128 research outputs found

    Molecular characterization of Coxiella burnetii isolates by infrequent restriction site-PCR and MLVA typing

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    BACKGROUND: Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, has a wide host range. Few epidemiological tools are available, and they are often expensive or not easily standardized across laboratories. In this work, C. burnetii isolates from livestock and ticks were typed using infrequent restriction site-PCR (IRS-PCR) and multiple loci variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) analysis (MLVA). RESULTS: By applying IRS-PCR, 14 C. burnetii isolates could be divided into six groups containing up to five different isolates. Clustering as deduced from MLVA typing with 17 markers provided an increased resolution with an excellent agreement to IRS-PCR, and with the plasmid type of each strain. MLVA was then applied to 28 additional C. burnetii isolates of different origin and 36 different genotypes were identified among the 42 isolates investigated. The clustering obtained is in agreement with published Multiple Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) data. Two panels of markers are proposed, panel 1 which can be confidently typed on agarose gel at a lower cost and in any laboratory setting (10 minisatellite markers with a repeat unit larger than 9 bp), and panel 2 which comprises 7 microsatellites and provides a higher discriminatory power. CONCLUSION: Our analyses demonstrate that MLVA is a powerful and promising molecular typing tool with a high resolution and of low costs. The consistency of the results with independent methods suggests that MLVA can be applied for epidemiological studies. The resulting data can be queried on a dedicated MLVA genotyping Web service

    Purification of native HBHA from Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Paratuberculosis remains today a major global problem in animal health, especially for dairy cattle. However, the diagnosis of its etiologic agent, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), still lacks sensitivity because of the lack of available antigens. Little is known about the virulence factors for this pathogen. In this study we have developed a method to produce and purify the heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA), a major adhesin of Mycobacteria, from a culture of Map. FINDINGS: For this extremely slow-growing Mycobacterium, a culture was established in a 3-liter bioreactor. Using the bioreactor the amount of the Map biomass was increased 5-fold compared to a classical culture in flasks. The map-HBHA was purified from a Map lysate by heparin-Sepharose chromatography on HiTrap columns. Binding of map-HBHA onto heparin-Sepharose can be reduced in the presence of salt. Consequently, all steps of sample preparation and column equilibration were carried out in 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.2). The map-HBHA was eluted by a linear NaCl gradient. High resolution mass spectrometry analyses revealed that the native form of map-HBHA has posttranslational modifications, including the removal of the initiation methionine, acetylation of the alanine residue at the N-terminal extremity and the presence of methylated lysines in the C-terminal domain of the protein. CONCLUSIONS: An optimized culture of Map in a bioreactor was established to purify the native map-HBHA from a Map lysate by heparin-Sepharose chromatography. The availability of this antigen offers the possibility to study the structure of the protein and to examine its role in pathogenicity, in particular to better understand the specific interactions of Map with the intestinal tissue. The map-HBHA obtained in its native immunogenic form may also be useful to improve the diagnostic test, especially for the development of a new T-cell-based interferon gamma release assays

    A mineralogical study in contrasts: highly mineralized whale rostrum and human enamel

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    The outermost enamel of the human tooth and the rostrum of the whale Mesoplodon densirostris are two highly mineralized tissues that contain over 95wt.% mineral, i.e., bioapatite. However, the same mineral type (carbonated hydroxylapatite) does not yield the same material properties, as revealed by Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, and synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis. Overall, the outermost enamel of a tooth has more homogeneous physical and chemical features than the rostrum. Chemical comparison of rostrum and enamel shows bioapatite in the rostrum to be enriched in Na, Mg, CO3, and S, whereas the outermost enamel shows only a slightly enriched Cl concentration. Morphologically, mineral rods (at tens of ÎŒm scale), crystallites and prisms (at ÎŒm and sub-ÎŒm scale), and platelets (at tens of nm scale) all demonstrate less organized texture in the rostrum than in enamel. Such contrasts between two mineralized tissues suggest distinct pathways of biomineralization, e.g., the nature of the equilibrium between mineral and body fluid. This study illustrates the remarkable flexibility of the apatite mineral structure to match its chemical and physical properties to specific biological needs within the same animal or between species.The work was partially funded by NIH grant 1R21AR055184-01A2 and SRF for ROCS, SEM

    Demographic, clinical, and service-use characteristics related to the clinician’s recommendation to transition from child to adult mental health services

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    Purpose: The service configuration with distinct child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS) may be a barrier to continuity of care. Because of a lack of transition policy, CAMHS clinicians have to decide whether and when a young person should transition to AMHS. This study describes which characteristics are associated with the clinicians’ advice to continue treatment at AMHS. Methods: Demographic, family, clinical, treatment, and service-use characteristics of the MILESTONE cohort of 763 young people from 39 CAMHS in Europe were assessed using multi-informant and standardized assessment tools. Logistic mixed models were fitted to assess the relationship between these characteristics and clinicians’ transition recommendations. Results: Young people with higher clinician-rated severity of psychopathology scores, with self- and parent-reported need for ongoing treatment, with lower everyday functional skills and without self-reported psychotic experiences were more likely to be recommended to continue treatment. Among those who had been recommended to continue treatment, young people who used psychotropic medication, who had been in CAMHS for more than a year, and for whom appropriate AMHS were available were more likely to be recommended to continue treatment at AMHS. Young people whose parents indicated a need for ongoing treatment were more likely to be recommended to stay in CAMHS. Conclusion: Although the decision regarding continuity of treatment was mostly determined by a small set of clinical characteristics, the recommendation to continue treatment at AMHS was mostly affected by service-use related characteristics, such as the availability of appropriate services

    Cohort profile : demographic and clinical characteristics of the MILESTONE longitudinal cohort of young people approaching the upper age limit of their child mental health care service in Europe

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    Purpose: The presence of distinct child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS) impacts continuity of mental health treatment for young people. However, we do not know the extent of discontinuity of care in Europe nor the effects of discontinuity on the mental health of young people. Current research is limited, as the majority of existing studies are retrospective, based on small samples or used non-standardised information from medical records. The MILESTONE prospective cohort study aims to examine associations between service use, mental health and other outcomes over 24 months, using information from self, parent and clinician reports. Participants: Seven hundred sixty-three young people from 39 CAMHS in 8 European countries, their parents and CAMHS clinicians who completed interviews and online questionnaires and were followed up for 2 years after reaching the upper age limit of the CAMHS they receive treatment at. Findings to date: This cohort profile describes the baseline characteristics of the MILESTONE cohort. The mental health of young people reaching the upper age limit of their CAMHS varied greatly in type and severity: 32.8% of young people reported clinical levels of self-reported problems and 18.6% were rated to be ‘markedly ill’, ‘severely ill’ or ‘among the most extremely ill’ by their clinician. Fifty-seven per cent of young people reported psychotropic medication use in the previous half year. Future plans: Analysis of longitudinal data from the MILESTONE cohort will be used to assess relationships between the demographic and clinical characteristics of young people reaching the upper age limit of their CAMHS and the type of care the young person uses over the next 2 years, such as whether the young person transitions to AMHS. At 2 years follow-up, the mental health outcomes of young people following different care pathways will be compared. Trial registration number: NCT03013595

    Les divergences d'évolution des marchés du travail allemand et européens

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    [fre] Depuis 1993, dernier creux conjoncturel, le taux de chĂŽmage de l’Allemagne a sensiblement augmentĂ© et la situation du marchĂ© du travail s’est dĂ©gradĂ©e, alors qu’elle s’amĂ©liorait chez ses partenaires europĂ©ens. Les problĂšmes du marchĂ© du travail se sont concentrĂ©s sur les actifs les moins qualifiĂ©s, et le chĂŽmage de longue durĂ©e a progressĂ©, au contraire de presque toute l’Europe des 15. Ces divergences tiennent pour une part Ă  la faiblesse de la croissance liĂ©e Ă  la resynchronisation de la conjoncture allemande aprĂšs le «boom» de l’unification. Pour une autre part, le fonctionnement du marchĂ© du travail s’est dĂ©tĂ©riorĂ©. En effet, l’économie allemande a dĂ» faire face Ă  plusieurs chocs de coĂ»ts au cours de la premiĂšre moitiĂ© des annĂ©es 90: fortes hausses salariales jusqu’en 1993, hausses successives de cotisations sociales, passage de 36 Ă  35 heures dans la mĂ©tallurgie en 1995 avec pleine compensation salariale. L’effort d’ajustement qu’a menĂ© l’industrie aprĂšs 1995 pour faire face Ă  ces chocs a appauvri la croissance en emplois: sur le dernier cycle Ă©conomique, le seuil au-delĂ  duquel l’économie allemande crĂ©e des emplois a Ă©tĂ© supĂ©rieur Ă  2 %, contre environ 1,25% en France. Cet effort de productivitĂ© s’est accompagnĂ© de plusieurs annĂ©es de modĂ©ration salariale, si bien que fin 1999, l’Allemagne avait regagnĂ© douze points sur les vingt de compĂ©titivitĂ©-coĂ»t perdus entre 1987 et 1995. Ainsi, la rĂ©sorption des chocs de coĂ»t a principalement Ă©manĂ© des acteurs privĂ©s, des entreprises et des syndicats. Jusqu’en 1999, l’État n’a pas enrayĂ© la montĂ©e des taux de cotisations sociales, n’a traitĂ© que partiellement le problĂšme de l’emploi faiblement qualifiĂ©, et a introduit des mesures de flexibilitĂ© de façon limitĂ©e. En revanche, le gouvernement actuel souhaite dans le cadre de l’UEM renforcer les conditions internes nĂ©cessaires Ă  une stabilitĂ© durable des prix. Il a aussi revitalisĂ© la tradition de «pactes pour l’emploi», mais en y introduisant des discussions sur les salaires. Ces Ă©volutions ont menĂ© Ă  la signature de textes non contraignants qui, au vu des accords salariaux signĂ©s depuis le dĂ©but 2000, semblent ouvrir la voie Ă  une modĂ©ration salariale plus durable.

    Les effets d'ùge et de génération sur le niveau et la structure de la consommation

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    [fre] Les effets d'Ăąge et de gĂ©nĂ©ration sur le niveau et la structure de la consommation La population française ne cesse de vieillir et l'accent est fortes incertitudes sur le niveau de la consommation des souvent mis sur le rĂŽle que pourrait tenir, Ă  l'avenir, la mĂ©nages au cours des dĂ©cennies avenir., consommation de ceux que l'on nomme dĂ©sormais les « nouveaux seniors ». En effet, le passage Ă  la retraite . n'est plus, en gĂ©nĂ©ral, synonyme de perte de niveau de : vie : dĂ©jĂ  en 1990, le niveau de vie des mĂ©nages de plus de 60 ans Ă©tait, en moyenne, de 1 0 % plus Ă©levĂ© que celui des mĂ©nages de moins de 60 ans. Or jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent, les Ă©tudes sur la consommation suggĂšrent que celle-ci , diminue avec l'Ăąge. La dĂ©formation de la structure de la population au profit des catĂ©gories de niveau de vie Ă©levĂ©, mais a priori sous-consommatrices, fait donc peser de Toutefois, ces Ă©tudes comparent des gĂ©nĂ©rations diffĂ©rentes Ă  une mĂȘme date. Suivre des Ă©chantillons des mĂȘmes cohortes de mĂ©nages au fur et Ă  mesure de leur - vieillissement permet, en revanche, de bien diffĂ©rencier, l'effet propre de l'Ăąge de celui de l'appartenance Ă  une gĂ©nĂ©ration spĂ©cifique. L'effet du vieillissement de la population sur la consommation apparaĂźt alors plus faible. Une dĂ©formation notable de la structure de la consommation avec l'Ăąge est la croissance de la part de consommation de loisirs aprĂšs la retraite. [eng] The Effects of Age and Generation on the The French population is steadily ageing and the focus is often on the future potential role of the consumption of what are now termed the "new seniors". Retirement is by and large no longer synonymous with a decrease in the standard of living: In 1990, the standard of living of households aged over 60 was already 10% higher on average than that of households under 60 years old. Yet" consumption studies have hitherto suggested that consumption decreases with age. The change in the population structure towards categories with high- standards of living," but normally low consumption- Level and Structure of Consumption' therefore brings considerable uncertainties to bear on the ; level of household consumption over the coming decades. These studies compare different generations on the same ; date. However, tracking samples of given household cohorts as they get older is a good way of differentiating the specific age effect from the effect of belonging to a - given generation. Population ageing hence appears to have less of an effect on consumption. One striking change in the consumption structure with age is the growth in the share of leisure consumption after retirement. [ger] Alters- und generationsbedingte Auswirkungen auf das Konsumniveau und die Konsumstruktur Die franzĂŽsische BevĂŽlkerung wird immer alter. Betont . wird in diesem Zusammenhang oftmals die Rolle, die der Konsum der sogenannten «neuen Senioren» kĂčnftig spielen kĂŽnnte. Denn der Eintritt in den Ruhestand ist im - allgemeinen nicht mehr mit einem RĂčckgang des Lebensstandards gleichzusetzen: bereits 1990 lag der Lebensstandard der Haushalte von uber 60 Jahren im Durchschnitt urn 1 0% uber demjenigen der Haushalte von unter 60 Jahren.' Bislang gelangte man jedoch bei den Studien uber den Konsum zu dem SchluB, daB dieser mit dem Alter abnimmt. Aufgrund der Verformung der BevĂŽlkerungsstruktur zugunsten der Kategorien mit hĂŽherem Lebensstandard, die aber a priori weniger ' konsumieren, herrscht hinsichtlich des Konsumniveaus der Haushalte in den kommenden Jahrzehnten Unsicherheit. Bei diesen Studien werden jedoch unterschiedliche Generationen zu ein und demselben Zeitpunkt miteinander verglichen. Dagegen ermĂŽglicht die Verfolgung.von Stichproben ein und derselben' Haushaltskohorten entsprechend ihrer Alterung eine gute Differenzierung zwischen dem Effekt des Alters selbst und dem Effekt der ZugehĂŽrigkeit zu einer bestimmten- Generation. Die Auswirkung der BevĂŽlkerungsalterung auf den Konsum scheint dann geringer zu sein. Eine nennenswerte Verformung der Konsumstruktur aufgrund des Alters ist darauf zurĂčckzufĂ»hren, daB nach dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand der Anteil des Freizeitkonsums zunimmt. [spa] Los efectos de edad y de generacion sobre La poblaciĂŽn francesa no cesa de envejecer y se hace . Ă©nfasis en el papel que podrĂźa desempenar en el futuro el ; consumo de los que se Maman ahora los « nuevos seniors ». La jubilaciĂŽn ya no es sinĂŽnimo de pĂ©rdida de nivel de vida : en 1990, el nivel de vida de los hogares de ' mĂąs de 60 anos era en un promedio un 10 % superior al de los hogares de menos de 60 anos. Pero, hasta hoy dfa *. los estudios sobre consumo sugieren que este disminuye - con la edad. La deformaciĂŽn de la estructura de la , poblaciĂŽn en favor de las categorfas de alto nivel de vida pero a priori infraconsumidoras es una amenaza al nivel de consumo de los hogares para los decenios venideros. el nivel y la estructura del consumo Ahora bien, estos estudios comparan unas generaciones , diferentes en una misma fecha. Seguir unas muestras de ; las mismas cohortes de hogares a medida que van envejeciendo, permite en cambio separar el efecto propio de la edad del de la pertenencia a una generacion especifica. El efecto del envejecimiento de la poblaciĂŽn ; sobre el consumo rĂ©sulta en este caso mĂąs tenue. Una deformaciĂŽn notable de la estrutura del consumo con la : edad es el crecimiento de la cuota de consumo de ocios despuĂ©s de la jubilaciĂŽn.

    Wireworm (Coleoptera, Elateridae) risk factors within potato cultivation

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    Invisible damage caused by the wireworm up to the time of harvesting make it one of the most feared pests, especially in potato cultivation. As there is no curative management possible, the only way to fight against it is preventively. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to examine which factors make the risk of wireworm attacks more prevalent. This study aims to get a better understanding of risk of wireworm attacks within potato cultivation and a better understanding of potato producer views about wireworm management. Two types of enquiries were combined within the same survey: one about technical aspects and the other one about social aspects of the problem. They were completed by going in situ meeting farmers. Information collected was processed using statistical tools: MCA, PCA, and HCPC analyses. The technical part was analyzed within seven themes: previous crops, interculture, wireworm damage, supply of organic matter, plot environment, chemical use, and mechanical passes. The social part was analyzed using the three first steps of the ARDI method: Actor, Resource, and Dynamic

    Les effets d'ùge et de génération sur le niveau et la structure de la consommation

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    Alters- und generationsbedingte Auswirkungen auf das Konsumniveau und die Konsumstruktur Die franzĂŽsische BevĂŽlkerung wird immer alter. Betont . wird in diesem Zusammenhang oftmals die Rolle, die der Konsum der sogenannten «neuen Senioren» kĂčnftig spielen kĂŽnnte. Denn der Eintritt in den Ruhestand ist im - allgemeinen nicht mehr mit einem RĂčckgang des Lebensstandards gleichzusetzen: bereits 1990 lag der Lebensstandard der Haushalte von uber 60 Jahren im Durchschnitt urn 1 0% uber demjenigen der Haushalte von unter 60 Jahren.' Bislang gelangte man jedoch bei den Studien uber den Konsum zu dem SchluB, daB dieser mit dem Alter abnimmt. Aufgrund der Verformung der BevĂŽlkerungsstruktur zugunsten der Kategorien mit hĂŽherem Lebensstandard, die aber a priori weniger ' konsumieren, herrscht hinsichtlich des Konsumniveaus der Haushalte in den kommenden Jahrzehnten Unsicherheit. Bei diesen Studien werden jedoch unterschiedliche Generationen zu ein und demselben Zeitpunkt miteinander verglichen. Dagegen ermĂŽglicht die Verfolgung.von Stichproben ein und derselben' Haushaltskohorten entsprechend ihrer Alterung eine gute Differenzierung zwischen dem Effekt des Alters selbst und dem Effekt der ZugehĂŽrigkeit zu einer bestimmten- Generation. Die Auswirkung der BevĂŽlkerungsalterung auf den Konsum scheint dann geringer zu sein. Eine nennenswerte Verformung der Konsumstruktur aufgrund des Alters ist darauf zurĂčckzufĂ»hren, daB nach dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand der Anteil des Freizeitkonsums zunimmt.The Effects of Age and Generation on the The French population is steadily ageing and the focus is often on the future potential role of the consumption of what are now termed the "new seniors". Retirement is by and large no longer synonymous with a decrease in the standard of living: In 1990, the standard of living of households aged over 60 was already 10% higher on average than that of households under 60 years old. Yet" consumption studies have hitherto suggested that consumption decreases with age. The change in the population structure towards categories with high- standards of living," but normally low consumption- Level and Structure of Consumption' therefore brings considerable uncertainties to bear on the ; level of household consumption over the coming decades. These studies compare different generations on the same ; date. However, tracking samples of given household cohorts as they get older is a good way of differentiating the specific age effect from the effect of belonging to a - given generation. Population ageing hence appears to have less of an effect on consumption. One striking change in the consumption structure with age is the growth in the share of leisure consumption after retirement.Les effets d'Ăąge et de gĂ©nĂ©ration sur le niveau et la structure de la consommation La population française ne cesse de vieillir et l'accent est fortes incertitudes sur le niveau de la consommation des souvent mis sur le rĂŽle que pourrait tenir, Ă  l'avenir, la mĂ©nages au cours des dĂ©cennies avenir., consommation de ceux que l'on nomme dĂ©sormais les « nouveaux seniors ». En effet, le passage Ă  la retraite . n'est plus, en gĂ©nĂ©ral, synonyme de perte de niveau de : vie : dĂ©jĂ  en 1990, le niveau de vie des mĂ©nages de plus de 60 ans Ă©tait, en moyenne, de 1 0 % plus Ă©levĂ© que celui des mĂ©nages de moins de 60 ans. Or jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent, les Ă©tudes sur la consommation suggĂšrent que celle-ci , diminue avec l'Ăąge. La dĂ©formation de la structure de la population au profit des catĂ©gories de niveau de vie Ă©levĂ©, mais a priori sous-consommatrices, fait donc peser de Toutefois, ces Ă©tudes comparent des gĂ©nĂ©rations diffĂ©rentes Ă  une mĂȘme date. Suivre des Ă©chantillons des mĂȘmes cohortes de mĂ©nages au fur et Ă  mesure de leur - vieillissement permet, en revanche, de bien diffĂ©rencier, l'effet propre de l'Ăąge de celui de l'appartenance Ă  une gĂ©nĂ©ration spĂ©cifique. L'effet du vieillissement de la population sur la consommation apparaĂźt alors plus faible. Une dĂ©formation notable de la structure de la consommation avec l'Ăąge est la croissance de la part de consommation de loisirs aprĂšs la retraite.Los efectos de edad y de generacion sobre La poblaciĂŽn francesa no cesa de envejecer y se hace . Ă©nfasis en el papel que podrĂźa desempenar en el futuro el ; consumo de los que se Maman ahora los « nuevos seniors ». La jubilaciĂŽn ya no es sinĂŽnimo de pĂ©rdida de nivel de vida : en 1990, el nivel de vida de los hogares de ' mĂąs de 60 anos era en un promedio un 10 % superior al de los hogares de menos de 60 anos. Pero, hasta hoy dfa *. los estudios sobre consumo sugieren que este disminuye - con la edad. La deformaciĂŽn de la estructura de la , poblaciĂŽn en favor de las categorfas de alto nivel de vida pero a priori infraconsumidoras es una amenaza al nivel de consumo de los hogares para los decenios venideros. el nivel y la estructura del consumo Ahora bien, estos estudios comparan unas generaciones , diferentes en una misma fecha. Seguir unas muestras de ; las mismas cohortes de hogares a medida que van envejeciendo, permite en cambio separar el efecto propio de la edad del de la pertenencia a una generacion especifica. El efecto del envejecimiento de la poblaciĂŽn ; sobre el consumo rĂ©sulta en este caso mĂąs tenue. Una deformaciĂŽn notable de la estrutura del consumo con la : edad es el crecimiento de la cuota de consumo de ocios despuĂ©s de la jubilaciĂŽn.Bodier Marceline. Les effets d'Ăąge et de gĂ©nĂ©ration sur le niveau et la structure de la consommation. In: Economie et statistique, n°324-325, 1999. pp. 163-180

    Facteurs de risque de taupin (Coleoptera, Elateridae) en culture de pomme de terre

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    Invisible damage caused by the wireworm up to the time of harvesting make it one of the most feared pests, especially in potato cultivation. As there is no curative management possible, the only way to fight against it is preventively. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to examine which factors make the risk of wireworm attacks more prevalent. This study aims to get a better understanding of risk of wireworm attacks within potato cultivation and a better understanding of potato producer views about wireworm management. Two types of enquiries were combined within the same survey: one about technical aspects and the other one about social aspects of the problem. They were completed by going in situ meeting farmers. Information collected was processed using statistical tools: MCA, PCA, and HCPC analyses. The technical part was analyzed within seven themes: previous crops, interculture, wireworm damage, supply of organic matter, plot environment, chemical use, and mechanical passes. The social part was analyzed using the three first steps of the ARDI method: Actor, Resource, and Dynamic.ARVALIS-Institut du végéta
