71 research outputs found

    Methodological challenges of mixed methods intervention evaluations

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    This paper addresses the methodological challenges that accompany the use of a combination of research methods to evaluate complex interventions. In evaluating complex interventions, the question about effectiveness is not the only question that needs to be answered. Of equal interest are questions about acceptability, feasibility, and implementation of the intervention and the evaluation study itself. Using qualitative research in conjunction with trials enables us to address this diversity of questions. The combination of methods results in a mixed methods intervention evaluation (MMIE). In this article we demonstrate the relevance of mixed methods evaluation studies and provide case studies from health care. Methodological challenges that need our attention are, among others, choosing appropriate designs for MMIEs, determining realistic expectations of both components, and assigning adequate resources to both components. Solving these methodological issues will improve our research designs and provide further insights into complex interventions

    Сучасний стан і шляхи подальшого розвитку вітчизняної вугільної промисловості

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    Викладено загальну характеристику вугільної промисловості України (порівняно з деякими іншими країнами), наведено динаміку основних показників вітчизняної вугільної галузі за останнє десятиріччя. Визначено найбільш актуальні проблеми розвитку галузі та заходи щодо їх вирішення.Изложена общая характеристика угольной промышленности Украины (в сравнении с некоторыми другими странами), приведена динамика основных показателей отечественной угольной отрасли за последнее десятилетие. Определены наиболее актуальные проблемы развития отрасли и меры по их решению.Coal mining of Ukraine is characterized (as compared with some other countries), dynamics of main native mining indices for the last ten years is demonstrated. The urgent problems of mining development have been identified and the ways to solve them as well

    Factors influencing acceptance of technology for aging in place:A systematic review

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    Purpose To provide an overview of factors influencing the acceptance of electronic technologies that support aging in place by community-dwelling older adults. Since technology acceptance factors fluctuate over time, a distinction was made between factors in the pre-implementation stage and factors in the post-implementation stage. Methods A systematic review of mixed studies. Seven major scientific databases (including MEDLINE, Scopus and CINAHL) were searched. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) original and peer-reviewed research, (2) qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods research, (3) research in which participants are community-dwelling older adults aged 60 years or older, and (4) research aimed at investigating factors that influence the intention to use or the actual use of electronic technology for aging in place. Three researchers each read the articles and extracted factors. Results Sixteen out of 2841 articles were included. Most articles investigated acceptance of technology that enhances safety or provides social interaction. The majority of data was based on qualitative research investigating factors in the pre-implementation stage. Acceptance in this stage is influenced by 27 factors, divided into six themes: concerns regarding technology (e.g., high cost, privacy implications and usability factors); expected benefits of technology (e.g., increased safety and perceived usefulness); need for technology (e.g., perceived need and subjective health status); alternatives to technology (e.g., help by family or spouse), social influence (e.g., influence of family, friends and professional caregivers); and characteristics of older adults (e.g., desire to age in place). When comparing these results to qualitative results on post-implementation acceptance, our analysis showed that some factors are persistent while new factors also emerge. Quantitative results showed that a small number of variables have a significant influence in the pre-implementation stage. Fourteen out of the sixteen included articles did not use an existing technology acceptance framework or model. Conclusions Acceptance of technology in the pre-implementation stage is influenced by multiple factors. However, post-implementation research on technology acceptance by community-dwelling older adults is scarce and most of the factors in this review have not been tested by using quantitative methods. Further research is needed to determine if and how the factors in this review are interrelated, and how they relate to existing models of technology acceptance. Keywords: Independent living, Aged, Technology, Review, Behavior, Assistive technology, eHealt

    And then there were three: Self-presentational styles and the presence of the partner as a third person in the interview

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    As a result of a third person’s being present in an interview, the interviewee can be motivated to change his or her answer and try to present a certain impression to the interviewer and the third person. Drawing on a qualitative interview study con-ducted in the Netherlands and Belgium, the present study examines why partners want to be present in interviews and what self-presentational styles their spouses use when they are present. Seventeen interviews conducted with eight families were ana-lyzed from a self-presentational framework. Some interviewees used a protective self-presentation when partners were around, only to shift to an offensive style when the partner had left. Assertive and defensive strategies were also used in joint inter-views. Contrary to expectations, several couples did not adjust their opinions and made no attempt to convey the image of a harmonious marriage. It is concluded that interviewees are subject to motivation change in some cases, which can undermine the validity of the data as less information is collected

    Rol huisarts bij behoud werk van chronisch zieken.

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    Veel mensen met een chronische ziekte willen werken, maar dat lukt niet altijd. Slechts 10% spreekt daarover met hun huisarts. Van diegenen die er niet met hun huisarts over spreken, wil driekwart dat ook niet en anderen twijfelen of zouden wel een gesprek willen. Gezien de uiteenlopende behoeften doen huisartsen er goed aan chronisch zieke patiënten te vragen of zij een dergelijk gesprek zouden willen. (aut. ref.