed the importance of leadership as a driver of followers' innovative work behavior (FIB). Yet, despite a large amount of research, three areas remain understudied: (a) The relative importance of different forms of leadership for FIB; (b) the mechanisms through which leadership impacts FIB; and (c) the degree to which relationships between leadership and FIB are generalizable across cultures. To address these lacunae, we propose an integrated model connecting four types of positive leadership behaviors, two types of identification (as mediating variables), and FIB. We tested our model in a global data set comprising responses of N = 7,225 participants from 23 countries, grouped into nine cultural clusters. Our results indicate that perceived LMX quality was the strongest relative predictor of FIB. Furthermore, the relationships between both perceived LMX quality and identity leadership with FIB were mediated by social identification. The indirect effect of LMX on FIB via social identification was stable across clusters, whereas the indirect effects of the other forms of leadership on FIB via social identification were stronger in countries high versus low on collectivism. Power distance did not influence the relations

    A two-stage approach for the spatio-temporal analysis of high-throughput phenotyping data

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    High throughput phenotyping (HTP) platforms and devices are increasingly used for the characterization of growth and developmental processes for large sets of plant genotypes. Such HTP data require challenging statistical analyses in which longitudinal genetic signals need to be estimated against a background of spatio-temporal noise processes. We propose a two-stage approach for the analysis of such longitudinal HTP data. In a first stage, we correct for design features and spatial trends per time point. In a second stage, we focus on the longitudinal modelling of the spatially corrected data, thereby taking advantage of shared longitudinal features between genotypes and plants within genotypes. We propose a flexible hierarchical three-level P-spline growth curve model, with plants/plots nested in genotypes, and genotypes nested in populations. For selection of genotypes in a plant breeding context, we show how to extract new phenotypes, like growth rates, from the estimated genotypic growth curves and their first-order derivatives. We illustrate our approach on HTP data from the PhenoArch greenhouse platform at INRAE Montpellier and the outdoor Field Phenotyping platform at ETH ZĂŒrich.Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades | Ref. BCAM Severo Ochoa accreditation SEV-2017-0718Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung | Ref. project PhenoCOOL (project no. 169542)Horizon 2020 Framework Programme | Ref. grant agreement ID 731013 (EPPN2020)Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades | Ref. MTM2017-82379-

    Chromosomal instability in aneuploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia associates with disease progression

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    Chromosomal instability (CIN) lies at the core of cancer development leading to aneuploidy, chromosomal copy-number heterogeneity (chr-CNH) and ultimately, unfavorable clinical outcomes. Despite its ubiquity in cancer, the presence of CIN in childhood B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cB-ALL), the most frequent pediatric cancer showing high frequencies of aneuploidy, remains unknown. Here, we elucidate the presence of CIN in aneuploid cB-ALL subtypes using single-cell whole-genome sequencing of primary cB-ALL samples and by generating and functionally characterizing patient-derived xenograft models (cB-ALL-PDX). We report higher rates of CIN across aneuploid than in euploid cB-ALL that strongly correlate with intraclonal chr-CNH and overall survival in mice. This association was further supported by in silico mathematical modeling. Moreover, mass-spectrometry analyses of cB-ALL-PDX revealed a "CIN signature" enriched in mitotic-spindle regulatory pathways, which was confirmed by RNA-sequencing of a large cohort of cB-ALL samples. The link between the presence of CIN in aneuploid cB-ALL and disease progression opens new possibilities for patient stratification and offers a promising new avenue as a therapeutic target in cB-ALL treatment.</p
