6,258 research outputs found

    Detention by Any Other Name

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    An unaffordable bail requirement has precisely the same effect as an order of pretrial detention: the accused person is jailed pending trial. It follows as a logical matter that an order requiring an unaffordable bail bond as a condition of release should be subject to the same substantive and procedural protections as an order denying bail altogether. Yet this has not been the practice. This Article lays out the logical and legal case for the proposition that an order that functionally imposes detention must be treated as an order of detention. It addresses counterarguments and complexities, including both empirical and normative ambiguity in the concept of “unaffordable” bail. It explains in practical terms what it would entail for a court system to treat unaffordable bail as a detention order. One hurdle is that both legal and policy standards for pretrial detention are currently in flux. Recognizing unaffordable bail as a detention order foregrounds the question of when pretrial detention is justified. This is the key question the bail reform movement must now confront

    Hypertrophic phytoplankton: an overview

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    An overview is provided of studies on hypertrophic phytoplankton in order to explore the subject and to suggest uncovered areas of research in this increasingly important theme. The authors restrict themselves to stagnant environments, using a community criterion to define hypertrophic environments. They are defined as those whose yearly average of phytoplankton chlorophyll is equal to or higher than 100 mg per cubic metre of water. The paper deals with species composition, diversity, biomass, primary production, losses and seasonal succession of hypertrophic phytoplankton. Other topics, such as population dynamics and ecophysiological issues, either lack enough information to be considered or are well known, e.g. Microcystis and Oscillatoria ecophysiology

    Gastrointestinal symptoms and psychological well-being in patients with microscopic colitis.

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    Abstract Objective. Microscopic colitis (MC) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are both gastrointestinal disorders with female predominance that affect well-being. Autoantibodies against gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) have recently been detected in IBS patients. The purpose of this study was to compare gastrointestinal symptoms and well-being in MC female outpatients, with or without coexisting IBS-like symptoms, and to examine the prevalence of GnRH antibodies in these patients. Material and methods. Women with biopsy-verified MC, at any outpatient clinic of the Departments of Gastroenterology, Skåne, between 2002 and 2010 were invited to participate in the study. The questionnaires Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS), Psychological General Well-being Index (PGWB), Visual Analogue Scale for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (VAS-IBS), and Rome III were answered and blood samples collected. Autoantibodies (IgG, IgA, and IgM) against GnRH and GnRH-R (extracellular peptide of receptor) were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results. Altogether, 158 (66%) of 240 invited patients with MC were recruited to the study. Of these, 133 (55%) patients also accepted to provide blood samples. Patients with IBS-like symptoms (55%) experienced more symptoms and worse psychological well-being in all dimensions in GSRS and PGWB, and in all symptoms but constipation in VAS-IBS compared to patients without IBS symptoms. Only a minority of patients expressed antibodies against GnRH or GnRH-R, which did not differ between groups. Conclusions. MC patients fulfilling criteria for IBS experience more gastrointestinal symptoms and worse psychological well-being than those who do not. Autoantibodies against GnRH or GnRH-R are not frequently observed in MC patients

    Competition in Soccer Leagues

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    In the present paper a model of competition between sports clubs in a sports league is presented. Clubs are endowed with initial players but at a cost clubs are able to sell their initial players and buy new players. The results are that: if the quality of players is one-dimensional, then equilibria in pure strategies exist, and; if the quality of players is multi-dimensional, then there need not exist equilibria in pure strategies, but equilibria in mixed strategies exist. Equilibria in mixed strategies resemblance signings on deadline day in european soccer.competition between sports clubs; dimension of quality of players; equilibrium in pure strategies; equilibrium in mixed strategies

    Financial Intermediation, Moral Hazard, And Pareto Inferior Trade

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    We consider a simple model of international trade under uncertainty, where production takes time and is subject to uncertainty. The riskiness of production depends on the choices of the producers, not observable to the general public, and these choices are influenced by the availability and cost of credit. If investment is financed by a bond market, then a situation may arise where otherwise identical countries end up with different levels of interest and different choices of technique, which again implies differences in achieved level of welfare. Under suitable conditions on the parameters of the model, the market may not be able to supply credits to one of the countries. The introduction of financial intermediaries with the ability to control the debtors may change this situation in a direction which is welfare improving (in a suitable sense) by increasing expected output in the country with high interest rates, while opening up for new problems of asymmetric information with respect to the monitoring activity of the banksCapital Outflow, Financial Intermediaries, Moral Hazard

    How Likely Is Factor Price Equalization?

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    The idea of treating factor price equalization as a situation, where the distribution of factors among countries is compatible with an equilibrium in an integrated world economy, has been refined to give the so-called lens condition for factor price equalization. In this paper, we show that the lens condition may be used to give estimates for the probability of factor price equalization when factors are distributed randomly among countries and, in addition, the techologies are sampled according to a given probability distribution. The estimates indicate that factor price equalization may occur less often than intuitively conceived.international trade; Factor Price Equalization; lens condition

    Organic vegetable proteins and oil in feed for organic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Fish meal may be partly replaced by a matrix of organic horse bean, pea and rape, and flax seed oil may replace fish oil in diets for organic rainbow trout without compromising growth performance and feed utilization

    Return to work after long-term sick leave : barriers and facilitators

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    Background: Musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders are the dominating problems and disorders among people on long-term sick leave in all developed countries. From 1997 up to an all time high in 2002, there was a considerable increase in the number of people on long-term sick leave in Sweden. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate people on long-term sick leave in order to find factors that promote or hinder the return to work process. Specific aims were: to describe the medical reasons for sick leave, the duration of the problems and of the ongoing spell of sickness absence, the rehabilitation support and the individuals’ own expectations of their future return to work (Study I); to investigate whether the predictions of people on long-term sick leave concerning their future RTW had an impact on their return to work (Study II); to describe the frequency of full, partial and no RTW after long-term sick leave, and to investigate the influence of psychosocial work conditions, work ability and health, reported before the onset of sick leave, on full and partial RTW respectively (Study III); to describe the experience of driving and implementing a workplace- based rehabilitation intervention with good access to rehabilitation measures, to find out which people multimodal and/or vocational rehabilitation was advocated for and to find predictors of return to work (Study IV). Material and methods: All the studies included are sub-studies of the longitudinal HAKuL study (Work and Health in the Public Sector in Sweden), which was launched in 1999. The studies were conducted in four county councils and in local authorities in six municipalities in Sweden. Main occupational groups were registered nurses, assistant nurses, home- based personal care workers in elderly care, employees at childcare centres, administrative personnel, and teachers. The majority, 81%, were women. Study I is a cross-sectional descriptive study with an 18-month follow-up (Study II). Studies III-IV are longitudinal and conducted over a period of three years with a two-year follow-up. Results - barriers and facilitators of the return to work: The perception of the individuals on long-term sick leave regarding their RTW had a very strong predictive value for real RTW (OR=8.28, 95% CI: 3.31 - 20.69). Other factors found that were predictive of return to work in Study II were: being aged between 45-54 years; having been on the sick list for less than one year; having less pain than those in the quartile with most pain; feeling welcome back to work. In Study III, predictive factors found for full RTW were: low job strain according to the model of Karasek and Theorell (low demands–high decision latitude); good general health before the onset of sick leave; physical and mental demands in balance with the individual’s capacity. Negative consequences of organisational changes gave decreased odds for full RTW. Predictive factors for partial RTW were low job strain and good general health. In the interventional study, Study IV, vocational rehabilitation, being under 45 years of age and low physical demands at work were found to be predictive of RTW. Other results: Study I: Musculoskeletal and psychological/stress-related problems were, as expected, the most usual causes of long-term sickness absence for 90 days or longer. Combinations of symptoms and disorders were common. The women had experienced their symptoms for six years (median) before the start of their sickness absence and the men for seven years. Twenty-three percent of the women and 24% of the men did not feel welcome back to work. Personal contact and support by the regional social insurance officers were lacking for one third of the sick-listed people. Half of them had no contact with the occupational health service or the trade union. Study III: Two years after the onset of sick leave, 77% had returned to work, 62% full-time, 15% part-time, and 23% were still not working. Part of the full-time returners, 21%, had returned via a period of partial working time, while 41% had returned directly from full-time sick leave to full-time work. The proportion of partial RTW increased with age. Study IV: Problems were encountered at the beginning of the intervention. There were considerable obstacles in adapting the existing computerised personnel administrative systems to give a signal at 28 days of sick leave and the OHS sometimes had lack of resources. To counteract these problems the project organisation sent weekly reminder emails to the supervisors, the OHS were compensated at weak points, and feedback was given to those involved. After a check-up against the salary system, the decision was made to only include people with spells of sick leave of 90 days or more. Vocational rehabilitation was advocated for those with stress- related/psychological problems who were younger than 55 years of age. People with musculoskeletal problems had difficulties resuming work, despite the fact that they often received both multimodal and vocational rehabilitation. Conclusion: The most important finding in this thesis is the impact of the sick-listed individuals’ own perception of their future RTW. Only one question is required and it is essential to find out if the answer is yes or no in order to tailor rehabilitation measures. Supervisors, OHSs and employers have important roles in detecting psychosocial work conditions at work in order to prevent long-standing work strain and long-term sick leave. It is of great importance that people with musculoskeletal problems are taken seriously early on. When they are finally on long-term sick leave, considerable efforts are needed to help them resume work. Vocational rehabilitation is a favourable treatment for people with stress- related/psychological problems. Part-time sick leave often functions as part of the rehabilitation process and can enhance full RTW. Interventions at workplaces are difficult to accomplish. The structures and efforts must be considered in advance

    Value-added Chemicals from Biomass by Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    I den samtidige debat om ressourceudnyttelse har anvendelsen af biomasse været diskuteret som en alternativ carbon-kilde til de fossile reserver med henblik på at reducere CO2-emissionen til atmosfæren. Erstatningen eller supplementet til de oliebaserede transportbrændstoffer gennem konversion af biomasse er allerede etableret. Fremstilling af kemikalier fra biomasse har haft ringere bevågenhed. Denne afhandling beskriver og evaluerer en søgen efter en alternativ konversionsrute, baseret på biomasseføde og under anvendelse af en heterogen katalysator, som er i stand til at omsætte føden til et merværdi-kemikalie. Projektarbejdet i denne forbindelse er udført med en tværfaglig tilgang omfattende fra fundamentale katalysatorundersøgelser, gennem eksperimenter, karakterisering og procesevalueringer til markedsanalyse. Rationalet herfor er søgt gennem aktiverne i den opnåede bæredygtige ressourceudnyttelse for sådan en proces og under hypotesen, at lønsomheden af processen, i sammenligning med de konventionelle teknologier, yderligere kan opnås gennem fordelen ved bevarelsen af kemiske C-C bindinger i biomasse-baserede føder. Med udgangspunkt i ethanol som eksempel på en biomasse-baseret føde, som har beholdt en C-C binding fra det oprindelige biomasse-udgangsstof, bliver aspekterne for at udnytte heterogen katalyse til dets omsætning til merværdi-kemikalier undeersøgt. Gennem en simpel analyse af kendte, men ikke-industraliserede procesruter, bliver ethanol til eddikesyre-ruten identificeret som én, der viser gode perspektiver. Inkorporeringen af en nyttig katalysator i en effektiv proces er afgørende for potentialet af den overordnede procesinnovation. En gruppe Cu baserede katalysatorer, som viser sig aktive i pågældende konversion, bliver identificeret i en forundersøgelseseksperimentrække. Under hensynet til handlefriheden bliver endvidere procesudviklingsmuligheder afdækket, baseret på de opnåede eksperimentelle vidnesbyrd, teori og proceselementer beskrevet i litteraturen (fortrinsvis patent-). Der bliver søgt beskyttelse af de relaterede opfindelser gennem indlevering af tre patentansøgninger. Afhandlingens vigtigste bidrag er afspejlet i den endelige konklusion, at en ethanol til eddikesyreproces og tilhørende katalysator, begge genstande for videreudvikling, er identificeret. Forståelsen af den katalytiske opførsel af udvalgte katalysatorer, Cu spinel (CuAl2O4) og Cu/SiO2, bliver opnået gennem karakterisering heraf såvel som målinger af aktivitet, selektivitet og stabilitet bl.a. i formålsudviklede testopstillinger. Gennem adskillige karakteriseringsanalyser (XAFS, XRPD, SEM, TEM, TPR, carbon analysis etc.) kan det konkluderes, at den hurtige deaktivering af Cu spinel katalysatoren skyldes dannelsen af højmolekylære kulholdige stoffer som dækker katalysatoroverfladen, katalyseret af sure alumina sites, der opstår under katalysatoraktiveringen. Denne forklaring er i overensstemmelse med adskillige observerede fænomener for katalysatoren. Cu/SiO2 - katalysatoren, som har en inert support, viser langt højere robusthed over for procesvariationer, men udviser umiddelbart en for lav katalytisk aktivitet set fra en industriel vinkel. Adskillige måder til forbedring af aktiviteten bliver belyst. F.eks. indikeres en aktivitetsafhængighed af Cu-krystalstørrelsen ved en sammenligning af aktivitet og XRPD analyser for nedknuste og hele katalysatorpiller. Der bliver udledt empiriske kinetiske modeller, i god overensstemmelse med de opnåede eksperimentelle data for Cu/SiO2-katalysatoren, for at understøtte etableringen af en forbedret økonomisk vurdering af den undersøgte proces. Ekstrapolation af de udledte modeller indikerer tilfredsstillende aktivitet i det industrielle trykområde. Cu/SiO2-katalysatoren er endvidere i stand til at klare delvist oxidative dehydrogeneringsbetingelser, som tillader betydelige procesforbedringer. Slutteligt bliver ethanol til eddikesyre processen sat i en større sammenhæng ved i et tilbageblik at revurdere de i arbejdet anvendte metoder, markedets indflydelse på processens chancer, konklusioner og forbedringsmuligheder for processen. Endeligt, i betragtning af nogle fremadrettede alternative procesmuligheder, gives mine konkluderende anbefalinger under hensynet til det oprindelige projektformål. Afhandlingens resultater viser, med udgangspunkt i et enkelt eksempel på biomassekonversion, at udnyttelsen af biomasse i produktionen af kemikalier er lovende fra et teknisk synspunkt. Men risikoen for markedsprisudsving, domineret af fossilt baserede kemikalier, stiller endvidere kriteriet om en pålidelig økonomisk margin. Derfor bør man under markedshensyn undersøge alternativer. I tillæg til de tekniske konklusioner forekommer det, at en tvær-disciplinær tilgang til procesinnovation er fordelagtig.In the contemporary debate on resource utilisation, biomass has been discussed as an alternative carbon source to fossil reserves in order to reduce the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. The replacement or supplement of oil based transportation fuels through biomass based conversions has already been implemented. The subject on chemical production has received less attention. This thesis describes and evaluates the quest for an alternative conversion route, based on a biomass feedstock and employing a heterogeneous catalyst capable of converting the feedstock, to a value-added chemical. The project work to fulfil the above objective has been conducted with a multi-disciplinary approach ranging from fundamental catalyst research, through experiments, characterisation and process evaluation to market analysis. The motivation herein is sought in the assets of sustainable resource utilisation obtained for such a process and the hypothesis that process feasibility in comparison with the conventional synthesis gas based technologies may further be attainable, taking advantage of the conservation of chemical C-C bonds in biomass based feedstocks. With ethanol as one example of a biomass based feedstock, having retained one C-C bond originating from the biomass precursor, the aspects of utilising heterogeneous catalysis for its conversion to value added chemicals is investigated. Through a simple analysis of known, but not industrialised catalytic routes, the direct conversion of ethanol to acetic acid product is identified to show good perspectives. The nesting of a useful catalyst and an effective process is crucial to the potential of the overall process innovation. In a pre-screening study, a group of Cu based catalysts active in the conversion have been identified. Considering the freedom to operate, the prospects of process development are further identified through process calculations based on the experimental evidence attained, theory and the process elements described in literature (primarily patent-related). The protection of the process inventions made in relation to this is sought through the filing of three patent applications. The most important contributions of this thesis are reflected in the eventual conclusion that an ethanol to acetic acid process and a related catalyst, both subject to further development, are identified. The understanding of the catalytic behaviour of down-selected catalysts, Cu spinel (CuAl2O4) and Cu/SiO2, is obtained through characterisation as well as activity, selectivity and stability studies in appropriately developed experimental set-ups. Through numerous characterisation analyses (XAFS, XRPD, SEM, TEM, TPR, carbon analysis etc.) the rapid deactivation of the Cu spinel catalyst may be concluded to be attributed to the formation of high molecular carbonaceous compounds covering the catalytic surface, being catalysed by acidic alumina sites present during and after catalyst activation. This theory explains several phenomena observed for this catalyst. The Cu/SiO2 catalyst, having an inert support, shows far higher robustness to process variations, but immediately exhibits a too low activity from an industrial angle. Several means of improving its activity are elucidated. For example an activity dependence on the Cu crystal size is indicated by the comparison of the activity and XRPD analyses obtained for crushed and whole catalyst pellets. Empirical kinetic models, in good agreement with the experimental data obtained for the Cu/SiO2 catalyst, are developed in order to support the establishment of an improved economic evaluation of the investigated process. Extrapolation of the derived model to the industrial pressure regime indicates a satisfactory activity. The Cu/SiO2 catalyst is further able to withstand partly oxidative dehydrogenation conditions, allowing for immense process improvements. Finally, the ethanol to acetic acid process is put into a broader context, by reviewing the methods used in this work, the market influence on its fate, the conclusions and suggested improvements listed. Eventually, with an outlook on some alternative process possibilities, my recommendations are given under the consideration of the initial project objective. The results of the thesis, taking one example of biomass conversion, show that the utilisation of biomass in the production of chemicals by heterogeneous catalysis is promising from a technical point of view. But risks of market price excursions dominated by fossil based chemicals further set a criterion of a solid economic margin. Therefore, under market considerations other alternatives are to be investigated. In addition to the technical conclusions it appears that a multi-disciplinary approach to process innovation is advantageous