55 research outputs found

    Career cycle of general and special school teachers in Serbia

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    The specificities of general and special school teachers' work might influence their career differently. The aim of the study was to examine the career cycle of these teachers. A survey was conducted on a sample of 120 teachers from general and 95 from special schools. Five stages of career cycle were discovered: induction, competency building and enthusiasm, career frustration, stagnation, career wind-down. Results indicate that age, gender, intrinsic, and extrinsic factors of career choice can influence teachers' career cycle. When these factors are controlled, special school teachers experience less enthusiasm and more willingness to retire than general school teachers

    Situational and Trait Self-Handicapping among Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissists

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    Self-handicapping is an effective strategy for self-enhancement and self-protection in situations in which one’s self-image is evaluated. Previous studies have shown that grandiose narcissists use self-handicapping for self-enhancement, while research on vulnerable narcissists’ use of self-handicapping is still scarce. In this study, we examined trait, behavioural, and proclaimed self-handicapping among the two forms of narcissism. After questionnaire measures were collected, a total of 105 individuals participated in the experimental study, in which they were led to believe they would be doing a hard or an easy ability test. The results showed that grandiose narcissism was only related to trait self-handicapping in achievement situations, while vulnerable narcissism was related to self-handicapping in interpersonal and achievement situations. Experimental results showed that participants did not seize the opportunity for behavioural or proclaimed self-handicapping. Moreover, the use of these strategies was not related to vulnerable or grandiose narcissism. The results are here discussed in the context of self-image maintenance dynamics of individuals with different levels of vulnerable and grandiose narcissism as well as methodological aspects of the study, and the validity of the concept of self-handicapping

    Uticaj generalnih kauzalnih orijentacija na izvođenje odbrambenih atribucija nakon ispitnog neuspeha

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    Defensive behaviour after failure, such as denial of the responsibility for own achievement, reduces person's openness for further learning and development and, thus, is undesirable in pedagogical practice. General causality orientations success-fully predict defensive behaviours after failure. Autonomous causality orientation implies behaviours motivated by personal growth and development, while controlling orientation purports ego-involved behaviours aimed at proving one's own self-worth. The research was conducted with the aim of testing two hypotheses (additive and synergistic) about the influence of general causality orientations and their combinations on defensive attribution of failure on the exam. After their faculty exam, N=158 psychology students answered questions about the expected grade and they filled out two questionnaires: Attribution of Success on the Test and General Causality Orientation Scale. The results showed that internal attribution of success is related to greater expected grade and higher autonomous causality orientation. External attribution was characteristic for individuals with high controlling causal orientation. It was confirmed that general causality orientations can predict the way a person perceives academic success. Thus, we give recommendations on how to support and encourage autonomous and discourage controlling behaviours of students.Odbrambena ponašanja koja se javljaju nakon neuspeha, poput odricanja odgovornosti za postignuti rezultat, umanjuju otvorenost osobe za dalje učenje i razvoj i stoga su nepoželjna sa aspekta pedagoške prakse. Generalne kauzalne orijentacije omogućavaju predviđanje ovakvih odbrambenih ponašanja. Autonomna orijentacija podrazumeva ponašanje motivisano ličnim rastom i razvojem, a kontrolišuća orijentacija ukazuje na usmerenost ponašanja na potvrđivanje sopstvene vrednosti. Sprovedeno je istraživanje sa ciljem da se ispitaju dve hipoteze (aditivna i sinergistička) koje daju različita predviđanja o uticaju kauzalnih orijentacija na ispoljavanje odbrambenog ponašanja nakon ispitnog neuspeha. Nakon ispita iz fakultetskog kursa 158 studenata psihologije odgovaralo je na pitanja o očekivanoj ispitnoj oceni i popunjavalo Upitnik atribucije uspeha na testu i Skalu generalnih kauzalnih orijentacija. Rezultati pokazuju da je atribuiranje ispitnog uspeha unutrašnjim faktorima uslovljeno višom očekivanom ispitnom ocenom i autonomnom kauzalnom orijentacijom. Spoljašnja atribucija uspeha bila je izraženija kod osoba sa kontrolišućom kauzalnom orijentacijom. Potvrđeno je da kauzalne orijentacije omogućavaju predviđanje odbrambenog reagovanja na akademski neuspeh, iz čega slede preporuke koje se tiču načina podsticanja autonomnog i umanjivanja kontrolišućeg ponašanja studenata

    Ispoljavanje i podsticanje kreativnosti u osnovnoj školi iz perspektive nastavnika

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    The modern society holds creativity in high esteem while criticizing education for not investing sufficient efforts in accomplishing this valuable goal. Teachers' opinions about the manifestation and development of creativity can significantly affect the extent to which they recognize the importance of creativity and are prepared to encourage it in their work. This paper reports the results of research into teachers' opinions on the forms of manifestation of creativity at the primary school level and the ways in which the school can contribute to the development of students' creativity. Primary school teachers from Serbia (N=144) filled out a questionnaire, and the obtained data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings indicate that teachers described creativity through creative activities, originality, intellectual abilities, motivation and personality traits. The majority of teachers were of the opinion that the school can largely contribute to the development of students' creativity. According to teachers, creativity can primarily be nurtured at the level of class, and then at the level of the education system and the society as a whole. It has been concluded that teachers most often perceive students' creativity through their activities and personality traits, while seeing the school's role in the development of creativity in the domain of their own activities in the classroom. Research results indicate that teachers' concepts of creativity largely overlap with the expert ones. The concluding part discusses the reasons why teachers' positive and activist attitudes towards creativity are not transferred into school practice, as well as the prerequisites that have to be fulfilled for this to be accomplished.Savremeno društvo visoko vrednuje kreativnost, a obrazovanju se prigovara da ne radi dovoljno na ostvarivanju ovog vrednog cilja. Mišljenja nastavnika o ispoljavanju i razvoju kreativnosti imaju značajan uticaj na to u kojoj meri će oni prepoznati značaj kreativnosti i biti spremni da je podrže u svom radu. U članku se prikazuju rezultati ispitivanja mišljenja nastavnika o tome kako se kreativnost ispoljava na osnovnoškolskom uzrastu i kako škola može doprineti razvoju kreativnosti učenika. Nastavnici osnovnih škola iz Srbije (N=144) ispitani su upitnikom, a podaci su analizirani kvalitativno i kvantitativno. Utvrđeno je da nastavnici opisuju kreativnost preko kreativnih aktivnosti, originalnosti, intelektualnih sposobnosti, motivacije i osobina ličnosti. Većina nastavnika smatra da škola može u velikoj meri da doprinese razvoju kreativnosti učenika. Prostor za podsticanje kreativnosti nastavnici vide prvenstveno na nivou časa, a potom i na nivou obrazovnog sistema i društva u celini. Zaključeno je da nastavnici najčešće opažaju kreativnost učenika preko njihovih aktivnosti i karakteristika ličnosti, dok ulogu škole u razvoju kreativnosti vide u domenu sopstvenog delovanja u učionici. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se nastavničke koncepcije kreativnosti u velikoj meri poklapaju sa ekspertskim. U završnom delu je diskutovano zašto nastavnici pozitivan i aktivistički odnos prema kreativnosti ne 'pretaču' u školsku praksu, kao i koji su preduslovi koje je potrebno ispuniti da bi se to ostvarilo

    Učeničke percepcije nastavničkih motivacionih postupaka

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    Current research in the field of education indicates that the behaviour of the teacher affects significantly the quality and level of the pupil's motivation. The aim of our research was to determine the structure of the motivational style of teachers seen from the pupils' perspective, and to find out whether the pupils' perceptions of the teacher's motivational style depend upon cultural-educational influences of the family, and some characteristics of the students (academic achievements, gender). The sample included 856 pupils from 40 elementary schools in Serbia. We used the questionnaire with Likert's scale to obtain the evaluation of the teachers' behaviours. By the factor analysis we extracted three components of the teacher' behaviour: stimulating pupils' interest and competences, de-motivational teachers' behaviours and stimulating freedom of thinking and expression. The results show that the pupils whose parents have lower levels of education think that the behaviour of the teachers is directed to stimulating interest and competencies, as well as freedom of thinking and speech than the pupils of the parents of higher educational status. The control of the influence of the education of parents showed that the pupils of lower academic achievement perceive the teacher's behaviour as de-motivational. Compared to girls boys estimate more highly that teachers stimulate their interests and competencies. A suggestion is offered how a teacher should develop a behavioural style which would positively influence the quality of the pupils' motivation.Savremena istraživanja u oblasti obrazovanja pokazuju da ponašanje nastavnika umnogome određuje kvalitet i nivo učeničke motivacije. Cilj ovog rada je bio da ispitamo kakva je struktura motivacionog stila nastavnika iz perspektive učenika, kao i to da li su učeničke percepcije motivacionog stila nastavnika uslovljene kulturno-obrazovnim uticajima porodice i nekim karakteristikama učenika kao što su školsko postignuće i pol. Uzorak je činilo 856 učenika iz 40 osnovnih škola u Srbiji. Primenjen je upitnik za procenu ponašanja nastavnika sa Likertovim formatom odgovora. Faktorskom analizom su ekstrahovane tri komponente nastavničkog ponašanja: podsticanje interesovanja i kompetencija učenika, demotivacioni postupci nastavnika i podsticanje slobode mišljenja i izražavanja. Nalazi pokazuju da učenici roditelja koji imaju nižu stručnu spremu opažaju ponašanje nastavnika kao podsticajnije za interesovanja, kompetencije i slobodu mišljenja i izražavanja nego učenici roditelja višeg obrazovnog statusa. Kontrolom uticaja stručne spreme roditelja, učenici nižeg školskog postignuća češće opažaju ponašanje nastavnika kao demotivišuće. Dečaci u poređenju sa devojčicama procenjuju da nastavnici u većoj meri podstiču njihova interesovanja i kompetencije. Sugeriše se na koji način bi nastavnik trebalo da razvija stil ponašanja koji pozitivno utiče na kvalitet učeničke motivacije

    Validation of Scales for Measuring Factors of Teaching Quality from the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness

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    Large-scale educational effectiveness research requires valid student questionnaires to assess teaching practices. This research validated eight scales for measuring teaching factors from the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness (DMEE). Parallel versions of scales for measuring teaching factors in mathematics and biology were constructed and validated in two studies. In the first study, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on data from 683 students. In the second study, the structure was cross-validated via a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on a sample of 5,476 students. The multi-group CFA resulted in an acceptable metric invarience for all scales, indicating that the scales have comparable factor loadings. However, unsatisfactory scalar invariance suggested that the scales could not be used to compare teachers of different subjects. Testing alternative structural relations between the teaching factors did not confirm that the data fit the DMEE model adequately, although the fit parameters were better than for the alternative theoretical models. For mathematics, the external validation of the scales showed that the scales correlated with job satisfaction, external control, and teacher self-efficacy reported by the teachers. The scales are reliable and valid and could be applied to different school subjects

    Trading quality and breadmaking performance of wheat treated with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth

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    The aim of study was to investigate the influence of naturally occurring zeolite and diatomaceous earth, as inert dusts approved for insect pest control in certified organic crop production, on trading and breadmaking quality of treated wheat. The treatments significantly reduced the trading quality of wheat which was reflected through lowering of test weight. This effect was more marked in the case of low-vitreous wheat rather than in high-vitreous one. Investigation of rheological properties of flours made from the treated wheat demonstrated that treatments with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth at all applied doses significantly increased the water absorption, which consequently increased the bread yield. However, these changes in the flour properties were not high enough to modify the quality attributes of bread as was shown by instrumentally measuring crumb hardness and springiness as well as sensory evaluation

    Perception and (In)Direct Experience of Sexual Harassment and Blackmail in the Academic Context: the Perspective of Female Students

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    Istraživanje seksualnog uznemiravanja i ucjenjivanja u suvremenom srpskom društvu novijeg je datuma. Ranija istraživanja pokazuju da se ono može dogoditi u najrazličitijim situacijama. Međutim, sveučilište je rijetko bio kontekst u kojem se taj problem analizirao, usprkos evidentnoj hijerarhiji moći baziranoj na različitim izvorima. Kako su studentice višestruko ranjiva skupina, ovaj se rad fokusira na istraživanje njihove percepcije i (ne)izravnog iskustva seksualnog uznemiravanja i ucjenjivanja, kao i očekivanja od institucionalne reakcije. Analiza se temelji na rezultatima dvije diskusije fokusnih skupina u kojima su sudjelovale 22 studentice sa svih razina studija na Filozofskom fakultetu i Fakultetu sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Rezultati su istraživanja pokazali senzibiliziranost studentica za problem seksualnog uznemiravanja i ucjenjivanja, uz određenu dozu (auto)cenzure u razgovoru o navedenom problemu, posebice s roditeljima ili drugim odraslim osobama iz primarne sredine. Također, primijećen je kontinuitet (ne)izravne izloženosti studentica seksualnom uznemiravanju i ucjenjivanju u (izvan)akademskom kontekstu. Studentice očekuju da fakultet i sveučilište reagiraju na pojavu seksualnog uznemiravanja i ucjenjivanja, dok istovremeno jedan dio smatra da bi institucionalni odgovor trebalo osigurati izvan fakulteta, pa i akademskog konteksta u cilju dodatne zaštite žrtve. Kao važan dio institucionalnog odgovora ističe se potreba za sustavnom edukacijom o tom problemu, kako studenata, tako i svih sveučilišnih zaposlenika. Istraživanje je potvrdilo kompleksnost i višeslojnost analiziranog problema te može poslužiti kao inspiracija za dodatne analize seksualnog uznemiravanja i ucjenjivanja u akademskom kontekstu.Research on sexual harassment and blackmail in contemporary Serbian society is relatively recent. Previous studies show that these issues can occur in various situations. However, the university context has seldom been the focus of analysis for this problem, despite the evident power hierarchy based on various sources. As female students constitute a particularly vulnerable group, this paper focuses on exploring their perceptions and (in)direct experiences of sexual harassment and blackmail, as well as their expectations regarding institutional responses. The analysis is based on the results of two focus group discussions involving 22 female students from all study levels at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education at the University of Novi Sad. The results revealed the sensitivity of female students to the issue of sexual harassment and blackmail, accompanied by a certain degree of self-censorship when discussing the mentioned problem, especially with parents or other adults in their primary environment. Additionally, a continuity of (in)direct exposure of female students to sexual harassment and blackmail in both academic and nonacademic has been observed. The students expect the faculty and university to respond to instances of sexual harassment and blackmail. Simultaneously, a portion of them believes that the institutional response should extend beyond the faculty, even beyond the academic context, to provide additional protection for the victim. A crucial aspect of the institutional response highlighted is the need for systematic education on this issue, targeting both students and all university staff. The research confirmed the complexity and multi-layered nature of the analyzed problem, and can serve as inspiration for further analyses of sexual harassment and blackmail in academic contexts

    Comparative study on the physico-chemical, textural and thermal properties of instant porridges based on spelt and oats

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    Changing of food habits and increased preference for healthy meals, along with the growth of breakfast industry has increased the size of 'ready-made' and instant porridge market in Serbia. Porridges dominantly marketed are those based on oats. However, there is a growing interest of local producers to use other cereals for porridge production. Therefore, this work was aimed to estimate the porridge-making ability of spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum spp. spelta) in comparison to that of oats. The studied porridges are instant products, based on extruded spelt or oat flour. The proximate composition, hydration properties (water absorption index-WAI and water solubility index-WSI), consistency and thermal properties were determined with the aim to compare the characteristics of the porridges. In general, the spelt-based porridge had more total and insoluble fibres, proteins, minerals and less available carbohydrates in comparison to the oat porridge. The spelt porridge may be eligible to bear the nutritional claim 'high-fibre' which is advantageous for the market viability of the product. Both porridges had >20% of damaged starch due to high initial content in the flours and extrusion processing of flours, though spelt-based extrudate and porridge were significantly higher in this parameter. Oat-based extrudate and porridge were higher in resistant starch content. The consistency was similar between the porridges, although spelt tended to form slightly firmer and cohesive porridge. Spelt porridge had better hydration properties (higher WAI) which are a featured attribute for this kind of product, similarly to higher consistency values. Spelt wheat, in its extruded form, is a suitable ingredient for porridge production

    Sexual violence at the universities in Serbia: raising awareness and developing innovative mechanisms of victim support - challenges and so far results

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    Research globally shows high levels of sexual violence (SV) at universities, which encompasses a wide range of acts: verbal comments and requests, non-verbal displays, quid pro quo acts, unwanted physical contact and rape. It has serious consequences for mental and physical health of students, including their academic achievements. Few studies in Serbia suggest that SV is present at the universities, but this topic is still under-researched. Serbian universities are often underequipped to recognize SV and provide support to victims; consequently, students are not encouraged to report and seek assistance. In order to raise awareness about SV at the universities and better equip Serbian universities to prevent and tackle cases of SV and support victims, Victimology Society of Serbia implement the project Sexual violence at the universities in Serbia: Raising awareness and developing innovative mechanisms of victim support. The project consists of two parts: research aimed at gathering data on extent and nature of SV against students at the universities and existing university policies and care pathways, and evidencebased intervention aimed at building capacity of university staff for proper response to SV cases, strengthening existing policies 16 and practices at the universities related to SV, and establishing cooperation among universities and victim support services in order to secure timely support for victims. Research was conducted online from March to May 2021 on a sample of 1597 students in four university centers in Serbia. Data on students’ experiences of SV victimization, their awareness about SV and existing mechanisms for assistance and support were collected. The aim of the round table is to present the project, and to focus on so far challenges and results through sharing experiences in data collection, some methodological issues and preliminary research findings, as well as challenges in developing and applying mechanisms for addressing cases of SV against students